
Dirk Gently.'s page

69 posts. Alias of Dorian 'Grey'.

Full Name

Dirk Gently




Solarian (Espionage Specialist/ Stellar Sage) 1 Stamina Points 6/6, Hit Points 10/10, Resolve Points 5/5 EAC 15, KAC 15, Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +1 Init +4, Perception +5, Senses Low light, Blind sight (electricity) 60' Mode Energy II








Absolam Station


Dirindi, Common, Aklo, Brethedan


Corporate Spy

Strength 10
Dexterity 18
Constitution 10
Intelligence 12
Wisdom 8
Charisma 18

About Dirk Gently.


A pudgy Dirindi who normally wears a heavy old light brown suit, red checked shirt with a green striped tie, long leather coat, red hat and thick metal-rimmed spectacles patiently sits at the Space Port in outside the Star Academy. He appears to be reading a newspaper.

Those seated in his vicinity seem to be experiencing sudden shocks that the Dirindi constantly expresses must be coming from a faulty exposed outlet. Those that have experienced the sudden shock have only turned a suspicious frown at the innocently smiling Dirindi prior to relocating to a much farther seating area.

Except for the old human couple that have snickered (and giggled) as the mysterious sudden shock manifests.

The Dirindi seems to be explaining to the old human couple the difference between being tuned to the interplay of energy and resistance, not photons and gravitons, as a Solarian is quite rare.

He whispers
Being in the Espionage Specialist business really allows for that difference to get the job done! Know what I mean jelly bean!

The Dirindi winks at the rapidly blinking old human couple.

He continues as if they are hanging on his every word (either that or they may be a bit hard of hearing).
Coming from Arkanen growing up, I always had The affinity, affection for electricity. And once my Solarian powers manifested as Electrical, I was sent off to train at the most prodigious Attelan's Star Academy which is nestled right here in the heart of the Telan Cluster.

The smiling Dirindi absently sends another small spark at the still giggling (although a bit getting wide-eyed) old human couple.
Yup. Them were good times. School is cool! Stay in school kids. Anywho, after graduation I was recruited by Sanjaval Spaceflight Systems to be a liaison for them and the Starfinder Society at Absolam Station. So, here were sit. Fun, huh!

Hearing his shuttle number being called, the Dirindi stands (roughly 5'), gathers his suitcase, tips his hat to the giggling (definitely mostly deaf) old human couple, before departing
Dirk Gently, Corporate Agent.


Dirk Gently, Holistic Detective, NG Medium Male Dirindi Solarian ( Espionage Specialist / Stellar Sage ) 1
Age 22
Home Planet Arkanen
Languages Dirindi, Common, Aklo, Brethedan

Stamina Points 6/6, Hit Points 10/10, Resolve Points 5/5

EAC 15, KAC 15, Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +1

Init +4, Perception +5, Senses Low light, Blind sight (electricity) 60', Voice Amplifier (Lower DCs of other creatures’ Perception checks to hear you speaking by 5).

Immunities ---, Resistances Electricity 5

Armor EJ Coverall (Utility) Bulk L, EAC Bonus 1, KAC Bonus 1, Dex Cap 4, Check Penalty 0, Speed Penalty 0, Upgrade Slots 2

Speed 30 ft.
BAB +0

Melee Lunar Weapon, Apocalyptic Crystal Shard +4 1d4+1 S (Feint, Operative) Critical Corrode 1d4 Ref DC 10+damage

Ranged Tactical Semi-Auto Pistol +4 1d6 P Category (Analog Projectile)
Ammo 30/30

Space 5 ft, Reach 5 ft

Str 10 Dex 18 (+2 race, +6) Con 10 Int 12 (+2) Wis 8 (-2 race) Cha 18 (+2 race, +1 Theme, +5)

Skills (6+int) 7
Acrobatics (Dex)+8(1), Athletics (Str), Diplomacy (Cha)+10(1), Intimidate (Cha)+8 (+2 as swift)(1), Mysticism (Wis), Perception (Wis)+5(1), Physical Science (Int)+5(1), Profession (Cha, Int, or Wis), Sense Motive (Wis), Stealth (Dex)+8(1).

Skill Adept
Computers (Int)+7(1), Engineering (Int)+7(1)

1st Skill Synergy (Computers/ Engineering)
1st Breach and Clear (b)

Theme Corporate Agent (+1 Cha)
Source Pact Worlds pg. 47
Corporations control much of the modern world, from the food each person eats to the weapons a soldier deploys on the field of battle. You are an agent of one such corporation, which relies on your negotiation, deal-making, and your natural cunning to advance its agendas. Whether you are making proposals to agents of other corporations to split the mining rights for a valuable asteroid or establishing your corporation’s presence on a newly discovered world, you are the company’s eyes, ears, and hands.

Theme Knowledge (1st Level)
You are deeply connected to the world of corporate culture, and know all the movers and shakers. When attempting a Profession or Culture check to recall knowledge about corporations and their executives, reduce the DC by 5. Diplomacy is a class skill for you, though if it is a class skill from the class you take at 1st level, you instead gain a +1 bonus to Diplomacy checks. In addition, you gain an ability adjustment of +1 to Charisma at character creation.

Solar Manifestation
Lunar Weapon
Source Starfinder #35: Merchants of the Void pg. 53
You have studied the delicate and luminous light reflected from a moon or similar celestial body, allowing you to bring forth an exquisite weapon made for graceful combat. This manifestation functions similarly to solar weapon, except it deals 1d4 damage at 1st level. This damage increases by 1d4 at 6th level, 9th level, 12th level, and every level thereafter. Your lunar weapon also has the feint and operative special qualities (though it can’t be used to make trick attacks, if you have that class feature). Unlike other melee weapons with the operative special quality, when you gain Weapon Specialization at 3rd level, you add your full solarian level to damage with your lunar weapon, as opposed to half. If you’re a multiclass solarian, you add your full solarian level and half your levels in other classes to damage with your lunar weapon.

Electrical Attunement (Su)
Source Tech Revolution pg. 30
Class Solarian

Your solarian powers are tuned to the interplay of energy and resistance, not photons and gravitons. Your stellar mode class feature enables you to be in three modes: energy mode, resistance mode, or unattuned. For the purpose of empowering revelations based on your attunement and meeting prerequisites, treat energy mode as photon mode, and treat resistance mode as graviton mode. Your solarian abilities that deal fire damage or provide cold resistance—such as corona, plasma sheath, or solar flare—deal electricity damage and grant electricity resistance instead. At 1st level, you learn the destructive discharge and energy sink stellar revelations instead of black hole and supernova.
Electromagnetic attunement alters solar manifestation, stellar mode, and stellar revelation.

Energy Mode: When you enter energy mode, you gain 1 energy attunement point and become energy-attuned; you’re treated as being photon-attuned for the purpose of determining your stellar revelations’ effects. While energy-attuned, your speeds all increase by 5 feet. This bonus increases by 5 feet for every 3 solarian levels you have.

Resistance Mode: When you enter resistance mode, you gain 1 resistance attunement point and become resistance-attuned; you’re treated as being graviton-attuned for the purpose of determining your stellar revelations’ effects. While you’re resistance-attuned, you gain damage reduction 1/—. This bonus increases by 1 for every 6 solarian levels you have, and this damage reduction stacks with one other source of DR.

Stellar Revelations

Destructive Discharge (Su)
Source Tech Revolution pg. 30
When you’re fully energy-attuned, as a standard action, you can deal 1d8 electricity damage plus 1d8 per solarian level to one creature within 30 feet of you (Fortitude half). Increase this revelation’s range by 5 feet for every 2 solarian levels you have. After you use this revelation, you immediately become unattuned. Destructive discharge functions as a zenith revelation for the purposes of abilities that reference them.

SFS Legal Energy Sink (Su)
Source Tech Revolution pg. 30
When you’re fully resistance-attuned, as a standard action, you can cause all creatures within 10 feet of you to become fatigued for 1 minute, and any creature that’s already fatigued becomes nauseated for 1 round (Fortitude negates). Creatures affected by this ability must expend twice as many charges as normal when operating items powered by batteries. After you use this revelation, you immediately become unattuned. Energy sink functions as a zenith revelation for the purposes of abilities that reference them.

Race Abilities

Dirindis know a number of bonus languages equal to twice their Intelligence bonus, half of which must be chosen from either the prevalent languages on page 41 of the Starfinder Core Rulebook or the racial languages their allies speak. They also gain a +2 racial bonus to Diplomacy checks.

Dirindi Senses
Dirindis have blindsight (electricity) with a range of 60 feet and low-light vision. They gain a +2 racial bonus to Perception checks.

Electrical Affinity

Dirindis have resistance 5 to electricity, and they gain the following spell-like abilities. The caster level for these effects is equal to the dirindi’s level.

Spell-like Abilities
1/day—jolting surge 1/1
At will—energy ray (electricity only)

Credits 1000/ 22
Worn Industrial Backpack, Environmental Clothing, Personal Comm Unit, Fire extinguisher , Scuba gear, Portable Speaker, pocket, Voice Amplifier , Apocalypse Crystal, Shard, Towel
Current Bulk 3, Encumbered 8, Maximum 12
Tool Kit
Source Starfinder Core Rulebook pg. 219
Level 1; Price 20
Hands —; Bulk L
A tool kit is a set of specialized tools and devices not worth purchasing individually, but which as a collection are required for a given task or provide a circumstance bonus to certain skill checks. The types of tool kits are:
disguise kit (required for Disguise checks to change appearance)
engineering kit (Engineering checks without one take a –2 penalty)
hacking kit (required for most Computer checks; see page 137 for more information)
trapsmith’s tools (provides a +4 bonus to Engineering or Mysticism checks to arm or disarm traps).