Strength of Thousands (PF2 AP) by DM DoctorEvil

Game Master DM DoctorEvil

Spire Dormitory Map

Loot Tracker

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Female Human Cleric 1| HP 18/18| AC: 15/16| Fort: +4; Ref: +5; Will: +9 | Init: +7 | Per +7 | Stealth +5 |DC 17| Spd 25 ft. | Hero Points: 1| ◆ ↺ ◇, XP 230/1000

Just as an RP note, Iovia will address people as Mr. or Miss <name> both to show her more formalized way of talking and her noble background and as a way to show evolving comfort with new people over time when she starts switching to first names.

If this bothers anyone, let me know, and I won't do it with your character.

I'm loving everyone's RP.

Nonbinary (they/them) ghoran magus 1 | HP: 19/19 | AC: 17 (19 with shield raised), F: +8, R: +6, W: +7 | Perc: +5, low-light vision | Speed 25ft | Active conditions: none.

Honestly, Za Minyahil will probably take some comfort in that: So far no one's actually called Za Minyahil "Za" yet (except Ikto, mentally, but this ain't Starfinder, so telepathic ghorans aren't a thing yet! :P), but the first time someone does he'll be quick to correct them.

The only reason Za Minyahil himself isn't being similarly formal is because he's trying to fit into the less militarized environment of Nantambu and feels if he started calling people "Sir" and "Ma'am" or whatever the Osiriani equivalent of those are, people would think he's stuffy. :P

Some good rolls on skill checks, but some skills revealed little to nothing. I appreciate the creativity in any event. And this is a team/group contest not an individual one. Feel free to reveal anything in your spoiler as you see fit.

Sort of ran out time today after watching my baseball team clinch a playoff spot. Will get an update for the game in the morning.

Sorry for the missed post last night, and delay today. Should be back on usual schedule as of now.

Nonbinary (they/them) ghoran magus 1 | HP: 19/19 | AC: 17 (19 with shield raised), F: +8, R: +6, W: +7 | Perc: +5, low-light vision | Speed 25ft | Active conditions: none.

As of now, I have changed my mind and am switching to they/them for Za Minyahil's pronouns! Sorry for the previous confusion. :)

Female (she/her) Seer Elf Bard 1 Female (she/her) Seer Elf Bard 1 HP 20/20 | AC 12 | Perc +6 |F +7 R +11 W +6 | Perc +6 | Rapier +3 1d6 P | Dagger +3 1d4 P/S | Sling +3 1d6 B 50 ft | Spd 30 | Active Conditions: | Exploration Activity: | Hero points: 0 | Arcana +5 Nature +4 Occult +5 Religion +4

Just to be clear, maybe put it in your status line? Nonbinary pronouns, by definition, are quite expansive, so it helps to be explicit :)

Male Anadi (HP 16/16|AC 15 (17 with raised Shield),F +3, R +4, W +9 |Perc +7, move 25) Druid (Storm Order)- 1

Ikto's priority, in case I didn't make it clear enough, is that there is no chance of anyone getting hit by the stone if it does 'dance'

Female (she/her) Seer Elf Bard 1 Female (she/her) Seer Elf Bard 1 HP 20/20 | AC 12 | Perc +6 |F +7 R +11 W +6 | Perc +6 | Rapier +3 1d6 P | Dagger +3 1d4 P/S | Sling +3 1d6 B 50 ft | Spd 30 | Active Conditions: | Exploration Activity: | Hero points: 0 | Arcana +5 Nature +4 Occult +5 Religion +4

Will have a post up tonight. Am loving all the details folks are including! There's definitely some time privilege in being able to make posts like that, to be clear, but I appreciate them regardless :)

I will be traveling Sunday to Friday next week. I plan to take my DMing gear along, and should be able to post, though don't be surprised if I miss a day or two along the way. Might even be able to squeeze in more than one post per day, if you are up for it.

Nonbinary (they/them) ghoran magus 1 | HP: 19/19 | AC: 17 (19 with shield raised), F: +8, R: +6, W: +7 | Perc: +5, low-light vision | Speed 25ft | Active conditions: none.

Tis cool, take your time. Especially after the wall of text I posted. <_<

Female (she/her) Seer Elf Bard 1 Female (she/her) Seer Elf Bard 1 HP 20/20 | AC 12 | Perc +6 |F +7 R +11 W +6 | Perc +6 | Rapier +3 1d6 P | Dagger +3 1d4 P/S | Sling +3 1d6 B 50 ft | Spd 30 | Active Conditions: | Exploration Activity: | Hero points: 0 | Arcana +5 Nature +4 Occult +5 Religion +4

I'm always worried about making longer posts like that, because one of the main directives in the stickied guides for PbP here is "don't post walls of text". I want to be clear that I love them, because I have the time and ability to read and savor them, and I feel they demonstrate the true strength of PbP as a medium. If others feel the same way, I will be quite happy to indulge with larger posts as well. That'll provide me a greater opportunity to develop Nyandra in dimensions beyond what I have so far, as well a providing deeper interactions with others. :)

Nonbinary (they/them) ghoran magus 1 | HP: 19/19 | AC: 17 (19 with shield raised), F: +8, R: +6, W: +7 | Perc: +5, low-light vision | Speed 25ft | Active conditions: none.

Yeah, I figured there's no "good" time for Za Minyahil to basically give everyone a "Ghoran history and biology 101" lesson to basically explain their educational goals and plans for their possible epilogue, so might as well get it out of the way so we can focus on the actual plot of the AP. :P

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Female Human Cleric 1| HP 18/18| AC: 15/16| Fort: +4; Ref: +5; Will: +9 | Init: +7 | Per +7 | Stealth +5 |DC 17| Spd 25 ft. | Hero Points: 1| ◆ ↺ ◇, XP 230/1000

I don't consider a long post to be a wall of text as long as they are properly formatted. If you need/want a long post, by all means, do it, as far as I am concerned. It's a strength of the format, I think, to be able to RP at length without worrying about eating too much into a TT time budget.

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Iovia wrote:
I don't consider a long post to be a wall of text as long as they are properly formatted. If you need/want a long post, by all means, do it, as far as I am concerned. It's a strength of the format, I think, to be able to RP at length without worrying about eating too much into a TT time budget.

I agree with this. This portion of the AP calls for introspection and motivation. That make take appropriately long posts to convey. If it were every post, or in inappropriate places like combat or action sequences, it would feel different.

I think it has all been well played so far and hope you feel the same!

Male Anadi (HP 16/16|AC 15 (17 with raised Shield),F +3, R +4, W +9 |Perc +7, move 25) Druid (Storm Order)- 1

I've been quite impressed by the back stories revealed and look forward to them developing :)

Male Anadi (HP 16/16|AC 15 (17 with raised Shield),F +3, R +4, W +9 |Perc +7, move 25) Druid (Storm Order)- 1

Oh, since music has come up in game from more than one source... this is a flash from my youth, but I think it really fits the vibe of the Magaambya Academy and it is entirely possible more than one of our characters knows the song

"Turn the World Around" by Harry Belefonte (Muppets Version)

Male Anadi (HP 16/16|AC 15 (17 with raised Shield),F +3, R +4, W +9 |Perc +7, move 25) Druid (Storm Order)- 1

Question for DM Doctor Evil about the rooms. I see each room has a bed, of course, and most have a rug, but is that other thing a bench, a dresser, or what? Is there a standard issue for each bedroom of furniture?

Female NG dwarf fighter 1 | HP: 22/22 | AC: 18, F: +7, R: +6, W: +6 | Perc: +8, darkvision | Speed 20ft | Active conditions: none.

My bet goes towards we can come up with the furniture of our own rooms.

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Ntuni Anzaga wrote:
My bet goes towards we can come up with the furniture of our own rooms.

I agree with this within reason. It will start with standard issue furniture - bed, desk, night table etc. Like a hotel or dorm room. But you can dress it up and personalize it how you like over time.

Grand Archive

Rogue 1 | AC 17 | HP 17 / 17 | no conditions

Za's post reminded me: Where is the construction happening? I can't see it in the map.

I am not sure what construction you are referencing? I was confused before as well...There is not a part of the Spire Dorm that is under construction at present.

Male Anadi (HP 16/16|AC 15 (17 with raised Shield),F +3, R +4, W +9 |Perc +7, move 25) Druid (Storm Order)- 1
DM DoctorEvil wrote:
I am not sure what construction you are referencing? I was confused before as well...There is not a part of the Spire Dorm that is under construction at present.

I think there was a misunderstanding from the term "The dormitory has an open construction" and then you mentioned no exterior doors. Some may have misread construction as in progress, rather than the building as is and intentionally meant to be like that.

That's my guess anyway

Grand Archive

Rogue 1 | AC 17 | HP 17 / 17 | no conditions
Ikto wrote:
DM DoctorEvil wrote:
I am not sure what construction you are referencing? I was confused before as well...There is not a part of the Spire Dorm that is under construction at present.

I think there was a misunderstanding from the term "The dormitory has an open construction" and then you mentioned no exterior doors. Some may have misread construction as in progress, rather than the building as is and intentionally meant to be like that.

That's my guess anyway

Yeah, this was it. My bad.

Got it. Sorry for the confusion.

It’s a travel day for me so my post will be after I get back home.

Male Anadi (HP 16/16|AC 15 (17 with raised Shield),F +3, R +4, W +9 |Perc +7, move 25) Druid (Storm Order)- 1

I think the Beetle Quest is a success! We shall call him Ringo!

Grand Archive

Rogue 1 | AC 17 | HP 17 / 17 | no conditions

I might only be able to post on Monday.

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Male Anadi (HP 16/16|AC 15 (17 with raised Shield),F +3, R +4, W +9 |Perc +7, move 25) Druid (Storm Order)- 1
Za Minyahil wrote:

I'm not gonna have to shell out 40 SP a day to survive the perpetually overcast rainy season, am I? :P

Just because it is raining, doesn't mean some of those rains won't be sunshowers where you get sunlight AND wet *Knock on wood*

Also, invest in mirrors and you WILL get that sunlight to that bedroom ;)

Ntuni is correct about the gold parceled out by the kobold supply master. It is 40gp as an initial amount and then 4gp per month there after. A total of 44gp for now.

I will start a Loot Tracker linked at the top margin, where you can see and track wealth, items found, and distributions. We can discuss more when there is loot to divvy up.

Female Human Cleric 1| HP 18/18| AC: 15/16| Fort: +4; Ref: +5; Will: +9 | Init: +7 | Per +7 | Stealth +5 |DC 17| Spd 25 ft. | Hero Points: 1| ◆ ↺ ◇, XP 230/1000

Thank you for the clarification. If possible, I'd like to alter my rest of the day to head into Nantambu and buy 10 GP of cloth, buttons, zippers, etc, with the intent of having materials to Craft clothes for myself and/or others in later downtime.

I think it would be a fun way to use Craft which is also the Diety skill granted by Tlehal.

Ikto could tag along and we could get him some dyes as well.

Male Anadi (HP 16/16|AC 15 (17 with raised Shield),F +3, R +4, W +9 |Perc +7, move 25) Druid (Storm Order)- 1
Iovia wrote:

Ikto could tag along and we could get him some dyes as well.

Sounds great! Thanks

Female (she/her) Seer Elf Bard 1 Female (she/her) Seer Elf Bard 1 HP 20/20 | AC 12 | Perc +6 |F +7 R +11 W +6 | Perc +6 | Rapier +3 1d6 P | Dagger +3 1d4 P/S | Sling +3 1d6 B 50 ft | Spd 30 | Active Conditions: | Exploration Activity: | Hero points: 0 | Arcana +5 Nature +4 Occult +5 Religion +4

Hey folks. Had some dental work done today and it's made it pretty hard to focus on writing for posting. I'll try to get something up tomorrow.

Nyandra Ravenheart wrote:
Hey folks. Had some dental work done today and it's made it pretty hard to focus on writing for posting. I'll try to get something up tomorrow.

Thanks for the heads up, hope you feel better soon. Dental work sucks

I am happy to add an NPC list to the Campaign Info tab or link to a shared document if you prefer it. Tracking the beads you have is up to you.

Female Human Cleric 1| HP 18/18| AC: 15/16| Fort: +4; Ref: +5; Will: +9 | Init: +7 | Per +7 | Stealth +5 |DC 17| Spd 25 ft. | Hero Points: 1| ◆ ↺ ◇, XP 230/1000

I've tossed an NPC list into my profile. My beads are there too. I'll keep my list up to date, even if Dr. Evil does one too, since back up information is never bad.

Male Anadi (HP 16/16|AC 15 (17 with raised Shield),F +3, R +4, W +9 |Perc +7, move 25) Druid (Storm Order)- 1
DM DoctorEvil wrote:
I am happy to add an NPC list to the Campaign Info tab or link to a shared document if you prefer it. Tracking the beads you have is up to you.

An NPC list in the campaign info tab would be most welcome. I appreciate Iovia's player making one in the first place, but it's easier for me to remember the campaign info tab

See the Campaign Info tab. Should be a link to picture, and a brief description of the NPCs you have met so far. LMK if I forgot anyone. These descriptions may change over time, so also LMK if I need to anything important about anyone.

Female NG dwarf fighter 1 | HP: 22/22 | AC: 18, F: +7, R: +6, W: +6 | Perc: +8, darkvision | Speed 20ft | Active conditions: none.

@DM: Is the campus big? How many exits are there?

If there are multiple exits, I believe a bit hard to believe we all would have picked a random direction to go if none of us know the way to the market. I feel we'd have realized it as soon as we've left the dormitory and thus we could go back and ask the directions with no time loss.

To be honest, I was assuming that either Esi and Haibram had pointed us to the right direction or that it was an easy enough place to find that we all automatically know where it is.

There is one main exit. They told you something important that maybe you didn't notice. The Kafesi is a wandering market, so its never in the same place twice. finding it is part of the challenge.

Female (she/her) Seer Elf Bard 1 Female (she/her) Seer Elf Bard 1 HP 20/20 | AC 12 | Perc +6 |F +7 R +11 W +6 | Perc +6 | Rapier +3 1d6 P | Dagger +3 1d4 P/S | Sling +3 1d6 B 50 ft | Spd 30 | Active Conditions: | Exploration Activity: | Hero points: 0 | Arcana +5 Nature +4 Occult +5 Religion +4

I had to play the "Go not to the Elves for counsel, for they will say both no and yes" joke :D No apologies!

Nonbinary (they/them) ghoran magus 1 | HP: 19/19 | AC: 17 (19 with shield raised), F: +8, R: +6, W: +7 | Perc: +5, low-light vision | Speed 25ft | Active conditions: none.

Came across this on Tumblr and thought it was very relevant to our group! :P

Female (she/her) Seer Elf Bard 1 Female (she/her) Seer Elf Bard 1 HP 20/20 | AC 12 | Perc +6 |F +7 R +11 W +6 | Perc +6 | Rapier +3 1d6 P | Dagger +3 1d4 P/S | Sling +3 1d6 B 50 ft | Spd 30 | Active Conditions: | Exploration Activity: | Hero points: 0 | Arcana +5 Nature +4 Occult +5 Religion +4

That is definitely a tumblr post :D I'm quite curious about one of the books mentioned in the reblogs, Year of the Griffin by Diana Wynne Jones.

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