Leaders in Liberty, Voting Now Open!

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Back in July we introduced a new character to the Pathfinder Society campaign. More accurately, we asked for your help in the form of a contest to write the character's backstory in 250-300 words. After Tonya copied the entries into a form we could review without seeing any author names, the team set to reading through the 53 narratives and picking out our favorites.

We've included our top four picks below, and it's now the community's turn to decide. Vote for your favorite by September 29 at 5:00 PM Pacific time and we'll announce the winner soon afterward in a later blog. Remember that those who participate in the contest—including in the voting process—contribute to the Liberty's Edge faction's goals for the recent Season 9 Faction Journal Cards update.

When we launched this contest, we were still several weeks away from the release of Pathfinder Society Scenario #9-02: A Case of Missing Persons. That adventure has a significant Liberty's Edge faction connection, and I encourage everyone to play it. It also provides a little more context for this contest—not necessary to vote on your favorite background, but potentially helpful. I've included that information in a spoiler below, so investigate at your own peril.

Pathfinder Society Scenario #9-02 Spoiler
Major Colson Maldris has gone missing, and it seems he's enlisted some very questionable allies. Without an appointed leader, the Liberty's Edge faction needs a temporary leader to keep the operation running smoothly and coordinate the hunt for Maldris. Might this individual take on the challenge?

Daarit Kwelu

Daarit Kwelu was born in the abolitionist city-state of Senghor. Her father, Tadesse, was a scrupulous investor in the long haul sea trade who used his fortune to ensure that his two daughters would be free to pursue their own paths in life. While her younger sister, Rensaret, decided to put her talents into the Senghorian navy, Daarit chose to go to the Magaambya and put her mind to work.

Her education in Nantambu focused on the modern and ancient languages of the Inner Sea, and she quickly began serving as a junior translator for visiting scholars. Daarit proved her lexical mastery when she assisted Neiford Sharrowsmith in deciphering a recovered codex from a fallen Shory sky city. Her ability to interpret subtle nuances in the Shory language helped render ancient metaphors into functional formulae, unlocking new and deeper understandings of the lost aeromantic arts.

That Shory text awakened in her a sense of awe and pride in the history of the Expanse and its people. Fueled by these stories of ancestors who conquered earth and sky, she became even more attuned to the liberator's cause; seeing in each Mwangi slave a sky master chained to the ground.

Upon completing her studies, Daarit returned home with a dream of restoring the ancient power and glory of the Expanse. Her vision of a great nation for a free and united Mwangi people was well received by council elder Helise Solu who saw in her a voice for his own expansionist politics. Daarit now serves as a translator and diplomat for Senghor, brokering alliances between the Mwangi free cities, advocating for the abolition of slavery throughout Garund, and hoping, one day, to see her people return to the sky.

Folami Kanye

Folami Kanye was born on the waves to a family of Ombo pirates and slavers, and from birth she was trained to be a savvy negotiator and capable fighter. However, her relatives' actions never sat well with her, especially in Sargava. She felt as though the Ijo they frequently abducted were her own people and wished that the two groups could unite against their Chelish oppressors.

When Folami was 19, her family captured an elderly Ijo woman named Abena, who reminded Folami of her deceased grandmother. After a storm destroyed their provisions, Folami's sister Ife, the vessel's captain, ordered the deaths of Abena and two other slaves to save resources. In a daring rescue, which even Folami admitted worked only because Ife never suspected her sister's betrayal, Folami fought off her sister's guards and hustled the slaves to a life boat. Unwilling to harm her sister, Ife did not pursue, and an Ijo fishing vessel picked up Folami, Abena, and the others.

Over the next few years, Folami set up a small but thriving operation to rescue slaves from Ombo pirates like her family. Her friend Abena manages Folami's headquarters, all the while chiding her to find a more peaceful solution to Ijo problems. Folami realizes that her endeavors are adding to the Bonuwat vs. Bonuwat fighting that she found counterproductive in her youth, but at least now she fights for justice.

When the Pathfinder Society won the Sargava Chalice in 4717 and even extracted concessions from the Chelish nobles regarding the cup's ownership, Folami recognized that an alliance with the organization might help her realize the goals of freedom on a larger scale. After doing some research, she contacted Colson Maldris and offered her team's services in exchange for a broadening of Liberty's Edge's endeavors in Western Garund.

Helakai Ironsi

Helakai Ironsi is a traveling manifestation of the ethics of her Caldaru heritage. Born and raised in Senghor, as most Caldaru are, Helakai has grown into a dual role in life. She travels openly as a merchant, yet in private she is a steadfast vessel of the Bonuwat diety known as Shimye-Magalla.

Her travels take her from Senghor to Bloodcove and then up the Vanji River to Nantambu and Lake Ocota. Not specializing in any one product, she selects from the variety of goods that arrive in Senghor to make up her cargo for the upriver journey. It is in the return trip downriver that she serves Shimye-Magalla and her ancestors' spirits.

Helakai runs escaped slaves, hidden among her crew or concealed by her magic. Outwardly her vessel is filled with trade goods from the interior, but this simply defrays the cost of bringing those unfortunates to Senghor and the freedom of that doorway to the open sea. Some will challenge her story, but she is resourceful and has always won free.

She sees as her greatest danger the possibility of a double-agent posing as an escaped slave. This would be serious trouble if she was ratted out to the Aspis Consortium in Bloodcove. Fighting through the Aspis base is not an option, subterfuge is the only tactic that works. Helakai has become quite skilled at that.

Her current and recent trading partners include Aya Allahe and Sharrowsmith's Exports, through which she has become aware of the Pathfinder Society and their links in the wider world. Lately that connection has become more active.

Karisa Starsight

The pirate slaver Kolm Redarax of the Besmara's Lash came upon an adrift Bonuwat ship. Redarax found the crew entirely missing with no sign of violence. Just as he set to leave the apparently cursed vessel, an infant's cry was heard. Redarax found a swaddled Bonuwat girl-child. When the infant opened her eyes, Redarax noticed their striking blue color that seemed radiant in the sun. Redarax named her Karisa Starsight—his daughter.

Being the daughter of the captain did not exempt Karisa from duty. She tended to the needs of the slaves Redarax traded in various Garundi ports. She came to realize the slaves were people with the same worth as any other. As she grew into a young adult, she was torn between the plight of the slaves and her love for her father.

One day the Besmara's Lash was attacked by a Gray Corsairs vessel, captained by a friend of Major Colson Madris. The Corsairs were victorious. When the Andoren captain was about to put Redarax to the sword, Karisa intervened. She pledged her service to Andoran and freedom in exchange for Redarax's life. The captain agreed, but reasoned that putting her into simple servitude would be an act little better than those of Redarax. He decided to send her to be mentored by his friend Madris in Absalom, while Redarax was taken to an Andoren prison.

Karisa quickly excelled as an aide to Madris. Life at sea has given her a disciplined work ethic, enhanced by interpersonal skills learned from many cultures. Madris has made her his steward, having her assign Pathfinders and other agents to various tasks in the cause of freedom. Karisa is proud of her role, but she can't forget that her father—no matter how much she despises his morals—is himself bound in chains.

Orisa Ombo

Traders know Orisa Ombo as the powerful scion of the nine-feathers trading house. She travels throughout Garund and Avistan, sternly trading the wares of her family: rare hardwoods, magical items, seafood and most heartlessly, slaves. The cold-hearted Lady Ombo cuts hard bargains and doesn't flinch from questionable tactics. She has brought profit and renown to her house, but she is not the woman she used to be.

Several years ago, Orisa collected a group of Bonuwat slaves to trade in Katapesh. Among them was a Janni priest of Shimye-Magalla known as Ardrashir. Ancient tradition among the Bonuwat forbid harming servants of this nature god, but Orisa sold him to depraved cultists of Lamashtu for great profit. The night the priest was sacrificed, Orisa tossed and turned in her fine bed, and she was visited by a vision of Shimye-Magalla. The angry spirit fused the soul of Ardashir into Orisa Ombo and cursed her for breaking the ancient laws of her people.

Ardashir struggled within Orisa and forced her to face his suffering. Now, Orisa pretends to be same heartless merchant queen, but by night, word has spread throughout the inner sea region of an avenging angel, who seems to know all the secrets of the slavers he targets. The Shadow Angel is Orisa's body possessed by Ardashir's soul. He strikes slaving rings where they are most vulnerable and disappears into the night.

Lady Orisa works with Liberty's Edge, offering them information and secret financial support. In return, she asks for Pathfinder strike teams to attack slavers and those that protect them. She is a master of disguise who is careful to protect her cover identity and can even be found posing as a slave, following the trade routes to gather information.

Vote for your favorite here!

We're excited to hear what your favorite story is. We'd also appreciate hearing whether you enjoy these sorts of contests that allow the community to take a more active hand in creating campaign continuity. What sorts of organized play submission contests would you like to see in the future?

John Compton
Organized Play Lead Developer

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Tags: Contests Organized Play Pathfinder Society

Leaders in Liberty Contest!

This poll closed Sep 29, 2017.

Dates and times displayed above are in the US/Pacific time zone.

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Grand Lodge 4/5


Liberty's Edge 5/5

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I want to write in Tamrin Credence!

1/5 5/5

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

Congratulations to the finalists! Good luck!

2/5 *

Last one is kinda like the one I put it, least I know I was on the right track themeaticly.

Silver Crusade 4/5 ***

I really like this kind of contest! It's fun to give people chances to participate in the campaign! I also really like how Paizo's been varying its contests---sometimes stat blocks, sometimes writing, sometimes terrain. It gives people with different strengths chances to shine.

1/5 5/5

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

...or even discover how lacking they are in comparison to polished professionals or writers with talent.

A learning experience, to be sure.

Shadow Lodge 1/5

Wei Ji the Learner wrote:

Congratulations to the finalists! Good luck!

What he said.

4/5 5/55/55/5 **** Venture-Lieutenant, Minnesota—Minneapolis

Congratulations to the finalists!

The voting link just keeps going back to this same page.

Grand Lodge 5/5 5/55/5 ***

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I of course will be voting for my cousin, Helakai. You should all do the same.

Sczarni 5/5 5/55/5 ***

UnArcaneElection wrote:

The voting link just keeps going back to this same page.

That's because this is the page you vote on ^_^

^What, just post your vote here?

Sczarni 5/5 5/55/5 ***

It's a drop down bubble list. Just click the one you want.

Liberty's Edge

UnArcaneElection wrote:

^What, just post your vote here?

When you are back on that same page, there is a link under the blog post itself that reads Click here to vote ;-)

Liberty's Edge

3 people marked this as a favorite.

The Top Four number five :-D

Didn't realize that the page had **2** links about voting. Second one seems to work (haven't actually voted yet).

Second Seekers (Roheas) 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 ***** Regional Venture-Coordinator, Appalachia

Sad to have not had my submission chosen but one of these stands out to me as head and shoulders above the others - hopefully others see it the same way!

Paizo Employee 4/5 ** Developer

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I'd love to see entries that didn't make it, if people want to to post here?

Sovereign Court 4/5 * Organized Play Manager

7 people marked this as a favorite.
KitsuneWarlock wrote:
I'd love to see entries that didn't make it, if people want to to post here?

I would ask that people hold off until the contest is over. After that, if people would like a thread for submissions or a blog compiling the other submissions, I'm happy to assist.


Damn, I thought I would at least make it into the top five. Ah well...

Paizo Employee 4/5 ** Developer

Tonya Woldridge wrote:
KitsuneWarlock wrote:
I'd love to see entries that didn't make it, if people want to to post here?
I would ask that people hold off until the contest is over. After that, if people would like a thread for submissions or a blog compiling the other submissions, I'm happy to assist.

Would love it! Glad I held off posting mine then~

These are wonderful entries, by the way. Took me a few hours to figure out which one to vote for!

Paizo Employee 4/5 Organized Play Lead Developer

It was definitely difficult to sort out quite who our top five would be, given we had at least twice that many really neck-and-neck by the end. Even then, we had many more very enjoyable entries. This has proven a very enjoyable contest so far.

Speaking of which...

Leaders in Liberty, Voting Now Open! wrote:
We're excited to hear what your favorite story is. We'd also appreciate hearing whether you enjoy these sorts of contests that allow the community to take a more active hand in creating campaign continuity. What sorts of organized play submission contests would you like to see in the future?

Scarab Sages 5/5

Very much liked this contest.


1 person marked this as a favorite.

Best of luck to the finalists!

Silver Crusade

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Adrian Ng wrote:
Best of luck to the finalists!

Tangent, but, hello new person!



2 people marked this as a favorite.

First of all, congrats to those who made it to the public voting.

I know I like these contests very much. Good for community-building and fun!

Other random contest ideas::

Build a villain (stats - limit by purpose, and maybe backstory / CR)
Build a monster (stats - limit by type, ex. CR 7 or based on picture)
Build an interlude encounter (ex. single-encounter, static CR, everyone uses the same map from a map pack example)
Construct a monster (either custom mini, an interesting amalgam of paperclips & electrical tape, etc. - send in a pic on a battle map or similar)
Build a trap / haunt (everyone gets part of a backstory or area, static CR or CR range)
Write a PF-related story from an iconic's POV (ex. How Lem saved Kyra's bacon [from Biter]).
Write a PF-related story from a VC or other PFS NPC's POV (ex. How Drippy Dreng used a wish to finally escape that nickname)
Write a PF-related story from an antagonist to the society's POV (ex. Aspis Agent, early Shadowlodger, etc.)
Sketch a map (designed to be used as a hand-out).
Sketch a monster (designed to be used as a hand-out, specific tier).
PF-themed recipe contest (probably should be narrowed down)
PF-themed drink recipe contest (alcoholic preferred, but non-alcoholic probably allowed)
Random PF cosplay picture (with no GenCon attendance $ required!)
Build a historic pathfinder (what they're known for, brief backstory, means of demise)
Design a volume of the Pathfinder Chronicles (mechanics, specify the types of articles and their benefits - example)
Write an article one of your characters might submit to the Pathfinder Society to be included in one of the Pathfinder Chronicles

Sovereign Court 4/5 5/5 **** Venture-Agent, Nebraska—Omaha

You could populate many a PFS tavern with the NPC ideas from the community. I really enjoy that by writing and voting we have a small influence on the shared campaign.

My idea for a contest is for a minor noble house of Taldor: Come up with a short backstory of interests and notable deeds, a description of the crest, and a motto.

Second Seekers (Roheas) 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 ***** Regional Venture-Coordinator, Appalachia

This sort of dovetails with a recent discussion, but I think a submit your own Unique Weapon/Armor/Wondrous Item complete with its lore and backstory etc could be a fun thing.

Douglas Edwards wrote:
Sad to have not had my submission chosen but one of these stands out to me as head and shoulders above the others - hopefully others see it the same way!

Not so sure about that -- I see 5 pretty tough choices here.

Grand Lodge

TimD wrote:

First of all, congrats to those who made it to the public voting.

I know I like these contests very much. Good for community-building and fun!

** spoiler omitted **

I really like several of those ideas. Funnily enough, I've actually done a couple of them. Would be cool to have a contest to put them in.

Liberty's Edge 2/5

Congratulations and good luck to all the contestants.

Silver Crusade 1/5

Can I check when we can tick off the associated box(es) on the Season 9 Liberty's Edge faction journal card please?

journal card wrote:
Participate in the one of the [sic] Leaders in Liberty contests on paizo.com by submitting an entry or voting for an existing entry. When you do so, tick this box on the Faction Journal Cards of all of your Liberty's Edge characters.

Should I assume that one of my Liberty's Edge characters has to be in a game during this voting period in order to check the box on the faction card (treating it the same as any other task on the card, except that then any other Liberty's Edge characters I have also get to check the box)?

I've voted. And kudos to everyone who submitted an entry! I thought about doing so but never got around to it.

3/5 5/55/55/55/5 *** Contributor

Great work, all! It was hard to choose who to vote for!

Sovereign Court 4/5 * Organized Play Manager

1 person marked this as a favorite.
supervillan wrote:
Can I check when we can tick off the associated box(es) on the Season 9 Liberty's Edge faction journal card please?
journal card wrote:
Participate in the one of the [sic] Leaders in Liberty contests on paizo.com by submitting an entry or voting for an existing entry. When you do so, tick this box on the Faction Journal Cards of all of your Liberty's Edge characters.

Should I assume that one of my Liberty's Edge characters has to be in a game during this voting period in order to check the box on the faction card (treating it the same as any other task on the card, except that then any other Liberty's Edge characters I have also get to check the box)?

I've voted. And kudos to everyone who submitted an entry! I thought about doing so but never got around to it.

You can check off the box now, since you voted and hence participated in the event!

Silver Crusade 4/5

Tonya Woldridge wrote:
supervillan wrote:
Can I check when we can tick off the associated box(es) on the Season 9 Liberty's Edge faction journal card please?
journal card wrote:
Participate in the one of the [sic] Leaders in Liberty contests on paizo.com by submitting an entry or voting for an existing entry. When you do so, tick this box on the Faction Journal Cards of all of your Liberty's Edge characters.

Should I assume that one of my Liberty's Edge characters has to be in a game during this voting period in order to check the box on the faction card (treating it the same as any other task on the card, except that then any other Liberty's Edge characters I have also get to check the box)?

I've voted. And kudos to everyone who submitted an entry! I thought about doing so but never got around to it.

You can check off the box now, since you voted and hence participated in the event!

I can understand the confusion. Usually, checked boxes have to be tied to a specific session, and you can only check one box per session.

Sczarni 5/5 5/55/5 ***

I have several characters still working on earlier Season Faction Journal Cards.

If I download the current Season and check off this box, can I still go back and work on my earlier Seasons?

I had thought you couldn't go back, but researching this now I see it's ambiguous.

Grand Lodge 4/5

As long as you have checked a box on the sheet during the corresponding season, you may continue to fill it out afterwards. New sheets cannot be started after the next seasons cards are released.

Paizo Employee 4/5 ** Developer

Love those contest ideas, Tim!

I really love making custom character folios for my PCs, and I've seen a couple others floating around out there.

It'd also be really cool to have a contest to design holy symbols. There are a few gods out there without them that are pretty relevant to PFS (*cough* Ranginori *cough*).

Wasn't there also a terrain contest? Did I miss that?

Silver Crusade 1/5

Tonya Woldridge wrote:
supervillan wrote:
Can I check when we can tick off the associated box(es) on the Season 9 Liberty's Edge faction journal card please?
journal card wrote:
Participate in the one of the [sic] Leaders in Liberty contests on paizo.com by submitting an entry or voting for an existing entry. When you do so, tick this box on the Faction Journal Cards of all of your Liberty's Edge characters.

Should I assume that one of my Liberty's Edge characters has to be in a game during this voting period in order to check the box on the faction card (treating it the same as any other task on the card, except that then any other Liberty's Edge characters I have also get to check the box)?

I've voted. And kudos to everyone who submitted an entry! I thought about doing so but never got around to it.

You can check off the box now, since you voted and hence participated in the event!

Thanks Tonya!

Freedom for Sargava!


Grand Lodge 4/5

1 person marked this as a favorite.

It's very fitting that Liberty's Edge players are rewarded for standing for election and voting for their leaders. Perhaps contests for other factions can be similarly thematic.

Paizo Employee 4/5 Organized Play Lead Developer

Starglim wrote:
It's very fitting that Liberty's Edge players are rewarded for standing for election and voting for their leaders. Perhaps contests for other factions can be similarly thematic.

This definitely factored into our contest planning. It would be interesting to consider whether there might be thematic variations to match other factions' flavor were they to have similar contests.

Second Seekers (Roheas) 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 ***** Regional Venture-Coordinator, Appalachia

An Exchange themed contest decided by charity donations?


3 people marked this as a favorite.
John Compton wrote:
Starglim wrote:
It's very fitting that Liberty's Edge players are rewarded for standing for election and voting for their leaders. Perhaps contests for other factions can be similarly thematic.
This definitely factored into our contest planning. It would be interesting to consider whether there might be thematic variations to match other factions' flavor were they to have similar contests.

Shadow Lodge obviously already happened in secret...

Other faction-themed ideas:

Dark Archive:

Design a magical trap for the Archive (static CR)
Design a spell book with a unique preperation ritual or create a new alchemical power component.
Design an unusual extra-planar ally (ex unfettered eidolon, low-CR outsider with class levels, etc.) of the Archive.

Grand Lodge:

Design a new or unique IOUN stone (including its cracked & flawed strength effects and any resonance)
Write a backstory for a senior Pathfinder agent who may function similar to Osprey and coordinate with other Seekers in order to further the directives of the Decimvirate.
Design a sentient magic item with a Special Purpose relating to the Pathfinder Society (ex. preserve the secrecy of the Decimvirate)

Scarab Sages:

Design a new gem-themed magic item.
Design a NPC to represent either an allied ancestor spirit (such as a ghost, unfetttered eidolon, etc.), an extra planar sage, or other Scarab Sage-themed ally as a back-story rather than stats.
Design a thematic curse.

Silver Crusade:

Design a "fallen" enemy and what it may take to redeam them (static CR).
Create a redeemed NPC and write their backstory.
Design a bardic masterpiece with a healing, uplifting, redemption or otherwise virtue-enhancing theme.

Sovereign Court:

Design an NPC spy - primarily their backstory.
(Taken from King of Anything because it's a great idea and I should really get back to work rather than coming up with more ideas) - Design a minor noble house of either Taldor or Brevoy, including signet, motto (and possibly the mechanical bonus if taken as Noble Scion Feat)
Pitch an adventure idea that might be the result of information or a request from a sentient item (maybe a shield) in the service of Taldor or the Sovereign Court (ie write the adventure background & initial box text as if it were the start of a scenario)


Design a new alchemical item, including the reagents needed, cost and price.
Using a static map tile or flip mat, design a static CR encounter with traps, guards, etc. for an Exchange vault or safehaven (may be used for a new version of We Be Aspis rather than just backstory).
Write the background for an exchange NPC ally, scapegoat, or other asset or blackmail target.

OK, will stop there. Probably waaaaay more than John or Tonya were looking for from a single poster.


Congrats to the finalists!

The Exchange 1/5

1 person marked this as a favorite.

What your IT people need to do is to remove the first link (Vote for your favorite Here!), and make the link below (Where the real vote is cast) A MUCH LARGER FONT!!! :-)


Sczarni 5/5 5/55/5 ***

I wonder if it's an interface thing.

I've only ever seen one link (and I still see only one now).

1/5 Contributor

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Nefreet wrote:

I wonder if it's an interface thing.

I've only ever seen one link (and I still see only one now).

The bigger link at the bottom of the post leads back to the post. Between the post and the comments there's a poll link.

Here, look at this.

^Yes, that's what messed me up too.


1 person marked this as a favorite.

This might be a bit much but how about bringing back Open Call as a contest where we submit quests to you guys, you pick ten quests, and then the community votes for the top five. The five most popular quests get to become part of an evergreen scenario.

Liberty's Edge

6 people marked this as a favorite.

I am all in favor of anything that brings back RPG SuperStar's flavor and fervor :-)

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