Skull & Shackles: All Aboard for Adventure

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Ahoy, maties! Ye be embarkin' on the Pathfinder Adventure Card Game: Skull & Shackles preview blog with me, developer Gaby Weidling! YARRR! Okay, seriously, enough with the pirate talk. I just can't keep that up for a whole post. A few of you might remember my Skull & Shackles announcement blog from a while back, and if you don't, you can find it here. I'm almost sorry for all the pirate puns I put in there. In that blog, I mentioned some cool stuff you should expect from this set, but I was pretty vague—partially because, well, you know, we didn't want to spoil all the surprises, and partially because we hadn't finished writing everything yet. But now is the time for some details and probably some more piratical puns.


All right, so I talked about sharks in that last blog. Twice. They're not actually the be-all and end-all of this set, but sharks are pretty darn cool, so let's spend a moment on them.

We've got at least one shark per adventure. The thing about sharks is that you can't evade them. Any of them. Ever. But it's okay. Look at that Tiger Shark. He's smiling! He totally doesn't want to eat you. Anyway, that was the obligatory shark section of this post, because my boss at Lone Shark Games demanded it, and you know how he can be. Let's move on to some of the newer and wackier stuff.


I can pew-pew-pew and so can you-you-you! Pirates wouldn't be anything without some sweet guns.

Here you can see the Blunderbuss and Pepperbox. The thing about guns is that they're pretty unreliable—misfires all over the place. They pack a pretty good wallop, but on a bad roll, you might end up burying your gun, and then you might be weaponless. That's not what you want as a pirate...

... unless you're Lirianne the Gunslinger, one of the new characters in the set.

Lirianne is never going to lose a gun as long as she's got a backup plan. And Lirianne always has a backup plan.


Swashbuckling is an important part of being a pirate. Sometimes Swashbuckling is helpful, and sometimes it isn't. Some cards, like the Shackles Pirate, are easier to beat if your check has the Swashbuckling trait. For this card, you'll get an extra d4.

Other cards, like the Marine, are unimpressed by your Swashbuckling and are actually harder to defeat with it.

Whether or not you want to swashbuckle can be a bit of a gamble. And you're not just inherently full of Swashbuckling awesomeness. You'll have to gain it in some way, usually from a boon. One of the best ways to get it is by playing an ally to explore again. For example, if you discard the jaunty gnomish pirate Giffer Tibbs, she lets you explore again, and she adds the Swashbuckling trait to all of your combat checks during that exploration.


Some of you may have already heard tell of the fearsome Hirgenzosk. He's only a Combat 30 to defeat, and he isn't dealing damage to you, just your ship. Oh, and he has this text: "If Hirgenzosk would be defeated, he is undefeated." So there's that. He's just a big bundle of cuddles that wants to eat you and your ship.


There's a lot going on with ships, so I'm just going to dive right in. Meet the Merchantman.

This is the ship your party has when you start Skull & Shackles. On the right side, it's got some Check to Defeat numbers. Note the Wisdom and Survival check. That's going to be a recurring theme with ships. It would be unwise to be unwise in this set, or at least, that's the word on the stree- ... I mean, the word on the sea. To the left of the lovely ship art, you'll see the words "Class 0". Pretend you didn't see that yet. Just trust me.

On the bottom of the card, you'll see two boxes. One says "WHEN ENCOUNTERING THIS SHIP", and the other says "WHEN COMMANDING THIS SHIP". The easiest way to explain all this is to introduce you to some ship combat. That's right. You have a ship, and you can use it to fight other ships. Pretty rad! Anyway, sometimes you'll be bopping around locations, and you'll encounter another ship—which means it's time for ship-to-ship combat. Merchantman, meet the Shackles Pirate Ship.

They aren't friends. Time to fight! Let's look at one example where you lose and another where you win.

Losing at Ship Combat

The first thing we want to do is take a look at how to defeat the Shackles Pirate Ship. Surprise! One of the options is a Wisdom or Survival check. We'll do that one. Now look at the "WHEN ENCOUNTERING THIS SHIP" power. Having the Swashbuckling trait on your check adds 1? Sounds great! Let's say you have that. Now take a peek at the "WHEN COMMANDING THIS SHIP" power on the Merchantman. Oh, that's about plunder. That won't help you here. That only helps if you win. We'll revisit that in the section about not losing at ship combat. Guess it's time to roll the dice. Oh, no! Horror of horrors! You totally flubbed your roll and got a 3. Even with the 1 from having the Swashbuckling trait, you still don't have enough to beat the Shackles Pirate Ship. Looks like the Merchantman is going to take some Structural damage.

Like damage from monsters, Structural damage is determined by the difference between your roll and what you needed to roll, but it's dealt to your ship, not to you. You had a total of 4 against a 6, so your ship is going to take 2 Structural damage. And your armor can't help you here, because you're not the one being dealt the damage. But don't fret, Dear Readers! There is a way to protect your beloved Merchantman. Any character can discard cards to help alleviate the damage your ship takes: Structural damage is reduced by 1 for each card discarded.

So if you and I were playing, and my hand was empty because I'm the worst, it would be up to you to discard 2 cards, or our ship would be wrecked. So let's say you discard 2 cards and save the ship. Good job! The encounter ends. The mean ship would go back to wherever it belongs and the game would keep going. But what if you and I were playing and I had no cards in my hand because I'm the worst, and you had no cards in your hand because you're also the worst? Well, the poor old Merchantman would be wrecked. Which means we would flip that card over.

Holy sea cucumbers, there's a back? Indeed there is. Our ship is now wrecked and sad and sepia-toned. But fear not, there is a way to repair the ship. You can find that in the Check to Repair box. In this case, it's a Craft 6 check. Remember when I said Wisdom and Survival were a recurring theme? So is Craft. You're going to want to be crafty if your ship takes damage. At the start of each player's move step, if the ship is wrecked, that player can attempt a check to repair the ship.

But why do you care if your ship is wrecked? Well, if you're greedy and like getting new cards for your character, you'll want to right that ship pronto because your hard-earned plunder will start to float away, starting at the end of your turn. There's also a "WHEN COMMANDING THIS SHIP" power on the back that's not as helpful as the one on the front, so if you encounter another ship while yours is wrecked, your ship isn't really going to help out. It's too busy trying to keep its masthead above water. In some cases, the new power is downright nasty. Check out the Merchantman's. You might fail to defeat a bane with the Pirate trait—you've already proven you aren't good at fighting, since your ship is wrecked—and then you'd have to bury a card! And worst of all, there's the thing that happens when your ship is wrecked and your ship takes damage again… well, let's just save that horror show for when it happens, okay?

I am now pretty bummed because of all the losing we've just done. Let's talk about what happens when you win at ship combat.

Winning at Ship Combat

Ok, so we're doing the same thing, but this time when you roll, you succeed. That Shackles Pirate Ship is toast! Toast, I say! Several things happen now. The first is that you gain a plunder card for beating a ship. Huzzah! But what is plunder? And what does the "WHEN COMMANDING THIS SHIP" power on the Merchantman mean?

Plunder is a reward you can earn in Skull & Shackles. Things will often tell you to "roll on the Plunder Table," which is pretty meaningless until you look at this card.

You get plunder from being good at pirating. When this happens, you get to roll a d6 and put a random card of that type facedown under your ship. (No peeking!) While you command the Merchantman, you get to choose the plunder type you want… if you are willing to discard a card from the blessings deck. Well, I'm willing to do that, so let's toss one and select "weapon" for our plunder type, because Gaby needs a new cutlass. Hopefully that's what we'll draw… but we'll never know, because this is all hypothetical. Sorry to leave you hanging.

So what's that plunder do? Nothing yet—it's part of your reward for winning the scenario. And there are ways you can lose it, so keep it safe, or it's going back in the box!

Back to beating the other ship. Besides gaining plunder, you may have the opportunity to seize the ship you just trounced. That doesn't mean you get to check it off on your fleet card (which I haven't told you about yet), but it does mean you can use the seized ship for the rest of the scenario. Sometimes you'll be happy with the ship you have, and sometimes you'll want to seize the ship you just conquered. If you seize the Shackles Pirate Ship now, the next time you encounter a ship during this scenario, you'll be able to discard a card from the blessings deck when your check has the Swashbuckling trait to add a 1d12 to your check to defeat that other ship as per the Shackles Pirate Ship's "WHEN COMMANDING THIS SHIP" power.

Ship Things That Aren't Combat

Ships also have some uses outside of combat, like helping you move characters around. You know that move step at the beginning of your turn? In scenarios where your ship isn't anchored (which means it can only stay at one location and can't move), the ship goes with you when you move and so can anybody else at your location. Pretty handy, right? Of course, you don't all have to move with the ship.

Of course, I can't forget about the thing I told you to ignore earlier: the part that says "Class 0" on the Merchantman and Shackles Pirate Ship. For that, you'll need the fleet card that is conveniently located on the back of your Plunder Table. (Or is the Plunder Table on the back of the fleet card?) Anyway, take a look at this card.

All ships have a class, and as you play your way through Skull & Shackles, you'll occasionally gain the reward of selecting a ship from a specified class for your fleet. When you gain a Class 1 ship, you can put a check mark next to the Man's Promise or the Truewind. And when you start the next scenario, your party can choose any ship you have checked.

A Final Note about Ships

I'd be pretty mad at myself if I didn't include a sneak preview of one of the promo cards. This is my favorite card in the whole set. Bonus points to you if you can figure out why.

I mean, look at it! It's awesome. Steal some stuff from your friends in true goblin pirate fashion! Hint: that's not why this is my favorite card.

But hey, let's go ahead and spill the beans about a bunch of promo cards! Tanis already told you about Ranzak a while back, but as they say in the Shackles, that's just the tip of the Hirgenzosk.

This month, along with Paizo's July product releases, retailers should be receiving a packet officially announcing the Pathfinder Adventure Card Guild Organized Play program, and to make sure we got their attention, we stuffed it with copies of the second S&S promo card, the goblin ally Mogmurch. So tell your retailer to keep an eye out for it, and let them know you want one of those promo cards!

At Gen Con in August, we'll be debuting our convention promo for the next six months: a barrier called Goblin Keelhaulin'. You can get it just for demoing Skull & Shackles at the booth. Oh, and customers who buy the Skull & Shackles Base Set at the booth will get our August retail promo card for free.

So what's a retail promo card? Well, every month, we send a different card to retailers along with their shipment of that month's goodies. Here's the retail promo card schedule for the duration of the Skull & Shackles Adventure Path.

Goblin Weidling — August 2014
Owlbeartross — September 2014
Goblin Pegleg — October 2014
Magpie Princess — November 2014
Mistmourn — December 2014
Goblin Buckler Gun — January 2015

And that's not even all of the promo cards for Skull & Shackles. We have three more that we're not ready to talk about just yet!

As always, Pathfinder Adventure Card Game subscribers will be shipped promo cards along with their subscription orders. Ranzak, Mogmurch, Goblin Keelhaulin', and Goblin Weidling will all ship with the August shipment. Owlbeartross will ship with the September subscription shipment, and so on.

I think I've shared enough about Skull & Shackles with you now. You know about ships, sharks, swashbuckling, guns, dear ol' Hirgenzosk, and a bunch of the promo cards, so you'll just have to wait until the next PACG blog (hint: check back next Wednesday!) to learn more. Thanks for reading, and have a wonderfully piratical day!

Gaby Weidling
Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Developer

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1 person marked this as a favorite.
Feegle wrote:
brad2411 wrote:
Feegle wrote:
I'm about halfway through this blog post, and I feel the need to say that I'm really enjoying Gary's writing style. Please let him write ALL THE BLOG POSTS from now on. :)
Do you mean "Gaby"
Oops, yes I do. And with that correction, then I also mean "Please let him or her (as appropriate) write ALL THE BLOG POSTS from now on."

post-correction, can I second this. I actually laughed out loud at that blog post this morning, despite the fact that it was 7:00 AM and I would normally be cursing having to get ready for work...

Vic Wertz wrote:

Ships and movement are actually pretty easy:


awesome. thanks Vic. while you're feeling rule-y, can I trouble you by asking if ships will get checked off as soon as they're boarded? I'm assuming so, logically. one wouldn't take over a ship and then totally abandon it at the end of the scenario, right?

EDIT: Ha! ignore me. can't read apparently. thanks First World Bard.

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Gaby's Blog Post wrote:
Back to beating the other ship. Besides gaining plunder, you may have the opportunity to seize the ship you just trounced. That doesn't mean you get to check it off on your fleet card (which I haven't told you about yet), but it does mean you can use the seized ship for the rest of the scenario.

So no, looks like you abandon it, unless it's your reward for the scenario. Who wants a crummy second-hand ship anyway? Those things spring a leak right when you sail them out of port. :P

Isn't it a little broken to have a henchman you can't defeat? This renders the location unclosable (in regard to permanent closure).

I'm not fond of this mechanic. It seems contrary to the spirit of the game.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

6 people marked this as a favorite.

1. We never told you how Hirgenzosk gets put into play.
2. Getting to close a location permanently is a privilege, not a right. :-)

elcoderdude wrote:

Isn't it a little broken to have a henchman you can't defeat? This renders the location unclosable (in regard to permanent closure).

I'm not fond of this mechanic. It seems contrary to the spirit of the game.

I would wait until you at least have a copy of the game before complaining about something being broken. We don't even know if the Hirgenzosk goes in location decks.

No need to panic, you can also close a location permanently by luring the villain there then defeating the villain. Some scenarios also have alternative methods for closing locations.

They have a plan. All will be revealed. Ask again later...

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
elcoderdude wrote:
Isn't it a little broken to have a henchman you can't defeat? This renders the location unclosable (in regard to permanent closure).

Note that he doesn't have the standard Henchman boilerplate of "if defeated, you may attempt to close your location."

Scarab Sages

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Hirgenzosk's a hated foe
Who brings your ship a lot of woe.
He's a really mighty brute,
But beating him yields zero loot.
That dragon turtle I'd fain kill...
Too bad that's beyond my skill.

Vic Wertz wrote:

1. We never told you how Hirgenzosk gets put into play.

2. Getting to close a location permanently is a privilege, not a right. :-)

Yeah, I'd rather assumed it was evident that it (he?) wouldn't function like a normal henchman. I was mostly just being a bit pantomime in the post that started this fuss

The_Napier wrote:
Vic Wertz wrote:

1. We never told you how Hirgenzosk gets put into play.

2. Getting to close a location permanently is a privilege, not a right. :-)
Yeah, I'd rather assumed it was evident that it (he?) wouldn't function like a normal henchman. I was mostly just being a bit pantomime in the post that started this fuss

Even if he works as a normal henchmen that wont turn a scenairo unwinnable. You may temporaly close the location, or defeat the villain there to get rid of the majestic turtle.

I have a couple of rules questions about Lirianne:

1. When she uses the Blunderbuss (for example) and uses her power to bury a different card for the extra 2d6, does she still roll to shuffle the 'buss into her deck?

2. If yes, and she rolls 1 or 2, can she use her power to shuffle yet another card into her deck or can she not use the same power again during the same check?

(My answers at the moment would be 1. Yes she must roll for the shuffle because she didn't bury the firearm, and 2. Depends whether the shuffle roll is done immediately on playing the card, or after the check is finished - personally I'd say it's immediate and so she can't use the power again.)

Nefrubyr wrote:

I have a couple of rules questions about Lirianne:

1. When she uses the Blunderbuss (for example) and uses her power to bury a different card for the extra 2d6, does she still roll to shuffle the 'buss into her deck?

2. If yes, and she rolls 1 or 2, can she use her power to shuffle yet another card into her deck or can she not use the same power again during the same check?

(My answers at the moment would be 1. Yes she must roll for the shuffle because she didn't bury the firearm, and 2. Depends whether the shuffle roll is done immediately on playing the card, or after the check is finished - personally I'd say it's immediate and so she can't use the power again.)

I'd reckon yes and yes, for 1) because I agree with you, and for 2), because I think that's the implication of just how good she is with guns. But I can see the argument for saying no to the 'using power twice' as well...

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Nefrubyr wrote:

I have a couple of rules questions about Lirianne:

1. When she uses the Blunderbuss (for example) and uses her power to bury a different card for the extra 2d6, does she still roll to shuffle the 'buss into her deck?

2. If yes, and she rolls 1 or 2, can she use her power to shuffle yet another card into her deck or can she not use the same power again during the same check?

(My answers at the moment would be 1. Yes she must roll for the shuffle because she didn't bury the firearm, and 2. Depends whether the shuffle roll is done immediately on playing the card, or after the check is finished - personally I'd say it's immediate and so she can't use the power again.)

Huh, my gut feelings would be 1)No and 2) N/A. My thinking being from the firearm's point of view, it was buried, but then Lirianne pulled a switcharoo. Basically, it feels weird to do both the "You may bury this card to" text and the "If you did not bury this card" text to me. Guess we'll ask for clarification, or see if the new rulebook clears that one up.

Scarab Sages

Firearms appear to be a bury OR shuffle, but not both. Her power says she may "keep it and instead" do one of those two actions - whichever the player chose when playing the card - with a different card. So you wouldn't bury with one card and shuffle with another, because the Blunderbuss only shuffles "If you did not bury..."

Vic Wertz wrote:
JBiggs78 wrote:
Safe to assume the other three promos will be OP related?
Not a safe assumption.

Hmmmm.... you guys like keeping us on our toes, huh? Can't wait to see what you have in store.

Calthaer wrote:
Firearms appear to be a bury OR shuffle, but not both. Her power says she may "keep it and instead" do one of those two actions - whichever the player chose when playing the card - with a different card. So you wouldn't bury with one card and shuffle with another, because the Blunderbuss only shuffles "If you did not bury..."

I think I see what you're getting at... you'd go through the whole action with the firearm, then afterwards if it was buried or shuffled you use her power once to substitute another card.

To put it another way, finish reading and doing the whole power before burying or shuffling the card.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Nefrubyr wrote:
Calthaer wrote:
Firearms appear to be a bury OR shuffle, but not both. Her power says she may "keep it and instead" do one of those two actions - whichever the player chose when playing the card - with a different card. So you wouldn't bury with one card and shuffle with another, because the Blunderbuss only shuffles "If you did not bury..."

I think I see what you're getting at... you'd go through the whole action with the firearm, then afterwards if it was buried or shuffled you use her power once to substitute another card.

To put it another way, finish reading and doing the whole power before burying or shuffling the card.

Pretty much. Another way to see it is that for Lirianne, replace the words "this card" with "another card" anytime burying or shuffling is mentioned on weapons with the Firearm trait. So the Blunderbuss becomes:

Lirianne's Blunderbuss wrote:
For your combat check reveal this card to use your Dexterity or Ranged skill + 1d10; you may additionally bury another card to add another 2d6. If you did not bury another card, roll 1d6, or 1d12 if you are proficient with weapons; on 1-2 shuffle another card into your deck.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Well, I'd say "this card or another card", since Lirianne has the option of getting rid of the blunderbuss, particularly if her hand is clogged with other firearms. Though I imagine she'd use her favorite gun and reshuffle or bury lesser weapons...

Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Developer

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Oh wow. Comments everywhere! I was just made aware of the fact that people comment on posts because I've never used the internet before and didn't know that. Derp. I'm going to time travel back and reply to some past comments and keep up with new ones! Thanks everyone for reading!

Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Developer

Sarah Bull wrote:

Hey Casey. I am going to attempt to answer these based off what I learned to run the demos at Paizocon Hopefully I don't get anything too wrong....

1. One active ship per party. At the beginning of the scenario you will choose what ship you want to bring from among the different ships you have available on your fleet card.

2. The person who is taking his/her turn is piloting the ship. Anyone at that location is also on the ship. Anyone not at that location is anchored (hopefully I got that word right, I was calling it "land locked" -which was my own wording- all weekend.) On your turn, if you move, anyone else at your location may choose to move with you. Once your turn is over, the next person is now piloting the ship and so on.

3. The ships in the demo were separate cards. You would summon them if you ran into a pirate ship bane for instance. I can't remember the details on those bane cards any longer.

4. It's in addition to the normal exploration.

5. Dunno.

6. I believe it is any damage.

Hopefully I didn't get these too wrong.

Thanks for answering Casey's questions. You were pretty much spot on!

Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Developer

Hawkmoon269 wrote:
Gaby Weilding wrote:

I'd be pretty mad at myself if I didn't include a sneak preview of one of the promo cards. This is my favorite card in the whole set. Bonus points to you if you can figure out why.

Image of Goblin Weilding

I mean, look at it! It's awesome. Steal some stuff from your friends in true goblin pirate fashion! Hint: that's not why this is my favorite card.

Here are my guesses as to why it is your favorite card:

1. You love red colored birds.
2. You love monkeys.
3. You love eye patches on fictional fantasy creatures.
4. You are a fan of Kevin Yan's artwork.
5. Your favorite numbers are 5 and 4.
6. Oh wait, it is the name...Goblin. You love the name Goblin.

Let me know how I claim those bonus points!

You found me out. I love red colored birds. Green birds, no thanks.

Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Developer

Feegle wrote:
brad2411 wrote:
Feegle wrote:
I'm about halfway through this blog post, and I feel the need to say that I'm really enjoying Gary's writing style. Please let him write ALL THE BLOG POSTS from now on. :)
Do you mean "Gaby"
Oops, yes I do. And with that correction, then I also mean "Please let him or her (as appropriate) write ALL THE BLOG POSTS from now on."

Haha, thanks! That would be her. I'm afraid I don't have time to write all these posts but I'm glad you enjoyed reading this one!

Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Developer

First World Bard wrote:
Well, I'd say "this card or another card", since Lirianne has the option of getting rid of the blunderbuss, particularly if her hand is clogged with other firearms. Though I imagine she'd use her favorite gun and reshuffle or bury lesser weapons...

Yeah, believe it or not there could be a time where Lirianne is like, "Oh kraken dung, I have way too many guns," and will opt to get rid of the least powerful ones.

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2011 Top 32

Gaby Weidling wrote:
Yeah, believe it or not there could be a time where Lirianne is like, "Oh kraken dung, I have way too many guns," and will opt to get rid of the least powerful ones.

Probably not that unusual - there are many times as I play my solo Merisiel in Runelords that I look at my hand and think "three crossbows is too many!" One weapon is great, too many and your hand is choked with cards that could be better.

totally hoping one of her roles gives her dual pistols

Scarab Sages

Gaby Weidling wrote:

Thanks for answering Casey's questions. You were pretty much spot on!

Glad to know I didn't give bad info. =)

The_Napier wrote:
totally hoping one of her roles gives her dual pistols

Dual pistols... drool. That would be so fun.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

It's not exactly stated, but concerning Structural Damage...

Can any character discard cards to reduce that damage, even if they are not currently on the ship?

I'm loving how all the promo cards seem to involve kind of selfish mechanics. Like Ranzak can force others to fight his battles and burn the blessings deck for more turns, while this card lets you steal cards from other players' discard piles.

Makes sense to include mechanics like these as promos. They're fun, but ultimately should be optional :P

Ironvein wrote:

It's not exactly stated, but concerning Structural Damage...

Can any character discard cards to reduce that damage, even if they are not currently on the ship?

Short answer : Yes.

Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Designer

3 people marked this as a favorite.

A week later, I realize how badly I mangled the Love Boat theme reference for this blog's title. Clearly, it should have been "Skull & Shackles: Set a Course for Adventure." This blog title is instead referencing a Thomas the Tank Engine DVD set.

So if you're planning to send angry Love Boat theme-based corrections to Gaby, aim 'em here instead. That means you, Gopher.

Mechalibur wrote:

I'm loving how all the promo cards seem to involve kind of selfish mechanics. Like Ranzak can force others to fight his battles and burn the blessings deck for more turns, while this card lets you steal cards from other players' discard piles.

Makes sense to include mechanics like these as promos. They're fun, but ultimately should be optional :P

I agree completely. I love the selfish mechanics. I will be playing a Ranzak who steals everything and eats up the locations decks. I think that would be a very fun way to play this AP. That is, without seeing all of the other cards that it has to offer.

Mike Selinker wrote:

A week later, I realize how badly I mangled the Love Boat theme reference for this blog's title. Clearly, it should have been "Skull & Shackles: Set a Course for Adventure." This blog title is instead referencing a Thomas the Tank Engine DVD set.

So if you're planning to send angry Love Boat theme-based corrections to Gaby, aim 'em here instead. That means you, Gopher.

The good news is, I'm pretty sure that is one of the best Thomas the Tank Engine DVD sets. I mean, its got Steamies vs. Diesels. What more could you want from a Thomas the Tank Engine DVD set?

Scarab Sages

Hawkmoon269 wrote:
The good news is, I'm pretty sure that is one of the best Thomas the Tank Engine DVD sets. I mean, its got Steamies vs. Diesels. What more could you want from a Thomas the Tank Engine DVD set?

Moar purple dinosaurs?

Traits: Human, Pacific Princess Crew, Yeoman Purser
-Recharge this card to add 1d6 to your recharge check
-Discard this card to search your deck for a card with the Pacific Princess Crew trait and put it on top of your deck..

Ally-Julie McCoy
Traits: Human, Pacific Princess Crew, Cruise Director
-Recharge this card to swap any one card in your hand for a card of the same type in your discard pile.
-Bury this card to automatically succeed at your check to acquire an Ally.

Ally-Doc Bricker
Traits: Human, Pacific Princess Crew, Doctor
-Recharge this card to examine the top card of your deck, then recharge a card from your discard pile.
-Instead of your first exploration, bury this card to shuffle 1d4-1 cards from your discard pile into your deck, then reset your hand and end your turn.

Ally- Isaac Washington
Traits: Human, Pacific Princess Crew, Bartender
-Recharge this card to add 1d4 to your check.
-Discard this card to add 1d6 to your check to acquire a boon. If you acquire the boon, you may explore again.

Ally-Captain Stubing
Traits: Human, Pacific Princess Crew, Captain
-Recharge this card to automatically succeed at your Diplomacy check.
-Discard this card to automatically succeed at your Craft check.

Ship-Pacific Princess
Traits: Class 0
Check to Defeat: Charisma / Diplomacy 10 OR Wisdom / Perception 12
-When Encountering This Ship: You may display any number of Allies from your hand. Add one to your check to defeat for each Ally displayed. If you defeat the Pacific Princess, return all displayed Allies to your hand. If the Pacific Princess is undefeated, recharge all displayed Allies.
-When Commanding This Ship: You may bury a card to add 1d10 to your Charisma check.
Check to Repair: Craft 7
-When Commanding This Ship: If you fail to acquire an Ally, discard the top card of your deck.

Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Designer

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In set 8, we'll introduce the ally Ace Evans, and then I wouldn't get too attached to the idea of future releases.

Pathfinder ACG Designer

4 people marked this as a favorite.

I'm not old enough for the thread this turn is taking.

Pathfinder ACG Designer

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Tanis O'Connor wrote:
I'm not old enough for the thread this turn is taking.

Nor to put words in the order right, apparently.

Scarab Sages

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Tanis O'Connor wrote:
Tanis O'Connor wrote:
I'm not old enough for the thread this turn is taking.
Nor to put words in the order right, apparently.

Gettin a little too into character with Ranzak by enjoying your rum I see. ;)

my favorite things about Goblin Weidling :

- it can be repaired with an easy Strenght check. Amiri or Valeros can smash it into a working condition any time!
- you may basically heal the party from each other's discard pile

Tanis O'Connor wrote:
I'm not old enough for the thread this turn is taking.

I know the feels, Tanis. I'm currently in an office as one of the youngest non-interns and I frequently get told "you're too young to get the reference."

(I was actually the youngest for around the first year the office existed. And I'm not exactly young.)

Grand Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Mike Selinker wrote:
In set 8, we'll introduce the ally Ace Evans, and then I wouldn't get too attached to the idea of future releases.

Nice. It took me a little bit to get this one. I'm not sure I'd qualify "Ace" as an ally considering the destruction he's left in his path.

Patron Saint of Shark-Jumping

Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Designer

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Theryon Stormrune wrote:
Mike Selinker wrote:
In set 8, we'll introduce the ally Ace Evans, and then I wouldn't get too attached to the idea of future releases.

Nice. It took me a little bit to get this one. I'm not sure I'd qualify "Ace" as an ally considering the destruction he's left in his path.

Patron Saint of Shark-Jumping

I knew someone would get that joke. For those who haven't, go here.

Grand Lodge

Mike Selinker wrote:
Theryon Stormrune wrote:
Mike Selinker wrote:
In set 8, we'll introduce the ally Ace Evans, and then I wouldn't get too attached to the idea of future releases.

Nice. It took me a little bit to get this one. I'm not sure I'd qualify "Ace" as an ally considering the destruction he's left in his path.

Patron Saint of Shark-Jumping

I knew someone would get that joke. For those who haven't, go here.

I'll stop by the booth in a couple weeks for my bonus card:

Ring of the Minutia

Reveal to add 1d6 to your Knowledge: Trivia

Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Developer

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Casey Weston wrote:

Imagine there are 2 players and 4 locations, where both players begin at the same location. On the first player's turn they decide to move to another location and player 2 decides to stay. Now both players are on different locations. Player 1 ends their turn and now player 2 begins their turn......piloting the ship? That is ... weird.

Don't think of it as "piloting" the ship. On each character's turn, they are commanding the ship - that is, they are giving the orders, and the crew of the ship are carrying out those orders. A typical ship will have more crew than even the largest PACg game, and they're busy doing crew/ship things, not adventurer/exploration things. These things include sailing from location to location between turns.

This is also why many of the Task barriers let characters use as many allies as they have at hand - those specific barriers are the sorts of things where you benefit from having as many people as possible helping. Put another way: you don't want 6 people navigating, because no matter how many courses you get from those 6 people, the ship can only go in one direction. If you're swabbing the decks, though, the more the merrier (or at least, more effective-ier).

Casey Weston wrote:
So essentially the ships during movement only allow for extra movement on other players turns if you are in the same location an active player is when they move, you can move with them ... and that is it? Did I get that right?

All ships have a power that they give to the commander, and they collect plunder. They also allow the commander to bring characters along when they move. They don't allow characters at other locations to move anywhere, because those people aren't where the ship is. If you want to know why you can't "swing by and pick people up", the answer is "the same reason that you can't do that in RotR without a ship." During your turn you don't have time to run grab other people on your way hither and fro -- unless you do, in which case a power will tell you that you do.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Hawkmoon269 wrote:
So if Hirgenzosk was in a location deck and you encountered him and played Disintegrate and rolled above a 30, he'd still be undefeated. But Disintegrate would kick in and let you banish him instead of shuffling him back into the location deck.

Nope. Disintegrate says "If you defeat a non-villain monster when playing this spell, banish that monster, even if it would otherwise be undefeated," but Hirgenzosk says "If Hirgenzosk would be defeated, he is undefeated," not "If Hirgenzosk is defeated, he is undefeated."

We use "would" when we're talking about things that don't actually happen. Take Greater Luckstone from RotR: "If you would fail a check by 2 or less, you may bury this card to succeed." Clearly, when you play that card, you don't fail and then succeed—you simply succeed. That's the power of would.

Since Hirgenzosk is never *actually* defeated, Disintegrate doesn't get to banish him.

Ah...I had assumed that since the cards used the same term (would be) they were essentially applying at the same time. But now I see what you are saying. He is never actually defeated, so that part of Disintegrate never gets invoked. Good to know.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Rulebook, Starfinder Society Subscriber

Noticed the pop culture reference to Love Boat, too lazy to think up something clever about the Happy Days episode where the Fonz jumps the shark, have at it.

Mike Selinker wrote:
Theryon Stormrune wrote:
Mike Selinker wrote:
In set 8, we'll introduce the ally Ace Evans, and then I wouldn't get too attached to the idea of future releases.

Nice. It took me a little bit to get this one. I'm not sure I'd qualify "Ace" as an ally considering the destruction he's left in his path.

Patron Saint of Shark-Jumping

I knew someone would get that joke. For those who haven't, go here.

Showing my age I got this straight up (And I don't remember the character Ace, but I KNEW whom it just had to be)

Gave me a chuckle at work. Thanks !

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