⚔ Battlecry! Playtest @ (#1-01) "The Absalom Initiation" ⚔ (Inactive)

Game Master Hmm

A new era is beginning for the Pathfinder Society, with new recruits and new factions all excited to build connections and embark on grand adventures. The PCs are among these recruits invited to attend a welcoming party where they can meet both the old guard as well as the up-and-coming leaders. But the party's not all talk; the PCs learn of four exciting escapades in Absalom, through which they can kick off their adventuring careers!

Challenge Points: 1st/3rd/3rd/4th = 2+4+4+6 = 16pts

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"Doom Girl" // ♫ // ◇ ◈ ↺ // PbP Events // // PbP GM Kit // Silver Bark Golden Blades Map // ★ DA Duology Maps

If you are liked by the Horizon Hunters (and at level 3, chances are good that you are) you can purchase this as an ACP boon for Molly. Storied Talent costs 4 ACP, and I believe that it's quite worthwhile. If you are planning to purchase the boon, I will calculate it in your day job!


Horizon Hunters

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♥️ 43 / 43 | AC 20| F +7 R +8 W +7 Male Nagaji (Titan) Commander 3

Gah. Paizo ate my post. I hope you're happy, stupid server :(

GM Hmm wrote:
Black Molly, I have noticed that you are from the Horizon Hunters faction. Do you have the Storied Talent Faction Boon? It would allow you to earn day jobs at your level rather than at your level -2.

I forgot that Lum has that boon also.

I usually start my characters in Horizon Hunters and get Storied Talent and Rugged Mentor at 15 rep. Then I change to another faction that makes sense for the character to get a second Mentor boon. That allows me to have options at the table for Mentor boons.

As to how to get it, go to the Organized Play page in your Account, and select Boons. Pick your character from the first drop down and click on "Rewards purchasable with Achievement Points" to expand the list. Search on the page for "Storied Talent" and pay the 4 ACP.

I am the tool of the GM

Jasper's Performance: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (12) + 8 = 20

"Doom Girl" // ♫ // ◇ ◈ ↺ // PbP Events // // PbP GM Kit // Silver Bark Golden Blades Map // ★ DA Duology Maps

Well, see, if nothing else, I acquainted you all with Level Ups, Mentor Boons, Storied Talent and Wayfinder Boons!



PS I will be sending out chronicles and reporting the game shortly. I hope that you all had a great time in the second half of this adventure.

Verdant Wheel

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”Soup?” | 820-2006 | Female Gnome (Aasimar Emberkin) Phoenix Sorceress 5 | ◇ ◈ ↺ | HP 45/45 | AC 20 | F + 10 R +11 W +11 (+1 to saves vs fire effects) | Perc +6 | 25/35 Speed | Focus 1/1 | Spells 1st 4/4; 2nd 3/4; 3rd 0/3 | Hero Points 2/3 | Active Conditions: Low-Light, Darkvision, Resistance (Fire 5, Negative 1), Tailwind (Y/N) ---

Lore (Cooking) E: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (17) + 9 = 26

After the boattrip in the stolen boat, Clover invites everyone over for her fine cooking!

"Doom Girl" // ♫ // ◇ ◈ ↺ // PbP Events // // PbP GM Kit // Silver Bark Golden Blades Map // ★ DA Duology Maps

Please let me know that all is well on your chronicle. When I have heard from all of you, I will close down this game thread!


Horizon Hunters

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HP 30/30 | AC 19 | F +7 R +9 W +7 | Perc +5 | Speed 25ft. | Exploration Activity: Search | Male Human Monk 1

Received my chronicle. All looks good.

Envoy's Alliance

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Orc Warrior Bard Performance: Courageous AC 21 F:7 R: 11 W:8 HP 35/51 Tiny Board AC: 21 F: 11 R: 10 W: 11 8/44 HP

Thank you for rolling the day job for me. Sorry about the delay.

Mistress of the Maze

Did I screw up filling up your sheet? I haven't gotten the email yet.
My email had a typo in it. D:

"Doom Girl" // ♫ // ◇ ◈ ↺ // PbP Events // // PbP GM Kit // Silver Bark Golden Blades Map // ★ DA Duology Maps
MadScientistWorking wrote:

Did I screw up filling up your sheet? I haven't gotten the email yet.

My email had a typo in it. D:

So let's fix it. Taking this to Discord!

Horizon Hunters

2 people marked this as a favorite.
♥️ 43 / 43 | AC 20| F +7 R +8 W +7 Male Nagaji (Titan) Commander 3

Chronicle is good.

Thank you so much for stepping in to run this for us. You're a life-saver and a great friend. See you again at GenCon, Hmm, and I hope to see the rest of you around the forums again, too.

"Doom Girl" // ♫ // ◇ ◈ ↺ // PbP Events // // PbP GM Kit // Silver Bark Golden Blades Map // ★ DA Duology Maps

Black Molly did you receive your chronicle?

You're welcome. BTW, this was my 145th table of PF2! So close! I'm hoping to cross over before GenCon, but it may be after.


Horizon Hunters

Level 5 summoner | AC 22/23 | HP: 68 | Fort 11, Ref 11, Will 10 | Spell DC 21 | Per 10 | Speed 25’

Got it. Thank you so much! Good game everyone!

"Doom Girl" // ♫ // ◇ ◈ ↺ // PbP Events // // PbP GM Kit // Silver Bark Golden Blades Map // ★ DA Duology Maps

Huzzah! I'm closing this game now! I hope to see some of you at GenCon!

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