8th Annual Gen Con Costume Contest Voting!

Thursday, August 13th, 2015

Time to flex your voting muscles with our annual Gen Con costume contest—are you ready to look at some amazing cosplay and help pick our winners?

Gen Con 2015 is only two weeks past, but we witnessed a lot of excellent cosplay (and yes, some were shiny and chrome), but more importantly, we also collected a handful of entries for our annual costume contest! Seeing art turned into real things is always an amazing experience, and this year, some entrants got to show off their costumes with artist Wayne Reynolds (who designed all of our Pathfinder iconic characters)!

Without further ado, here are our contestants!

Torie as Amiri the Iconic Barbarian

Kaitlynn as a follower of Calistria

cronjewel08 as Damiel the Iconic Alchemist

Romulan Sith as D'Cat the Ranger

Phea as Lini the Iconic Druid

JamesShade as a Red Mantis Assassin

Absolut-Aegis as Sajan the Iconic Monk

As a voter, your job is to simply pick which one you think is best, and the first place winner will get $75 in Paizo.com store credit! Two runner ups will also be selected, and they will be rewarded with $50 each! You can vote until noon on August 21st, 2015, and we'll be announcing the winners on August 22nd!

Liz Courts
Community Manager

Special thank you to Adam Daigle, Brandon Hodge, Erik Mona, and James Sutter for photos!

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Pick Your Favorite Costume!

This poll closed Aug 21, 2015.

Dates and times displayed above are in the US/Pacific time zone.


11 people marked this as a favorite.

ZOMG THAT AMIRI COSTUME IS AWESOME! Package me up and send me off to a crazy bakery, because I am mad jelly of that sword. :D

I like the Red Mantis best.

The detail on the red mantis assassin is amazing!

I have to say they all look really good it is tough to pick one.

Lini is the best!

RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 16

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Amiri definitely looks the best. The amount of work put into each armor piece is astonishing and she looks just like the character. Looks good enough to put in a movie. The Red Mantis and Damiel also look really good. A shame the photo of Damiel conceals most of the work.

Found an interview with amiri on the local Indy news with a few other good cosplayers if anyone was interested. Thought it would be a good share :) http://www.wthr.com/video?clipId=11732053&autostart=true

Scarab Sages

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Torie as Amiri the Iconic Barbarian

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I definitely love the amiri cosplay

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Amiri is amazing

Also, some of these contestants show on a google search , you're able to see some better shots :)

Amirimomma28 wrote:
Found an interview with amiri on the local Indy news with a few other good cosplayers if anyone was interested. Thought it would be a good share :) linkified :)

They are ALL GREAT, but the contest for 1st place is NOT EVEN CLOSE! Torie as Amiri the Iconic Barbarian is the best by miles! After her, the other slots go to the mantis and the monk. My only complaint would be that Torie should get more than $75, to help mitigate the cost of that insanely well made costume, that you can tell she dropped some money into making.

Liberty's Edge

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Wow, there are a lot of really good ones there! I'm impressed with what people have come up with.

But, yeah, mad props for Amiri. (Get it? "Prop"? The sword? Er, never mind.) I think I'll vote #1 on that one.

But, still, quite impressed with the rest; some really good details in there. Sure wouldn't want to meet the Red Mantis guy in a dark alley....

Scarab Sages

1 person marked this as a favorite.

The Amiri costume makes me want to forget to stat a new level 1 character so I can play Amiri the pre-gen.

Grand Lodge

All are fantastic costumes.

I'm putting in a vote for Lini.

However, tho it's a great costume, wasn't Sajan from last year?

Community Manager

Scribbling Rambler wrote:
However, tho it's a great costume, wasn't Sajan from last year?

He re-entered for this year. :D

Grand Lodge

Fair enough. It is an awesome cosplay.

edit: Tho I also wish that her Imperial Devilishness Majestrix Abrogail was eligible :)

Red Mantis! A very difficult decision as they are all amazing. Nonetheless, I vote for Red Mantis.

Now, when will we see a Red Mantis Adventure Path?

Dark Archive

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Amiri 1st. Red mantis 2nd

Community Manager

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FattyLumpkin wrote:

Red Mantis! A very difficult decision as they are all amazing. Nonetheless, I vote for Red Mantis.

Now, when will we see a Red Mantis Adventure Path?

I have a very fond wish to run a Red Mantis Initiate game, FWIW.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

They're all pretty good, but Amiri is by far the best. The detail in her costume is amazing

Liz Courts wrote:
I have a very fond wish to run a Red Mantis Initiate game, FWIW.

Liz, I hope your wish comes true. And then I hope you make an AP out of it :) I'm so intrigued by the Red Mantis Assassins and Mediogalti Island and Ilizmagorti.

3 people marked this as a favorite.

I remember seeing Amiri come into Gen Con, and was floored at how good her costume was! Amiri FTW!

Liberty's Edge

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Amiri grabs my attention the most.

Plus, she might hurt me.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Close call between Amiri and the Red Mantis for me, but the detail on Amiri's armour is simply too astounding.

I vote for Amiri.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Sometimes I get caught up on one element of a costume that makes me weirdly ignore everything else. For example, the fellow dressed as Damiel at PaizoCon had a thoroughly amazing costume, but I was most impressed by the fact that he made his own barrel, and it was really well done.

Here, I'm getting caught up by the Red Mantis headgear, which is pretty awesome.

But I still pick Amiri.

My 1st Place Vote = Torie as Amiri the Iconic Barbarian

My 2nd Place Vote = Phea as Lini the Iconic Druid

My 3rd Place Vote = Absolut-Aegis as Sajan the Iconic Monk

Shadow Lodge

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

1st Amiri
2nd Damiel
3rd Sajan
Honorable Mention to Red Mantis Assassin

Dark Archive

1. Amiri
2. Sajan
3. Damiel

The Exchange

1 person marked this as a favorite.

1. Amiri
2. Sajan
3. Red Mantis assassin

Runner up: Damiel

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The poll is just for the best, eh? Can't cast a vote for runner ups?

Amiri it is.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

The Damiel one looks like it could be great, but it's hard to tell from that photo.

Amiri is the best from those photos, though.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

That Amiri costume is unbelievable. I mean, she looks like she was the inspiration for Wayne Reynolds.

Definitely Amiri for first place.

Silver Crusade

Torie as Amiri the Iconic Barbarian is the best.

Dark Archive

Berselius wrote:

My 1st Place Vote = Torie as Amiri the Iconic Barbarian

My 2nd Place Vote = Phea as Lini the Iconic Druid

My 3rd Place Vote = Absolut-Aegis as Sajan the Iconic Monk

My vote is the same as this.

Liberty's Edge

1. Damien (I have a soft spot for alchemists)
2. Sajan
3. Amiri

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber

One reason for upgrading Amiri and downgrading the Mantis Assassin is that faces are a really tough thing to get right in any form of artwork, including costuming. The Mantis Assassin has no visible face, but for Amiri the facial make-up is a key part of the costume.

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1. Amiri!

I remember seeing that Amiri walking around; I recognized her from the back! (Which, in my opinion, is always a good indicator of a great cosplay). Plus, her expression is great.

You say to vote for the best, but my 2nd place is Lini and my 3rd is Sajan.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber

Wow! They are all really good. But I must vote for ...

Torie as Amiri

So hard to choose between all the iconics here. Want a better angle on Damiel. Amiri and Lini are amazing, and Sajin is just a shave behind them.

I'd say absolutely the Red Mantis. I'm going more about how convincing they are of who or what they are, and the one that sticks closests to me is the Red Mantis.

Next it probably would be close between Lini, Amiri, or Sajan, but overall Lini reminds me more of her iconic (the shortness is a hard one to pull of though) than Amiri. Since Sajan was there last year, it probably would go Lini and then Amiri for my choices of 1st, 2nd, and 3rd.

Kick arse costumes this year! Tough choice!

The Exchange

1 - Amiri

Absolutely stunning. Great detail head to toe and excellent props.

2 - Damiel
3 - Red Mantis

Shadow Lodge

First is Amiri, with Sajan a close second.

Scarab Sages

(and yes, some were shiny and chrome)

She remembered me! :D

(She remembered your blood bag)

But, yeah: going with popular opinion on this one. Amiri first, then Sajan, then RMA.

Gotta go with the Red Mantis as original and well-detailed.

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