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Pathfinder Player Companion: Monster Summoner's Handbook (PFRPG)

I Can Call Spirits From the Vasty Deep!

Looking to see what will come when you call for it? Find the answer in our new Player Companion, Monster Summoner's Handbook!

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Tags: Darren Ward Ian Perks Katherine "Kez" Laczin Pathfinder Player Companion Summoners

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Starting to Look a Little Spooky!

In the United States and many other countries throughout Europe and the Americas (and likely beyond), the transition between October and November is a time for Halloween, Dia de los Muertos, and other festivals that mix spiritual significance and macabre imagery. Having grown up loving Halloween—no surprise, I suppose, given my love of playing other characters in RPGs—I like to include a spooky scenario on the schedule in October whenever possible. This year, Tom Phillips returns with his third scenario: Pathfinder Society Scenario #6-06: Hall of the Flesh Eaters, a Tier 1-5 scenario that takes place on one of the Gloomspires, an array of ancient towers rising from the ocean west of the Eye of Abendego. This is a new feature of Tom's invention picked up from his 2012 Top 8 RPG Superstar submission (careful—there are some light spoilers in the link), and we at Paizo agreed it would be a great fit for Golarion. It's been fun giving Tom a lot of creative freedom to flesh out (har har) this location, and I know you're going to enjoy the creepy atmosphere and encounters.

More Paizo Blog.
Tags: Darren Ward Pathfinder Society Playtest Year of the Sky Key

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