
CsonTep's page

***** Pathfinder Society GM. 76 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 27 Organized Play characters. 1 alias.


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I've been using a chess pawn for years, only switching it out for a knight when playing my cavalier. It doesn't matter what you use, as long as everyone knows its yours.

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Pathfinder RPG Bestiary Frequently Asked Questions wrote:

Trample: The Trample Universal Monster Rule indicates that the monster is moving around as part of the trample, but it never says how far it can move. How far can a trampling creature move?

A trampling creature can move up to twice its land speed as part of the trample.


It is legal for GMs to use Archives of Nethys to reference things in scenarios from books they do not own or can borrow.

Archives of Nethys

or for easier finding what your looking for

Legacy PRD legacy.aonprd.com for the old Paizo PRD


Poison wrote:
3. The character must make a saving throw against every poison affecting him on his turn, but may make the saving throw at any point during his turn. If a poisoned character delays his turn, he must immediately make these saving throws. They are not delayed.


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You don't have to be using it. Earlier versions of the Guide said that it had to be being used for the character being played, but that was quickly altered to being on the table or otherwise visible from the start of the game. The current Organized Play Accessory Perks & Promotional Boons page uses the words "own" and "display." So showing your Folio is probably all that is needed, but it should be yours.

It sounds like you've already played Pathfinder Society. If you are interested in that style of game, Paizo has their event finder, but you may have better luck using warhorn.


Pathfinder Society Roleplaying Guild Guide, Version 9.1 wrote:

Campaign Mode: For sanctioned modules and Adventure

Paths, GMs are allowed to use their own rules for
character creation and running the presented content (the
entire book or series). Credit is applied to an appropriate
Roleplaying Guild character as if the character created
were a pregenerated character.

[qoute=Curse of the Crimson Throne Rules a.k.a. Sanctioning Document]Alternatively, if you are participating in the Curse of the

Crimson Throne Adventure Path with an ongoing group
undertaking the entire, six-chapter campaign, you may
receive credit for playing the sanctioned portions of the
adventure as if you had played a pregenerated character. In
this case, GMs running the Adventure Path are not bound
to the rules of the Pathfinder Society Roleplaying Guild
campaign (such as 20-point buy, unavailability of hero
points, etc.) when running the campaign. Pathfinder Society
characters and characters from an ongoing Adventure Path
campaign may not play in the same adventure.


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In the past I've been told that stores are allowed to distribute material for Free RPG Day early, but only to those that have agreed to GM the material on that day.


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No, it can be applied to your -1 character at any time. Tonya notes this in the first post. I added this to my 16th level -1 after I read this thread last year.


Yeah, I'm kinda sure I remember that those pregens were PFS legal only on Free RPG Day that year.


Done with December, though if someone wants to run something between Christmas and New Year we can arrange it.

For January we're continuing with Season 3 with some Season 5 as low level tables.


A little help on the taer, they do show up in Tome of Horrors complete and have been copied onto D20PFSRD.

Every failed save inflicts damage.


No game this Friday at Atlantis. For December I'll be GMing a table of City of Golden Death. This is a module for 4th - 6th level PCs and will take several sessions. I've put some low level stuff on the schedule, if anyone wants to GM these, sign up.



November 17 2017 we're offering tables of 3-06 Song of the Sea Witch for 3-7 and #8 Slave Pits of Absalom for 1-5. Slave Pits doesn't have a GM yet, and if anyone wants to GM Song of the Sea Witch, have at it, I haven't played it.



Next week is 3-04 The Kortos Envoy. We have #7 Among the Living listed on Warhorn, but do not have a GM for it yet.



Next week we should have two tables, a 1-5 of #6 Black Waters with Justin GMing, and a 5-9, 3-03 Ghennet Manor Gauntlet with Brad/Sam at the table.


This FAQ should be helpful
Can I print my PDF, or have it professionally printed?
This should act as the release you're looking for.


I think Sean finished up his run of Masks of the Living Gods last night. So, next week we start season 3 of Pathfinder Society with In Service to Lore an intro scenario for 1st level characters.

I am anticipating needing three tables and right now only have two GMs.

Hampton Roads PFS


The characters played are not reported. The chronicle sheets are assigned to an appropriate PFS/SFS character and that character is the one that is reported. I understand the disconnect, but it was designed this way more for player enjoyment than for making sense.

For the player that has a PFS character some the chronicles may need to be assigned to a new character if the old character is higher level than the chronicle. For the rest you can assign all the chronicles to a single character and, if you ever play PFS, get some level boosts at the lowest levels on the chronicles.


The group started Masks of the Living Gods last friday and continues next. We're looking at getting Starfinder tables going on friday nights also, more when I get it.



I do the same. Two copies of my spellbook spells, 1 to give out to other casters at the table and one so I can remember what spells I have when I copy spells from their books. Update and reprint after game.

For the ITS its usually "BUNCH OF SPELLS IN SPELLBOOK . . . xxxxGP", same on the chronicle.


OK, this Friday we'll start Masks of the Living God. Brad/Sam will run The Flesh Collector if there is interest.



Taking a break from Summer-Con to let ya'll know about our games for next week.

Sean and Brad/Sam will be running tables of Masks of the Living God. This is a module so will take 2-3 sessions. I'll have a table of The Chasm of Screams, a 7-11 from Season 2.



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They've migrated to a new Warhorn event.

Richmond VA Pathfinder Society Lodge


Next week we are holding our Summer=Con Friday through Monday. We're having 6 slots with lots of open table seats, and GM opportunites.

Portsmouth PFS Summer-Con 2017

Yeah, I still get some weird looks at PFS tables when I sit down with my 11th level Human Magus/Arcane Archer. Been playing her since 2012.

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Pathfinder Core Rule Book Glossary wrote:
Becoming Even More Fearful: Fear effects are cumulative. A shaken character who is made shaken again becomes frightened, and a shaken character who is made frightened becomes panicked instead. A frightened character who is made shaken or frightened becomes panicked instead.


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The 3.5 counterspelling rules were dropped directly into Pathfinder without any alteration.

3.5 SRD

and here is some extra info from the D&D era Rules of the Game More Magical Oddities

The part about range is in the last paragraph of the article.

I played a counterspelling warmage back then and made sure I had close or longer range conjuration spells so that I could counterspell enemy cures.


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Roy Lewis wrote:
Now to find something in Virginia Beach

I don't feel comfortable adding other VO's stores to the map, but here's our Warhorn page.


Its not an evil act to cast an evil spell for its normal effect, so casting one to counterspell should not be either.


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It has been suggested that the mention of MotFF on the boon was a little future-proofing in case they change their stance on the module and make it 1-2 at some point.


One earns the boon in the window and applies it when the module is replayed. Otherwise why did I give it out to all my players on Friday and Saturday who have yet to play any of those adventures even once.


The fake is the one the Society wants you to bring back. They don't really care that its a fake in the end, you did what you were asked to do.


For any Pathfinder Society adventure that provides characters that must be used [except WE BE GOBLINS series] only those characters can be used and no duplicates.


This month we will have:

April 14 Chasm of Screams [7-11] and a yet to be determined low-level scenario

April 21 two tables of Midnight Mauler [3-7]

April 28 two tables of Shades of Ice 1: Written in Blood [1-5]

All of these run under Retailer Support and the Regional Support Program.


Yeah, I was doing that, taking the scenarios off as they were played. When I went back and replaced the scenarios and edited the sessions, my table count went from 106 to 178.


No. The adventures in the box are not playable under PFS.


You would run Pathfinder Society scenarios using Beginner Box rules.


Beginner Box Pathfinder Society Character Creation Guide This gives guidance on how to upgrade Beginner Box PC to full Pathfinder Society rules, but also allows the option to not use the full rules "until you're ready." If everyone at the table is using Beginner Box PCs and are level 5 or less you are able to do this.


OK, next Friday we will try to run Sarkorian Prophecy [7-11]again. Also, Nick has agreed to run level one of Emerald Spire [1-2]. If he can't, I'll run Silent Tide [1-5]. Sean has been organizing occasional games on Saturday nights at Atlantis, check the warhorn for what's being run.


Since the store where I play will stay open for the Magic players, I usually ask the players if they want to do any optional encounters, especially if I think "Oh, this will be cool!" I have a great group and they usually say "bring it on!"


Tonight run of Sarkorian Prophecy was scrubbed for the second time, we'll try again on February 24. Next week will be Fury of the Fiend and maybe something low level.


Next Friday Sean will be running Murder on the Silken Caravan, finally!


There will be no game on November 25th and in December we will be continuing our Rise of the Runelords campaign.

Yes, you add the bonuses together and square.


Next Friday [November 18 2016] we will be running Heresy of Man 2: Where Dark Thing Sleep (5-9). If there are enough players for an additional table, I'll run Silent Tide (1-5).


November 2016 at Portsmouth Atlantis.

The 4th is opening night of Nekocon in Hampton, so we're expecting a lower than normal turnout, I've scheduled 39: Citadel of Flame (1-7).

For the 11th and 18th we'll be running Parts 1 and 2 of the Heresy of Man series, The First Heresy on the 11th and Where Dark Things Sleep on the 18th. Both 5-9

I'd like to have a low level table for the 11th and 18th, but we haven't been having enough people to run both, and I'm low on GM volunteers.

There will be no game on the 25th.


No, not dummy numbers. Just hand out the printed number card to each player. If they want to register, that's fine, otherwise just tell them to bring the number each time they play so the game can be properly reported.

Modules and APs can accommodate new players if they take more than a single session. You can't do that with scenarios. A scenario shouldn't take more than one session, but if it does you must continue with the same characters.

And don't worry too much about running out of content, even with multiple characters. With scenarios, modules, quests, and Adventure Paths there are about 300 things to play.


Use either the Pathfinder stats from Bestiary or D&D 3.5 stats from Monster Manual. The PRD stats are fine.

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