Young Master

Darwin Vrelam's page

48 posts. Alias of Eletido.

Full Name

Darwin Vrelam


HP 30/30 | AC 19 | F +7 R +9 W +7 | Perc +5 | Speed 25ft. | Exploration Activity: Search |


Male Human Monk 1

About Darwin Vrelam

Male Human
Monk 1
Horizon Hunters
Hero Points: 1

Str +4
Dex +3
Con +1
Int +0
Wis +1
Cha +0

Speed: 25’
Languages: Common

With Level Bump

HP: 30/30
AC: 19

Fist: +8, 1d6P, agile, finesse, nonlethal, unarmed
Unarmed Gorilla Slam: +8, 1d8+4B, backswing, forceful, grapple, nonlethal, unarmed
Unarmed Tiger Claw +8, 1d8+4S, agile, finesse, nonlethal, unarmed

Acrobatics +7
Athletics +8
Lore Warfare +4
Medicine +5
Stealth +7
Thievery +7

Fort +7
Ref +9
Will +7

Normal Stats:

HP: 20/20
AC: 18

Fist: +7, 1d6P, agile, finesse, nonlethal, unarmed
Unarmed Gorilla Slam: +7, 1d8+4B, backswing, forceful, grapple, nonlethal, unarmed
Unarmed Tiger Claw +7, 1d8+4S, agile, finesse, nonlethal, unarmed

Acrobatics +6
Athletics +7
Lore Warfare +3
Medicine +4
Stealth +6
Thievery +6

Fort +6
Ref +8
Will +6

Unarmed T
Simple weapons T
Unarmored T

Ancestry Feat: Natural Ambition - Tiger Stance

Background: Martial Disciple - Athletics

Background Feat: Quick Jump

Class Feat: Gorilla Stance

Heritage Feat: Versatile Heritage - Toughness

Flurry of Blows

- Adventurer's Pack
- Healer's Toolkit
- Thieves' Toolkit
- Wooden Shield