You Are What You Choose to Be

Monday, January 18, 2016

I find that every time I take time off to visit family at the end of the year, I bring a project to work on in my spare time. As I packed my bags and finished my last minute Christmas shopping, the Adventure Path section of my Pathfinder bookshelf begged my attention. There huddled Iron Gods and Giantslayer between a support group of other volumes, staring out at me with what I surely imagined were the tear-streaked puppy dog eyes of misfit toys positively quivering with sadness. This hallucinatory guilt trip continued, even as I tried to show that I had downloaded all twelve PDFs for review as though it were some sci-fi version of the Twelve Days of Christmas. Even while I watched the latest Star Wars installment with my family, I had the premonition that some Ghost of Christmas Past were hovering over my shoulder asking, "Rey gets a spaceship. Why can't we have spaceships in Pathfinder Society?" By the end of it, I was running through the rain-flooded streets of the southeast United States, shouting holiday well wishes, hefting Tiny Tim on my shoulders, and telling him how to be one of Hell's Rebels.

At least that's how I'd rather remember it. Ultimately, it comes down to telling a fun story, and today we add two more fun stories to the list of sanctioned Adventure Paths: Iron Gods and Giantslayer. I recognize that it's been quite a while since I first acknowledged that I would sanction these adventures for the organized play campaign, and I know that some of you already started playing them. In the past, we've prohibited retroactive credit for adventures played before the Chronicle sheets were available. This time we're doing something a little different. If you are still in the middle of playing one of these Adventure Paths but have not yet concluded it, you can receive retroactive credit for all of that Adventure Path's earlier volumes the next time you earn a Chronicle sheet for that campaign. For example, if you're just about to finish #93 of Giantslayer, when you receive that Chronicle sheet, you can also earn the Chronicle sheets for #91 and #92.

Currently, I'm be in Columbia, South Carolina as a guest of SCARAB, where I'm overseeing some interactive specials, running some of the recent scenarios, and herding kobolds through one of this year's exclusive adventures.

John Compton

Quick Housekeeping Note: You'll be able to find both of these sanctioning documents on the Additional Resources page/PDF and respective product pages later this week.

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Tags: Giantslayer Iron Gods Pathfinder Adventure Path Pathfinder Society
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4/5 *

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Thanks, John! Lots of happy folks from this.

(And Aethera has spaceships... just sayin'.)


Very happy, thank you.

The Exchange 3/5

This is awesome thanks.

Sovereign Court 5/5

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Thanx john for allowing retro active credit

3/5 5/5


(Also: Super, man!)

Liberty's Edge 4/5 5/55/5 **

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

Woot John!

Silver Crusade 5/5

Thank you very much for your dedication, John, and for everything you do for us!


Fantastic, thanks for making these available!

Am I correct in reading that the Technological Innovator boon does nothing in Core?


Thank you.

Silver Crusade 3/5

OMG! Today is now: (1) MLK Day; (2) my brother's birthday; and (3) John Compton Appreciation Day!

::launches fireworks::

5/5 5/55/5


Grand Lodge 4/5

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Great, now I gotta update my scenario tracker...

Scarab Sages 5/5 5/5 *** Venture-Captain, Netherlands


The Exchange 3/5

On the sheet for Palace of Fallen Stars the weapon type is listed as Toe-Handed.

3/5 5/5

zefig wrote:

Fantastic, thanks for making these available!

Am I correct in reading that the Technological Innovator boon does nothing in Core?

I think it's been clarified before that boons opening up additional classes and archetypes work in Core as long as they're earned through play.

Shadow Lodge 4/5

Woah, that final Casandalee boon is more than awesome.

Silver Crusade 3/5

Paladin of Baha-who? wrote:
zefig wrote:

Fantastic, thanks for making these available!

Am I correct in reading that the Technological Innovator boon does nothing in Core?

I think it's been clarified before that boons opening up additional classes and archetypes work in Core as long as they're earned through play.

I think that's right. The only difference for CORE is that the only path into those (if you want to retrain) is to start as Fighter.


Pathfinder Adventure, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Thanks mate!

EDIT: wow a lot of work has gone into these. Brilliant!

Dark Archive 2/5

Hey Jon, thanks for doing these! As a current GM for Iron Gods, I'm very happy to see I can reward my players (and myself!) PFS boons for its books. You were reasonably giving with technological items and weaponry, and I certainly appreciate that. I'm looking forward to giving some of these items to a gunslinger character I create! You rock.

Scarab Sages 3/5

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Thank you very much John. I have been one of the more critical commenters in terms of the length of time it's been taking to get APs and modules sanctioned, and so I especially wanted to make sure to let you know that is very much appreciated.

And further, I'm especially appreciative of the allowance of applying credit at least partially retroactively. As an AP subscriber who tends to run the APs close to when they're being released, this is something that means a lot to me.

Liberty's Edge

Thank you very much for these done. I am really looking forward to Giant slayer myself.

Sovereign Court 4/5 5/5 ** Venture-Lieutenant, Netherlands—Leiden

I'm glad this is finally here. I'm GMing Iron Gods and we're just about to start book 2 so this is actually coming nicely on time for me :P

This is the first time I'm running an AP and I'm a bit confused about the crediting rules. Maybe someone could enlighten me...?

We're playing in campaign mode, with characters built for the AP. I understand we can still earn chronicles for our PFS PCs;


For the sanctioned content in “Fires of Creation” and
“Lords of Rust,” if you do not have a character in the
correct level range, you may use a Pathf inder Society
pregenerated character, available on You
may apply the credit for the adventure to a Pathfinder
Society character as soon as she reaches the level of the
pregenerated character played.
Equipment listed on the
pregenerated character sheet may only be sold to clear
conditions, such as death, during the adventure, and
any remaining wealth does not carry over at the end of
the sanctioned content.

Alternatively, if you are participating in the Iron Gods
Adventure Path with an ongoing group undertaking the
entire, six-chapter campaign, you may receive credit for
playing the sanctioned portions of the adventure as if
you had played a pregenerated character.
In this case,
GMs running the Adventure Path are not bound to the
rules of the Pathf inder Society Organized Play campaign
(such as 20-point buy, unavailability of hero points, etc.)
when running the campaign or the sanctioned portion
of the adventure. Pathf inder Society characters and
characters from an ongoing Adventure Path campaign
may not play in the same adventure.

Now Fires of Creation is 2-4, so if played with a pregen that would be a level 4 pregen. Does this mean that I need to apply the credit to a PC at level 4? A 2-4 range suggests that level 3 is the "model" level for which gold rewards were balanced. Would it also be possible to apply it to a level 2 or 3?

This issue becomes more obvious at later levels; if I want to apply the chronicle for book 3, that's level 8-10. There are no level 8-10 pregens, so is it even possible to apply these sheets when playing in campaign mode?



The Fox wrote:
Paladin of Baha-who? wrote:
zefig wrote:

Fantastic, thanks for making these available!

Am I correct in reading that the Technological Innovator boon does nothing in Core?

I think it's been clarified before that boons opening up additional classes and archetypes work in Core as long as they're earned through play.
I think that's right. The only difference for CORE is that the only path into those (if you want to retrain) is to start as Fighter.

So that would even apply to the non-core class option?

Grand Lodge 4/5

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Truly, this is John Compton appreciation day.
Thank you John, you've gone above and beyond the call of duty with these certs.
It was really worth the wait.
Thanks for listening to us on the boards - it means a lot.
It would have been easy to put this off further but you saw there was a job to be done and you did it right - and then took a step further as well by reviewing retroactive credit.

Thanks mate.

Just a small note, chainsaw pricing on cert 2 should be 4,800gp.


Ascalaphus, the credit can go to any PFS character of the highest level of the chronicle or lower. If the PFS character isn't high enough to earn the chronicle, it is applied in the same way as a Pre-gen credit would be, except that it would be applied at the lowest level of the chronicle, if not applied immediately to a 1st level.

An 8-10 can be put on any character less than 11. If the character is less than 8, the chronicle sheet becomes active at level 8.

Grand Lodge 1/5

Wow, these are excellent, many thanks. It'll be a nice extra for my players!

5/5 **** Venture-Agent, Netherlands—Utrecht

Woo! Any news on when Hell's Rebels will be sanctioned? We just finished the first book, and I'm running out of low-level PFS scenarios. >_>

Sovereign Court 4/5 5/5 ** Venture-Lieutenant, Netherlands—Leiden

Bradley McTeer wrote:

Ascalaphus, the credit can go to any PFS character of the highest level of the chronicle or lower. If the PFS character isn't high enough to earn the chronicle, it is applied in the same way as a Pre-gen credit would be, except that it would be applied at the lowest level of the chronicle, if not applied immediately to a 1st level.

An 8-10 can be put on any character less than 11. If the character is less than 8, the chronicle sheet becomes active at level 8.

That's what I thought (and hoped), but I got the impression the text I quoted mandated otherwise.

Sovereign Court 4/5 5/5 ** Venture-Lieutenant, Netherlands—Leiden

By the by, Iron Gods gets some very cool chronicles. I especially like the last one, that's a really cool boon.

Scarab Sages 5/5 5/5 **** Venture-Captain, Washington—Spokane

1 person marked this as a favorite.


My thanks to you and the rest of the team for this latest round of sanctioning Adventure Paths. I knew patience would pay off in the end. I am sure a lot of players were as pleasantly surprised as I was on the retroactive credit being allowed for both Gianrslayer and Iron Gods. Thank you again.

4/5 5/5

4 people marked this as a favorite.


3/5 5/5

zefig wrote:
The Fox wrote:
Paladin of Baha-who? wrote:
zefig wrote:

Fantastic, thanks for making these available!

Am I correct in reading that the Technological Innovator boon does nothing in Core?

I think it's been clarified before that boons opening up additional classes and archetypes work in Core as long as they're earned through play.
I think that's right. The only difference for CORE is that the only path into those (if you want to retrain) is to start as Fighter.
So that would even apply to the non-core class option?

The base class would have to be legal as well, so you can only use the fighter archetype, not the gunslinger one.

Scarab Sages 4/5 RPG Superstar 2015 Top 16

yay! my group just started book 2 of Iron Gods!

Shadow Lodge 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 ***** Contributor

This is AWESOME! Thank you John, Linda, and Tonya!!!

(PS - should we assume that rain gun = rail gun?)

Grand Lodge 4/5

On the final chronicle, the certain melee weapon favoured by the protagonist of the DOOM videogame franchise should be priced at 10,800, 8,100 if the same formula applies which was applied to the Null Blade.

Noticed two things with the Brain Collectors chronicle -

Brain Collector Spoiler:
Casandalee's AI is retrieved from the Dominion of the Black base, not the decomposing dropship.

Also, a rocket launcher can never be 'recharged', so there is no point giving it double asterisk status.

3/5 5/5

2 nitpicks from the 6th chronicle:

1. What is a rain gun, and would I be going off the rails if I did a tribal dance when I use it?
2. What is an integrated laser pistol and can I implant it into a cybernetic arm?

Oh lookie! A tongue in my cheek! =D

Liberty's Edge 4/5 **

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Thank you so much, John! Best birthday present I could have asked for!

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 ***** Venture-Captain, Minnesota

Thanks for being awesome, John! This is a great post-holiday present to Organized Play!


Dark Archive 5/5 *

Thank you John. The Iron Gods chronicles are splendidly done! Giantslayer at the same time is a massive bonus.

The Exchange 3/5

1 person marked this as a favorite.

This is awesome, my friend told me about this in the middle of the PFS scenario I was gming, Season 6-02 The Silver Mount Collection, I was eager and excited to get home and ready the Iron Gods Chronicles! Thanks for giving us retroactive credit, its appreciated.


Great Job John!

Thanks for speeding this through and adding the retro compromise!

That was real classy!

Shadow Lodge 4/5

Excellent chronicles - very excited! Thanks for the hard work you clearly put into these!

Grand Lodge 4/5

FiddlersGreen wrote:

2 nitpicks from the 6th chronicle:

1. What is a rain gun, and would I be going off the rails if I did a tribal dance when I use it?
2. What is an integrated laser pistol and can I implant it into a cybernetic arm?

Oh lookie! A tongue in my cheek! =D

1. It is customary to do a tribal dance ONLY after you deal a X4 critical hit with a Rail (not rain) Gun.

2. An integrated laser pistol is a laser weapon implanted into your hand or arm.

Ranged weapons fire through a port on the palm or back of the wrist. Either type of weapon has statistics identical to its normal form. Firearms reload through a breach in the arm, increasing the reloading time of the weapon to a full-round action, or doubling reloading times that already take a full round or longer. Implanted weapons are well concealed; detecting one requires a thorough search (Perception DC 25). Implanted weaponry can be damaged or destroyed by sundering, but cannot be disarmed.

Yes, it can be implanted into an artificial arm. A laser pistol installed in a cybernetic arm does not count against a creature's implantation limit.

Silver Crusade 5/5 5/55/5 **** Venture-Captain, Germany—Bavaria

Nice to have ^^

Dataphiles 3/5

Thank you John for all your hard work in getting these sanctioned for us.


1 person marked this as a favorite.

As a Giantslayer GM whose birthday is Jan 18th, thank you for the lovely gift of retroactive credit, John!

Liberty's Edge

Woot-Woot! Thank you, John!

I eagerly await similar news for Hell's Rebels with antici....

Grand Lodge 4/5

Another query (sorry!!!)
Does the 'For Science!' boon override the ** timeworn items rules as written on page 2 of the cert?
So I could turn any ** items into a non-timeworn item for use in PFS? (eg get access to a rechargeable Robojack [8 prestige] or rechargeable Arc Cannon? [20 prestige])

Silver Crusade 2/5 *

Thanks John!!

Editing note:
on the Palace of fallen stars Chronicle the Arc cannon is listed as a toe-handed ranged weapon. I believe it should be a two handed...

Scarab Sages 5/5 5/5 *** Venture-Captain, Netherlands

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Tamec wrote:

Thanks John!!

** spoiler omitted **

Nah, its a special weapon for those mutants ;)

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