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39 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


Marketing Director

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Michael Hendrix wrote:

Awesome and exciting. Thank you so much.

I've been blasting random sound effects at my students all morning!

The question remains, however:
"SY-ren-scape" or "SEE-ren-scape"?


Hi Michael,

It's SY-ren-scape.

As in sirens -


Marketing Director

Chris Brockley-Blatt wrote:

thank you so much for the gift. it is very kind of you.

I have clicked the link, opened my new account with this email, which I use for my Paizo account. I have downloaded the app.

However, I understand that the sound sets should be free but they are coming up as priced.
Am I doing something wrong?

Please help.

Thank you

Chris Brockley-Blatt

Hi Chris,

Email Benjamin at Syrinscape dot com with your questions about activation.



Marketing Director

Seth Gipson wrote:
Jack Amy wrote:
I can hope to one day join the ranks of all you awesome folk. :D

Being a VO or having lots of stars doesnt make you awesome; dedicating time and effort to the campaign does.

The fact that you have 2 stars tells me youve run at least 30 tables, meaning youve put in around 120 hours (or 5 whole days) of game time, PLUS the time it takes to prep for all those tables.

Believe me, you are already awesome, Jack. The campaign needs more people to put in as much effort and time as you have. :)

Yup, you're all awesome! The dedication and hard work of Pathfinder Society VOs, and GMs at all levels, is so greatly appreciated. And that's why there will be more rewards coming - stay tuned!


Marketing Director

Mark Stratton wrote:

There are few products that I think really help improve the tabletop Pathfinder experience. Syrinscape is high up on that list. The background noises, battle music, spell effects, and the like really just add to the whole experience.

For me, the trick was finding the right volume - too high, and it becomes distracting; too low, and it's useless. But, once I put my cone bluetooth speaker at the edge of the table and adjusted the volume to the sweet spot, it was really golden.

My group LOVES it. I was just about to buy the next pack for RotRL - now, I don't have to!

Hi Mark!

Just a quick heads up since you've been purchasing the Pathfinder SoundPacks. This reward is an access/unlock of the library for one year, but it doesn't give the user downloadable ownership of the content, as you get when you purchase it. If you want to retain the sound files after the year, you'll want to buy them.

Have fun!


Marketing Director

Revvy Bitterleaf wrote:
deusvult wrote:
Sooo..if there's no email, not even in the spam blocker, do we keep waiting or does it need to be addressed?
I'm wondering the same thing as well. Is there a list for which you need to sign-up/be manually added to once you hit 4-stars?

Hi! If you weren't already a 4 or 5-star GM, or VO, by the time the promotion went out yesterday, you're not eligible for this particular reward, this year. But, there will be more rewards coming!

If you are a 4 or 5-star GM, or VO, and didn't receive your offer, or are having issues redeeming it, contact Benjamin at Syrinscape dot com and he'll sort you out.

Marketing Director

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Erik Mona wrote:
Thanks for the Megadeth reference, Jenny! ;)

'specially for you, Erik Mona. :)


Marketing Director

Go Team Pathfinder!

Marketing Director

Hi, Jenny here, marketing director for paizo. Feel free to email me at and I'll see what I can do.


Marketing Director

Yay, congrats to Victoria! And to the finalists! Thanks to everyone for making RPG Superstar awesome! :)

Marketing Director

Thanks Steve!

Marketing Director

Congrats to the 32 finalists! Can't wait to see the beasties!

Marketing Director

Thanks for being a good sport and being our first Pathfinder of the Month, John! :)

Marketing Director

Welcome, Michael!

Marketing Director

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Fantastic creativity and talent, Pathfinders! Congrats to all! Can't wait to see what you have in store for next Gen Con. ;)

Marketing Director

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Marketing Director

Yeah, but I forgot to attach the picture the first time. :)

Marketing Director

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Hmm, in the rock-off between Paizo's blog and Paizo's Facebook, Facebook wins. They like the video, and the music, over there. ;)

Now quit complainin' and go make your own. ;)

Marketing Director

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The Harbinger wrote:
Gancanagh wrote:
I can't see what Metal has to do with fantasy and monsters?


In any case, 3 Inches of Blood put on a great show when I first saw them in 2007 at the Starland Ballroom in Sayreville, NJ, supporting Cradle of Filth and some other great bands (RIP Divinity Destroyed). Glad they could show up in a Paizo promotional video.

I'm sure our infamously critical RPGer community will, real soon now, put its money where resides its mouth, and come up with something better. Maybe different "soundtracks", one for the metal crowd, one for classical enthusiasts, New Age/ambient, etc. ?

Exactly. On all three points. :)

Marketing Director

Make a video with music of your choosing! :)

Marketing Director

These are great - keep 'em coming!

Marketing Director

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Hey all!

Scotty's Brewhouse in Indianapolis will be turning their establishment over to the world of Pathfinder during this year's Gen Con. We'll be tricking-out the bar with Pathfinder banners/art, naming a beer, and re-naming the food menu items to be Pathfinder-esque. I've posted the regular menu below - We'd love the collective creative brainpower of our community to help us re-name the food. Please post your thoughts in this thread. Thanks!

j. xo


7 Tidals Dip- shredded Chicken, Bleu Cheese, Cheddar Cheese, Mo’fo HOT Sauce, Served With Blue Corn Tortilla Chips and Celery $8.99

Dill Chips- Battered and fried dill pickles, served with horseradish, ranch and Mo’fo mustard $7.99

Pretzel Sticks- Salted Pretzel Sticks, served with “YOUR BEER NAME” beer cheese $7.50

Entrees (all served with their choice of side)

Spicy Sirloin Sand- Chipotle marinated sirloin steak, tomatoes, red onions, green pappers, siracha mayo, pepper jack cheese $12.50

Breaded Pork Tenderloin- Served with lettuce, tomato, red onion, pickles $11.00 Add cheese, $1.25

Mo’fo Cluck- Chicken marinated in mo’fo hot sauce, breaded with seven deadly spices served with lettuce, tomato, red onion & jalapeno’s $11.00

Buffalo Wrap- Breaded Chicken, mo’fo hot sauce, cheddar cheese, lettuce, tomatoes, ranch $10.50

Shewman Special- Peanut Butter, Jalapeno’s, Cheddar Cheese, Bacon, lettuce, tomato, red onion, pickles $10.50

Twisted Pretzel Burger- Pretzel bun, sharp cheddar cheese spread, onion straws $10.50

Burger Wing Combo- ½ pound Lucy burger (American cheese, lettuce, tomato, red onion, pickles, 6 traditional wings with choice of sauce and waffle fries $12.00

BIG ASS BURGER- 32oz chuck burger! (This item does not come with a side!) Choose from 4 different styles…ask your server $32.00 Oh yeah! Everyone who attempts this challenge receives a FREE BIG ASS BURGER t-shirt just for the attempt!

Brew-homeade Desserts

Carrot Cake- Almond cream cheese icing… $5.50

Peanut Butter Pie- Graham cracker crust, creamy peanut butter pie filling, whipped cream $5.50

Scotty’s Chocolate Cake- Chocolate icing & Toffee Chips (Ask to have it served warm!)

Marketing Director

Congratulations, Art!

Marketing Director

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The Pale Grin wrote:

I just wanted to say "THANK YOU!!" Ilove the idea of weekly previews leading up to a product's release. If we play nice, could this become a regular thing? :D

I have never been so excited for a sourcebook as this one, and the previews will help ease the excrutiating wait. Thanks again for bringing a smile to my face! :)

As an aside, I like the ideas of the background feats giving both a story reward and a game reward. To Bill, always remember, as a DM, it's your game, your rules. :)

Already looking forward to next week! :D

The Pale :)

Yes, when I can steal a bit of developer and designer time here and there I hope to have more preview blogs for upcoming releases. Work on the books always comes first. :)

Jason's next installment will be on Thursday, but look for an awesome Ultimate Campaign art preview on Tuesday!


Marketing Director

So glad to have you on the team!

Marketing Director

Welcome, Chris!

Marketing Director

More wallpapers soon, I promise! :)

Marketing Director

Woo hoo! You're awesome and all you do for Pathfinder and Paizo is SO appreciated. Rock on, Brother Kyle!

Marketing Director

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Please pardon my mis-phrase "in its entirety". The comic story pages will be posted from issue #1, but none of the game content, back matter, RPG bonuses, exclusive or variant covers, etc.

Marketing Director

Washington native but perpetual gypsy, here! I was living in Austin before moving *back* to Seattle to work for Paizo. :)

Marketing Director

Welcome to the team, John!

Marketing Director

Paizo won't have a booth this year, but Kyle and the Pathfinder Society will be running Pathfinder games.

Marketing Director

Hi all!

Yes, we're working on this initiative to get Pathfinder RPG play in libraries around the country. We've set up a landing page, and will soon have it populated with the brochure we handed out at ALA, as well as downloadable posters for promoting your library (or school, or community center) event.

Feel free to give me a shout if you're a library (or school, or community center) looking for activities and we'll get you started!

Thanks again for your help last weekend, Justin!

Jenny xo

Marketing Director

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Kyle and Justin from the Seattle-area PFS were a huge help at the ALA conference Paizo booth this past weekend. Thank you! It was great meeting you, and having you there was a definite +1 to our activities. I look forward to more!

Rock on.


Marketing Director

Bellona wrote:
And how long have people at Paizo been waiting to use all those puns/riffs on Game of Thrones for the Reign of Winter AP? :)

Since my first day on the job, much to the groans of (some) of my co-workers. But I couldn't resist it, just once or twice. :)

Marketing Director

Xellos, havoc xiii and Rosgakori - If you could send me your email addresses I'll get you hooked up with your copies of Hero Lab! My email addy is

Marketing Director

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Thanks to everyone who participated - so much fun! We'll have to do more like these in the future. :)

Marketing Director

Welcome to the Pathfinder family, Richard!

Marketing Director

Mark Moreland wrote:
As an addendum to the blog's text, we're actually (mostly) all back in the office today. This blog was written with the intent that it'd go live last week when most of the office was in fact absent. But the web team was also absent, so, you know.

It was my fault it didn't get posted in a more timely manner, not the fabulous web team. :)

Glad it's up now though - it looks great, Mark!

Marketing Director

We agree. :)

Pathfinder Society ran 15-20 tables last year and will again most-likely. We're also looking at other opportunities for participating, so stay tuned.


Muad'Dib wrote:

I do not see a Paizo presence listed on the Emerald City Comic-Con site.

With the new Pathfinder comic out and a Wayne Reynolds art book looming I'm a bit surprised because you are located in Seattle. It's a great opportunity to hook some new people into the product.

What gives?