Illustrations by Andrew Hou, Michael Saas, and Florian Stitz. Wallpaper design by Crystal Frasier. Widescreen version here.

Goblins for All!

Friday, April 1, 2011

Because you asked for it, the following changes are coming to Pathfinder:

  1. Introducing the next in our popular Players Companion line of products: Goblins of Purity!

    Goblins are popular. But they're not popular enough! With "Goblins of Purity," we're giving you what you've been asking for—the chance to fully embrace all of the madness and mayhem that is being a goblin—but in a way that allows you to still be a hero. This book is jam-packed with all manner of fun and exciting options for goblins dedicated to fighting against the rise of evil (as most often personified by greedy adventurers, slavering dogs, and those hateful horses with their sharp, sharp hooves and soulless eyes), all while maintaining the rip-roaring fun that being an arsonist or a baby-eater brings.

    Goblins of Purity includes:

    • Two dozen goblin archetypes, including the Dog Hunter ranger, the Friendly Picklechucker rogue, and the Peaceful Beachcomber paladin

    • An extensive discussion of brand-new goblin versions of your favorite deities

    • An exciting reworking of the alignment system that allows you to play arsonists and baby-eaters while still being good-aligned

    • A brand-new 20-level base class built especially for would-be goblin heroes—the Goblin Babysitter, a class that gets extensive use out of this book's new "innocent accident charts"

  2. We're not there yet, but when we send the Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook back for another reprint, we'll be adding goblins to the list of core player races. Now everyone can be a goblin!

  3. Starting today, goblins are now mandatory for play in the Pathfinder Society. Every group must have at least one goblin in the party. I expect some awesome stories from your games this weekend!

  4. Later this year, we'll release the Goblinomicon, a 64-page book that outlines the foes goblins confront in daily life—including true and accurate stat blocks for dogs and horses!

  5. Spoiler:

    And... if you haven't figured out already, Happy April Fools Day!

Hyrum Savage
Marketing and Organized Play Manager

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Tags: Andrew Hou Crystal Frasier Florian Stitz Goblins Wallpapers
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Dark Archive

Mikaze wrote:
Seriously, with stuff like the Lantern Bearers around, anyone wanting to play a good or even neutral drow needs all the help and advice they can get.

Even in the Realms, with it's own CG goddess of dancin' nekkid in the moonlight swingin' a big sword around, I was never fond of good drow.

In Golarion, with the whole spoilery-spoiler bit, I'm even less keen on the idea.

There's an assumption in gaming that fallen angels or greedy/racist/cannibalistic dwarves/elves/halflings or insane gold dragons are cool, but redeemed devils or nature-loving orcs or Swayze-esque friendly ghosts are 'lame' or 'wrongbadfun.' I have no idea where that bizarre double-standard came from (although Drizzt carries some blame, surely, and Edward Cullen even more so...).

I guess redemption stories might be more palatable if most of them didn't suck so hard. :)

Silver Crusade

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Set wrote:
There's an assumption in gaming that fallen angels or greedy/racist/cannibalistic dwarves/elves/halflings or insane gold dragons are cool, but redeemed devils or nature-loving orcs or Swayze-esque friendly ghosts are 'lame' or 'wrongbadfun.' I have no idea where that bizarre double-standard came from (although Drizzt carries some blame, surely, and Edward Cullen even more so...).

Yeah, that's one of the really frustrating things. Anyone that wants good members of RACE X always has that desire boiled down to a caricature of Drizzt or Twilight by those that want to shut it out, regardless of the actual details those players want or the quality of their concepts. Lost track of how many times that's happened on these very forums.

Hell, I've seen that attitude used to shut down players that actually wanted to go through the trouble of building "monster orphanages" because they didn't want to play Cullings & Genocides.

(once had a DM tell me "a Good-aligned character wouldn't do that" when my NG cleric tried to save orc babies from being butchered. Didn't hang around that group for long.)

Set wrote:
Mikaze wrote:

There's an assumption in gaming that fallen angels or greedy/racist/cannibalistic dwarves/elves/halflings or insane gold dragons are cool, but redeemed devils or nature-loving orcs or Swayze-esque friendly ghosts are 'lame' or 'wrongbadfun.' I have no idea where that bizarre double-standard came from (although Drizzt carries some blame, surely, and Edward Cullen even more so...).

I guess redemption stories might be more palatable if most of them didn't suck so hard. :)

Hellboy. You don't get much cooler than that. Or more redeemed for that matter!

I read the blog to my wife and our roommate (both players in my Rise of the Runelords campaign), and they were laughing and all excited about it - until I mentioned the April Fool's part...

Then I got the cold shoulder for the rest of the evening for 'killing dreams' and so forth (;_;)

Even if Paizo can't actually publish something like this, it might be a great candidate for the next Wayfinder....

I'm not sayin' anything. I'm just sayin' (^-^)

Your Friendly Neighborhood Dalesman
"Bringing Big D**n Justice to the Bad Guys Since 1369 DR"

A Goblins of Golarion product would sell, methinks.

Goblins are playable, darn it! They are much cuter than elves.


ewan cummins 325 wrote:

A Goblins of Golarion product would sell, methinks.

Goblins are playable, darn it! They are much cuter than elves.

It's already on the schedule.

Dark Archive

Ainslan wrote:
Hellboy. You don't get much cooler than that. Or more redeemed for that matter!

Ooh, good one! I stand (er, sit) corrected!

Mikaze wrote:
(once had a DM tell me "a Good-aligned character wouldn't do that" when my NG cleric tried to save orc babies from being butchered. Didn't hang around that group for long.)

As I've said before, it's easier in some groups to put NE on your character sheet if you want to play a moral character. You can say straight-faced that the baby orcs should be saved to use as slaves, and nobody bats an eye.

You then can treat the 'slaves' as kindly as you want, out of the sight of the other player characters, and educate them in the faith of whatever goodly diety you want, and if any of your 'friends' catch you, can smile a wicked smile and claim it's all part of a master plan to mess with the local faith of [insert good god here] by foisting a bunch of heretically trained orcish followers of their god upon them, tarnishing their faith, possibly instigating a heresy *and* putting these good aligned followers of Rainbow Unicorn Goddess in the awkward position of having to kill other good-aligned followers of their goddess, possibly causing them to fall from grace and turn evil, all for the low-low cost of feeding, clothing and edumacating some orc babies for a few years.

It's way easier to do good by claiming to be evil. Evil can lie about what it's doing and why, and hardly ever gets reprimanded for being duplicitious two-faced jerks. It's part of their job description!

Dark Archive

James Jacobs wrote:
In any case... we DO have a goblin book coming at Gen Con. And I suspect it'll scratch the itch folks have to see more goblin craziness in play.

I hope so, I just about wanted to cry when I realized it was an April Fool's joke. (I only just read it today, the 4th.)

Liz Courts wrote:
ewan cummins 325 wrote:

A Goblins of Golarion product would sell, methinks.

Goblins are playable, darn it! They are much cuter than elves.

It's already on the schedule.

Happy happy joy joy

ewan cummins 325 wrote:
Liz Courts wrote:
ewan cummins 325 wrote:

A Goblins of Golarion product would sell, methinks.

Goblins are playable, darn it! They are much cuter than elves.

It's already on the schedule.
Happy happy joy joy

When The Goblins Adventure comes out on Free RPG Day I am totally gonna snag it, read it, and try running it for my first foray into DMing a PBP game! :)


Sovereign Court

1 person marked this as a favorite.

It turns out the joke’s punchline is 2e

Such a tease! I would totally buy this. All things goblin! Someone needs to make something like this happen.

Vexies wrote:
Such a tease! I would totally buy this. All things goblin! Someone needs to make something like this happen.

See Pathfinder 2E playtest. Goblins are a core race. Don't know if it'll make it through the playtest. There is a lot of hate for goblin PCs as core, even after the explanation came out.

Liberty's Edge

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Shri Tamana wrote:
Vexies wrote:
Such a tease! I would totally buy this. All things goblin! Someone needs to make something like this happen.
See Pathfinder 2E playtest. Goblins are a core race. Don't know if it'll make it through the playtest. There is a lot of hate for goblin PCs as core, even after the explanation came out.

sure there are haters, but every poll i have seen shows progoblin race support as vastly higher then anti goblin support, even if this was not true, paizo is not going to take goblins out,

there is no benefit for them to take them out

Goblin slayer anyone

GeraintElberion wrote:
It turns out the joke’s punchline is 2e

Awesome find, one helluva thread necro and great comment to top it off.


Shri Tamana wrote:
There is a lot of hate for goblin PCs as core, even after the explanation came out.

What was the explanation? I can't find anything in the playtest forums.

This is a cool idea. Now I'm saddened that it's not a real supplement!

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