Ransom on the High Seas

Monday, May 13, 2013

Illustration by Craig J Spearing

The sunny skies that Paizo has experienced over the past week have provided a great opportunity to get outside and enjoy the weather. Apparently we weren't the only ones thinking that, and true to form, the pirates of the Shackles paid a visit, boarded the vessel carrying our latest shipment of Chronicle sheets, and spent the weekend roistering just beyond our reach. As I have learned in my move from a relatively landlocked area to the Pacific northwest, such is the price we must pay for good seafood.

Once the pirates realized just what a prize they now hold—I hear the boons are the stuff of legend—they offered to ransom the Chronicle sheets back for the paper's weight in gold! Villains! What I propose is more devious and hopefully far more to the liking of the swashbuckling sorts that frequent the Pathfinder Society. We shall build up our strength and launch a daring raid to take back what is rightfully ours.

So hone your blades and sharpen your wits as you do battle with the foes in Season 4 of Pathfinder Society Organized Play. If we see in our reports that you have soundly beaten all that Varisia can throw at you, then we shall launch that raid, share the spoils, and tell stories about it for years to come. If not... I know that the Skull & Shackles Adventure Path promises adventure on the high seas, but I cannot imagine our Chronicle sheets would survive walking the plank.

Rules for sanctioning the Skull and Shackles Adventure Path for Pathfinder Society Organized Play are ready to launch, but we await your reporting of Season 4 scenarios. Play and report as much as you can. The more activity we see, the sooner you shall see rules for new Adventure Paths. Comment in character here, and so long as I see that you have participated in at least one Season 4 scenario since, you may be one of the characters called out in a later blog's narrative should we perform the raid.

John Compton

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Grand Lodge 5/5

Pirates, Pathfinders. Either way them's good eats.

Scarab Sages

Well, Grigore and Igor and a few other society members went into Riddleport the other day, searching for some pirates who were interfering with society business.

Not a single pirate harmed a hair on the head of our party. The only damage we suffered was from my friends not dodging all the fire I was splashing about.

Silver Crusade 4/5

Mark Moreland wrote:
As a reminder, we've previously stated that characters who play at least one Season 4 scenario before the conclusion of Season 4 will be eligible to receive a boon specifically tailored to the character's faction, reflecting the faction's degree of success in attaining its season-long goals.

How did I miss this?!?!?!

Hmm... I think I've played about 5 or 6 different PCs in season 4 scenarios so far. Do GM credits count? What about 4-EX (Day of the Demon) and Race for the Runecarved Key? I may have to see if I can get these boons on all 13 of my PCs by getting them all into season 4 scenarios by the end of the summer. :)

Paizo Employee Developer

Fromper wrote:

I may have to see if I can get these boons on all 13 of my PCs by getting them all into season 4 scenarios by the end of the summer. :)

By the end of July. Season 5 starts at Gen Con.

Silver Crusade 3/5 *

This season, the Silver Crusade has sent me on several missions. If my help is needed against the pirates, just say the word and I will prepare my spells accordingly.

Sovereign Court 3/5

Qassir wrote:

As it is said, "The Dawnflower offers mercy to those who would repent their evil, and justice to those who won't."

While I appreciate Lady Gabrielle's suggestion of negotiating with these pirates, we cannot allow their thievery to continue. Just giving them money for our property will encourage them to continue such behavior in the future, possibly with lives on the line, and victims who cannot afford their ransom. We must be sure they truly repent their sins and see the light, or put them to the sword. For those are the only two possibilities that prevent future evil acts.

The Lady flutters her fan before gently replying. "You would be correct, if the pirates' ransom demand was agreed upon. Obviously, such a bargain was not struck. The proper response is to offer them a paltry sum, just enough so that returning the Chronicle sheets becomes preferable to dumping them overboard. Have you ever heard of a pirate who turned down gold? After the deal, the pirates will become educated in the futility of stealing items which are worthless to them, as they cannot be traded for a meaningful sum of gold. It would be like being taught that, what is the phrase, 'cheaters never prosper?' Having learned of the Society's response, they will certainly think twice before stealing Chronicle sheets again."

"The matter will be resolved quickly, the pirates will become educated in the consequences of their actions, no lives will need to be risked, and there will be no problems of vengeful pirates who hassle Pathfinders everywhere. In addition, the Chronicle sheets themselves, the hostage in this conflict, will not come to harm. It would be a shame if the Society decided to raid the pirates' ship anyways, and the sheets were to be set aflame during the following battle, would it not?"

"And of course, it would be better if the Pathfinders did not earn a notorious reputation right before engaging in an expedition to the Shackles, am I correct?"

-Lady Gabrielle d'Apcher

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/5 *

Posting first as Lady Roasa Annarey Hellena Del Noire, Baroness of Lower Zimbar, a Lion of Taldan and Cleric of Pharasma (since VO's can't use aliases)

The Baroness del Noire sighed as she fluttered her fan while she looked over the dispatch from the extortionists. For that was what they were.

"Some say that we should treat with these men, seek an equitable resolution in the exchange of gold for our own property. That we should take the high ground against the urge to put blade, spell and prayer to the task of returning that which is ours." She stands and starts to pace as she continues to talk.

"I say that we take this.. unbearded brigand, this.. 'Jolly' John Compton and his band of waterborne bandits and show them WHY the Pathfinder society stands strong against the threats that come to us. I faced the cult of Lissala with a band of fellows this season not once but three times in Varisia. We all have faced off against the Apsis Consortium because we know what they will do to us if we let them. I did my part to help one ally who was framed by internal politics of her nation, despite my lack of regard for her. We are PATHFINDERS. We shall NOT let this insult stand. I say we use our ties to Andoran, Cheliax, Osirion, Qadira and Taldor and bring together ships sufficient to end this foolish man and retreive what is ours. I say we shall NOT wait till the next season to regain what is ours. That is what a Lion of Taldor would do. Who here stands with me!"

Silver Crusade 5/5 5/5 ***

Posting as Iorden of Longacre.

Thomas, the Tiefling Hero! wrote:
Do not mistake my readiness to end evil with an eagerness to see it where it doesn't exist. Rest assured, I know the difference between a man who steals food to survive, and one who owns a ship, pays a crew, and steals more than he needs just so he can feel powerful or fill his coffers.

"Thomas, it is not your zeal that alarms me; it is the conviction that you, or any of us, are worthy to judge. We know only a small portion of the tapestry..." Iorden pauses to consider a better metaphor for a life's events. Failing to come up with a better one in the heat of the moment, he rolls his eyes, sighs, and presses on. "...tapestry of the lives of these men. Why did they become pirates? What drove them to a life that is, in truth, hardly a glamorous or comfortable one? Like me, you were born of mixed heritage in a land that does not well tolerate such backgrounds. Look at how different we are; a perfect example of how one cannot judge an idividual by their current actions alone, but must consider the whole of their experiences, the path they took to get to where they are now.

I do not believe these pirates should be allowed to roam free. They have stolen from the Society, and what was taken should be returned or liberated. However, I see many of my fellow Pathfinders demanding blood in compensation for their loss. I hope they have the wisdom to stay their blades, to retake what is the Society's without resorting to the same murderous tactics as the pirates who have taken it. Taking back what was stolen does not require the death of the thief, especially the crew. We do not know these men and women beyond that they are Shackles pirates. While that might be damning enough for some, I still refuse to end their lives if it is not necessary to reclaim what the Society has lost. I will fight them. I will subdue them. I will take from them what they stole. I will not murder them and I hope to dissuade my fellow Pathfinders from doing so."

Dark Archive 4/5

Randolf Culpher thinks determinedly before he draws his sword and joins the throng of merry, battle-hungry Pathfinders.

"If I go, and get thrown from the ship, I'll sink like a stone in this fine Hellknight armour... Worse yet, if I am pulled from the flotsam, I'll likely rust. The fellows from the Academy back in Egorian will have a good laugh about that! Hrmgnh."

The skinny, raven-haired Signifer scratches his forehead irritably.

"Mind you, Pirates are notoriously undisciplined and wouldn't be able to hold up against my Chelish warrior training! They could be easily cowed, and the booty - errh, gold - will be mine!"

The revolting Signifer grins at this thought, rubbing his chin happily.

"But wait! There's all sorts of disgusting creatures out at sea! Kraken! Merrow! Locathah! Jabberwockies! 'Tis better to stay on land where all you'll be doing is beating halflings and taunting Andoren swine. Yes, better to err on the side of cau---"

With this thought, a band of monstrous Half-orc and Nagaji Pathfinder bodyguards march past and drag the hapless cowardly Signifier into the boat with the rest of the Pathfinder assault team.

Silver Crusade 5/5

Valeria shifts in her gleaming Hellknight armor and regards Iorden with a look of pity. "The circumstances of the crimes do not absolve anyone of the consequences of their actions, sir." Her expression turns hard for a moment and her eyes almost flash as she gives him a hard, probing stare for a few seconds, but this softens before she continues. "Taking back what was stolen may not require the death of the thief, but the pillars of our society demand that they be disciplined. I would be overjoyed if they surrendered the evidence and faced their punishment willingly, but I am not so naive as to expect such an outcome. Now, I must be off. While piracy is universally reviled, local statutes vary on the specific punishments they require. I must research the available options."

Sczarni 1/5

1 person marked this as a favorite.

"Why is everybody staring at me? I swear, every time there's an accusation of 'piracy'..."

Silver Crusade 2/5

Iorden, do not confuse me with those who, as you put it, "demand blood". I do not go looking for a fight; I come prepared to win if they start one. I never take joy in causing pain, and prefer to give evildoers a chance to repent - Iomedae even supernaturally aids me in this by lending power to my words. Although she grants me the strength of arms to strike down those who choose to resolve a conflict violently, she also lets me prepare stabilize so that even they may have another chance.

And do not think I will turn a blind eye to so-called "Pathfinders" who use these recent events as a chance to whitewash their own murderous intent, either.

Silver Crusade 3/5 *

As a follower of Iomedae, I will lend my blade to this cause.

Sczarni 5/5 *

"If it's pirates you are concerned with perhaps I can be of assistance!" A Half-Orc of uncommonly low height speaks out, "I have some contacts and I'd be agreeable to get in touch with them... course I might have to grease some palms and what not. Better if you don't know all the detail right?"

Lighting a pipe and adjusting his shabby Tricorn clearly sporting the holy symbol of Besmara, he continues, "My ship just arrive in port and is a bit low on supplies I could have the dock hands rush the loading but that's gonna cost extra..."

((Posted as Ausk Stormbrow, Inquisitor of Besmara. Recently Returned from the Ruby Phoenix Tourniment after a few 'detours'))

The Exchange 4/5 *

Dakiir can smash pirates, they bad for trade.....and lets not forget that a good punch up is good fun! I'm in

Silver Crusade 1/5

I can make a ninja pirate!!


Well, we've faced a season of ninjas, and now pirates. All we need is robots to complete the trifecta.


Liberty's Edge 4/5

Dmitri Rosolov is reporting for service. I and my ship are ready to once again take to the seas to return that which has wrongfully been taken. Freedom for all Boons!

The Exchange

Falmas sits against a wall, considering a half empty flask which he'd been nursing throughout the debate. When he finally decides to speak, the Elf stands and stretches, his light chain shirt rattling slightly beneath the Glamour of grandiose formal wear that was cast upon it.

"Normally I hate these rowdy calls to arms, but as a Patron of Calistria, I feel a little vengeance is in order. And as the Madame Del Noire so succinctly put it; We've fought much worse than a few lousy pirates." He pauses and takes a sip from the flask, wincing a bit at the alcohol contained within as it burns down his throat.

"I'm willing to offer my own Vessel to sail out and fight, if you all should have need of her. Although I wish the Society would clear me to garner some cannons to equip her with, or even some ballista. Once the pirates see us coming, I doubt they'll be very gracious hosts."

Silver Crusade 2/5

You needn't worry about cannons, friend. We'll fly a flag of diplomacy (or whatever it is you seafaring types use to signal an intent to talk), and I'll air walk over to their ship with heroism running and some of Iomedae's grace on hand to aid my words. Anyone with similar capabilities can come with me.

I'll give them the chance to end it all peacefully by returning the stolen goods. If they choose violence instead, I start cutting them down until they see the futility of it all and surrender. I then stabilize their fallen comrades and commandeer the vessel back to port to resolve the issue.

See? No cannons necessary.

Scarab Sages 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 **

"Once we get within sight, I will fly over to make sure that the pirate ship can't flee with strategically thrown bombs to cripple their masts and their helm if necessary."

The Exchange

"No, bombs are too... messy. You might accidentally sink the ship, and then what are we left with? The chronicles are no good to us at the bottom of the sea." The Elf sighs and places the stopper to his flask and tucks it into a pouch on his belt, causing his outfit to shimmer slightly as the illusion around it is disturbed.

"As it happens, I know a certain wizard that specializes in making fireballs into snowballs. With a Rime Rod, he could ensnare most of the troops in one shot and leave the rest for clean up. It's a tactic that's been most useful this season. In any event, Thomas, I doubt Diplomacy would get us very far with pirates. If it did, merchant ships would carry minstrels rather than mercenaries."

Liberty's Edge 3/5 *

"I can help you with your pirate problem" Cheliax Dave says as he loads his pistol. "Especially if those pirates are elves or Varisians!"

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/5 *

(Posting as Cindrana Longpath, Female Tiefling Admixture Wizard, servant of Khamet the Third, the Ruby Prince of Osirion)

"I have listened to the debate among our fellows about our actions," The tattooed tiefling says as she walks in, her robe opening just enough to hint at the massive glowing tattoo on her body before taking a seat. "I learned the secrets of twisting the elemental magic by the Prince's first adviser Janhelia. With those lessons I looked into the underlying principles of metamagic." She pulled out a quartet of rods from her hip quiver. She took each from her tail in turn.

"These are my tools, my fellow pathfinders use swords, words, pistols and other weapons, but these are my weapons." She said plainly. "We'll use all of these to settle this issue. In the end, it will be the Ten... the Decemvirate who will give us the plan that we follow. It might be the path of words and coin. In 4621, they led the Society in the 12-day Siege of the Grand Lodge. Part of that was violence as we repelled the city's forces as the kept us under siege, another part was a war of words as we reestablished a detente with the city's leadership. We, the Society as a whole, rarely let others push us past a certain line. I imagine, speaking as a scholar and mage, that we'll be mixing combination of things. There will be diplomacy, there will be quick lightning strikes, and there will be stealth. In the end, we'll have our possessions back..and I imagine the pirates of the Shackles will learn that you don't steal from the Society without thinking about it twice."

Silver Crusade 3/5 *

Ok, now that I actually have some time to type....

Jander flexes his angelic wings as he adjusts his mithril full plate armor. The sunlight makes him appear a bit "brighter" than those around him, clearly marking him as an aasimar.

"As a follower of Sarenrae, I have a request as we face these pirates. We do not know these people. Many of them could be forced to serve against their will. Others could have become a pirate because they felt they had no other choice. Twice as we battle these pirates, let me give them an offer of redemption. First, before the battle begins, I will offer sanctuary for those who choose to throw down their weapons and not strike against us. This may not only make our battle easier, but may also redeem these individuals. When we believe we have reached the mid-point of the battle, I will repeat my offer a second time. When the pirates understand what they face, they may choose to re-think the path their life has taken them. I plan to treat any indivdiuals who surrender not as prisoners, but as allies. Those who do not accept this offer must be dealt with accordingly."

Jander then unties the weapon cord from his holy scimitar (engraved with the word "Retribution" in celestial) and re-ties it to his merciful heavy mace (engraved with the word "Redemption" in celestial).

Silver Crusade 1/5 *

Mayhaps once you blokes have recovered the chronicle sheets, my bow and the Dawnflower's grace can help these bloody pirates be redeemed.

5/5 5/5 ***

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Posting as Iorden of Longacre.

"Thomas, Hellknight Wintrish, after our debate I believe we will only understand each other if we sail together on this voyage. Let us find a fourth ally and set out at once, that we might judge each other by actions rather than words."

Hefting his swords and pack, Iorden stands up and slings the strap over his shoulder. Fastening it as he walks, the dhampir strides towards the docks of Absalom, pausing only to look back over his shoulder to ensure that Thomas is behind him.

"You coming?"

Jiggy - as both our PCs are in the same level range and I'm hoping to actually play again this summer as the GM pool is starting to grow, we should play these two together to build off this exchange. Zefig, it'll be a bit of a commute for you to come up to Minneosta and join the unit, but... Sniper in the Deep on Sunday?

Edited to bold spoken text.

Silver Crusade 4/5

What's this? A mission to Janderhoff? I'll have to speak with the captains about assigning me to such a task. Such a chance to rediscover history!

Lantern Lodge 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 *****

(posting as Torsten Aedelstan)

I am... not a fan of water, but if the Pathfinder Society needs aid in recovering things from Pirates, I will do what I can on behalf of the Lantern Lodge and the Decemvirate.

Silver Crusade 2/5

Ryan Blomquist wrote:

Posting as Iorden of Longacre.

"Thomas, Hellknight Wintrish, after our debate I believe we will only understand each other if we sail together on this voyage. Let us find a fourth ally and set out at once, that we might judge each other by actions rather than words."

Hefting his swords and pack, Iorden stands up and slings the strap over his shoulder. Fastening it as he walks, the dhampir strides towards the docks of Absalom, pausing only to look back over his shoulder to ensure that Thomas is behind him.

"You coming?"

Jiggy - as both our PCs are in the same level range and I'm hoping to actually play again this summer as the GM pool is starting to grow, we should play these two together to build off this exchange. Zefig, it'll be a bit of a commute for you to come up to Minneosta and join the unit, but... Sniper in the Deep on Sunday?

Indeed, let's see how this goes.

Are you actually playing tomorrow? I got the impression on Meetup that you were GMing.


Eh now laddies, I dunno if ye be a thinkin this thing here through all proper and like.
Speakin from experience now as I be, if ye were to be a raidin these scallywags, then ye just a might be a putting the dear cargo in peril aye.
The thing ta do here me bucko's is ta either be a payin what they be a askin (most scallywags be of an honorable sort once they be a havin what they askin fer) or, ye needs to be a thinking like freebooter yeselves!
Find ye the knowin of who this here cap'n be, troll the taverns an pubs for rumors of his or her crew is a bein, then ye launch yer own raid on something they be a holdin most dear and to be a offerin a trade then. Though I must be admittin that most scallywags would not be a carin even if ya did steal their own mothers and sisters!
Nay laddies, to be a raidin them just be givin them salty dawgs all the more reason to be a drfitin into the mornins mist and to high seas by noon where unless yer craft be a mighty fast one, and yer pilot wise, they simply melt away unto the seas. Best to be just a givin them what they be a askin fer and to settle the matter away all smooth and easy like. Ye raid these dogs with flags a flyin and then they just a set the cargo aflame or drop inta the sea for Ole Davy Jones to be a readin with his morning constitutional.

But again, tis just Ole Hagan's opinion of how the swells do be in this sea, me bein all familiar as it were with the way the winds blow in this sorta thing as it bein.

Keep the wind to yer back and the prize to yer bow laddies.

Half Way Hagan
Pirate Bard

Liberty's Edge 4/5

Waldergrave wrote:
"Once we get within sight, I will fly over to make sure that the pirate ship can't flee with strategically thrown bombs to cripple their masts and their helm if necessary."

"No, no. No need to damage the ship, let's just keep our eyes on the prize, and make sure that the helm remains unmanned."

Callarek's longbow lowers, as the last of his shot arrows causes the latest helmsman to fall over.

Scarab Sages 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 **

"No Falmus, my bombs are NOT messy, they are very precise, hence the use of the word "strategically". I can hit exactly where I want, and only that spot. I can use the force bombs to destroy specific poles in the rigging...I know that fire bombs on a ship would not be a good idea."

"If you feel that my bombs are not good enough to slow down the ship via the rigging, I could use them to target the helmsman to slow the ship. Additionally maybe I will help you and target the archers and ballista that are going to make you a pin cushion."

"Besides, I am not just a mad bomber. I could make infusions for the group to allow them to have a skin of stone along with other defensive abilities. My services as a very strong support personnel is being given to the Pathfinders."

Silver Crusade 2/5

Thomas climbs up out of the Flotsam Graveyard at the end of "Sniper in the Deep", wringing water from his black ponytail.

Well, that was something. Water breathing and freedom of movement are nice, but I'd still prefer if the recovery of the chronicles remained an "on-deck" affair rather than ending up at the bottom of the sea.

Even so, I've gained a new respect for druids and their shapeshifting abilities. Being able to become a giant octopus is a handy skill, to be sure. That's got to be the most efficient bull's strength I've ever cast...

The Exchange 3/5

Dire portents indicate impending catastrophe for the country of Varisia, for Runelord Karzoug has risen from his 10,000 year slumber. Were this not dire enough circumstance, the Cult of Lissala stands poised to awaken another. At the crux of these events stands a band of brothers in arms, brought together through service to the Pathfinder Society. Aware that Runelord Karzoug has arisen, and suspecting that the Lissalan's near a second awakening, they have taken upon themselves the burden of returning balance to lands that will be shattered should the Runelords once again rise to power. Wielding weapons of power forged at The Runeforge, they shall soon set out for the lost city of Xin-Shalast to meet their destiny against Runelord Karzoug. In preparation for this momentous event, a letter was drafted and sent to their Venture-Captain peers and The Ten who elected them to serve in the event they do not return...

Masters Ten and fellow Venture-Captains,

Tonight I place quill to parchment and hire the fastest couriers in Varisia to bring you news of dire omen: Runelord Karzoug has awoken. I know not for how long he has been awake, but can affirm he has considerable and well-constructed preparations. Though we did not realize as much at the time, we have inadvertently been frustrating his plans in our general efforts to aid the people of Varisia in our recent adventures. A few evenings ago, we did discern the nature of the events of the region, for in his frustration he did speak to us through effigy of magic. We have since been to the ancient Runeforge of Thassilon, and erected weapons of power with which to combat him. In one hour's time, we set forth for the ancient city of Xin-Shalast to confront him. Should we fall in duty to The Society and world at large, use this missive as caution to his awakening.

If this were not dire enough, may this letter bear one additional caution. Since our mission in Palin's Cove when we cme to bear Lissala's Sihedron, our efforts to learn the movements and activities of her cult have been met with far less opposition. We believe they may be on the verge of, or have already, uncovered the location of another sleeping Runelord. I can only advise that you place the importance of uncovering this information as paramount atop our missions of urgency. May Irori and the Celestial Host watch over us in these dark times.

Yours in duty,
Venture-Captain Solail, brother of The Lantern Lodge

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