[Gameday XIII]PFS #2-13 Murder of the Throaty Mermaid by GM Colin

Game Master Colin_Mercer

RPG Chronicle
Maps and Handouts
Game dates: 8th of September - 17th of November

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Silver Crusade

f CN ifrit Fighter 4 | HP 45/47 | AC 20 T 11 FF 20 | CMD 16 | F+8 R+1 W+0 [+1 fear & mind-affecting effects] | Init +4 | Perc +6 | DV 60' |

Sorry, it's been a very busy 5 days.
I will return to the game during the day. Bot me if needed.

Murder on Throaty Mermaid | Splinterden

No worries! Real life comes first as always.

And just a head up, I will be attending a local convention and will be busy starting from Thursday to Sunday, so my response time will be slower as well.

Sovereign Court

Male Human Cleric 4 Init +0 Hp 35/35 AC 14 T10 FF13 Fort+6 Ref+1 Will+7 Per+3 Spd 20 Channel 7/7

Spells for the day

Orisons Detect Magic, guidance, Stabilise, Light
L1 (4+D) CLW (D),Bless, Sun Metal, Sanctuary
L2 (3+D) Detect Thoughts (D), Gentle repose, Bull's strenght

Sovereign Court

Male Human Cleric 4 Init +0 Hp 35/35 AC 14 T10 FF13 Fort+6 Ref+1 Will+7 Per+3 Spd 20 Channel 7/7

FYI: I'll move home this week end, and so won't be online before next Monday/ Tuesday

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