Servants of the Mantis God

Friday, January 20, 2017

Alright folks, looks like I made it to round two. I am sure that Erik being out of the building has nothing to do with it! This week will be a treat, as long as you haven't recently done anything to anger He Who Walks in Blood. If you don't know who that is, then that is a start, but not likely to be a full proof out.

So, without further ado, take a look at Cinnabar, a ruthless leader of the infamous Red Mantis assassins. There is a reason they all wear red... She is also an excellent figure for anyone playing a: rogue, ranger, inquisitor, or slayer. She is a rare, medium figure.

Next we have TWO Red Mantis Assassins with different poses. There is definitely more than one way to look good while dual-wielding swords! You may notice slight differences in armor, helmet, and footwear. That is because the lower is based off of art for the Red Mantis Shivane, who features in the Serpent Skull AP, as opposed to the Curse of the Crimson Throne. Both of these awesome miniatures will be medium, uncommons in the upcoming Pathfinder Battles: Crown of Fangs set.

I hope you liked this weeks sneak peek at some of the baddest girls and boys from Golarion! Who knows, you may be hearing from me next week!

Michael Kenway
Director of Licensing

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Dark Archive


I'm SO happy right now. I knew we'd get RMAssassins, but I never imagined male and female + named npc!

Dark Archive

And they all look great too!

Wow, Grey Maidens AND Red Mantis Assassins!

1 person marked this as a favorite.

AT LAST!!!! I've been asking for RMAs forever, so it's delightful to finally see some. And like Lorian, I'm particularly pleased to get both genders (and especially to know that one of them is really Shivane = icing!)
I suppose it's too much to hope that the facial detail on Cinnabar will look as good on the actual minis as it does on the digital version, but it would be great if they could successfully preserve the character in her expression.

Dark Archive

Thank you Mike (and Erik), that is a nice short preview with just the right rarity of minis.
A case should include 2-3 of the uncommon male and female masked RMAs and one rare Cinnabar.
All look great.

Maybe until next week, have a great weekend!

Dark Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.

The details on the minis ! A lot of nice work there guys.

But if I recall correctly Cinnabar was supposed to be attractive (sucker for red head villains), her face here seems a little off.

I love the pose of the 1st Red Mantis, but not sold on the pose of the 2nd seems oddly static.

Dark Archive

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baron arem heshvaun wrote:

The details on the minis ! A lot of nice work there guys.

But if I recall correctly Cinnabar was supposed to be attractive (sucker for red head villains), her face here seems a little off.

I love the pose of the 1st Red Mantis, but not sold on the pose of the 2nd seems oddly static.

I don't know I think she looks pretty good....of course this is the digital render the final product will be the true test.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
baron arem heshvaun wrote:

The details on the minis ! A lot of nice work there guys.

But if I recall correctly Cinnabar was supposed to be attractive (sucker for red head villains), her face here seems a little off.

I'm with Mine all mine. To me her expression says, "I find you vaguely amusing, but you're still going to die painfully." I like that in a woman.

Silver Crusade Contributor

I am excite.

Shadow Lodge

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder PF Special Edition Subscriber

Ditto. Very excited, ive been awaiting red mantis since set two. These are very nice indeed. Cinnebar as a rare is great, I may hunt down a second but one is good but having the others at uncommon - fantastic, as marco said 2-3 per case is a great distribution.

Shaping up to be yet another awesome set.

Thanks Michael, hope you get to do another!

Dark Archive

I especially like the detail that each of the uncommon Red Mantis Assassins carry 4 additional daggers on their legs.

Three different RMAs should be all of them in this set, maybe there is one additonal.

In case of the Grey Maidens, i think we may get another one with a spear (like in the campaign) and maybe even a dragon-less Sabina.

Dark Archive

We now have seen 4 (of 19) uncommons and 3 (of 12) rares, but only 1 (of 13) commons.
I guess Erik wants to show off the dressing pieces when he gets back from Hawai, but maybe we could see 2 commons before? ;-)

Silver Crusade Contributor

Just out of curiosity, what page is the spear-wielding Gray Maiden on? I'm having trouble remembering it, and it's a big book to search. ^_^

Dark Archive

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@Mine and @Cleanthes

I always liked Cinnabar as an NPC, back before Pathfinder Core rules. I even had her 'befriend' the PCs as a bar patron for her to find out more about them. And I guess the expression I always pictured her with is akin to this.

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber


Dark Archive

Kalindlara wrote:
Just out of curiosity, what page is the spear-wielding Gray Maiden on? I'm having trouble remembering it, and it's a big book to search. ^_^

It seems i dreamed that up.

I remembered three types of Gray Maidens, but there are actually four - none of which carries a spear (they all have longswords and bows).

What´s interesting is that the Red Mantis Assassins in the artwork seem to carry helmets and not the masks with the "baby-tentacles" seen in the renders above...

So the Grey maiden with longsword and shield and the Grey Maiden with longbow will most probable be the only ones we get more than one of in the set.

There is one additional unmasked one, a cavalier and Sabina without her dragon, though.

There are two more Red Mantis Assassins (i think) in the art pieces.

Silver Crusade Contributor

There are, indeed, unmasked Gray Maidens. Kordaitra (sp?) Destaid, the blonde cavalier, and Tisharue, the elf with the flaming sword.

There are two Red Mantis characters in illustrations as well. Kayltanya (whose pictures, new or old, would be difficult to make minis of) and the aasimar priestess of the Mantis God.

Dark Archive

Kalindlara wrote:
** spoiler omitted **

Yes, the first one on page 85 only has upper body/bust art and no special stats/role.

The Red Mantis art on page 144 is really cool and quite different from the two renders above.
The half-page illustration on page 146 makes them look more insect-like than human.
On the hpi on page 233 they look quite human again.

Cinnabar is seen on page 197 (upper body art) and looks quite similar to the render art.

The last GM you mention (on page 248) will probably not be one of the 6 unrevealed rare minis in the set (as they are many more important ones) and easily substituted.

The cavalier from page 252 looks cool, but can easily be played by this one: Gray Maiden commander

Kayltanya (has ubi on page 371 and fbi on 447) is not really the best choice, as you said.

I think i overlooked the aasimar.

Personally, I'd be quite content if these are the only Maidens and Mantises we see. (That sounds like a fun RPG spin-off, actually: Maidens and Mantises!) Keeping in mind that we only get so many minis per set, and how many great monsters and NPCs show up in this AP, I'd rather get another of those than another Maiden or Mantis.

Ones I'm especially hoping for/counting on:

Don't look here if you don't want to know about some important parts of the story:

Trinia Sabor
Gaidren Lamm
Lamm's gator
Giggles the half-orc (need more brutish half-orcs)
an orphan or 2 (long overdue, really. No kids in the official prepaint lines, ever! Dungeon Crawler's got the only one I know of, the Scamp.)
Lamm's necromancer son
some Shoanti (natives also sadly under-represented in pre-paints, perhaps for the desire to avoid looking insensitive?)
Pilts what's his name (don't have the book handy)
The Cinderlander
a new Minotaur Skeleton (most people won't know about the old WotC one)
Danse Macabre
in fact, lots of the unique undead in Scarwall
the Zon-Kuthon worshipers
A plague doctor
Jolestina Susperio
some of the Indian stuff in the Arcona estate
tentacles for the big aberration in Ch. 4
the bloatmage in Ch. 6 (please, finally a bloatmage!)
The belier devil (or whatever it's called)
that funky crucifixion-themed construct in Ch. 6
The head of the Korvosan guard whose name I can't remember

Anyway, there's so much other great stuff to look forward to, I don't want to get greedy for just more of those 2 types.

Dark Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Don't forget about Laori, for whom we finally have new art. ^_^

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It would be great to get some younger folk minis (kids). A+ for the point!

Shadow Lodge

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder PF Special Edition Subscriber

based mostly on the art my list would look like this: (spoilers abound don't look if you don't want to know)


Hookshanks the gnome if he matches the art
Vreeg the derro
Glorio arkona and bahor the rakshasa
Marai rakshasa
Avidexu the rakshasa
Mother of thorns
Urt seven skulls
Ukwar the orc
Gortav and mindorc, especially they can manage to look less undead so they could be used as a brutal orc and an ash giant
Skarwall guard
Lashton, although I'd use him as a heavy armoured skeleton
Beliar devil
Horned devil
Illeosa the vampire
Cressida kroft
Kayltanya the red mantis in the exact pose she in (and yes even if it means a post!)
Thousand bones
Akaruzug construct (with a peg so it floats as it should or a really cool transparent smoke effect at the base to give the same impression)
The orphans lamms lambs
Plague doctor, but from the old, original art

Without specific art:
2-3 deadwatcher orcs
Polong, without a bottle but a nice transparent red smokey effect at the base

Still plenty left even after that list, like 4 I think :P

Dark Archive

Here is a list of all creatures that have artwork in the Curse of the Crimson Throne hardcover Part 1 with page number and likelihood of getting a miniature. If they already have one, i´ll put in a link to Paizo´s shop.


-Queen Illeosa, page 6 - Queen Ileosa
-Zellara Esmeranda (head only), page 14 - use this: Dancing Girl
-Yargin Balko, page 20 - use this: Aristocrat
-Hookshanks Gruller, page 21 - use this: Gnome Wizard
-Giggles, page 22 - chance 50% as Erik Mona said there is a cool Half-Orc in this set.
-Gaedren Lamm, page 26 - chance 10% - use this: Farmer and cut off the shaft and most of the blade to have a dagger left (worked fine on mine)
-Eodred Arabasti II, page 28 (head only), chance: 1% as he is never met.
-Amin Jalento (head only), page 32 - chance: 0%
-Grau Soldado (head only), page 33 - chance: 0%
-Ileosa Arabasti (head only), page 34 - chance 1% we already have 2 others in this set and one in Legends of golarion.
-Cressida Croft (head only), page 36 & 443 (full body) chance: 25% - use this: City Watch Commander
-Darvayne Gios Amprei (head only), page 37 - chance: 0%
-Trinia Sabor, page 461 - chance: 50%
-Thousand Bones, page 42 & 459 - chance: 33%
-Verik Vancaskerkin, page 48 - chance: 5%
-Devargo Barvasi, page 55 - use this: Cutpurse
-Owlbear Skeleton, page 59 - chance: 50% as we already have this: Beaky
-Cabbagehead, page 63 - use this: Ogrekin
-Vreeg, page 64 - use this: Caedimus

Other creature that have no illustration but appear:
-human kid - chance 1%
-Drain Spider - chance 0%
-Gobblegut/Alligator/crocodile - chance: 20%
-Chittersnap/Ettercap - chance: 5%
-Dream Spider (small) - chance: 15%
-Necrophidus - chance: 50%

Seltyiel Fangirl wrote:
Don't forget about Laori, for whom we finally have new art. ^_^

I counted Laori among the Zon-Kuthon worshippers :-) Along with her, I imagine it's possible we could get a chain devil, which would be great, especially if it's female!

Dark Archive


European release date for "D&D Icons: Monster Menagerie II" is wednesday 25th of january (three weeks after US release).

Shadow Lodge

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder PF Special Edition Subscriber

You know I suspect the chance of a giant spider may be more than 0%. On another site Erik had this to say in regard to this set

"I'm really not comfortable with the idea that this is a giant-centric set at all. I don't have the setlist in front of me, but I'm pretty sure the only "giant" in the set is a giant spider."

This makes me sad since it means I'll have to wait for an Ash giant, a giant that appears in adventures with more regularity now.

The Exchange

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber; Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber

So unlike everyone else, I'm not terribly excited to have, essentially 3 RMA figures in a set. They aren't encountered all that often, so I could have done with one fewer, even at their given rarity.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

If you're running Curse of the Crimson Throne or, for that matter, Serpent's Skull, they show up a lot. Since I'm running both, I'm thrilled :-) But I could understand why someone not using those sorts of adventures would feel differently.

And I hope you're right, Cat-thulhu, and that this "giant" spider is actually Small or Tiny sized. I have all the Medium and Large I need, but finding something to use for little ones has been a problem.

Dark Archive

Cat-thulhu wrote:

You know I suspect the chance of a giant spider may be more than 0%. On another site Erik had this to say in regard to this set

"I'm really not comfortable with the idea that this is a giant-centric set at all. I don't have the setlist in front of me, but I'm pretty sure the only "giant" in the set is a giant spider."

This makes me sad since it means I'll have to wait for an Ash giant, a giant that appears in adventures with more regularity now.

The "Drain Spider" is tiny (0%),

the "Dream Spider" is small (15%),
We had a medium and a large spider in "Heroes & Monsters".

I read Erik's comment on plasticrypt. ;-)

There is a 100% chance of one Giant being in this set (it's in the product description) and the ONLY giant in the whole AP IS an Ash Giant, so rest easy. :-)


Grolick wrote:
So unlike everyone else, I'm not terribly excited to have, essentially 3 RMA figures in a set. They aren't encountered all that often, so I could have done with one fewer, even at their given rarity.

not that I need another one in the set, but these three are pretty versatile.

Cinnabar as noted in the text and the other two as any bug-eyed monster in the book.

Dark Archive

Here is a list of all creatures that have artwork in the Curse of the Crimson Throne hardcover Part 2 with page number and likelihood of getting a miniature. If they already have one or a very similar one exists, i´ll put in a link to Paizo´s shop.

list book 2:

-Gray Maiden Foot Soldier, page 6 - IN THE SET!
-Tyce Soldado (head), page 78 - chance: 0%
-Brienna Soldado (full), page 79 - chance: 0%
-Ishani Dhatri (full), page 80 - chance: 1%
-Kordaitra Destaid (head), page 85, (full) page 116 - chance: 1%
-Reiner Davaulus (full), page 116 - use this: Kaven Windstrike
-Yvicca (full), page 91 - chance: 100% as we don´t have a Sea Hag yet.
-Girrigz (full), page 96 - use this: Wererat
-Vendra Loaggri (full), page 98 - use this: Tower Girl
-Vampire Spawn (full), page 100 - use this: Vampire Spawn
-Jolistina Susperio (full), page 105 - use this: Half-Elf Enchanter
-Ausio Carowyn (head), page 108 - chance: 0%
-Bhrunlida Torthus (full), page 111 - use this: Pirate Sailor
-Rolth Lamm (full), page 453 - use this: Thelsikar
-Cultist of Urgathoa (full), page 121 - chance: 50% although we have these: Deskari Cultist & Baphomet Cultist who look similar.
-Ramoska Mirukova (head), page 124 - use this: Nosferatu Brother
-Ruan Mirukova (head), page 125 - use this: Vraxeris and cut off the dagger.
-Leukodaemon (full), page 126 - chance: 100% as we don´t have any yet.
-Andaisin (full), page 127 - chance: 75% - a female Urgathoa cleric with scythe is more neede than a male one.

Other creature that have no illustration but appear:
-Silt Eel/Giant Moray Eel: 25% as we don´t have this small Bestiary creature or anything similar
-Queen´s physician: 25% if not, use this: Plague Doctor

Silver Crusade Contributor

In addition, there's already an excellent metal version of Lady A. that they could use as a springboard.

I'd love to see both her and the regular cleric. (I go far back enough to use Clerics of Nerull if necessary, but still.)

Okay, but Cinnibar smiling? That seems entirely OOC

Dark Archive

Here is a list of all creatures that have artwork in the Curse of the Crimson Throne hardcover Part 3 (with page number and likelihood of getting a miniature).
If they already have one or a very similar one exists, i´ll put in a link to Paizo´s shop.

List Book 3:

-Markus Endrin (head), page 138 - chance: 0% (dies)
-Emperor´s Thug (full), page 141 - use this: Ratibor the Bold
-Red Mantis Assassin (full), page 144 - IN THE SET!
-Laori Vaus (full), page 450 - chance: 10% if not, use this: Highlady Athroxis
-Pilts Swastel (full), page 153 - use this: King Irovetti
-Jabbyr (full), page 154 - chance: 10% (human executioner more likely)
-"The Tall Knife" guillotine (full), page 154 - chance 100% (dressing)
-Salvator Scream (full), page 157 - chance: 10% (no opponent)
-painting on stand, page 157 - chance: 50% (dressing)
-Meliya Arkona (head), page 162 - use this: Lyrie Akenja
-Glorio Arkona (full), page 164 - use this: Aldern Foxglove
-Marai Rakshasa (full), page 170 - chance: 100%
-Bahor (full), page 441 - chance: 25% (75% Avidexu image)
-Garden Guardian (full), page 173 - chance 100% (Skeletons confirmed)
-Enourmous Reefclaw (full), page 174 - chance: 1% (odd one-off monster)
-Avidexu (full), page 176 - chance: 75% (25% Bahor image)
-Vimanda (full), page 177 - chance: 100% (doubles as Kitsune)
-Sivit (full), page 179 - chance: 10% (one-off) use this: Lamia
-Vencarlo Orisini (full), page 184 - chance 25%
-Neolandus Kalepopolis (head), page 185 - use this: Cutpurse and cut off the weapons.
-Rajambari (full), page 187 - chance: 0% (huge)

Other creature that have no illustration and no mini yet:
-Wolverine (Bestiary) - chance: 50%
-Belker (Bestiary 2) - chance: 50%

Dark Archive


Wizkids has announced "Icons of the Realms set 7" without a title (i expect it to be "Tales from the Yawning Portal").

The release date has also been given: 5th of july 2017, 9 weeks after "Pathfinder Battles: Crown of Fangs" which will be in stores ETA 3rd of may 2017.

It will include 55 different miniatures (expect this to be different - the actual set 6 has 58 different ones).

It will have a "promotional set featuring scenic elements scaled for use with the other miniatures in the line", which means the incentive will have lots of dressing pieces, like the current "Adventurers Camp".
This COULD be the "Yawning Portal" taproom with "Durnan, the barkeep", but that is pure speculation on my part.

If it IS based on TotYP (which is very likely), expect some miniatures from the following adventures to be in it:

-Against the Giants
-Dead in Thay
-Forge of Fury
-Hidden Shrine of Tamoachan
-Sunless Citadel
-Tomb of Horrors
-White Plume Mountain

Of course it will only be loosely based on these and include lots of other minis.

Greetings from Germany.

Dark Archive

I just reviewed Dungeons & Dragons Fantasy Miniatures—Icons of the Realms Set 6: Monster Menagerie 2.

Dark Archive

It looks like we won't get a third preview by Mike - which is totally okay.
Thanks again for feeding us crazy miniature addicts (with info), Mike! :-)

Next week Erik is back and hopefully well rested despite having to work in his vacation.
I wonder if we will get a volcanic creature in "Pathfinder Battles Set 13"? ;-)

Thanks, Marco. Have you seen the adventurers camp promo by any chance?

Dark Archive

Steve Geddes wrote:
Thanks, Marco. Have you seen the adventurers camp promo by any chance?

Yes, i have it. ;-)

The Wagon is looking good (one solid piece, no movable wheels, nothing opens), as are the 2 horses.

The rest is so so:

The 3 chests are nice.
The 2 kegs are ok.
The 3 bedrolls are too large for 1 square.
The 3 backpacks are good looking and the right size.
The 2 campfires are really cool.
The 1 stand with kettle is nice and fits over a campfire.
The 2 staples of sacks are ok.
The 2 spellbooks are pretty good.
The 2 bags of holding are painted very well.
The 2 scrolls are a nice touch, but very small.

All in all it´s a nice set, but not as good as the "Rusty Dragon Inn" tavern.

If you (or someone else) has questions, ask away. :-)

Marco Massoudi wrote:
Steve Geddes wrote:
Thanks, Marco. Have you seen the adventurers camp promo by any chance?

All in all it´s a nice set, but not as good as the "Rusty Dragon Inn" tavern.

If you (or someone else) has questions, ask away. :-)

Is it the same quality as the tavern set?

The kegs look like they could come from the same casting as the small one of RDI.

and where do you buy the stuff?

Dark Archive

DropBearHunter wrote:
Marco Massoudi wrote:
Steve Geddes wrote:
Thanks, Marco. Have you seen the adventurers camp promo by any chance?

All in all it´s a nice set, but not as good as the "Rusty Dragon Inn" tavern.

If you (or someone else) has questions, ask away. :-)

Is it the same quality as the tavern set?

The kegs look like they could come from the same casting as the small one of RDI.

and where do you buy the stuff?

The quality is the same, definetly good.

Kegs: No, definetly not, they are much bigger and heavier.
The one from RDI is size tiny and the one from AC is medium when put on a Flip-Mat.

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Marco Massoudi wrote:
DropBearHunter wrote:
Marco Massoudi wrote:
Steve Geddes wrote:
Thanks, Marco. Have you seen the adventurers camp promo by any chance?

All in all it´s a nice set, but not as good as the "Rusty Dragon Inn" tavern.

If you (or someone else) has questions, ask away. :-)

Is it the same quality as the tavern set?

The kegs look like they could come from the same casting as the small one of RDI.

and where do you buy the stuff?

The quality is the same, definetly good.

Kegs: No, definetly not, they are much bigger and heavier.
The one from RDI is size tiny and the one from AC is medium when put on a Flip-Mat.

I disagree with Marco. The quality of the Adventurer's Set is trash. The wagon looks nice, but mine came broken. And broke again while I was taking it out.

-->The top piece broke off the wagon before I even opened the package.

-->One of the lanterns above the driver's seat broke off as I was taking it out.

-->The pieces themselves are okay, except for the kettle & stand. Despite being a tripod, it tips over. Even on a flat surface.

-->The selection of pieces is stupid. You get two weapon racks. Which might not sound bad, but they are the exact same thing. It makes little sense, considering it's an Adventurer's camp, not an Army camp. I've been playing D&D/Pathfinder for nearly 20 years now, and I've never been in a group where there was so many melee weapons.

-->You get two fires. But they are the same size. I guess you could set up two campfires. Perhaps the rogue in your party sits alone as long as the paladin remains with the group. I don't know. But if they meant one for the cook pot/tripod and one as a camp fire, it's just weird. The cook pot fire should be smaller than the campfire.

-->You get three bedrolls for the ground.

-->You get two or three backpacks. But the backpacks have rolled up bedrolls. I suppose you could say three bedrolls were already made, and the others hadn't been made. But that's sort of stupid.

-->The chests are pretty massive and seem out of scale. They're like half the size of a human. I know that won't bother some, but it irks me. Why would you be lugging two chests that huge around? I mean, it makes for good Dungeon Dressing-style pieces, so that's okay. But it's just another piece that seems poorly thought out. As far as the quality goes, it's a decent piece.

-->The scrolls are okay. But because there is no special table for them, they seem out of place. And as Marco said, they're really tiny.

The kegs are probably the best thing in the little pieces pouch.

The horses are actually pretty nice.

Everything Marco said about the other pieces of the set ring true to me.

I was pretty salty about the broken pieces. The only thing that kept me from getting pissed was the fact that I'll likely rarely use the wagon. And because I bought the entire case+incentive for $280.00 USD with free shipping, it worked out to $2.17 USD per miniature. Or $1.83 per miniature if you count each individual piece in the Adventurer's Set when you average them out.

I did a video review of each piece in the entire set. I'll post it tonight or tomorrow.

I also did an unboxing of the Adventurer's Camp, so you can hear how angry I get while my wagon is breaking. And see how poorly made it is. Oh, but the unboxing video itself is done in ASMR format. If you aren't sure what that is it might freak you out, haha. So maybe stick to the Set review.

I'll let everyone know when I've uploaded them.

I've also done one for Deadly Foes, which I need to post as well.

Dark Archive

There is a youtube video of four guys playing the "Assault of the Giants" Board Game - Deluxe Edition with fully painted minis.

The minis are the giants from the "D&D Icons set 5: Storm Kings Thunder" set, only they are not huge but large.
You can clearly see it, when you compare the base size to the cards lying on the table.

The bases have different colors:
-Storm Giants - purple (#41 King Hekaton & Princess Sarissa?) 2 different minis.
-Cloud Giants - green (#42 Countess Sansuri) - 2 identical minis.
-Hill Giants - brown (#31 Hill Giant without backpack and with rock in right hand) - 2 identical minis.
-Stone Giants - gray (#30 Stone Giant with club) - 2 identical minis.
-Fire Giants - red (#27 Fire Giant with flaming sword) - 2 identical minis.
-Frost Giants - blue (#29? Frost Giant with sword in left hand) - not in the video and it´s hard to see on the preview art, but - 2 identical minis.

Personally i find $120 a bit much for getting 12 large (and 3 medium) prepainted minis, but there is a boardgame included and at least 8 of the minis could stand in for Pathfinder giants.

Dark Archive

Pigraven wrote:
Marco Massoudi wrote:
DropBearHunter wrote:
Marco Massoudi wrote:
Steve Geddes wrote:
Thanks, Marco. Have you seen the adventurers camp promo by any chance?

All in all it´s a nice set, but not as good as the "Rusty Dragon Inn" tavern.

If you (or someone else) has questions, ask away. :-)

Is it the same quality as the tavern set?

The kegs look like they could come from the same casting as the small one of RDI.

and where do you buy the stuff?

The quality is the same, definetly good.

Kegs: No, definetly not, they are much bigger and heavier.
The one from RDI is size tiny and the one from AC is medium when put on a Flip-Mat.

I disagree with Marco. The quality of the Adventurer's Set is trash. The wagon looks nice, but mine came broken. And broke again while I was taking it out.

-->The top piece broke off the wagon before I even opened the package.

-->One of the lanterns above the driver's seat broke off as I was taking it out.

-->The pieces themselves are okay, except for the kettle & stand. Despite being a tripod, it tips over. Even on a flat surface.

-->The selection of pieces is stupid. You get two weapon racks. Which might not sound bad, but they are the exact same thing. It makes little sense, considering it's an Adventurer's camp, not an Army camp. I've been playing D&D/Pathfinder for nearly 20 years now, and I've never been in a group where there was so many melee weapons.

-->You get two fires. But they are the same size. I guess you could set up two campfires. Perhaps the rogue in your party sits alone as long as the paladin remains with the group. I don't know. But if they meant one for the cook pot/tripod and one as a camp fire, it's just weird. The cook pot fire should be smaller than the campfire.

-->You get three bedrolls for the ground.

-->You get two or three backpacks. But the backpacks have rolled up bedrolls. I suppose you could say three bedrolls were already made, and the others...

I'm sorry your wagon was broken and can understand how that must rightly frustrate you.

It seems you gotten a faulty one.
I'm lucky to have received a whole one then.
How do you like the painting details?
Even though i don't like the bags of holding, i must admit i'm amazed at the detail of their smiling faces (5th. Edition).
Now we only need a bag of devouring to represent Gorbacz.;-)

FWIW, Wizkids has a replacement program for broken minis. It's not exactly easy to use (probably by design), but if you can summon the endurance, they actually do replace broken ones. It's all on the Wizkids website.

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Cleanthes wrote:

FWIW, Wizkids has a replacement program for broken minis. It's not exactly easy to use (probably by design), but if you can summon the endurance, they actually do replace broken ones. It's all on the Wizkids website.

Cool deal. Thanks for the tip.

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

My video review has posted. It's like an hour long, haha. But I added timestamps for each piece in case you just want to jump to a particular miniature.

I'll be giving some stuff away from time to time, so please consider subscribing.

Oh, and it's my first video to post. I'd love to hear from you folks on here or in the comments section over there with regards to how you think I did. Constructive criticism is welcome. I'll do my best to answer any and all questions or comments.

I have a complete set of every Pathfinder Battles release, so please let me know if you're interested in seeing anything before Deadly Foes. I'll be posting reviews of all forthcoming Pathfinder & D&D sets. If you subscribe, make sure you hit the little Alert Bell so you'll be notified whenever I post a new video.

Pathfinder: Deadly Foes complete set review will be posted within the next day or two.

I'll also be posting statue reviews and maybe an ASMR video from time to time.

This will be the only time I post in this forum about non-Pathfinder videos. I just thought it went with the conversation over the weekend.

Channel: Captainpigraven

Video Title: D&D Miniatures Review: Monster Menagerie 2 - Complete Set Review w/Adeventurers' Camp


Pigraven wrote:

I disagree with Marco. The quality of the Adventurer's Set is trash. The wagon looks nice, but mine came broken. And broke again while I was taking it out.

-->The top piece broke off the wagon before I even opened the package.

-->One of the lanterns above the driver's seat broke off as I was taking it out.

Had to reply because your experience is so similar to mine. Except on mine the lantern was rattling around in the box before I opened it, and the chimney pipe on top broke while carefully taking the wagon out of the plastic packaging.

I'm also very concerned with the wagon wheels, they are so flimsy they seem likely to be the next parts to break off.

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