Arclord of Nex

Ikto's page

44 posts. Alias of Ridge.

Full Name

Ikto Banashee


Anadi (HP 16/16|AC 15 (17 with raised Shield),F +3, R +4, W +9 |Perc +7, move 25)


Druid (Storm Order)- 1








Grandmother Spider


Anadi, Mwangi, Druidic, (from int) Sylvan, Amurran(catfolk), Gnoll

Strength 10
Dexterity 12
Constitution 10
Intelligence 16
Wisdom 18
Charisma 12

About Ikto

Ikto Banashee is of the Anadi, the spider folk of Southern Garund who often hide their true forms from humans (and others) for their own safety. Ikto was a runty but colorful Anadi, who despite the dangers, enjoyed dancing in the wind during storms when they stirred the webs and buildings of his village. It was not that he felt great fury, but rather his joy seemed to rise with them. He learned the ways of the Druidic Order of Storms, and it was expected he would use that knowledge to protect his community. This he did, for a time, but he grew restless and began to chase the wind further and further out. He took his human guise to talk to travelers and merchants who wandered close and learn what lay beyond. Almost everyone was fooled, save one. A stranger whose features confused him seemed to know him not just as an Anadi, but that he was restless in his heart. The stranger had many questions, and Ikto found himself answering many of them despite not knowing this fellow, which was most unlike Ikto. Then, his questions done, the Stranger told Ikto that he should consider the Magaambya Academy, that many answers lay there and he would be surprised how well it suited him. Ikto is not one for mysteries, but he is even less fond of ignorance in himself. Besides, even the Anadi had heard of the great school that accepted almost everyone; though he still thought it prudent to wear his human face when he sought it out.

To nutshell the basics: Anadi Storm Order Druid, with the Sponsored by a Stranger Background. When he gets his free archetype he’ll go wizard. His mainbranch will probably be Rain Scribes, and secondary might be the Unzunjati

Ikto Banashee
Ancestry: Anadi
Heritage: Polychromatic Anadi
Ancestry feats: Web Weaver
Background: Sponsored by a Stranger (Quick Identification Feat)
Alignment: NG
Class: Druid
Druidic Order: Storm
Class feats: Druidic Order Storm Order, Change Shape Anadi (I’d have thought that an ancestry feat but PB2 puts it here)Perception: +7
Languages: Anadi, Mwangi, Druidic +Sylvan, Amurran(catfolk), Gnoll
Ability scores: Str 10 Dex 12 Con 10 Int 16 Wis 18 Cha 12
Skills: Acrobatics +4, Athletics +3, Crafting +6, Diplomacy +4, Lore: Insect +6, Medicine +7, Nature +7,Performance +4, Religion +7, Survival +7
Skill Feats: Quick Identification, Impressive Performance, Specialty Crafting
General Feat: Shield Block
AC: Fort: + 3 Ref: + 4 Will: + 9
HP: 16
Speed: 25ft
Ranged Spell attack: +7(+4 for stat, +2 for proficiency, and +1 for level bonus).
Melee: Sickle +4, (Agile, Finesse, Trip), Dmg 1d4 S
Ranged: Sling +4 (Propulsive), DMG 1d6 B (10 bullets)
Gear/Items: Leather Armor, Bedroll, Backpack, Rations, Waterskin, Artisan's Tools, Wooden Shield (Hardness 3, HP 12, BT 6)
Money: 7.22gp (After listed purchases)
Prepared Primal Spells: DC: 17 ATK: +7

Cantrips: Gale Blast, Produce Flame, Stabilize,Guidance, Light
1st: Shocking Grasp, Heal,
Focus spell: Tempest Surge (two actions)
Focus Point: 1
General Feats:
Shield Block- [reaction]You snap your shield in place to ward off a blow. Your shield prevents you from taking an amount of damage up to the shield’s Hardness. You and the shield each take any remaining damage, possibly breaking or destroying the shield.

Background Feat:
Quick Identification- You can Identify Magic swiftly. You take only 1 minute when using Identify Magic to determine the properties of an item, ongoing effect, or location, rather than 10 minutes. If you’re a master, it takes a 3-action activity, and if you’re legendary, it takes 1 action.

Heritage Feat:
Polychromatic Anadi- Your body is covered with exceptionally colorful hairs that create vibrant, eye-catching patterns, some of which might even show in your human form. You become trained in Performance (or another skill if you were already trained in Performance), and you gain the Impressive Performance feat.
Skill Feats:
Impressive Performance- Your performances inspire admiration and win you fans. You can Make an Impression using Performance instead of Diplomacy. If you spend at least 10 minutes performing in front of an audience, you can Make an Impression targeting up to 10 members of the audience who were there for the whole performance, without taking the normal penalty. The number of targets increases to 20 for a 1-hour performance and 50 for a 2-hour performance.

Bonus Feat:
Specialty Crafting-Your training focused on Crafting one particular kind of item. Select one of the specialties listed below; you gain a +1 circumstance bonus to Crafting checks to Craft items of that type. If you are a master in Crafting, this bonus increases to +2. If it’s unclear whether the specialty applies, the GM decides. Some specialties might apply only partially. For example, if you were making a morningstar and had specialty in woodworking, the GM might give you half your bonus because the item requires both blacksmithing and woodworking.

Storm Born- (Prerequisites storm order)
You are at home out in the elements, reveling in the power of nature unleashed. You do not take circumstance penalties to ranged spell attacks or Perception checks caused by weather, and your targeted spells don’t require a flat check to succeed against a target concealed by weather (such as fog).

Class Feats & Abilities:
Druidic Order Storm Order

Change Shape- You change into your human or spider shape. Each shape has a specific, persistent appearance. In your human shape, you can't use unarmed attacks granted by your ancestry. You aren't flat-footed when climbing in your spider shape. However, in your spider shape you can't use weapons, shields, or other held items of any sort, and you are limited in what actions you can take that have the manipulate trait. The only manipulate actions you can take are to Cast a Spell with somatic components, weave silk or webbing, or simple Interact actions such as opening an unlocked door. Your spider legs can't perform actions that require fingers or significant manual dexterity, including any action that would require a check to accomplish. The GM might determine other manipulate actions are appropriate for your spider legs.

Fangs (Anadi) -You were born with a natural means for hunting and self-defense. You gain a fangs unarmed attack that deals 1d6 piercing damage. Your fangs are in the brawling group and have the finesse and unarmed traits.

Ten Minute Background:

Using the 'Ten minute background' (Actually takes me longer than that but hey) to fill out Ikto's concept.
“Write five background concept elements that you feel are important to your image of the character. These can be a concept overview, a list of important life events, a physical description, a personality profile, etc. Whatever you need to get an image in your mind. Five is just a minimum. More elements are encouraged!”
1) Ikto is a colorful fellow, literally. In his spider form he has brilliant almost cloud swirls of purple with edges of yellow gold to break it up, upon his short fur. When he takes on his human guise, these come across as tattoos cascading over obsidian hued skin. In both forms, he is shorter/smaller than average, but he is by no means stunted.
2) While many storm druids understand the 'fury of the storm', Ikto does not see it as angry so much as joyful. A storm is still dangerous and should be respected, but you could say the same about an Elephant dancing and the elephant is having a good time! So Ikto is prone to laugh at those moments of storm and actually enjoys them. He might even dance a bit himself.
3) While Ikto does not always feel he is an ideal Anadi (he is wise enough to know he is restless); as one, he has seen what can happen when people are vilified for being 'different', so he often is reluctant to accept labels at face value until he has learned more. If someone doesn't quite fit, he might be sympathetic.
4) Despite secret keeping himself, Ikto is not a great fan of mysteries but even less fond of ignorance in himself. These war at times and make him feel like a hypocrite. That said, when trusted with a secret from a friend, he will try to protect it as he protects his own.
5) Ikto isn't a fan of being weighted down. He's not that strong, and while no sprinter, he sees being slow and encumbered as a good way to get caught if there is trouble. Because of this, he often travels light unless he is sure things will be needed. He is delighted by items like bags of holding that seem to make things 'so easy'.
6) Though he is no Bard, Ikto is a good dancer, and loves doing so. He also has a surprisingly deep voice for such a short fellow and sings too. With practice he'd become decent at the drums. Thunder is a good teacher!
“List at least two goals for the character. At least one of these goals should be a short-term goal, while the other should be a long-term goal. In addition, you may include a personal goal you have as the player.”
1) Ikto's immediate goal will be easily reached with a bit of time, because he wants to go to the Magaambya and learn what it is like. He's heard stories, and hopes to see if the people there are as openminded and kind as stories say. Of course, this will lead to more frustration as he starts to dwell on WHY the Stranger wanted HIM here. Very suspicious!
2) Ikto longer term goal to find a way to channel his restless energy while helping create a safe locale for other Anadi, either at Magaambya, or maybe even in the city of Nantambu itself. If he can earn the trust of many before his secret is outed, he will have done some good. And perhaps even found a new home!
“List at least two secrets about your character. One is a secret the character knows, one that involves him but that he is not aware of yet. This will help me create plots that center around your character. I will also create a third secret that you, as a player, will not be aware of, so expect some surprises!”
1) The Secret that Ikto knows- He's an Anadi, his very nature is a secret to most. Of course, he's going to a magic school where there are brilliant and curious minds so this may not last long. He also knows that someone is recruiting students, but without giving their name. Most curious and does the School know about that?
2) The Secret Ikto does not know- He's not the only Anadi in Nantambu. While some will welcome him happily, others will be very worried that he is not subtle enough to blend, and may bring doom on them all. They're not many, of course, just a handful, but even a city so enlightened might go on a witch hunt for spider-folk if things go wrong.
“Describe at least three people who are tied to the character. Two of them are friendly to the character, and one is hostile. If you like, you can also include an enemy of yours here, so I have an instant NPC nemesis to throw at you.”
As Ikto is new to the school and town, this is a hard one to achieve, but if needed, here are some ideas.
1) (Friend) Marti Riverlaugh gave passage for the last leg of the journey to Ikto, on her small but tough rivership "The Joyful Wallow". Marti is a Zenj woman in her early fifties, and a Druid (likely of the water order). While she does not know Ikto is Anadi, she knows he's a bit odd but took a liking to him anyway. They also know each other to be druids and bonded over that. Nantambu is one of her favorite river ports and as she has gotten older she is considering sticking closer and closer to it.
2) (Friend) Paktu is an amurrun or Catfolk, while they're not unheard of in Nantambu, in the Mwangi expanse some consider them bad luck. This last is a bias Ikto does not share. Paktu is a street performer who juggles and more boasting how he had learned such magic at the great school. It was a lie, but it goet him unpleasant attention from Tbetang who deliberately tripped Paktu up. Whether HARM was meant to Paktu or not, the catfolk almost fell into the water near a mill that would have hurt him badly. Ikto managed to prevent this, barely, and the Street performer told Ikto they were now good friends. Ikto allowed this dubious honor.
3) (Enemy) The aforementioned Tbetang is a jealous young man. A native to the city, the Zenji youth has never recieved an invitation to the Magaambya. Rather than admit both his cruelty and vanity make him unsuited, and that he's just not that talented, Tbetang has found a new source to blame. Foreigners and nonhumans are clealry hoarding the spaces in the college! Tbetang learned Paktu wasn't a student after all, but found out Ikto had been accepted. He has no clue Ikto is an Anadi, but he knows he's an outsider who 'got in'. And that's enough for Ikto to earn his ire.

“Describe three memories, mannerisms, or quirks that your character has. They don’t have to be elaborate but should provide some context and flavor.”
1) While the sound of rain is soothing, true and complete silence often increases Ikto's restless tendencies and he taps with his fingers on nearby surfaces, drumming softly as he works or focuses. This can annoy some, and Ikto always feels apologetic after.
2) Ikto often has conversations with storms when they occur, and to a lesser degree, other natural phenomina. To some this may appear he is talking to himself. He is assuredly not.
3) Ikto has three major memories that shaped his life. The encounter with the stranger where he felt compelled to answer is one. It was oddly violating, yet also stirred his imagination. Another is when he danced in his first storm as a child, with his worried mother yelling at him to get inside. His father? his father didn't' dance, but he came outside and watched. Between that, there was a memory of his sister, found barely alive after she had been spouted in her natural form by a human hunting party. He might have hated humans then, but his sister said it was another human that helped hide her until the hunting party passed. The mix of fury and gratitude for non Anadi he had at that moment is not something he'll soon forget.

In game perks
Ikto - pursed lips - gains message as an arcane cantrip
Beads- Blue and yellow sphere (Teacher Ot); Banana (Lumusi); Tan Sack (Xhokan); Laughing Stormcloud (the bead I gave to Xhokan).