The Ritual of Stardust

Saturday, December 19, 2015

The caravan pulled into the campsite. Suso watched from the safety of the wagon while the adults made camp and tended to the animals. The mild winter meant an extended traveling season, but tonight their wandering paused long enough to celebrate the Ritual of Stardust. While most of their celebrations of Desna arose spontaneously, the longest night and the longest day each year held special reverence and rituals for the caravan's patron goddess. The company had stopped two days early to give enough time to prepare for the special night.

Suso followed her grandmother throughout the preparations, asking questions even though she already knew the answers. "Grandmama, why do we add raisins to the dough?"

"The raisins represent the stars in the sky."

"So why do we braid the dough?"

"The braid symbolizes our winding path through this life, Suso."

Even though it broke the rules of her game, Suso couldn't resist showing off a little. "And you're making a butterfly shape out of the dough to honor Desna!"

"Yes, dear, you're correct."

"Does that mean I can have one now?"

Her grandmother smiled. "Nice try, Suso. They're for tomorrow." She dumped a small mountain of raisins into the girl's outstretched palm, then shooed her toward the door. "These will have to hold you over. Now get!"

∗ ∗ ∗

When dressing for the party, the company pulled out its finest outfits, each of brightly colored flowing materials, allowing free movement of limbs. Suso looked in her basket and chose a skirt dyed in bright blue tones, a vest covered with mirrored discs, and a scarf with tassels to tie about her waist. She swirled and twirled in front of her grandmother. "Grandmama, how do I look? Like a butterfly?"

"Very nice, Suso. But it's still missing something." Her grandmother reached into the pouch at her waist—the bag that held so many interesting things—and withdrew a rose quartz crystal suspended from a thong. She placed it around Suso's neck. "I think you're old enough for a proper necklace, don't you?"

"Thank you, Grandmama! Thank you!" Suso hugged her grandmother tightly. Face pressed to the old woman's stomach, she asked, "Can I have a starknife too?"

Her grandmother laughed, making her stomach bounce. "Not yet, little one. That must wait for another season and another celebration."

∗ ∗ ∗

As the sun set in the sky, the chosen members lit the bonfires they had prepared. Five fires, set on the points of a star, ringed a large open space. Those picked to light the fires took their places. Chosen from all walks of life, they included the company's matriarch, the map-keeper, the lead hunter, the newest baby with his parents, and a visitor from Brevoy who'd been traveling with the company the past few months. They took lit brands and flung them into the waiting stacks of wood. The flames crackled as the final fingers of light retreated from the sky.

Suso shivered with excitement. Platters laden with meats, roasted vegetables, and the special butterfly buns passed from hand to hand. Some nights, there might not be enough food, but tonight the entire company would eat its fill.

Throughout the feast, people rose in turn to sing, lifting their voices to the stars. Some sang songs in homage to Desna, telling of her association with the swallowtail butterfly, or citing passages from her holy text, The Eight Scrolls. Others told of their travels, painting pictures of hard-to-reach places and distant skies. A few sang of lucky encounters, in which Desna blessed their endeavors. As the piles of food dwindled, people grabbed instruments and accompanied the singers. Suso reached for a drum and pounded a beat, sometimes in time with the song and sometimes counterpoint, whichever struck her fancy. Members of the company started dancing, the firelight reflecting off the bangles of their outfits as they spun and twirled.

Several hours of merriment passed, the enthusiasm of the early hours ebbing to relaxation. Children curled up in their parents' arms, exhausted from excitement and the late hour. Determined to remain awake until the end, Suso rose to her feet and started a slow path around the fires. As always, her grandmother tracked her passage with her eyes, watching to make sure Suso didn't tumble into the flames.

Some time later, Suso skipped back to her grandmother's side, holding a butterfly roll in her little hands. She held out the desert. "Share with me, Grandmama."

Her grandmother reached out and broke off a small portion, "Thank you, my dear."

They looked toward the matriarch, who retrieved a pouch from behind her seat and pulled herself to her feet. As the pouch passed from hand to hand, each person removed a small handful of sand from its depths. As one, the company turned to face the fires, a solid circle ringed by the star. Suso quickly popped the last of her roll into her mouth and chewed as she scooped sand from the pouch. Then she took her place between her grandmother and uncle.

As the matriarch lifted her voice in invocation, the company threw the sand onto the embers. The sand shimmered as it flew through the air, drifting down upon the coals.

In her softest voice, Suso asked, "Grandmama, why does the sand sparkle?"

People around the circle smiled. Suso's grandmother leaned down and whispered, "The sand is laced with bits of rose quartz, which catches the light. We use it to symbolize the winking stars in the sky. Through it, Desna witnesses our words spoken here tonight."

With one voice, the people of the company began to chant to the starry sky:

Follow the path, follow the stars, wherever your feet may take you.
Over the plains, over the hills, through forest and grassy glen.
No matter the time, no matter the trail, remember that you are loved.
I am with you, She is above, until we're together again.

Families gathered their children, lovers their partners, and together the people of the caravan made their way back to their wagons. Though travel would start again tomorrow, tonight they would sleep and dream, secure in the wings of Desna's blessing.

∗ ∗ ∗

You can download a special Chronicle sheet to celebrate the Ritual of Stardust blow until January 9th, 2016:

May you have a blessed Ritual of Stardust, and may Desna guide your travels this holiday season!

Tonya Woldridge
Organized Play Coordinator

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3/5 Contributor, RPG Superstar 2010

More story please :-)

5/5 *****

The Guiding Stars one doesn't specify that it is one use. I assume it is intended to be but it doesn't actually say that while the Starkissed Sand specifies that it is one use.

Also, can it be assigned if you are applying a GM credit?

Sovereign Court 4/5 * Organized Play Coordinator

5 people marked this as a favorite.

Matt - thanks! Will see what i can do! Thanks to Crispy, John & Linda, for providing feedback, and James Sutter, my awesome editor ;P Couldn't have done it without them!

andreww wrote:

The Guiding Stars one doesn't specify that it is one use. I assume it is intended to be but it doesn't actually say that while the Starkissed Sand specifies that it is one use.

Also, can it be assigned if you are applying a GM credit?

You are correct - they are both one use items. Pick one of your choice!

Yes, you can apply it with your GM chronicle (or to a GM character if you are re-running an item but not getting a chronicle).

Sovereign Court 4/5 * Organized Play Coordinator

Ninj'ed by Auke :P

4/5 5/5

Love it!

One thing that could use some clarification: if I don't play a game between the specified dates can I still assign this to one (or more ?) of my characters?

Liberty's Edge 4/5 5/5

Does anyone have a list of spells that have powdered gemstones as a material component?

5/5 *****

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Nope but it seems rather tailor made for Stoneskin.

Scarab Sages 5/5 5/55/55/5

Clops along on four hooves, a small horse, barely larger than a pony, assisting weary travelers stuck on foot.

(The stardust boon would appear to be one use from "throw THE handful of stars into the air emphasis mine) but doesn't have the cross off the sheet language most one shot boons do

Guiding Stars::
As a standard action, you can throw the handful of sand into the air, causing the air
to sparkle faintly for 1 minute in a 40-foot radius centered on your space. All creatures in the area gain
a +2 luck bonus on saving throws against any effects that would give them the confused condition, and
any confused creature in the area that would act normally or babble incoherently on its turn receives a
new saving throw against the confusion effect; if successful, the creature ends the effect for itself only.

Sovereign Court 5/5 5/5 ****

Should there be language stating that this should only be applied to one character (CORE and Standard), or are people theoretically able to apply this to *all* their characters?

Liberty's Edge 4/5 5/5

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Luke Parry wrote:
Should there be language stating that this should only be applied to one character (CORE and Standard), or are people theoretically able to apply this to *all* their characters?

Read the FAQ.

4/5 *

2 people marked this as a favorite.
FAQ wrote:
For holiday boons, a player may only receive one copy of the boon but may assign it to any one of his characters during the dates specified on the boon.

Sovereign Court 5/5 5/5 ****

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Paz wrote:
Does anyone have a list of spells that have powdered gemstones as a material component?

This list may not be exhaustive, but here is what I have from memory:

250gp or less gemstone dust components:

Continual Flame (50gp Ruby Dust)
False Alibi (100gp Emerald Dust)
Kiss of the First World (100gp Diamond Dust)
Magic Mouth (10gp Jade Dust)
Nondetection (50gp Diamond Dust)
Programmed Image (25gp Jade Dust)
Psychic Surgery (250gp Diamond Dust)
Restoration (100gp Diamond Dust)
Restore Eidolon (100gp Diamond Dust)
Stoneskin (250gp Diamond Dust)
Unwilling Shield (250gp Ruby Dust)

Sovereign Court 5/5 5/5 ****

1 person marked this as a favorite.
GM Lamplighter wrote:
FAQ wrote:
For holiday boons, a player may only receive one copy of the boon but may assign it to any one of his characters during the dates specified on the boon.

Ah, right - it has been so long since there was one of these, I had forgotten about that; thanks :-)

Scarab Sages 1/5

So, there is time to write a story and run it through editing, and complete and produce a Chronicle sheet that is only valid for a few weeks. But, we still can't get Chronicle Sheets for any of the remaining APs that would get a lot more use from a larger portion of the player base and last a lot longer? That's disappointing that this was a higher priority than sanctioning APs.

Silver Crusade 4/5

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Is this applied once in Core once in Normal, or just one time total? I think the old text predates Core, so I wanted to double check.

The Exchange 3/5

1 person marked this as a favorite.
OsirionInfiltrator wrote:
So, there is time to write a story and run it through editing, and complete and produce a Chronicle sheet that is only valid for a few weeks. But, we still can't get Chronicle Sheets for any of the remaining APs that would get a lot more use from a larger portion of the player base and last a lot longer? That's disappointing that this was a higher priority than sanctioning APs.

I am on board with what your intention but I think right now they know how frustrated we are, biting the hand that feeds us might not be the best approach.

I agree and I had that same thought, however I am grateful that they also find the time to put out boons like these, they are fun and contribute to the world building. While, I would love Iron Gods sometime before I've completely given up on Pathfinder, these fun little event chronicles are enjoyable.

Scarab Sages 1/5

Codanous wrote:
OsirionInfiltrator wrote:
So, there is time to write a story and run it through editing, and complete and produce a Chronicle sheet that is only valid for a few weeks. But, we still can't get Chronicle Sheets for any of the remaining APs that would get a lot more use from a larger portion of the player base and last a lot longer? That's disappointing that this was a higher priority than sanctioning APs.

I am on board with what your intention but I think right now they know how frustrated we are, biting the hand that feeds us might not be the best approach.

I agree and I had that same thought, however I am grateful that they also find the time to put out boons like these, they are fun and contribute to the world building. While, I would love Iron Gods sometime before I've completely given up on Pathfinder, these fun little event chronicles are enjoyable.

I'm not biting at anyone, just stating a fact and my disappointment. I sensed they didn't have time to take one person out of the mix for a few days but they were able to take time from John, Linda, and James Sutter for a boon that is only good for a few weeks. It just seems priorities are kind of out of whack.

5/5 5/55/55/5

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Codanous wrote:

I am on board with what your intention but I think right now they know how frustrated we are, biting the hand that feeds us might not be the best approach.

Puts the Tyr brand BBQ sauce down

Awwww.. but thats kind of my thing...

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 **** Venture-Captain, Minnesota

7 people marked this as a favorite.

Osirion --

This is meant to be a nice surprise for those who check in during the holidays. Please understand how hardworking our PFS leadership team is... Let's appreciate the occasional rare frivolity they provide. They'll be back to business as usual soon enough in January!



Thank you all! So now my Elemental Ally has two sheet before even playing.


Oh! What are we supposed to do as far as Event and stuff? Or do we wrap that into the next game that they are apart of?

Grand Lodge 4/5

It's the event and date at which a GM awarded you the boon, as for convention boons.

Liberty's Edge 4/5 *** Venture-Lieutenant, California—Los Angeles (South Bay)

I am glad that this is good through January 9th. It is the first new Saturday session for Lightspeed Hobbies in Portage, Indiana and also the store's 10th anniversary. Thanks!!!

Liberty's Edge 4/5 *** Venture-Lieutenant, California—Los Angeles (South Bay)

I think that I found a typo.


You can download a special Chronicle sheet to celebrate the Ritual of Stardust blow until January 9th, 2016:

Did you mean now until January 9th, 2016.

5/5 5/55/55/5

1 person marked this as a favorite.
William Ronald wrote:

I think that I found a typo.


You can download a special Chronicle sheet to celebrate the Ritual of Stardust blow until January 9th, 2016:

Did you mean now until January 9th, 2016.

I was wondering why it came on lines with a mirror. (And flayleaf seems more in line with desna...)

Sovereign Court 4/5 * Organized Play Coordinator

William Ronald wrote:

I think that I found a typo.


You can download a special Chronicle sheet to celebrate the Ritual of Stardust blow until January 9th, 2016:

Did you mean now until January 9th, 2016.

We did. It should read *below*. Good catch!

Liberty's Edge 4/5 *** Venture-Lieutenant, California—Los Angeles (South Bay)

Tonya, glad to help out. I presume that a GM can apply this to any character? (A certain Elvish Desnan bard is quite appropriate for my sheet.)

Silver Crusade 5/5

Tonya, John, and Linda: Thanks for everything you guys do for us, and for this boon as well!

Silver Crusade 5/5

2 people marked this as a favorite.
OsirionInfiltrator wrote:
Codanous wrote:
OsirionInfiltrator wrote:
So, there is time to write a story and run it through editing, and complete and produce a Chronicle sheet that is only valid for a few weeks. But, we still can't get Chronicle Sheets for any of the remaining APs that would get a lot more use from a larger portion of the player base and last a lot longer? That's disappointing that this was a higher priority than sanctioning APs.

I am on board with what your intention but I think right now they know how frustrated we are, biting the hand that feeds us might not be the best approach.

I agree and I had that same thought, however I am grateful that they also find the time to put out boons like these, they are fun and contribute to the world building. While, I would love Iron Gods sometime before I've completely given up on Pathfinder, these fun little event chronicles are enjoyable.

I'm not biting at anyone, just stating a fact and my disappointment. I sensed they didn't have time to take one person out of the mix for a few days but they were able to take time from John, Linda, and James Sutter for a boon that is only good for a few weeks. It just seems priorities are kind of out of whack.

Let's keep it classy, bro. I'd like to see the team catch up a bit with sanctioning, but let's try to avoid being quite so bitter about it. Something like this takes considerably less time than sanctioning a Module or an AP, and it's a nice geature from leadership for the holiday season. So let's just appreciate this for what it is, and hope for the future.

Scarab Sages 2/5

This is such a wonderful holiday treat! Thank you!

Sovereign Court 4/5 5/5 ** Venture-Lieutenant, Netherlands—Leiden

Question: when you chose the Starkissed Sand, can you also apply it to a spell that doesn't use a gem component, for example to Silent Spell a Dispel Magic?

Sovereign Court 4/5

3 people marked this as a favorite.
OsirionInfiltrator wrote:
So, there is time to write a story and run it through editing, and complete and produce a Chronicle sheet that is only valid for a few weeks. But, we still can't get Chronicle Sheets for any of the remaining APs that would get a lot more use from a larger portion of the player base and last a lot longer? That's disappointing that this was a higher priority than sanctioning APs.

I don't think it's a matter of 'priority'. This is one little boon that would have taken a small amount of work compared to what it must take to sanction an AP (deciding what section to sanction, collating the items that are going to appear, checking it's all appropriate for PFS).

I understand your frustration, but why gripe about what you haven't got instead of appreciating a nice gesture, especially given the time of year. I have no doubt the AP's will be sorted sooner or later, but given all the recent changes in PFS I'm happy to wait and enjoy the little things in the meantime. Tis the season.

1/5 5/5

I think this is just the neatest thing since sliced bread. I mean, honest, I was considering dropping a note to John or Tanya asking if there could be something like this and they not only anticipated the holidays but took into careful consideration that for some of us the 'holidays' don't end on December 26th NOR January 1st.

Thank you very much!


Thank You. :)

Scarab Sages 1/5

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Tom Mannering wrote:
OsirionInfiltrator wrote:
So, there is time to write a story and run it through editing, and complete and produce a Chronicle sheet that is only valid for a few weeks. But, we still can't get Chronicle Sheets for any of the remaining APs that would get a lot more use from a larger portion of the player base and last a lot longer? That's disappointing that this was a higher priority than sanctioning APs.

I don't think it's a matter of 'priority'. This is one little boon that would have taken a small amount of work compared to what it must take to sanction an AP (deciding what section to sanction, collating the items that are going to appear, checking it's all appropriate for PFS).

I understand your frustration, but why gripe about what you haven't got instead of appreciating a nice gesture, especially given the time of year. I have no doubt the AP's will be sorted sooner or later, but given all the recent changes in PFS I'm happy to wait and enjoy the little things in the meantime. Tis the season.

I wasn't griping. I was expressing my disappointment. Surely we don't have to just settle and be happy with the scraps. People have said this same thing the last several years. "Just be happy with what you get." How long to wait is sufficient? It's been more than 12-18 months since the last module or AP has been sanctioned. Even with going to three full time staff members quite a few months ago, there hasn't been any real increase in content. I guess instead of asking why there isn't more content, best to just sit back and wait and hope. If all the feedback Paizo ever receives is just happy unicorns and rainbows, how will they ever know they need to improve?

And since the one little boon would have taken a very small amount of work (even though it sounds like four people worked on it), wouldn't one Chronicle sheet for one of the modules we are still waiting for have gotten more use by more people for a lot more time than just a few weeks?

Dark Archive 1/5

2 people marked this as a favorite.

While you have the right to be disappointed in anyone or anything you wish, for any reason, this is not an appropriate place to make your dissatisfaction known. If you wish to complain, please do so elsewhere.

Thank you to those who made this little holiday treat possible! It was very thoughtful of you!

Scarab Sages 1/5

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Cody Hornberger wrote:

While you have the right to be disappointed in anyone or anything you wish, for any reason, this is not an appropriate place to make your dissatisfaction known. If you wish to complain, please do so elsewhere.

Thank you to those who made this little holiday treat possible! It was very thoughtful of you!

Thanks for your feedback, mr. Moderator. According to some people, there isn't any place in these message board that is an appropriate place to criticize, even when trying to be constructive.

Shadow Lodge 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 **** Venture-Captain, California—San Francisco Bay Area North & East

Do you still have to know the metamagic feat and it just makes it lower level to cast, or does it grant the feat for the one spell? Also, is it still a full-round casting for a spontaneous caster?

Thanks a lot for the holiday boon!


OsirionInfiltrator wrote:
How long to wait is sufficient? It's been more than 12-18 months since the last module or AP has been sanctioned. Even with going to three full time staff members quite a few months ago, there hasn't been any real increase in content.

Since the last sanctioned content, Plunder and Peril on December 15th 2014, we've had 27 released scenarios. Which is an increase in content as compared to the usual amount released, I believe it is also the most released in a calendar year for the Roleplay Guild.

In that last 18 months we've also seen two sets of faction journal cards, the core campaign, Emerald Spire was sanctioned, Wardens of the Reborn Forge was sanctioned only a week before Plunder and Peril. We also got two sets of quest in that time frame.

And yes the staff was expanded in the last year, Linda was hired right before con season when the scenarios output was increased. And then right after con season ended we were back down to two employee's which meant that John was both developer and campaign coordinator until they hired Tonya.

This holiday boon is a sign that side projects that had fallen to the wayside are starting to get picked up again, Paizo has released the most content in the last 18 months then the 18 months before that. And with the adjustments that are being made to streamline the way campaign leadership works I can only foresee things getting better.

So I know it feels like Paizo isn't giving you the content you deserve as a customer despite the increase in employee's dedicated to getting you that content.

Please understand that Paizo is giving you all the content it can while also trying to make the Organized Play campaign better for everyone from newcomers to casual players, to die hard players. And while the output has dipped slightly recently they are trying to change that.

Scarab Sages 1/5

I believe the second half of season one and the first half of season 2 had 29 scenarios released in the same calendar year. I believe the second half of season 2 and first half of season 3 had a similar amount released. Those numbers also don't count the Grand Convocation, the arena type of thing they ran at PaizoCon one year, the quest like things ran at Gen Con, and the Beginner Box Bash four scenarios. And that was with one or two dedicated staff member most of the time, not three.


Ok, if that's the numbers then I will concede that point. My memory is probably shaky from the last time they posted the numbers of scenarios released. Though they also sanctioned zero AP's during those times as well.

May I ask what it is you are waiting for to be sanctioned so you can play it?

Scarab Sages 1/5

Serpent's Skull or Giantslayer.


OsirionInfiltrator wrote:
Serpent's Skull or Giantslayer.

Ouch, I feel for you on the Serpent's Skull because I think that was one of the ones that's been in the works.

Hopefully they'll be able to get that one out to you in the next couple months at the latest but I can see why the slowdown in sanctioned AP's is bad for you.

Scarab Sages 1/5

Jeffrey Fox wrote:
OsirionInfiltrator wrote:
Serpent's Skull or Giantslayer.

Ouch, I feel for you on the Serpent's Skull because I think that was one of the ones that's been in the works.

Hopefully they'll be able to get that one out to you in the next couple months at the latest but I can see why the slowdown in sanctioned AP's is bad for you.

We are about to finish book 3 of SS so by the time it is sanctioned, I imagine we will likely be finished with it. We are planning to play Giantslayer next so one can hope.

Grand Lodge 5/5 Regional Venture-Coordinator, Baltic

Jeffrey Fox wrote:
This holiday boon is a sign that side projects that had fallen to the wayside are starting to get picked up again

I think you've got a point there!

Scarab Sages 5/5 5/5 *** Venture-Captain, Washington—Spokane

Thank you Tonya, John, Linda, and others involved for a great holiday boon!!


Thank you for the holiday boon; definitely very flavorful! :)

Sovereign Court 4/5

Thank you, Mistressh of the Shtarshh. Your benedictionshh will shurely aid me on the trek to Zi Ha.


If I ever find dem mountainshh. Peshky peaksh.


Happy to see a return of holiday boons.


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