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I will have to work them a little to make them double sided and perhaps half size
I thought about that a little too late (Already printed the card on one side of the paper for both PCs) If I had been thinking ahead, I would have printed it on both sides of the paper, but upside down on side 2, so the boons on one side were opposite the description on the other side. That way I could cut it in half and have 2 half page cards.
Since I already have 2 full page journal cards, and only 3 PCs that have a shot at earning Season 6 JC progress, I'll just print next seasons on the back of this season's card. That way, I have both seasons on one sheet of paper (which fits better in my folders with the full page character sheets)I also know you can mess with "pages printed per page" settings in the print menu to shrink them down a bit as well.

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VLTRokktor wrote:I will have to work them a little to make them double sided and perhaps half sizeI thought about that a little too late (Already printed the card on one side of the paper for both PCs) If I had been thinking ahead, I would have printed it on both sides of the paper, but upside down on side 2, so the boons on one side were opposite the description on the other side. That way I could cut it in half and have 2 half page cards.
Since I already have 2 full page journal cards, and only 3 PCs that have a shot at earning Season 6 JC progress, I'll just print next seasons on the back of this season's card. That way, I have both seasons on one sheet of paper (which fits better in my folders with the full page character sheets)I also know you can mess with "pages printed per page" settings in the print menu to shrink them down a bit as well.
I put them on 4x6 cards, front/back. Printed 3 sets and handed them out at my tables. Great fun!

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Great looking new Season 7 cards. My first thought looking through the cards though is which ones are Season 6 and which are Season 7? Any chance that the new Season 7 cards could be watermarked or (more) clearly marked as season 7 someway?
Each Season 7 card has the number seven printed on the lower right corner to help distinguish it from its Season 6 counterpart.

cerhiannon |

I have an additional question on the cards looking through them, the instructions that were included in the season 7 file. I understand that completing boxes on the new season card do not count towards previous cards. The examples included make that very clear. What I am not so clear on is if previous season card completion count toward the new season.
So if I have completed say one objective on the season six card, and one on the season seven card. Do I now qualify for the 2+ goals on the season 7 card?

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No, you qualify for the benefit on the Season 6 card. Since you completed at least one goal on the card, you now qualify to keep using that card and can fill out goals on both cards (only a single box per adventure, not a single box per card per adventure).
Note that the faction card rules discuss what happens if your cards have duplicate goals that you earn on both.

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1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Just came across these and I think they are FANTASTIC! I have played or run over 50 scenarios over the past few years but sadly, I think faction missions have been accomplished in less than 15% of that total. These cards actually allow you to make some sort of progress in many more games and offer nice rewards for being a diligent player. It does a great job of tying your PC to his faction in more than just a nominal way. And thank you for rewarding the GMs as well!
Paizo, you rock...

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Is there any chance that we can get the one page per faction setup that the other Seasons have had for the Season 9 cards?
Yeah, I'm over here trying to figure out the logistics and cost of printing out all of the journal cards, cutting them in half, and scanning them to make my own 1-pages. I keep digital copies of the faction journals and the one pagers have been a godsend.

shaventalz |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |
kevin_video wrote:I'd love to know how some people are supposed to fulfill the Adventure Card Game goal that a couple of factions have....by spending a prestige point. *grumble grumble*
Nope. Both the guide and the faction card download specify "instead of making a skill check." There's no skill check associated with those goals, and so you can't buy them off.
Granted, I'd really like it if it worked like you think. That would help fill out some of my other cards.

ZenithTN |

Am I the only one who thinks this layout is sub-optimal?
Please format this product:
Top of page: Faction Rewards.
Bottom of page: Faction check boxes. At your option, this section an be upside down.
This way I can kill HALF as many trees, printing one page, not two, when I desire to print a card for a character.
Thank you.

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Hey folks, I'll try to get a full-page version available in the download sometime before the end of the week. We overlooked that we'd provided this for Season 8, and apologize for the inconvenience!
Thank you, the double-sided once is nice, but the full-page version is easier to prevent it from slipping out of your character folio.

Scott Romanowski |
Blind Prophet wrote:kevin_video wrote:I'd love to know how some people are supposed to fulfill the Adventure Card Game goal that a couple of factions have....by spending a prestige point. *grumble grumble*Nope. Both the guide and the faction card download specify "instead of making a skill check." There's no skill check associated with those goals, and so you can't buy them off.
Granted, I'd really like it if it worked like you think. That would help fill out some of my other cards.
I don't play the card game. I'll never be able to accomplish some goals so I am upset that some of my characters are handicapped by not being able to get all eight goals.
Chris Lambertz, I can't imagine that Paizo forgot that these are faction journal cards for Pathfinder RPG. I think Paizo is doing this intentionally, trying to manipulate us into spending more money. I don't think "manipulative" is the image Paizo wants to present to its customers.
Don't make the goals things you can't accomplish by playing Pathfinder RPG!

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No boon requires completing 8 goals. You can still earn the third boon by applying GM credit to the character. I understand that not everyone enjoys GMing or taking credit, but it can be done.
Also, Chris does not write the faction cards. Your issue is with John Compton and Linda Zayas-Palmer, according to the final page.

Scott Romanowski |
TriOmegaZero, some rewards depend on the number of goals, e.g. Dark Archive Enduring Scholar "apply a bonus equal to 1 + half the number of goals you have completed". 7 or 8 give different bonuses. I mainly GM; some of my characters have only the last line of boxes checked off. I only addressed Chris because he announced them and commented about 1-side versions.
Chris, I'm sorry if you were the wrong person to address my complaint to.

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TriOmegaZero, some rewards depend on the number of goals, e.g. Dark Archive Enduring Scholar "apply a bonus equal to 1 + half the number of goals you have completed". 7 or 8 give different bonuses.
I am aware of the fact that the difference of a single +1 can be the deciding factor in some rolls. I do not find that a bigger deal than rewarding players of Paizo's other organized play campaigns for their participation and yes, encouraging those who only play one campaign to check out the others. Ask your VO to run a game or two for you if you can, a pregen deck can be built with only a little effort. If you don't have access to a VO, the best I can offer is checking to see if any conventions you will attend have an ACG presence.
In any event, I am sure John and Linda will take your feedback into consideration for next seasons cards.