Rummy-Tug-Tugger Contest Results!

Friday, April 9, 2010

Illustration by Silvia Gonzalez

So! After taking a week to make the agonizing choice, Rob McCreary has selected the winner of the Rummy-Tug-Tugger illustration contest! The winning illustration was done by Silvia Gonzalez; we’ll be autographing a copy of the NPC Guide and sending it out to Silvia as thanks for the great illustration!

Illustration by Mikael SebagIllustration by Duane Lacher

Actually, there were a lot of great illustrations. We took time last week to sit in the editorial pit and look them all over, and Rob had a tough time making the final choice. And so he wanted to show a few honorable mentions as well; one by Mikael Sebag (who sent in a super-rotund and kind of cute version) and another by Duane Lacher (who sent in a much scarier version). Thank you to everyone who participated in the contest; it was great seeing what you all came up with. And that makes me wonder... would folks like to see us do more art contests like this? Let us know in the comments to this post!

James Jacobs
Creative Director

More Paizo Blog.
Tags: Community Duane Lacher Eidolons Mikael Sebag Paizo Pathfinder Campaign Setting Rob McCreary Silvia Gonzalez Wallpapers
Liberty's Edge

Great stuff!

Some great artists we have here. Congrats to the winner and runners up!

I'd be happy to see more comps like this.

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
James Jacobs wrote:

would folks like to see us do more art contests like this? Let us know in the comments to this post!

Who doesn't love contests. Now unfortunately for me I can't draw and I ain't much of a writer. How bout a contest that appeals to my unique skill sets?

An autographed book rewarded to the contestant able to remove and replace the alternator on a Paizo staffer's car in the fastest time frame.

Then I could win something!

Nice work! They all look way better than my 10 second joke entry currently on a sticky note above Rob's desk. :-)

Liberty's Edge

Yeah, they look far better than the entry I sent in drawn by three year old son too...

Dark Archive

Congrats, Silvia, felicidades. ;P

Dark Archive

Joshua J. Frost wrote:
Nice work! They all look way better than my 10 second joke entry currently on a sticky note above Rob's desk. :-)

I found her gallery in deviantart at with some great work about paizo adventure paths.

RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

Sweet, honorable mention!!! Woo-hoo! ^_^

It's a pleasure to be included in such talented company . . . !

I look forward to future art contests, should Paizo decide to keep 'em coming. Of course, competitions for other forms of artistic expression could also be quite thrilling! Now, if I could just get my hands on a harpsichord and a vocal score from a Chelaxian opera . . .

Silver Crusade

"would folks like to see us do more art contests like this?"

y yes n fact!

Now let's slap some Advanced Bestiary templates on this sucker and see what we get!

Contributor, RPG Superstar 2009, RPG Superstar Judgernaut

Two words: Art Superstar! C'mon Paizo! Sarah might not need the extra artists in her portfolio of professionals. But it'd be darn entertaining and downright fun just to have an annual competition for such a thing. I don't even care how long it runs or the rules. I'd just like to see such a contest happen.

Yeah, I'd like to see more of these contests.

Congrats, Silvia!

EDIT: Silvia is from the super awesome city of Barcelona!

RPG Superstar 2012

Congratulations, Silvia!

I'm putting my vote in for more contests like this. Plus, who would I have to bribe to get Mikael Sebag's illustration as an avatar? :)

Ahh, Taig, but you're already too cute!

More contests! I can't draw, but it was neat imagining what people might come up with - seeing the results is even better!

[reminds me of an aurumvoarex!]

Congrats Silvia :)

+1 for more contests like this :)

Liberty's Edge

An excellent illo! Congradulations to the winner!

Still, my cheese golem will never be the same agian...

The Exchange

Definitely more contests!

Not because I would ever have a chance, but because I've always thought that if you gave a hundred people the same description, they would each come up with something different.

Would love to see all the different ideas people come up with from new descriptions of new and old monsters. If a contest gets this ball moving, I'm all for it.

Sovereign Court

Shieldknight wrote:

Definitely more contests!

Yes, more contests please. This time happened to fall on a bad week for me but I would love to participate the next time it happens! And congrats to Silvia and the runner-ups!

So now I want to see people post what they submitted!

Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber

Oooh! Stats on 1 and 3, Please! The third looks like a Dire Badger/Sloth.

Congratz Silvia!

Yes, please have more art contests! I need an excuse to draw more often.

If nothing else, this contest in particular makes me more interested in the Summoner class and Eidolons.

Yay! So awesome. Loving the super-cute one too - looks like he found the cheese stash. Would love to see more contests like this. :D

Callous Jack wrote:
So now I want to see people post what they submitted!

You should be able to find mine on this page unless my google site is acting up again.

+1 more for more contests like this one.

Congratulations, Silvia!

Sovereign Court

Thanks to everyone for entering! There were so many good entries, it made choosing the final winner really hard.

So congrats to Silvia, and thanks for bringing Rummy-Tum-Tugger to life!

And everyone else who entered, definitely post your entries so everyone can see them!

More exclamation points!!!!!!


NSpicer wrote:
Two words: Art Superstar! C'mon Paizo! Sarah might not need the extra artists in her portfolio of professionals. But it'd be darn entertaining and downright fun just to have an annual competition for such a thing. I don't even care how long it runs or the rules. I'd just like to see such a contest happen.

Given how people reacted to some of the RPG Superstar judge reviews, I'm not sure if anyone in the art community would survive the firepower of the fully armed and operational SarahSarcasmStation!

Sean K Reynolds wrote:
NSpicer wrote:
Two words: Art Superstar! C'mon Paizo! Sarah might not need the extra artists in her portfolio of professionals. But it'd be darn entertaining and downright fun just to have an annual competition for such a thing. I don't even care how long it runs or the rules. I'd just like to see such a contest happen.
Given how people reacted to some of the RPG Superstar judge reviews, I'm not sure if anyone in the art community would survive the firepower of the fully armed and operational SarahSarcasmStation!

Most true. And artists are far more touchy than writers as far as I've seen...

Sweet! Thanks for the honorable mention and congrats to Silvia and Mikael!


Liberty's Edge

I do my (totally amateur) drawings out of love, not any need for compensation. Bragging rights and a custom avatar are my loftiest goals when it comes to my art. :)

OTOH, a gallery where people can post their art on the Paizo site would be awesome! There's a lot of great work in those "We'll draw your PC/Monster/Item" threads and it'd be really nice to see an official home for them at Paizo.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

And more practically... we have about 8 times as many in-house folks to draw from to serve as an RPG Superstar judge than we have in-house folks to serve as an Art Superstar judge. That would just not a viable contest for us to tackle.

I enjoyed this contest and would love to see more like it. I posted a link to my entry on the other thread, but can repost it to this one too when I get to a computer later, not going to try it on my phone.

Sean K Reynolds wrote:
NSpicer wrote:
Two words: Art Superstar! C'mon Paizo! Sarah might not need the extra artists in her portfolio of professionals. But it'd be darn entertaining and downright fun just to have an annual competition for such a thing. I don't even care how long it runs or the rules. I'd just like to see such a contest happen.
Given how people reacted to some of the RPG Superstar judge reviews, I'm not sure if anyone in the art community would survive the firepower of the fully armed and operational SarahSarcasmStation!

C'mon, these were just new folks, right? <sharpens critical knives>

okay, here is a link to my entry: LINK.


Here's a link to my friend's submission

Grand Lodge

Congrats and may I say that is some kick butt art on your deviant site. I love the Black Jack drawing and the one of your rouge in the shingles.

RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

*Shameless self-promotion*

If you guys liked my Rummy-Tum-Tugger, you can check out more of my work at my DeviantART gallery:

Ooh, right here, click me!

It's really quite different from what you see here and the skeletons of my pieces are unabashedly lifted from photos and/or existing art, but a lot of people like 'em regardless. Fans of hot guys will probably find something to their tastes especially. >_~

*End of plug.*

More art contests would be cool - it might get me back into drawing, which has taken a way overlong hiatus.

Congrats to you, Silvia! I love your entry and took the opportunity to check our your dA site - you do some very amazing work!

Sovereign Court

cwslyclgh wrote:
okay, here is a link to my entry: LINK.

Damn! Better get your rabies shot before touching that thing!

More contests like this would be awesome! Great to see people's love for Paizo through their work! I'll throw my vote in for more art contests!

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