Eric is a proud weaver of many paths and an expert in every field (or at least a jack of all trades). He began his RPG career in the early 90s, badgering his friends to let him have the 17 Cha he needed to play 2nd edition paladins at every chance. He migrated to 3rd ed in 2000 because the book was shiny and new out front of a Coles bookstore, on some kind of cardboard display. Pathfinder caught his interest almost immediately after being announced, and he has been a believer ever since. He began GMing primarily to force other people to play with him in university in Toronto. After honing his skills picking off characters in the far-flung town of Banff, AB, he is currently running and playing in Calgary.
Most of the rest of the time he paints toy soldiers for Warhammer (both fantasy and 40k), Warmachine, and other games; works with theatre equipment or torments an assortment of cats (and occasionally his wife Kalyna).