So You've Survived the End of the World

Thursday, January 3, 2013

So, the end of the world—as supposedly predicted by the Mayans—came and went, and we're all still here. Well, by "here" I mean alive, and by "we" I mean humanity. The more specific statement "we're all still here" meaning "Paizo employees are in the office" is less true. But that doesn't mean you don't get cool holiday season blogs from us.

In the spirit of the end times, I thought it would be fitting to provide a glimpse at what's coming at the start of the new year—a supporting article in Pathfinder Adventure Path #66: The Dead Heart of Xin detailing all seven of the infamous runelords of ancient Thassilon. Because their potential return to the modern world of Golarion could very well usher in a catastrophe even the biggest Mayan prophecy conspiracy theorist couldn't dream up, here are the headshots of all seven. So while you're out enjoying time off work for the holiday season, keep your eyes peeled for Varisia's Most Wanted.

Illustrations by Miguel Regodón

Can you identify all seven?

Mark Moreland

More Paizo Blog.
Tags: Miguel Regodón Pathfinder Adventure Path Shattered Star

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Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

My guess:

Top row: Sorshen, Zutha, Xanderghul. Krune
Bottom row: Karzoug, Belimarius, Alaznist

Very nice to finally see them all!


Hot. I'm so fricken' pleased with these.

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Huey, Dewey, and... no that's wrong.

No 2 kinda look like a Roald Dahl villain if Quentin Blake had drawn in a more realistic style. Awesome!


1 person marked this as a favorite.

Awesome. I love them all. Especially Karzoug. This is the first illustration of him that I've seen that makes me think "immensely powerful ruler" rather than "cartoonishly evil".

I like the Alaznist "Like a boss" face :)


If you really dig all of these, you might want to check this out:

Shattered Star Face Cards

They're all included.

Paizo Employee Developer

As an addendum to the blog's text, we're actually (mostly) all back in the office today. This blog was written with the intent that it'd go live last week when most of the office was in fact absent. But the web team was also absent, so, you know.

Dark Archive RPG Superstar 2015 Top 32

F. Wesley Schneider wrote:

If you really dig all of these, you might want to check this out:

Shattered Star Face Cards

They're all included.

Trying to break into marketing Wes? :-p

Grand Lodge

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Trinite wrote:
Awesome. I love them all. Especially Karzoug. This is the first illustration of him that I've seen that makes me think "immensely powerful ruler" rather than "cartoonishly evil".

I very much agree.

Ever since I saw a picture of Karzoug, I thought if they made this into a movie, he would have to be played by Hugo Weaving, using some kind of mix between his Elrond and Agent Smith.

I've been working on immitating the voice for when my RotR party actually meets him. :P


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I'm also a big fan of this picture of Krune -- or "Runelord Billy Corgan", as he will henceforth be known.

Liberty's Edge

4 people marked this as a favorite.

Really Bad Acting is not a sin (though it should be) and should not enshrine one into the ranks of the Runelords, so I'm not sure what Megan Fox is doing in that lineup.

Dark Archive

They're like, seven kinds of awesome.

I love Belimarius, could totally see her as a spiteful, petty, but terrifyingly powerful woman.

Credit to Miguel Regodón; Sorsha looks appropriately (and likely deceptively) lovely there.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Pathfinder Accessories, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

These are too sick!! And man I need those face cards neow!!

Including these in the Shattered Star Face Cards set means that we'll have two different Karzoug cards (the other one being from the Rise of the Runelords Face Cards set). As much as I prefer not to get overlapping cards (because of the reduction in utility this creates), I have to say that I don't mind in this particular case.


This is in the end of Shattered Star!? Awesome! Love these illustrations!


I've already used this image of Karzoug in my game: just tonight, my players met Mr. Karzoug, thanks to a super-powerful scrying tower that Emperor Xin had built in the First World. I showed them this portrait, and they came away thinking that maybe he wasn't such a bad guy to do business with. I can guarantee you that none of the other pictures of him would have had that effect. :)

Scarab Sages

Very nice indeed. :D

Why am I all of a sudden given to thinking about the Joker cards featured so prominently in the discs of ICP?

Sovereign Court

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The first one on the top left... Megan Fox? Look at her. she looks very much like the actress

AWESOME. *drool*

Grand Lodge

Ok, looking at the picture again, now I cant decide if I think Karzoug would be better suited to be played by Hugo Weaving or Bill Nighy. Im sure both men would give an outstanding performance, but I cant decide which would be better. :P

Grand Lodge

Trinite wrote:
I'm also a big fan of this picture of Krune -- or "Runelord Billy Corgan", as he will henceforth be known.

Im thinking he looks more like Mike O'Malley to me. :P

3 people marked this as a favorite.

I really wish the Billy Corgan Runelord was the one of wrath, because despite all his rage... he is still just a rat in a cage...

Dark Archive

Although I like these, I wish they were more exotic or powerful looking.

Wow ! Awesome ! I'm really impress by these pictures. Even if you don't know anything about them, you can guess which sins they embody just in looking at them.

I especially love Belimarius and Krune.

Lust - Gluttony - Pride - Sloth?
Greed - Envy - Wrath

I'm not sure about Envy and Sloth because I can't find clues like the other ones have.

The first woman is pretty so probably lust.
The second is ugly and fat so probably Gluttony.
The third has peacock feathers so probably vain and pride.
The fourth one has all kinds of words on his face but I really don't know what that means.
The fifth is known from the first AP.
The old lady can be anything, maybe she's jealous on youth?
And the last fiery lady looks like's she's very very mad so Wrath.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
Sincubus wrote:

Lust - Gluttony - Pride - Sloth?

Greed - Envy - Wrath

I'm not sure about Envy and Sloth because I can't find clues like the other ones have.

The first woman is pretty so probably lust.
The second is ugly and fat so probably Gluttony.
The third has peacock feathers so probably vain and pride.
The fourth one has all kinds of words on his face but I really don't know what that means.
The fifth is known from the first AP.
The old lady can be anything, maybe she's jealous on youth?
And the last fiery lady looks like's she's very very mad so Wrath.

The tattoo on the old lady's foreheadis the Thassilonian rune for Envy.

Sincubus : Krune is the runelord of sloth but also the high priest of Lissala, goddess of runes... so having all these words tattooed on his face make sense.

Marketing Director

Mark Moreland wrote:
As an addendum to the blog's text, we're actually (mostly) all back in the office today. This blog was written with the intent that it'd go live last week when most of the office was in fact absent. But the web team was also absent, so, you know.

It was my fault it didn't get posted in a more timely manner, not the fabulous web team. :)

Glad it's up now though - it looks great, Mark!

Scarab Sages

I'm thinkin' Alaznist can rage on me anyday! Damn sexy redheads!

Liberty's Edge

Enlight_Bystand wrote:
Sincubus wrote:

Lust - Gluttony - Pride - Sloth?

Greed - Envy - Wrath

I'm not sure about Envy and Sloth because I can't find clues like the other ones have.

The first woman is pretty so probably lust.
The second is ugly and fat so probably Gluttony.
The third has peacock feathers so probably vain and pride.
The fourth one has all kinds of words on his face but I really don't know what that means.
The fifth is known from the first AP.
The old lady can be anything, maybe she's jealous on youth?
And the last fiery lady looks like's she's very very mad so Wrath.

The tattoo on the old lady's foreheadis the Thassilonian rune for Envy.

This article from Pathfinder Wiki on the Runelords should help.

I do like the images. Two of the Runelords have the "widow's peak" common to many Azlanti men based on descriptions of the ethnic group.

Lev wrote:
Sincubus : Krune is the runelord of sloth but also the high priest of Lissala, goddess of runes... so having all these words tattooed on his face make sense.

Plus his eyes are dark and sort of lazy. Either sloth or too much ganja.

Silver Crusade

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Oh wow. These are great. :D

Xanderghul looks magnificent in the flamboyant way only a classic villain who doesn't give a damn about subtlety can.

It's going to be very hard not to slip into the Monarch's voice...

Krune looks so sleepy and almost put-upon despite his station. Like " mean I have to do some runelording? I guess I probably should..."

Alaznist is probably my favorite though. Damn she mad. Like Azula X 100.

The artist nailed all of their sins. :)

Out of all of them, only Sloth really looks like a 'bad guy'. The others all just scream 'powerful' to me.

Well, Zutha's (Gluttony) undead look screams "bad" to me ...

The Exchange

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber

Sorshen needs some lotion, for that rough, pebbly patch on her shoulder.

Nathan Nasif wrote:
Sorshen needs some lotion, for that rough, pebbly patch on her shoulder.

Better ship some to Karzoug, too - that whole 'behold my third eye' look just isn't working out for him. :P

Bellona wrote:
Well, Zutha's (Gluttony) undead look screams "bad" to me ...

My mistake, I meant Gluttony. Really sick right now and I find myself messing up all the time.

Jenny Bendel wrote:
Mark Moreland wrote:
As an addendum to the blog's text, we're actually (mostly) all back in the office today. This blog was written with the intent that it'd go live last week when most of the office was in fact absent. But the web team was also absent, so, you know.

It was my fault it didn't get posted in a more timely manner, not the fabulous web team. :)

Glad it's up now though - it looks great, Mark!

New(ish) Paizo-person posting!

They are great.

Nathan Nasif wrote:
Sorshen needs some lotion, for that rough, pebbly patch on her shoulder.

Those're her ioun stones, which artists can never keep consistent.

Pity her hair's not as feathered as it usually is, though. It looks more like Iggwilv's than Utsuho's in this picture.

Dark Archive

Always thought Hugo Weaving would make a bad-ass Karzoug, and the pictures of Karzoug do tend to look a lot like him. He does tend to be typecast as villains a lot though, despite being Elrond in Lord of the Rings.

Overall, the artwork is fantastic. I would, however, like to see a version of Alaznist's portrait without the rage face.

Silver Crusade

I can't help but predict that Alaznist's portrait is going to get used as a rageface in some corners of the interhertz. It expresses that emotion so well...

Regarding Karzoug casting: Didn't one writer say Chow Yun Fat was his "dream cast" pick for that role?

Silver Crusade

James Jacobs did, because of his role as Emperor Ping in the movie "Curse of the Golden Flower."

Great movie and Chow Yun-fat could pull Karzoug off in grand fashion.

I always thought Karzoug looked like Richard E. Grant. Great pics though.

The only one I recognize is the third one some are calling Xanderghul...because I see him every day in the mirror. I don't really wear peacock feathers though. Pride is probably the Cardinal Sin I most epitomize, so it's probably fitting.

The pointy widow's peak and beard aren't mine, but it sounds like it fits the race...

Wonder if the cards are still available. It'd be interesting to have one with my face on it...

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