I Can Call Spirits From the Vasty Deep!

Friday, June 12, 2015

Looking to see what will come when you call for it? Find the answer in our new Player Companion, Monster Summoner's Handbook!

Summoning is a popular tactic, and it's one of the few magic options that has an entire character class built around it (a class that is also one of the few to get a revision in Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Pathfinder Unchained). So when we dedicate a 32-page book to the topic, we know there are a lot of expectations, and a lot of concerns. As a big fan of summoning (so much so I stepped in and wrote part of this book, as did Assistant Developer Linda Zayas-Palmer) I wanted to make sure, it provided a wide range of options.

So, to put a lot of folk's minds at ease quickly, be aware that all the summoner class options we present in this book function with both the base summoner, and the Pathfinder Unchained summoner! Second, we provided options for expanding monster summoning spells with creatures from Bestiary 2-4, without just openly boosting the power of those spells. There are also options for priests of various gods to gain access to new summoned creatures when using either summon monster or summon nature's ally.

Illustrations by Darren Waud, Katherine 'Kez' Laczin, and Ian Perks

We also added two new outsiders (one with 5 HD and one with 11 HD, filling some gaps in the list of HD for outsiders appropriate for planar ally and planar binding spells), a slew of archetypes (my favorite being the elemental ally, a druid with access to four elementals, one for each element, that function as eidolons but with just one out at a time), simple templates (for creatures from elemental planes, Plane of Shadow, and the First World) and ways to access them, a way to use summoning spells to summon the SAME guardian spirit each time, and some anti-summoning options (ranging from the counter-summoner archetype to the summon bane magic weapon special ability).

It's only 32 pages of course (efforts to summon a bigger book failed...), and I'm sure there are yet more things people would have loved to see. But I hope we managed to provide a little something for everyone, and a lot of cool options for anyone wanting to master summoning!

Owen K.C. Stephens

More Paizo Blog.
Tags: Darren Ward Ian Perks Katherine "Kez" Laczin Pathfinder Player Companion Summoners
Shadow Lodge

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Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber

Got mine in the mail yesterday, and this book is *awesome*. The Elemental Ally Druid is my favorite, too.

And a *huge* thank you for keeping the Unchained Summoner in mind with all the Summoner options.

Liberty's Edge

I am only at page 19 and it blew my mind already... several times actually. This book is indeed AWESOME and brimming with potential for new characters. Very well done.

Why so can I, or so can any man. But will they come when you call for them?

Also there is a typo, it says Master Summoner's Handbook and not Monster Summoner's Handbook.

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

Hm, illustration #3 is named "succubus." I'm not sure...

Grand Lodge

David Neilson wrote:
Well anyone can do that, the real question is will they answer? Also there is a typo, it says Master Summoner's Handbook and not Monster Summoner's Handbook.

I was actually pretty excited about a "Master Summoner's Handbook". Either is a pretty solid title for this item though.

Scarab Sages Developer

7 people marked this as a favorite.
Zaister wrote:
Hm, illustartion #3 is named "succubus." I'm not sure...

That's correct, and that's how I filled out the art order.

3 people marked this as a favorite.

It may well be a succubus - after all, they can shapechange to suit the tastes of others - but my mind is firmly trying to label it as an incubus.

I'm just glad to see some fan service for those who are not into scantily-clad (or unclad) alluring females. :)

Scarab Sages Developer

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Bellona wrote:
It may well be a succubus - after all, they can shapechange to suit the tastes of others - but my mind is firmly trying to label it as an incubus.

If it were an incubus, it'd have "bestial legs," and most likely be carrying a weapon. :)

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

What's the difference between the caller's feather's two powers?

Was it the intent of the Priestly summons list to leave Bearded Devils at summon monster v for Asmodean priests?

Asking for a friend.

Community Manager

17 people marked this as a favorite.

Removed a post. Please do not conflate being trans with not being humanoid.

Silver Crusade Contributor

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Owen K. C. Stephens wrote:
Zaister wrote:
Hm, illustartion #3 is named "succubus." I'm not sure...
That's correct, and that's how I filled out the art order.

I adored that art, for the record.

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Bellona wrote:
I'm just glad to see some fan service for those who are not into scantily-clad (or unclad) alluring females. :)

Indeed! THANK YOU for the male succubus.

Scarab Sages Developer

Ross Byers wrote:

What's the difference between the caller's feather's two powers?

Was it the intent of the Priestly summons list to leave Bearded Devils at summon monster v for Asmodean priests?

Those are fair questions.

Dark Archive

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Maybe ive missed something but is a male succubus not an incubus by default?

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Kevin Mack wrote:
Maybe ive missed something but is a male succubus not an incubus by default?

Apparently not! I'm happy to see equal-opportunity use of the succubus stats.

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

Owen K. C. Stephens wrote:
Ross Byers wrote:

What's the difference between the caller's feather's two powers?

Was it the intent of the Priestly summons list to leave Bearded Devils at summon monster v for Asmodean priests?

Those are fair questions.

Danke schön.

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
Liz Courts wrote:
Removed a post. Please do not conflate being trans with not being humanoid.

I was not implying any such thing. I think you misunderstood my post. I think it could be entirely possible for creatures that are not humanoid (as a game term!), such as outsiders like a succubus, to be trans. I intendend no disrespect of any mind.

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 32

5 people marked this as a favorite.

The succubus picture is really well done. Despite being a heterosexual male, my immediate response upon seeing that picture was, "Dang, that is one sexy man."

Long story short, I think I blew my Will save.

Kevin Mack wrote:
Maybe ive missed something but is a male succubus not an incubus by default?

An incubus is a different demon type, with its own entry, bestial legs, a martial tendency, and normally found with a melee weapon.

This is not one of those.

RPG Superstar 2010 Top 32, 2011 Top 4

Ross Byers wrote:
Owen K. C. Stephens wrote:
Ross Byers wrote:

What's the difference between the caller's feather's two powers?

Was it the intent of the Priestly summons list to leave Bearded Devils at summon monster v for Asmodean priests?

Those are fair questions.

Danke schön.


Oh... nevermind.

I will add my voice to the succubus art love, though! Finally, something I'd consider getting negative levels for...

Silver Crusade Contributor

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I <3 the male succubus. I know I already said it, but I'll say it again. ^_^

Liberty's Edge

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Historically speaking, Succubi are female demons, look like women and seduce men in their sleep and dreams. Incubi are their male counterpart, but look quite bestial and abuse women. The differences and similarities between both kind of demons are quite interesting to note.

In PFRPG, the Succubus has a wider range of targets but keeps the seduction aspect, while the Incubus focuses on the bestial, strong, hence martial role. Though they can both shape change at will, the description clearly mention the Succubus as She and the Incubus as He, thereby strengthening the historical view of Succubi as female-only and Incubi as male-only.

But as handsomely shown above, this is not an absolute.


6 people marked this as a favorite.
Kevin Mack wrote:
Maybe ive missed something but is a male succubus not an incubus by default?

If you think gender is tricky for the living, just wait until you reach the planes.

(And if you like this guy, keep an eye out for the male dryad character in Pathfinder Origins #5!)

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Specifically, succubi are capable of taking any form that pleases their victims. Gender is irrelevant. I've been energy drained by a cheeseburger, true story.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Whether that is a succubus or incubus, I think I'm starting to understand why a mortal would deal with evil outsiders.

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
PFW1-K1 wrote:
Specifically, succubi are capable of taking any form that pleases their victims.

Not according to their rules in the Bestiary. Their shape change ability specifically lets them take only Small and Medium humanoid form. Which is not what that picture is.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

7 people marked this as a favorite.
Zaister wrote:
PFW1-K1 wrote:
Specifically, succubi are capable of taking any form that pleases their victims.
Not according to their rules in the Bestiary. Their shape change ability specifically lets them take only Small and Medium humanoid form. Which is not what that picture is.

There are other methods beyond the typical succubus ability to change shape that allow them to take different forms—apart from all of the options available to ANYone who has access to the right spell or magic item due to class levels or luck or resource, some succubi are created or transformed into male forms by the Abyss itself, or they seek out rituals to use the Abyss to make that change.

That said... change self allows you to transform into a humanoid form. While the implications are that you must pick a humanoid form that exists in a Bestiary or rulebook... that's a constantly evolving selection, since each time we release a new book with new humanoids, the choices expand. Which implies that there are all sorts of undetailed humanoids out there in the great beyond and multiverse and the like for the knowledgeable succubus to pick her new form from. A GM can, in other words, fudge that rule and have her change into a male form that looks like the one pictured.

None of that matters, though, since the rules exist or get created as needed to support the stories we want to tell... "we" in this case being the publishers of Pathfinder, but that "we" also includes all GMs, who can create house rules to do the same. In some cases, the stories we want to tell sneak out in advance of the rules, such as when we mentioned there are witches in Irrisen several years before we published rules for witches in the Advanced Player's Guide. In this case, one of the stories we wanted to tell was of a male succubus. Which can both exist under the current rules AND can be supported by future rules as needed.

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

Well then, all power to the male succubus! :)

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Now if a monk grapples this succubus...

Scarab Sages

Any word on if or when the material in this book would become PFS-legal?

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