MNM3E Omniversal Heroes Forever

Game Master tumbler

A group of heroes defend the Omniverse.

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Mutants and Masterminds 3rd Edition Omniversal Heroes Forever

You’ve seen threats to city, country, world, galaxy, maybe even universe or multiverse. But no one has ever faced a threat like this…
The Omniverse contains everything. Metaverses, Multiverses, Hypertime. The absolute totality of existence. And something is destroying it one timeline, one universe, at a time.

This campaign is a Mutants and Masterminds 3rd edition play by post here on the boards.

Player Characters should be built at PL 10, but with 175 points.

Skills are 4 skill points per power point.

Time travel and dimensional travel powers should not be the focus of your character. If you want to play a character from Asgard who can travel back and forth, or a wizard who can travel to the Dark Dimension, that is fine. But characters should need the campaign’s plot macguffin to move through timelines and not be able to just go whenever they want.

This pitch sounds like you should be the most amazing characters ever, best of the best, but that isn’t actually what I’m going for. In the spirit of the 90s Avengers Forever limited series, you should be a group of characters who are called together because you have the best chance to save the omniverse. (Of course, I don’t know what that reason is because I don’t know what characters we will have yet.) The Avengers Forever team was hardly the most powerful Avengers at the top of their game. Characters don't even have to be heroes, necessarily. Villains who don't need to be jerks could work.

I expect the game will definitely deal with some Marvel and some DC, but also this is the Omniverse, so anything could be on the table. The style will be modern mainstream comics.

As for play by post business: I tend to post pretty slowly. Unlike a lot of players, my work keeps me from posting frequently during the day (Eastern time). Also, I have some ongoing health issues that can take me out for a bit, but that situation is pretty stable right now.

I like players who drive the story forward. This concept will allow me to keep things on the rails a bit more than usual.

Inspiration: Galactus, Crisis on Infinite Earths, Marvel multiverse stuff, Avengers Forever, and just generally me being a big late middle aged nerd.

I plan to run this recruitment for 2 weeks.

I intend to take 5 players.

I’m sure I have forgotten something. Please ask questions!

Full disclosure, I already have 1 player lined up. So only taking 4 more.

Should I ask who the other lined up player is?
I would absolutely be interested :)

I have a New Mutants style character who possesses both Darkforce and Lightforce powers(ala Cloak and Dagger, who she's friends with). Would love to reprise her, as a more fully fleshed out character(I *believe* she was made with 144 PPs).

Hi GM over form your other game, which is fun.

I am thinking of an none Earth Alien/Human, with a Emma Frost/Dark Phoenix vibe, Cool Intelligent metal powered villainess, Who uses Brains over Brawn.


Silver Crusade

I have an idea for this (the protector of a magical kingdom on another world or in another dimension. Very vaguely a more overtly martial Dr Strange type). He would have magic rituals which would allow a lot of flexibility, together with his actual spells and gear. Also from a world with very little technology per se ( although magic would replace many functions of it) so there would be a "fish out of water" vibe to play with.

Does the campaign start on Earth or does the plot train potentially start with him being picked up from his home? I can work with either but would prefer him to be picked up from his world.

How powerful should I make the character? Magic and rituals are inherently hoseable so I need guidelines

Evindyl wrote:

Should I ask who the other lined up player is?

I would absolutely be interested :)

Tis I! :) I'm running an alternate version of Marvel's Hercules - going by his Herakles moniker, with some possible dashes of DC thrown into the mix.

A la Avengers Forever I'm not 100% sure if we'll be from different realities/timestreams, but my Herk is likely from 1950s version of the Avengers (citing What If? Vol 1 #9)/Avengers 1959 and some other alternative timelines. Having interfered in WW2 he's been stripped of his godhood by Zeus but still plies his heroic trade as a mortal demi-god/brick as part of his Avengers.

Like ST I'm also a big late middle-aged nerd/huge Marvel Zombie so this game is ambrosia from Olympus for me :)

Oh! I love me an ST game1

There are already 4 quality players here.

Let me noodle on a potential character. See if i can compete.


All of those ideas make sense to me.

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Hey BD!!!

I think what I probably need to think about today is which age-group of a nerd I am ;) I woulld need to look at the category bands, but I may be a middle middle-aged DC/Marvel nerd; young enough to really enjoy the current superhero renaissance, old enough to have collected Crisis issue by issue when it happened.

I will add a 5th if I am not too late to the party -- I love me some Mutants and Masterminds

So we may have a Brick in Herk

The rest I am not sure how to categorize quite yet but we have:
A maybe thinky style Emma Frost/Phoenix character
A maybe out of place Dr. Strange character
A maybe Dark Force/Light Force character
A maybe Unknown type character


Silver Crusade

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Young punks! I am an old fart nerd (66)


Have had a character concept bouncing around for awhile. Would an ancient dragon work that shapechanges into a human? While in human form, the Alternate Effect of his dragon powers would be Variable magic powers.

Or, I may steal your Superboy build if you would allow and want.


(Waves to Evindyl)

@Jubal: Ancient dragon that can shapechange into a human you say... might Mister Lao serve as a decent source of inspiration?

I guess if someone else is going to do Superboy, this would be the time for my Jason Prince build

Just so I have this right but are we expected or encouraged to make characters connected to the Marvel/DC universes? Basically, would a Spider-Man variant from Earth-Random Number be accepted as a variable character?

Jubal Breakbottle wrote:


Have had a character concept bouncing around for awhile. Would an ancient dragon work that shapechanges into a human? While in human form, the Alternate Effect of his dragon powers would be Variable magic powers.

Or, I may steal your Superboy build if you would allow and want.


Sounds like a Moondragon variant?

That Superboy build is pretty cool. I really wanted to see how far I could push the narrative abilities to get a character that felt like it had that kind of power. Not great at fighting, but lots of fun abilities. You could do something like that. It should still be in my aliases.

Delightful wrote:
Just so I have this right but are we expected or encouraged to make characters connected to the Marvel/DC universes? Basically, would a Spider-Man variant from Earth-Random Number be accepted as a variable character?

You can play Marvel/DC variants, Amalgam characters, or things farther afield.

Do you want us to start posting fully made character yet? Aurora Black is all built, though again, I believe with only 144 PP. I could post that for now, if ya want?

Sure. Go ahead and post builds as you get them. I'm also happy to help with builds, but it looks like we mostly have experienced hands here.

pauljathome wrote:

I have an idea for this (the protector of a magical kingdom on another world or in another dimension. Very vaguely a more overtly martial Dr Strange type). He would have magic rituals which would allow a lot of flexibility, together with his actual spells and gear. Also from a world with very little technology per se ( although magic would replace many functions of it) so there would be a "fish out of water" vibe to play with.

Does the campaign start on Earth or does the plot train potentially start with him being picked up from his home? I can work with either but would prefer him to be picked up from his world.

How powerful should I make the character? Magic and rituals are inherently hoseable so I need guidelines

You can go pretty hard on power. I do want to make sure everyone has a niche that makes them special in a sense, but at the same time, my inspirations include a story that had 4 Supermen and a Supergirl, and two Hank Pyms in a total of 7 characters.

The campaign will start with you not knowing what is up. Not sure if it will start with everyone meets in a bar outside of space and time, or if we could be picking up a character or all of the characters.

Lord Hathaway here, Meet Tannya White the Alien/Humanoid Villeness, living on Earth as an Outcast from her own race.

She is a being made of Mental Energy {Metal descriptor}, but can take "Lesser" forms as she puts it, to blend in. When in her true form, she used force to interact with the world. When "Solid" as she puts it, she just picks things up. Her Crimes, theft, larceny and generally taking stuff that is not hers. She finds the whole idea of ownership to Alien. In the criminal underworld her nickname is "Magpie" because she doesn't care who she steals form.

Super smart, witty, cunning and always up for a fun time. She is a girl, well being an alien that is up for debate, who loves nothing more than a good time. But it has been noted that she dose random acts of kindness as well. Most of all to poor kids. She speaks with a russian accent and has a love of Vodka.

Back story:
She feel to earth in the USSR back in 1931 and found she liked the place, people worked they drank, it was a simple life, soon she came to the attention of the soviet authorities. And after some negotiation they granted her USSR citizenship and the right to say on Earth. For this she would spy for them, steal scrests and gernilay work as a spook. After the fall of communism she was at a loss. And went solo, selling what she took to the highest bidder. Which she still dose today. As for her Alien organs she never ever talks about that. That is a secret never to be told. But she is old, as in age of stars old, but it seems she was in space where not a lot goes on.

Alt From, {Innate} Incapital to Solid
Force Field Attack other and Defence
Alt power-move object.
Movement - Teleport
Alt power - Space flight/Limited Dimensional travel
Communication Telepathy 2
Alt power mindread 2
Regenerate 1
Imaortily 1
Immunity, as per Incarporal and aging.

Roll play test 1998 LA

"Come sit, we drink, then I take you to bed yes, you look a fine man, lifting things to make muscles big, I knew a farm boy back home like you. Drink with me and later you can do as you please, But 1st you must drink!!, match drink for drink and the night is yours."

2 hours Later

The young man slumps off his hotel bar stool and to the floor.

Tannya stood and regarded him with a cocked eye.

"The youth of America today, they just do not know how to drink. I blame it on this obsession with Avocados. Hay leave the bottle!!."

She snaches the bottle of Vodca off the bar, as the barman went to take it. She nods her head at the young man on the floor.

"He is paying, I am going to my room to watch your MTV"

And headed to the hotel elevator

You've got some Hathaway in that profile.

Remember folks, your characters don't have to come from the present. Time travel and alternate universes are in play, so you can come from the past if you like. Or the future.

Work in progress, Using the format will change as a flesh her out, removed Hathaway and building powers array
but you get the idea of what she is like, she is not a complicated person.
A fish out of water in more ways then way kind of PC

GM SuperTumbler wrote:
Sure. Go ahead and post builds as you get them. I'm also happy to help with builds, but it looks like we mostly have experienced hands here.

Is there a specific formatting you want us to use on here? My sheet was created via Hero Lab, but it's a pdf I downloaded from discord, so idk how to share it publicly(I don't use Hero Lab myself, the GM for the game made it for me).

You can send a file to Or just post a link to the pdf in a google drive or something.


Dr. Apocalypse, emperor of Luna and Protector of Mars is ready to be reformed. He would have matter control powers and be an empowered skillmonkey. Though I'm not sure how he would work at this level.

I have a couple of other ideas if I get the chance.

GM SuperTumbler wrote:
That Superboy build is pretty cool. I really wanted to see how far I could push the narrative abilities to get a character that felt like it had that kind of power. Not great at fighting, but lots of fun abilities. You could do something like that. It should still be in my aliases.

Thanks. Then, I'll submit a SupermanSentry redux to PL 10.


@GM, sent ya an email! Just figured that would be easiest.

Here's BD's WIP Profile for Herk.

Some flavour stuff and Complications are done.

I guess if there's a Greek god, a wonder woman derivitive isn't as good of an idea; playing her brother would be fun though

Here's Jubal's Superboy. Need to fill fluff. Mechanics could be reviewed.


Added another couple of complications for Herk...

- Power Loss (Immunities): His immunities to aging and disease as an Olympian rely on consumption of Ambrosia. As an exile he no longer has access to the "food of the gods" and is more susceptible to mortal ailments and has begun to age.

- Rivalry - Namor the Submariner: Figured as they are two of the mightiest superhumans of their era/timeline, and hotheads, they've likely clashed as much as been brothers-in-arms vs the Nazis & Hydra.

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Monkeygod wrote:
GM SuperTumbler wrote:
Sure. Go ahead and post builds as you get them. I'm also happy to help with builds, but it looks like we mostly have experienced hands here.
Is there a specific formatting you want us to use on here? My sheet was created via Hero Lab, but it's a pdf I downloaded from discord, so idk how to share it publicly(I don't use Hero Lab myself, the GM for the game made it for me).

Replied to email.

The Sentry. wrote:

Here's Jubal's Superboy. Need to fill fluff. Mechanics could be reviewed.


Jubal, with this character, I'd be cool with you taking the untapped potential (if you are doing a new clone version) or holding back (if you are doing an older version) advantages. Both of those are a little broken, but I trust you not to abuse them based on our previous campaign together.

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Evindyl wrote:
I guess if there's a Greek god, a wonder woman derivitive isn't as good of an idea; playing her brother would be fun though

Again, in our source material, there are definitely duplicates and near duplicates. A mostly Marvel Herakles and a mostly DC son of Zeus, brother of Wonder Woman, would have lot to talk about and several fun interactions. Avengers Forever, out of all the Avengers of all time and multiverses, chooses to have two versions of Hank Pym, one Janet (Wasp) and a Hawkeye who can also change size. If it so happens that the right heroes to save our omniverse are related, then so be it.

In other words, submit the character you want to play. That is always more fun.

Philo Pharynx wrote:


Dr. Apocalypse, emperor of Luna and Protector of Mars is ready to be reformed. He would have matter control powers and be an empowered skillmonkey. Though I'm not sure how he would work at this level.

I have a couple of other ideas if I get the chance.

I'm intrigued.

Tannya White is 95% done,
she has Alt Forms, but they are progressive, she has to go through them to get to the one she wants, Each form has a use,

Cosmic form her space plankton form, for floating about and eating cosmic energy,
Energy form for flying down to planets, and zipping things
Gas form: for getting into tight spaces
Liquid form for touching things and sensing the world
Soulid form for getting drunk, having a good time and living like a human.


"No is true, I am what you call..., Space Plankton, up there we flout about eating cosmic rays and dust. Time has no meaning, star begin to shines, glows for a time goes red then boom! we move on before then you dont want to be around when a star goes boom! trust me. So funny story, there I am my star looks ready to Boom! so i zoom away, but as i do. And here is funny part, i hear radio music, yes Igor Stravinsky Minsk orchestra. Wow I say to myself, whereis this coming from. So I follow waves back to this small water world and there, I find music, and all the wonderful things you humans do. I say to myself, you can have fun here, much more interesting than munching space. So here I am, Livin my best life as you say"

The old woman on the bus just looked at this strange woman.

"That must have been nice dear, I think this is my stop"

And left as quickly as she could

GM SuperTumbler wrote:
Jubal, with this character, I'd be cool with you taking the untapped potential (if you are doing a new clone version) or holding back (if you are doing an older version) advantages. Both of those are a little broken, but I trust you not to abuse them based on our previous campaign together.

Thanks. I removed Untapped Potential from your build, because I did not know what it was. And, I don't what Holding Back is either. If they are broken, I'm ok not having them.

I'm going to continue to tinker until we start, because that's what I do. Looking forward to the game start.

Please let me know if you want me to draft anything about the campaign.


GM SuperTumbler wrote:
Evindyl wrote:
I guess if there's a Greek god, a wonder woman derivitive isn't as good of an idea; playing her brother would be fun though

Again, in our source material, there are definitely duplicates and near duplicates. A mostly Marvel Herakles and a mostly DC son of Zeus, brother of Wonder Woman, would have lot to talk about and several fun interactions. Avengers Forever, out of all the Avengers of all time and multiverses, chooses to have two versions of Hank Pym, one Janet (Wasp) and a Hawkeye who can also change size. If it so happens that the right heroes to save our omniverse are related, then so be it.

In other words, submit the character you want to play. That is always more fun.

Yeah for me this is very intriguing, there would be crossovers and some potential bones of contention between the two given their Marvel/DC divergence.

My mostly-Marvel Herk is an exile from Olympus, made mortal once again as punishment for aiding the mortal realm in WW2.

But as ST says play what you want :)

Black Dow wrote:
GM SuperTumbler wrote:
Evindyl wrote:
I guess if there's a Greek god, a wonder woman derivitive isn't as good of an idea; playing her brother would be fun though

Again, in our source material, there are definitely duplicates and near duplicates. A mostly Marvel Herakles and a mostly DC son of Zeus, brother of Wonder Woman, would have lot to talk about and several fun interactions. Avengers Forever, out of all the Avengers of all time and multiverses, chooses to have two versions of Hank Pym, one Janet (Wasp) and a Hawkeye who can also change size. If it so happens that the right heroes to save our omniverse are related, then so be it.

In other words, submit the character you want to play. That is always more fun.

Yeah for me this is very intriguing, there would be crossovers and some potential bones of contention between the two given their Marvel/DC divergence.

My mostly-Marvel Herk is an exile from Olympus, made mortal once again as punishment for aiding the mortal realm in WW2.

But as ST says play what you want :)

In that case maybe I will dig in a little; develop a fun triangle between Diana, Jason, and Cassie Sandsmark. Maybe Jason can steal Cassie's affections from Superboy

LOL or steal Superboy's from Cassie; THAT would be a very greek themed backstory ;)

@Jubal but also everyone, I tend to expect people to tinker with builds even after play starts. Builds in this game don't always do what you want them to do, or you forget something that your character should obviously have and only find out in play.

GM SuperTumbler wrote:
@Jubal but also everyone, I tend to expect people to tinker with builds even after play starts. Builds in this game don't always do what you want them to do, or you forget something that your character should obviously have and only find out in play.

Another reason I love your games!

And I look forward to the RP of Superboy's attentions/affections! He is very impressionable.


Jubal Breakbottle wrote:
GM SuperTumbler wrote:
@Jubal but also everyone, I tend to expect people to tinker with builds even after play starts. Builds in this game don't always do what you want them to do, or you forget something that your character should obviously have and only find out in play.

Another reason I love your games!

And I look forward to the RP of Superboy's attentions/affections! He is very impressionable.


I will completely own that I typed that idea without having gone through allllllllll of Jason's much longer backstory than I had read before. Turns out, Steve Orlando, the author who introduced Jason's boyfriend, labeled Jason as queer in content posted on Twitter. Wow. Did not have that on the radar ... very cool.

GM SuperTumbler wrote:
Evindyl wrote:
I guess if there's a Greek god, a wonder woman derivitive isn't as good of an idea; playing her brother would be fun though

Again, in our source material, there are definitely duplicates and near duplicates. A mostly Marvel Herakles and a mostly DC son of Zeus, brother of Wonder Woman, would have lot to talk about and several fun interactions. Avengers Forever, out of all the Avengers of all time and multiverses, chooses to have two versions of Hank Pym, one Janet (Wasp) and a Hawkeye who can also change size. If it so happens that the right heroes to save our omniverse are related, then so be it.

In other words, submit the character you want to play. That is always more fun.

Hmm. I was going to shelve my Magical Girl Wonder Woman idea because of the perceived Greek Mythology bloat in regard to possible characters but maybe I'll give it another look. It's either than or a Spider-Gwen variant, which also would be fun.

GM SuperTumbler wrote:
@Jubal but also everyone, I tend to expect people to tinker with builds even after play starts. Builds in this game don't always do what you want them to do, or you forget something that your character should obviously have and only find out in play.

Like last time GM< took a while but HAthaway got there in the end.

You happy with the shapeshifter Alien.

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Evindyl wrote:
Jubal Breakbottle wrote:
GM SuperTumbler wrote:
@Jubal but also everyone, I tend to expect people to tinker with builds even after play starts. Builds in this game don't always do what you want them to do, or you forget something that your character should obviously have and only find out in play.

Another reason I love your games!

And I look forward to the RP of Superboy's attentions/affections! He is very impressionable.


I will completely own that I typed that idea without having gone through allllllllll of Jason's much longer backstory than I had read before. Turns out, Steve Orlando, the author who introduced Jason's boyfriend, labeled Jason as queer in content posted on Twitter. Wow. Did not have that on the radar ... very cool.

And in my research I found out that Wolverine and Hercules in an alternative timeline were a couple. Hence why I tipped the nod to this in his complications:

Reputation (Lothario): He has a bad reputation as a seducer of both men and women.

As is often the case, there's not a whole lot of info on The Light side of things in Marvel and DC, at least not in comparison to The Dark aspect.

Would it be okay if I went further afield into other universes/realities, or do you only want us to stick withe Marvel/DC multiverses?

I will be using characters from all kinds of fiction, so feel free to explore other verses.

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