Announcing the Starfinder Roleplaying Game!

Saturday, May 28, 2016

Ever since Pathfinder Adventure Path #3, when James Jacobs and Wes Schneider had to hold me back from putting a space elevator in Varisia, I've wanted to take Pathfinder to the stars. A year later, I had the honor of writing up Golarion's solar system in Pathfinder Adventure Path #14, and then expanding it further in Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Distant Worlds. But I'm not the only one around here in love with outer space and science fiction—I think all of us have at various times said, "Wouldn't it be fun to do a futuristic version of Pathfinder?" Yet aside from the occasional jaunt to other worlds in adventures like Pathfinder Adventure Path #70: The Frozen Stars, it's always been a dream just out of reach.

Until now.

Next August, Paizo will be releasing the Starfinder Roleplaying Game—a new science fantasy RPG based on the Pathfinder universe and rules, but complete and standalone. It'll be backward compatible, so you can still use all those Pathfinder RPG bestiaries, but will feature all sorts of new classes, races, equipment, and other elements uniquely suited to our far-future setting. You want to play a lashunta technomancer using magic to hack the defense grid, or an android assassin with a laser rifle, or a ysoki ratfolk mechanic clambering around the guts of a spaceship as you blast your way through the enemy blockade? This is the place for it. There will also be new races you've never seen before, new worlds beyond Golarion's system that we've never visited, new twists on magic and the rules system itself—and, of course, ton and tons of cool science fantasy gear, from starships and computers to infinitely sharp zero-edge swords and rune-augmented plasma cannons.

The Starfinder RPG Core Rulebook will be releasing at Gen Con 2017, but that's not all—we're also going to be starting a monthly Starfinder Adventure Path in addition to our ongoing Pathfinder Adventure Paths. The Starfinder AP volumes will include both adventures and cool new rules and setting information to help expand your Starfinder game. Plus monsters. Lots of monsters.

So how does all this science fantasy goodness fit into the Pathfinder setting? Simple: Starfinder is set in Golarion's solar system, but far in a possible future—one in which the gods have mysteriously spirited Golarion away to an unknown location, and refuse to answer questions about it. In its place, the cultures of that world have evolved and spread throughout the solar system, especially to a vast space platform called Absalom Station. Gifted access to a hyperspace dimension by an ascended AI deity, the residents of the system suddenly find themselves with the ability to travel faster than light, and the race is on to explore and colonize potentially millions of worlds. But there are horrors out there in the darkness...

As the Creative Director of Starfinder, I can't wait to show you everything we've been building. Joining me as key players on Team Starfinder are longtime Paizo developers Rob McCreary and Owen KC Stephens, as well as Creative Design Director Sarah Robinson on the art side, but all the designers, developers, art staff, and editors are working on different parts of the project—it's an all-hands-on-deck affair. And it's not just us, either—as Starfinder will be released under the OGL, we're looking forward to robust third-party support of the game.

While the size and scope of the new game make a full public playtest infeasible, we'll be starting to bring in key community members to check it out in the next few months, so keep an eye on the blog for your chance to participate! In the meantime, we wanted to give you a sneak preview of some preliminary concept sketches for Absalom Station, androids, and ysoki from artist Taylor Fischer (who you might know from games like XCOM and Civilization)—while these are only our initial explorations, and far from final, it's fun to see the process as things change and evolve. And it's never too early to chime in and chat with us in the new Starfinder forum!

We hope you're as excited about Starfinder as we are, and that you'll join us as we boldly go where Paizo's never gone before!

James L. Sutter
Creative Director

More Paizo Blog.
Tags: Starfinder Taylor Fischer
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1 person marked this as a favorite.

Not sure about this.
Pathfinder started great, but it got a bigger rules bloat then D&d 3.5 back in the day.
Hope they will manage to get this under control in Starfinder, but as they already announced "downward compatible" I highly doubt it. :(

2 people marked this as a favorite.

This is awesome, I hope we'll see some Star finder Tales novels in time too, that would be great.

4 people marked this as a favorite.

Also, is the homebrew section gonna explode with Starfinder-themed creations and adaptations?

Liberty's Edge

3 people marked this as a favorite.

You had me at Starfinder.

6 people marked this as a favorite.

First there was Spelljammer and it was good. Then SJ evolved in Dragonstar and it was greatly improved then as well. What wonders will Starfinder bring us? I for one am very anxious to find out.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I can keep my "SkyFinder" ideas in the freezer.

Nightdrifter wrote:

I find this to be an odd business move considering:

*Lisa is the one who pointed out part of TSR's downfall was due to self-competition with different campaign settings

*Paizo's reluctance to reprint old APs as that would mean competing against current APs

I hope this doesn't come back to bite Paizo in the behind.

TSR's problem ended being "too much self-competition".

Competition brings creativity, self competition means they get the money anyway instead of some third party or rivals.

Dark Archive

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I can't wait for this to come out. I have so many ideas.

Vic Wertz wrote:
Generic Villain wrote:
I wonder if they'll eventually add Starfinder Companion, Starfinder Campgaing Setting, and Starfinder Module lines.
Currently, the plan is that the Adventure Path line will provide all of the rules and campaign setting support alongside the adventures. Of course, if you all tell us you need more, that plan could be revised, but that's our starting point.

Pretty happy to hear that you want be halving the number of fantasy APs you put out in order to make room for Starfinder. Also pretty stoked to see Starfinder is coming out next year as well.

As it is. I've been planning on enhancing the science fiction elements I'm guessing will be in Strange Aeons (the next AP I'm running) with some tie-ins to Carrion Crown. This announcement will only encourage me :)

I am curious to see what the Starfinder campaign setting is like and whether or not I'll try to rejig it into present day Golarion (treating the space stuff as a Shadow War that's occuring right above everyone's heads in Golarion without their knowledge).

Nightdrifter wrote:

I find this to be an odd business move considering:

*Lisa is the one who pointed out part of TSR's downfall was due to self-competition with different campaign settings

*Paizo's reluctance to reprint old APs as that would mean competing against current APs

I hope this doesn't come back to bite Paizo in the behind.

It's quite possible they're foreseeing enough of a demand for 4 APs to be produced a year. if that's true, then there hopefully won't be too much issue with producing 2 science fiction APs a year, if that's all they limit the Starfinder line to. Of course, Starfinder could be a runaway success and they'll be able to support both lines of products.

Tryn wrote:

Not sure about this.

Pathfinder started great, but it got a bigger rules bloat then D&d 3.5 back in the day.
Hope they will manage to get this under control in Starfinder, but as they already announced "downward compatible" I highly doubt it. :(

I'll be curious how they're going to handle the "Big Six" items. It's quite possible we'll see something like Inherent Bonuses from Pathfinder Unchained, although much more streamlined. If that does in fact become the case, it's quite possible Starfinder will be a testbed for Pathfinder 2nd edition.

Filby Pott wrote:
How much of d20 Future and Star Wars d20 are OGL? There's a lot in them that I wouldn't mind seeing Paizofied.

Most of Future has always been OGL, you can still find the SRDs for Modern, Future, Past, and Urban Arcana. In fact, I know Modern SRD and I'm pretty sure the Future SRD are available for free from

Most of Star Wars is NOT OGL, because of the Star Wars name, only the most common rules from Star Wars are technically OGL.

In general it seems only the settings themselves are really copyrighted, and I'm not even sure about that when it comes to Modern/Future, because things like Department 7 are setting related, but included in the SRD.

Shadow Lodge Contributor

4 people marked this as a favorite.

Wow... Just wow! :-)

Why can't it be 2017 already!?

2 people marked this as a favorite.
prosfilaes wrote:
You write 2017 several times in this message. That must be a typo; it's coming out August 2016, and I don't have a whole year to wait, right? Right?

Look, um... Get some friends and / or relatives nearby. You might need a hug once it sinks in.

5 people marked this as a favorite.

Yay, now we can purge the xenos in Pathfinder/Starfinder as well.

Also I hope space elves are a thing, yes? I need my space-elf waifus.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I am incredibly excited for this James! You know how much I liked your Distant Worlds supplement, so I know this is going to be right up my alley.

So much potential; I may have to be home brew the inclusion of Aethera but it will be worth it. It can't come fast enough. I will be patient but I am definitely anxious to see this come through.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

OMG. This can't come fast enough.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Zaister wrote:
OMG. This can't come fast enough.

Some people will have to be extra careful of who they elect as President, or some of us won't be able to see/get this.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

How Lovecraft-heavy is this thing going to be? That has a large and direct impact on how likely I am to purchase this product line.

Grand Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Big news indeed. I'll be very interested to see it.

Dark Archive Vendor - Fantasiapelit Tampere

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Liberty's Edge

Well that was unexpected.

For some reason my first thought was jumping off one end of a ship and having the ship's gravity swing you around to the other end of the ship. But it has been made clear there are people who do not like this mechanic, including the atmosphere envelope around the ship. So I won't treat this like SpellJammer in Pathfinder. However, I will be watching closely for the aspects it entertains.

Strange Aeons will be out before this, combine that with what we already got for Iron Gods and the potential is there. Lovecraft style cosmic horror could slot right in seamlessly. I know I would make it an element of how I would run Starfinder.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Nice. I hope the core book is setting-light as Golarion never did it for me. I'm hoping for something I can use for a Doom-like game, so we can go blasting Balors with BFGs.
Also, it needs to 100% compatible with the existing Pathfinder stuff. I want to mix and match as I please - I really don't need a new game.

I'm having a little trouble processing this:

Simple: Starfinder is set in Golarion's solar system, but far in a possible future—one in which the gods have mysteriously spirited Golarion away to an unknown location, and refuse to answer questions about it. In its place, the cultures of that world have evolved and spread throughout the solar system, especially to a vast space platform called Absalom Station.

So, Golarion is whisked away? Check.
"In its place"- With Golarion not there, the cultures of Golarion have evolved and spread throughout the system? Check. Wait, what? If the world these cultures are on is removed from the solar system how do the cultures of that world evolve to spread throughout the solar system?
I can see the cultures of the other worlds of the solar system evolving in its absence, but how do the cultures of that world evolve to space flight without that world?

3 people marked this as a favorite.

I can't say I'm super-excited about this, not really into science-fantasy, but I'll reserve full judgment for now.

My concern is that this will cause issues for the core Pathfinder stuff. I hope that development of Starfinder doesn't cut into business as usual for Pathfinder.

Scarab Sages

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Gods, that logo must be lasered to death, sifted for rare earths, and then tossed into the local star. It's almost as bad as the preliminary Comic Sans logo for Hell's Vengeance.

That said, I'm really excited about Starfinder! :D

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Starfinder Society?


3 people marked this as a favorite.

Mother of God...

Why must you continue to concoct things I never knew I must have?

6 people marked this as a favorite.

You had me at anthropomorphic rats in space.

Dark Archive


Oceanshieldwolf wrote:
I'm not impressed by the art though. Please get WAR front and centre. ;)

I guess from the similar poses (teapot arms and grellstands) that this is concept art (to hash out species and costumes), not illustration art. It's great for what it is. Don't feel bad, dear illustrator!!

Liberty's Edge

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The happiness this gives me cannot be properly explained...

As in my home Skull & Shackles campaign, my group just fought their way through a variation of a Spelljammer Elven Monarch ship as they were heading to the Island of Empty Eyes.

Evil glee.

Silver Crusade

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Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Funny, in my Skulls 'n' Shackles the group also stumbled upon a seawrecked spaceship. Except, less elves, more tentacles and Dominion of the Black.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

So I read somewhere that this is not going to get an open playtest. Is that true? And were there any reasons given for that?

I am not a huge fan of science fantasy and would certainly not buy the book without getting a chance to see what it's all about. I feel like there are plenty of people like me out there who could be convinced by a free playtest.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Vic Wertz wrote:
Generic Villain wrote:
I wonder if they'll eventually add Starfinder Companion, Starfinder Campgaing Setting, and Starfinder Module lines.
Currently, the plan is that the Adventure Path line will provide all of the rules and campaign setting support alongside the adventures. Of course, if you all tell us you need more, that plan could be revised, but that's our starting point.

Vic? I need more, please.

Paizo Employee CEO

14 people marked this as a favorite.
Nightdrifter wrote:

I find this to be an odd business move considering:

*Lisa is the one who pointed out part of TSR's downfall was due to self-competition with different campaign settings

This is a new roleplaying game, not a new campaign setting. Sure, it is built off of the bones of the Pathfinder RPG so there is familiarity, but this isn't an expansion for Pathfinder.

The TSR problem was making new fantasy campaign settings for D&D. If they had done a space fantasy RPG instead, they would have been fine. Matter of fact, they did just that with Star Frontiers.


2 people marked this as a favorite.
zidders wrote:
You had me at anthropomorphic rats in space.

The art for these they previewed at the banquet (preliminary, concept art or not) was terrific. :)

I have mixed feelings about science-fantasy, but being able to play a rodent technician is a definite plus.

Why no playtest?

Will pathfinder classes be usable as well because some of them fit well into such a setting?

So does this mean we not find out about what the other planets are like in the current timeline?

How will this interact, if at all with PFS?

This could be awesome as a serialised PFS type game.

That said, I really don't want to have cracked five stars to find out I need to go crack out five more in a new universe - #notenstarGMs!

Scarab Sages

4 people marked this as a favorite.

Ah, like the twist-ending at the end of a Might & Magic game...BEAM ME UP!!!

Shadow Lodge

Tentatively excited? I really want this to be good but considering it's the same universe in the future I'm a bit more interested in seeing what that world is supposed to look like and what things are changing mechanically before I get too excited.

He have been playing with my group a pathfinder adaptation of an older setting called Dragonstar which was created for 3rd edition D&D. I hope you guys check it out, maybe you'll find a good idea or two in there. My group loves it.

Grand Lodge

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Mauhahshaha haha, excellent!!!!!

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Interesting, though I am wary of backward compatible... How much of less-than-stellar-rules-and-interpretation will it inherit from 3rd edition?

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Wow, just... wow. So it seems Paizo has decided to take just all of my money.

I will probably be running a starjammer campaign far more than starfinder. I'll play in a starfinder game, though.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Squeakmaan wrote:
Wow, just... wow. So it seems Paizo has decided to take just all of my money.

I'm sure Lisa will send some goons over to your house presently.

Silver Crusade

3 people marked this as a favorite.

While I'm indifferent to Starfinder itself at the moment there is something I'm rather wary of.

Publishing an additional 2 Adventure Paths per year is a bit a troubling, since A) I probably won't be able to afford it along with all my other Pathfinder subscriptions I currently have (this is mostly me complaining about not having enough money, not against the idea of Starfinder APs :3), and B) The Adventure Paths they already put out are taxing enough on the staff and resources, wouldn't effectively doubling that cause too much of a strain?

Grand Lodge

this looks great i am hoping that we can have some PFS like or associated Groups

2 people marked this as a favorite.

This is exciting news. Keep in mind the highly anticipated Starfinder Battles miniature line when producing the artwork!

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