Advanced Class Guide Preview: Hunter

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Alright guys, this is it! The Advanced Class Guide releases next week and this is the final rules preview blog, featuring the hunter. When describing the druid class to a new player, you would often say something "She casts nature spells, turns into animals, and has an animal pet if you want". For the ranger, it might be "He fights well against certain foes in certain terrains and eventually gets nature magic and an animal pet if you want". The hunter is a hybrid of the two, and she pushes the pet up in that list, "She casts nature magic spells and has an animal pet with all kinds of synergies." Those of you who were watching my little teasers know that there's a tweak to the hunter that, while small in terms of wordcount, I think will have major repercussions in making the hunter awesome.Flavorwise, you might have been able to pull off some of the hunter feel before with a ranger or druid character. In fact, this class was the one that was the hardest sell to me as a playtester, as the first playtest version felt like you could make an archetype of druid that traded out wild shape for the hunter abilities and it wouldn't be too out of line for an archetype. Perhaps an alternate class at most. Basically, she was a prepared Wisdom-based caster like the druid, with the druid's BAB and skill points, mostly druid weapons and armor plus bows, using the druid spell list but casting with the 6th-level spellcasting advancement of a magus. She got a bunch of teamwork feats that the companion automatically shared, which was pretty cool, and a feature called animal focus that gave her and her companion a choice from a menu of small but generally useful buffs as a swift action with very limited uses.

Illustration by Subroto Bhaumik

Playtest feedback was mostly along the same lines—the teamwork feats were a good start, but hunter still had a way to go if she wanted to be able to hang out with the druids and rangers and hold her own. So she whistled for her companion and retreated into the woods to meditate on her nature. Though she hadn't made as many friends as she wanted yet, she wasn't lonely with her companion there. When she emerged, she had some substantial upgrades. For one, she could now use all martial weapons and despite the lack of proficiency, she wasn't restricted from wearing heavy armor if she wanted. More importantly, she gained earlier access on abilities like wild empathy, she scored free Precise Shot at level 2, and her animal focus now worked for about triple the number of minutes per day on her and permanently on her animal companion (she could still switch it out). She even cooked up a few new teamwork feats that worked great for a hunter.

But there was still plenty of good feedback about the hunter needing to change a bit more to find her niche. Many playtesters gave feedback that when running side-by-side comparisons of druids and hunters in their games, despite all the hunter had gained, she was still not doing as well as the druid. Unlike most of the other classes in my reveal blog, the hunter has plenty of new secrets to share, including multiple new class features involving using her link to scout and raising her companion from the dead. For melee hunters, that free Precise Shot freebie I mentioned can now be swapped for an extremely juicy early-access Outflank at level 2! If your companion dies in action, all the permanent animal focus powers instantly shift over to you, allowing you to stack up to four different powers onto yourself starting at level 8. The hunter even has 6 skill points per level now!

But the big change is so exciting, it gets its own paragraph. Remember how the hunter can cast spells from the druid spell list, up to 6th level spells? Well now, she can cast ranger spells too. And if they're on both lists, she casts them using the lower level. That's right, she's the only class in the game who can cast resist energy as a 1st-level character! Gravity bow, lead blades, and aspect of the falcon at 1st. Wind wall and spike growth as 2nd-level spells at 4th. The list goes on. She's also a spontaneous caster now, so she doesn't have to load up her slots with resist energy to still be able to cast it when you need it. So basically, for low levels, at least (particularly, 1, 2, and 4), the hunter is arguably a better caster than the druid in some situations (the druid still has the ability to prepare any spell from her list when you need that odd spell, so she still has her place), with better skills, better weapons, and a kickass companion. There's still plenty of reason to play a druid, but through one elegant change, the hunter has vaulted her way up to the point where I hope she will satisfy many of the playtesters who shape her new abilities.

Alright then, on to the archetypes! Today we'll be going on a hunt through the archetype section to stalk that cool-looking guy with the white tiger you see over there. He's definitely not the verminous hunter because he doesn't have a vermin companion, though he does look badass enough to be able to walk right through swarms. He's not the packmaster because he doesn't have several animal companions. While he definitely looks feral, he probably isn't the feral hunter because the feral hunter trades out the animal companion to gain permanent bonuses, wild shape, and boosts to summoned allies, though perhaps that's a summoned tiger by his side. He's also probably not the divine hunter, since even though I could believe he has access to a domain's powers and granted spells, that tiger doesn't look celestial or fiendish. So what's the conclusion? Well, I suppose he might be the feral hunter with a summoned tiger, but personally I think he's waiting to be your next PC! Anyone want to stat him up here in this thread? Perhaps it will help tide your salivating hunger for the final book. Soon, my friends. Soon.

Mark Seifter

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Tags: Hunter Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Subroto Bhaumik
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Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

This looks awesome!

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Well it's official. These previews changed my mind on most of the new classes. Now instead of 2 or 3 new classes I'd like to try, there's 10 I have to play.

All hail Xochtli, the Insect Queen!

Seriously, a class that gets to ride a mantis, and doesn't wild into something that doesn't want to ride a mantis, sold!


ohako wrote:

All hail Xochtli, the Insect Queen!

Seriously, a class that gets to ride a mantis, and doesn't wild into something that doesn't want to ride a mantis, sold!

Also, the mantis vermin focus is pretty nifty.

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Okay, you just sold me on the Hunter. 1st level Gravity Bow/Lead Blades and Resist Energy? I now have to get in line.

Nice changes! Thanks, paizo.
Are there new Animal Foci?

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

Were 'bat' and 'mouse' in the playtest? Mark alluded to those already.

Though I suppose they could be exclusive to the Feral Hunter.


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Ross Byers wrote:

Were 'bat' and 'mouse' in the playtest? Mark alluded to those already.

Though I suppose they could be exclusive to the Feral Hunter.

Oh man, they actually weren't in the playtest! Oops, extra goodies in this thread for you guys then! ;)

(All hunters can grab them. It wouldn't make sense for the feral hunter to have exclusive access to small cute animals)

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Great blog post Mark.
Hunter is one of the classes that I have been very hesitant about but I am far more interested now.

Lot of nice changes to the class, still there are some question marks remaining.

Precise shot at level 2 is nice, but that will mean that you have to struggle at level 1.
Pets start to lose power rapidly at level 10 – 12. Hitting thru DR and weak will saves are a constant problem and the will saves mean you more or less have to raise Int to 3 so it can pick iron will and improved iron will. (To me the ability point increase to int is an ability point tax.)

Also, this is a 3/4 BAB class that really seem to lack to boost its bonus to hit. So if the pet will fall behind at mid levels and the Hunter is a 3/4 class that lack ability to boost to hit and damage what is it going to bring to the party.
Also magic items to keep both the Pet and the hunter valid at higher levels really drain the Hunter.

Finally, although the very cool change to spell casting is a very much needed boost to the class I can see this as a potential problem, especially if you have a grumpy GM that don’t like the idea that a class can use level 2 spells and level 1.

Again. I love the blog post and the class seem to have improved immensely, but I still see some issues with the class. That said I know we only get a glimpse of the finish product, so I hope these issues have been dealt with. At least the problem of Pets losing power and the problem of the hunters bonus to hit.

6 people marked this as a favorite.

Please, PLEASE tell me there is an option for "Hamster" in there. Or rather, "miniature giant space hamster".

Really, the class wouldn't be complete without it.

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Zark wrote:
Also, this is a 3/4 BAB class that really seem to lack to boost its bonus to hit.

You mean outside of Animal Focus bonuses (or the ability to re-allocate wealth that would have gone into getting a similar bonus), druid/ranger buff spells, and an always-available flanking partner?

Zark wrote:
Also magic items to keep both the Pet and the hunter valid at higher levels really drain the Hunter.

The companion getting permanent Focus bonuses should reduce the need to festoon your animal companion with your cast-off gear.


13 people marked this as a favorite.
Silverline wrote:

Please, PLEASE tell me there is an option for "Hamster" in there. Or rather, "miniature giant space hamster".

Really, the class wouldn't be complete without it.

Just choose mouse, and say you're actually focusing on a miniature giant space hamster. Go for the eyes, Boo! Go for the eyes!

Dark Archive

Alexander Augunas wrote:
Question: What's stopping me from keeping my animal companion dead and reaping four succulent benefits? How does that ability work?

My thought exactly - why wouldn't I just slit my tiger's throat for permanent buffs like scent? :P

I mean, I wouldn't - I'd rather have the actions, and the free enhancement bonuses on the tiger save me money - but it's possible for the crazier hunters.

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

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Those crazier hunters should just be Feral Hunters.

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Ross Byers wrote:
Zark wrote:
Also, this is a 3/4 BAB class that really seem to lack to boost its bonus to hit.
You mean outside of Animal Focus bonuses (or the ability to re-allocate wealth that would have gone into getting a similar bonus), druid/ranger buff spells, and an always-available flanking partner?

No need to be snark. I was just wondering.

True Animal Focus bonuses is nice but the amulet still caps at +5 bonus. That hasn’t changed.

AC was never a problem with my pet. Nor was con. The problem was to hit, damage and will saves.

The only headband my pet needed was wisdom. So I had no use in raise Int or charisma.

druid/ranger buff spells? Barkskin and Gravity bow, but no bonus that helps with to hit or hitting thru DR, as far as I know. And for the record the Ranger has access of the same spells and get full BAB AND favoured enemy.

Flanking doesn’t help if you use a bow.
Perhaps I’m ignorant, if so I apologise.

Grand Lodge

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The Hunter went from being my least favorite class in the book to my most anticipated.

Excellent job at listening to feedback. I'm really excited to give this class another chance.

Dark Archive

Ross Byers wrote:
Those crazier hunters should just be Feral Hunters.

What if I'm crazy but like bows? :P


Zark wrote:

Great blog post Mark.

Hunter is one of the classes that I have been very hesitant about but I am far more interested now.

Lot of nice changes to the class, still there are some question marks remaining.

Precise shot at level 2 is nice, but that will mean that you have to struggle at level 1.
Pets start to lose power rapidly at level 10 – 12. Hitting thru DR and weak will saves are a constant problem and the will saves mean you more or less have to raise Int to 3 so it can pick iron will and improved iron will. (To me the ability point increase to int is an ability point tax.)

Also, this is a 3/4 BAB class that really seem to lack to boost its bonus to hit. So if the pet will fall behind at mid levels and the Hunter is a 3/4 class that lack ability to boost to hit and damage what is it going to bring to the party.
Also magic items to keep both the Pet and the hunter valid at higher levels really drain the Hunter.

Finally, although the very cool change to spell casting is a very much needed boost to the class I can see this as a potential problem, especially if you have a grumpy GM that don’t like the idea that a class can use level 2 spells and level 1.

Again. I love the blog post and the class seem to have improved immensely, but I still see some issues with the class. That said I know we only get a glimpse of the finish product, so I hope these issues have been dealt with. At least the problem of Pets losing power and the problem of the hunters bonus to hit.

With the new teamwork feats in here (some of which at least I think were in the second playtest), whether you're an archer or a meleer, you should be able to get some extra accuracy from your animal companion, and the ranger buff spells help (aspect of the falcon at 1st level improves to-hit and crits, lead blades and gravity bow are big boosts for damage, etc).

If you consider the companion to be a liability at higher levels but really want one at lower levels, can't say my experience agrees with yours, but in that case, don't kit Fluffy up too much, and if he lives, he lives, and if he dies, just don't replace him. You'll get four animal foci for yourself as well as a secret hidden ability that I didn't preview. Or retrain to feral hunter if your GM allows retraining, I guess.

Beautiful class! I was already running a Hunter/Emperyal Sorcerer, this just makes him better :)

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

One thing that I'm always curious about: what archetypes can be used together? Not sure if we'll see anymore spoilers about that, but more of an in general question. When you design a handful of archetypes for the same class, do you go out of your way to make some work together? Or just make sure to check all possibilities for broken or strong combinations?

Personally, I'd love to play a Feral Hunter who wild shapes into vermin (or at least has those animal focuses). Obviously, these two won't be compatible but there's still space for that in a future archetype.

Thanks Mark. As I said before this class now seems far more interesting.
The only two classes that I’m not overly excited about is the Brawler and Hunter, but to me the Hunter is the more interesting.

Paizo seems to have be able to put together a book where more than half of the classes are classes that I’m really want to play. I’m even interested in the Skald now.
That is not only great, that is awesome.

I’m really happy for all the posters in this thread that are excited for the Hunter. Good work Paizo :)

1 person marked this as a favorite.

This seems...considerably more interesting than before.

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

Zark wrote:
Ross Byers wrote:
Zark wrote:
Also, this is a 3/4 BAB class that really seem to lack to boost its bonus to hit.
You mean outside of Animal Focus bonuses (or the ability to re-allocate wealth that would have gone into getting a similar bonus), druid/ranger buff spells, and an always-available flanking partner?

No need to be snark. I was just wondering.

True Animal Focus bonuses is nice but the amulet still caps at +5 bonus. That hasn’t changed.

AC was never a problem with my pet. Nor was con. The problem was to hit, damage and will saves.

The only headband my pet needed was wisdom. So I had no use in raise Int or charisma.

druid/ranger buff spells? Barkskin and Gravity bow, but no bonus that helps with to hit or hitting thru DR, as far as I know. And for the record the Ranger has access of the same spells and get full BAB AND favoured enemy.

Flanking doesn’t help if you use a bow.
Perhaps I’m ignorant, if so I apologise.

The ranger has access to the same spells, but at a later level and cannot use them as often.

Anyway, I just wanted to assert that the Hunter certainly does have the ability to boost her to-hit. I don't have the final book (and neither do you), so I have no idea how that ability compares to similar classes like the Alchemist, Magus, Warpriest, Inquisitor, or Bard.

Pathfinder LO Special Edition Subscriber
While he definitely looks feral, he probably isn't the feral hunter because the feral hunter trades out the animal companion to gain permanent bonuses, wild shape, and boosts to summoned allies, though perhaps that's a summoned tiger by his side.

...but...but...hovering over the image says 'FeralHunter'! So many lies!

Gotta say the revisions to the casting have me intrigued. I always wanted something more spontaneous and nature-y.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I followed this class's playtest pretty closely. I find the casting changes and teased mechanics to be pretty tantalizing.

People (like Zark) are worried about this class's combat viability, but I recall being promised teamwork feats to help with accuracy and this new class ability may be a solution to that as well. I am not sure to what extent displaced wealth will help in the long run but I suppose that is a factor as well.

I am agog.


Aleron wrote:

While he definitely looks feral, he probably isn't the feral hunter because the feral hunter trades out the animal companion to gain permanent bonuses, wild shape, and boosts to summoned allies, though perhaps that's a summoned tiger by his side. /quote]

...but...but...hovering over the image says 'FeralHunter'! So many lies!

Gotta say the revisions to the casting have me intrigued. I always wanted something more spontaneous and nature-y.

I don't get to see what it says in the hover until after I already wrote the blog, and remember I wasn't here at the time, so in some ways, I basically am writing all these blogs as "the fan who got the book really early and immediately went to check what was new and cool for each class" ;)

1 person marked this as a favorite.

this class also looks awesome

if this ever gets a firearm archetype i could make a proper Mordecai

Paizo Employee

Mark Seifter wrote:
I don't get to see what it says in the hover until after I already wrote the blog, and remember I wasn't here at the time, so in some ways, I basically am writing all these blogs as "the fan who got the book really early and immediately went to check what was new and cool for each class" ;)

That's awesome! Hope you're enjoying your early book as much as we're enjoying the previews :)

In all seriousness, it hadn't occurred to me how much sense it makes to have "the new guy" do the previews.


This actually looks like it might be wothwhile now. I like the free Precise Shot at 2nd, but with 3/4 BAB I'm worried about not getting Improved untill 15th. Might end up being like the inquisitor and killing the class in the end (for me), but I guess time will tell.


3 people marked this as a favorite.
Landon Winkler wrote:
Mark Seifter wrote:
I don't get to see what it says in the hover until after I already wrote the blog, and remember I wasn't here at the time, so in some ways, I basically am writing all these blogs as "the fan who got the book really early and immediately went to check what was new and cool for each class" ;)

That's awesome! Hope you're enjoying your early book as much as we're enjoying the previews :)

In all seriousness, it hadn't occurred to me how much sense it makes to have "the new guy" do the previews.


I sure am! Actually, it wasn't for that reason that I wound up doing these 4—each author did their own classes, but that left 4 of Sean's and no Sean. Someone had to do them, and I was happy to chip in.

Grand Lodge

Hey mark, if the hunter can select spells that appear on both ranger/druid spell lists at a lower level, does that mean spells like magic fang are available as a cantrip?


2 people marked this as a favorite.
London Duke wrote:
Hey mark, if the hunter can select spells that appear on both ranger/druid spell lists at a lower level, does that mean spells like magic fang are available as a cantrip?

In that particular example, both classes get it as a 1st-level spell, so the lower of the 2 levels is still 1.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
London Duke wrote:
Hey mark, if the hunter can select spells that appear on both ranger/druid spell lists at a lower level, does that mean spells like magic fang are available as a cantrip?

It's at THE lower level, not a lower level. I had the same misreading initially. So pick the lower of Ranger and Druid

Edit: Hunter's stealthy animal companion was using focuses well and ninjad me

Xethik wrote:
London Duke wrote:
Hey mark, if the hunter can select spells that appear on both ranger/druid spell lists at a lower level, does that mean spells like magic fang are available as a cantrip?

It's at THE lower level, not a lower level. I had the same misreading initially. So pick the lower of Ranger and Druid

Edit: Hunter's stealthy animal companion was using focuses well and ninjad me

I'm glad I'm not the only one who misread that as 'get cure light wounds as a cantrip/orison'

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Apparently the Feral Hunter lets you apply class levels to the summons. Ninja summon nature's allies are pretty strong

Mark had to delete his reply and make me look ridiculous. There has to be some major ninja buffs in the ACG he has access to.

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber

I really don't know why everyone seems to think the 3/4 bab is such a hinderence. My sister's level 2 druid almost never missed when cracking fools upside the head with her quarterstaff & my rogue only misses when my dice decide that they hate me. I think the hunter will be just fine, especially when one considers all of the aforementioned buffs.

Personally, I'm still not sold on the classes concept, but I'm definitely more interested than I was before.

Ross Byers wrote:
The ranger has access to the same spells, but at a later level and cannot use them as often.

True, but that is not really a problem at level 13. Pearls of Power are cheap.

Ross Byers wrote:

Anyway, I just wanted to assert that the Hunter certainly does have the ability to boost her to-hit.

So does the ranger. No snark intended.

Ross Byers wrote:

I don't have the final book (and neither do you), so I have no idea how that ability compares to similar classes like the Alchemist, Magus, Warpriest, Inquisitor, or Bard.

True, that is why I wrote: "That said I know we only get a glimpse of the finish Product"

If I like the new class then cool. If I don't, I got at least 6-8 classes to choose from, where at least 6 of them seems to be classes that I will love :)

That is great!

Especially since a lot of the new classes like the Swashbuckler, Shaman, Inquisitor and Arcanist are classes I’ve been dreaming of playing. The fact that Classes like the Slayer and Bloodrager are classes that seems to surpass my wildest expectation makes it even better!

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Nate Z wrote:
I really don't know why everyone seems to think the 3/4 bab is such a hinderence. My sister's level 2 druid almost never missed when cracking fools upside the head with her quarterstaff & my rogue only misses when my dice decide that they hate me.

The difference in BAB progression gets wider as level rises. At level 2, there is only a +1 difference between a druid and a fighter with the same set of stats (in practice, the fighter will be another couple points higher because he didn't spend as much point buy on Wis, so he has a higher Str/Dex, and is more likely to invest in feats like Weapon Focus.)

At level 20, the difference is +5, plus all those other differences I mentioned.

I think Hunter players will find a way. I'm just pointing out that 'level 2' is not the right data point for a comparison.

Ross Byers wrote:
Nate Z wrote:
I really don't know why everyone seems to think the 3/4 bab is such a hinderence. My sister's level 2 druid almost never missed when cracking fools upside the head with her quarterstaff & my rogue only misses when my dice decide that they hate me.

The difference in BAB progression gets wider as level rises. At level 2, there is only a +1 difference between a druid and a fighter with the same set of stats (in practice, the fighter will be another couple points higher because he didn't spend as much point buy on Wis, so he has a higher Str/Dex, and is more likely to invest in feats like Weapon Focus.)

At level 20, the difference is +5, plus all those other differences I mentioned.

I think Hunter players will find a way. I'm just pointing out that 'level 2' is not the right data point for a comparison.


Also most Druids doesn't focus on archery so you can’t really compare the hunter to a druid.

Ross Byers wrote:
Nate Z wrote:
I really don't know why everyone seems to think the 3/4 bab is such a hinderence. My sister's level 2 druid almost never missed when cracking fools upside the head with her quarterstaff & my rogue only misses when my dice decide that they hate me.

The difference in BAB progression gets wider as level rises. At level 2, there is only a +1 difference between a druid and a fighter with the same set of stats (in practice, the fighter will be another couple points higher because he didn't spend as much point buy on Wis, so he has a higher Str/Dex, and is more likely to invest in feats like Weapon Focus.)

At level 20, the difference is +5, plus all those other differences I mentioned.

I think Hunter players will find a way. I'm just pointing out that 'level 2' is not the right data point for a comparison.

I just hope that there is a to-hit buff on the class somewhere (like you suggested) so the difference isn't a +10 or +15 compared to the fighter or ranger at level 20.

Mark Seifter wrote:
Zark wrote:

Great blog post Mark.

Hunter is one of the classes that I have been very hesitant about but I am far more interested now.

Lot of nice changes to the class, still there are some question marks remaining.

Precise shot at level 2 is nice, but that will mean that you have to struggle at level 1.
Pets start to lose power rapidly at level 10 – 12. Hitting thru DR and weak will saves are a constant problem and the will saves mean you more or less have to raise Int to 3 so it can pick iron will and improved iron will. (To me the ability point increase to int is an ability point tax.)

Also, this is a 3/4 BAB class that really seem to lack to boost its bonus to hit. So if the pet will fall behind at mid levels and the Hunter is a 3/4 class that lack ability to boost to hit and damage what is it going to bring to the party.
Also magic items to keep both the Pet and the hunter valid at higher levels really drain the Hunter.

Finally, although the very cool change to spell casting is a very much needed boost to the class I can see this as a potential problem, especially if you have a grumpy GM that don’t like the idea that a class can use level 2 spells and level 1.

Again. I love the blog post and the class seem to have improved immensely, but I still see some issues with the class. That said I know we only get a glimpse of the finish product, so I hope these issues have been dealt with. At least the problem of Pets losing power and the problem of the hunters bonus to hit.

With the new teamwork feats in here (some of which at least I think were in the second playtest), whether you're an archer or a meleer, you should be able to get some extra accuracy from your animal companion, and the ranger buff spells help (aspect of the falcon at 1st level improves to-hit and crits, lead blades and gravity bow are big boosts for damage, etc).

If you consider the companion to be a liability at higher levels but really want one at lower levels, can't say my experience...

Teamwork feats for extra accuracy? Inquisitor and I thank you :)

so here is a good question, what race is the iconic hunter going to be and from where do they hail?

I like the teeth on his boots.

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

Blackvial wrote:
so here is a good question, what race is the iconic hunter going to be and from where do they hail?

We know that the iconic hunter is female, since that's the pronoun used in the playtest.

We've seen (blurry) art of the iconic together, so we know she's human or half-elf. Possibly elf, if not a very tall one.

We currently have two female half-elf iconics and only one male half-elf iconics, so she's probably human.

Ross Byers wrote:
Blackvial wrote:
so here is a good question, what race is the iconic hunter going to be and from where do they hail?

We know that the iconic hunter is female, since that's the pronoun used in the playtest.

We've seen (blurry) art of the iconic together, so we know she's human or half-elf. Possibly elf, if not a very tall one.

We currently have two female half-elf iconics and only one male half-elf iconics, so she's probably human.

so human is your guess, where from?

edit:I should also ask what ethnic group of human as well

Torbyne wrote:
Teamwork feats for extra accuracy? Inquisitor and I thank you :)

I would bet a decent little sum that it will be only for animal companions and their owner.

Good job on another awesome preview Mark! I was fairly 'meh...' about the class during the playtest. Now, I'm going to have to give it a serious look.

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If an Inquisitor and a Hunter pick the same Teamwork feats with their class features, why wouldn't said feats interact with each other?

The class looks pretty cool mechanically.

But I'm still scratching my head as to why it's a full "new" class when it's basically a glorified ranger archetype. Paizo could have taken some risks with this slot and made something weird instead. Shame.

Dark Archive

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Ventnor wrote:
If an Inquisitor and a Hunter pick the same Teamwork feats with their class features, why wouldn't said feats interact with each other?

I suspect he meant that the teamwork feats might have a prerequisite to take them of "Animal Companion", or such thus limiting who can pick them up.

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