Pruolus, The Adventurers Guild story

Game Master Chyrone

Building a career in the Yonford Adventurers Guild

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Grand Lodge

M Half-elf | 10/10 HP | AC 17 T 14 FF 13 | CMD 17 | Perception +8 Ranger 1

GM, is the scene going on only for the ladies?

I was thinking the folks left behind could have some small talk and character building, but I'm not sure if "going left" means they came back and now everyone's going left.

Slides Innkeeper and storyteller.
Lariel Harp wrote:

GM, is the scene going on only for the ladies?

I was thinking the folks left behind could have some small talk and character building, but I'm not sure if "going left" means they came back and now everyone's going left.

Oh the two of you have a couple of minutes to talk, certainly, before the ladies return.

Male Human Evoker | HP 3/7 | AC14 T13 F11 w/Mage Armor: AC17 T13 F14 | F: +1, R: +3, W: +3 | Init: +4 | Perc: +6 (Low-Light Vision) | Appraise: +3, Know(Arcana/Local): +7, Spellcraft: +7, Stealth: +7 | Active Conditions: None | Versatile Evocation: 6/6

quietly of course....

Slides Innkeeper and storyteller.
Vasaam Cathan wrote:
quietly of course....

Of course..

Aletha Verkossian wrote:

In wrath of the righteous, a chaotic neutral bloodrager was asked by the mendevian inquisition why the Succubi had a massive problem with dominating him (it was because he mechanically dipped in oracle, possessed curse, and was also a fractured mind spiritualist, so he had to extraplanar entities in his head at all time, on top of his bloodrager. He did not wish to reveal this to the mendevian inquisition), so he told them that he has the Manta "Shamiras breasts are padded" which the inquisition bought, and then used as indoctrination for new recruits. It was totally a Konsuba reference, and I nearly spilled some booze on my keyboard from laughing, as the GM inserted half the Konosuba cast into act 4.

Years later, he had to negotiate with that very demonlord, and she was not amused. But he managed to spin a good yarn about how this made her more known and popular. Her boss however was.


Let's see if we can add a few more comedic type of references as we go about adventuring.

Slides Innkeeper and storyteller.

I've done about all mythic paths, and i generally just mopped the floor with Shamira & allies when she enacts her 'master plan'.

I took control of Nocticula's domain on my last run, however.
Ousted Nocticula and her loyal guard, then Shamira and conspirators when they turned on me by attempting to backstab me.

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Female Aasimar (Angelkin) HP 12/12 AC 16/14/12 F 2 Ref 4 Will -1/+3 vs charm and compulsion Falcata swashbuckler 1

Our GM ran all the Demonlord, as intelligent adversaries.

Baphomet infiltrated the Pathfinder guild and convinced it we were imposters working for Baphomet, so we were constantly attacked by "Pathfinders" that wanted our loots, and had some "vile eldritch resource" named "society favors" to disappear with their loots if defeated.

Shamira decided to troll our Phoenix blooded Urban Bloodrager with a telepathic Like, we are supposed to be enemies, but odds are 80% or so that I am your grandmother because of course thats how the f#!#ing multiverse works, which makes things rather awkward, how about we have a truce? I pretend to be really mad at you, because there are 3 spies for Baphomet in this halls, and you bugger off and kill that annoying twit Herpderpmire or whatever her effing name is. I will reward you, and your merry little group of murderhobos will have the abilitiy to balance depending on Nocticula with depending on me, resulting in you likely getting a better deal in the end?

Followed by a

Do you know what the worst thing about being a nascent demon lord is? You cant get drunk. Although I heard Cayden has some special booze... like, tell him I am willing to free mortal slaves and have them repatriated to the prime material in return for it.

Which worked to get the Caydenite Bloodrager into "hej, she is personable and fairly reasonable".

Female Undine Cleric 1 HP 10/10 Init +2 Darkvision Perception +8 Fort +3 Ref +0 Will +5 Longspear +2 1d8+3

I have beaten Owl cats more than once, and still don't remember Shamira

I've been in one WotR game, and it died early on, so I don't know much about the AP

Female Aasimar (Angelkin) HP 12/12 AC 16/14/12 F 2 Ref 4 Will -1/+3 vs charm and compulsion Falcata swashbuckler 1

Like, with a shenanigians affine party+GM you can do stuff like act 4 akin to:

--The Demons have come up with "Abysstube" and "Deathstreaming" because some crazy demonic inventor made "streaming orbs". If you gain 666.666 subscribers, you will certainly gain Nocticulas attention!

--Come up with potions of "Paladin juice" (mythically altered potion of bestow grace of the champion that dont care about the alignment requirement on the drinker) and sell them to demons. Smite evil is a pretty nifty ability to have for a demon in the Abyss. Later add addictive stuff and go east indian trade company. Also, start selling vigilante outfits, when not so charismatic demons dont want to get smote into oblivion by Paladin-juice drinking demons with smite evil.
Laugh as both the juice addicts and the vigilante "my alignment is CN so you no smite me" demons slowly shift towards actually CN on account of the arms race.

--Win an abyssal casting show named "Abyssal apprentice" by murdering the casting show host in a particularly inventive matter

--Have a "date" with one of the really dangerous females in or close to your hometown/at a reception in the Chelish imperial palace/in the first world/in the dreamlands. Simultaneously amuse her without turning this into a mass casulty event.

oh man, that is good Aletha Verkossian .....

Though thinking on it, after re-watching Konosuba S2, I hope we never go to a place like Arcanretia in this game, it would be scary.
A small town with great hot springs, good food, good views, and nice, but ultra scary zealots everywhere trying to get you into the axis cult......

Slides Innkeeper and storyteller.

Aletha, from your post, what is it that makes the sahuagin get a -4 on perception?

Taking the slope draws attention, mentioned earlier.

Female Aasimar (Angelkin) HP 12/12 AC 16/14/12 F 2 Ref 4 Will -1/+3 vs charm and compulsion Falcata swashbuckler 1

RAW its the perception rules:

CRB posted under modifiers:
Perception rules
They are trying to notice a creature using stealth (me), which is their perception vs my stealth (I have a glorious 9), their perception roll is modified by -4 because:

Distance to the source, object, or creature +1/10 feet

I am trying to stealth at a distance of 40 feet of them.

Of course, you are the GM, and the perception rules, RAW means you kind of cant see the sun (I would argue that being a massive nuclear fireball adds a sizeable malus to your stealth rolls), which is a bit dumb.

If the area does not offer hiding, then it is totally fair to say that the Sahuaguain just happen to gain a +4 circumstance bonus to notice me since there isnt much cover.

I semi like the rule because it does actually make stealth relatively achievable at low levels for folks who arent in plate armor, of course, this goes both ways, perception rules as written, ambushing the players is relatively easy.

Also, pathfinder has so many and frequently contradictory rules, even "vets" frequently get it wrong, I was recently very surprised that precise shot is not needed remotely as often as I thought it to be.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Slides Innkeeper and storyteller.
Aletha Verkossian wrote:

RAW its the perception rules:

CRB posted under modifiers:
Perception rules
They are trying to notice a creature using stealth (me), which is their perception vs my stealth (I have a glorious 9), their perception roll is modified by -4 because:

Distance to the source, object, or creature +1/10 feet

I am trying to stealth at a distance of 40 feet of them.

Of course, you are the GM, and the perception rules, RAW means you kind of cant see the sun (I would argue that being a massive nuclear fireball adds a sizeable malus to your stealth rolls), which is a bit dumb.

If the area does not offer hiding, then it is totally fair to say that the Sahuaguain just happen to gain a +4 circumstance bonus to notice me since there isnt much cover.

I semi like the rule because it does actually make stealth relatively achievable at low levels for folks who arent in plate armor, of course, this goes both ways, perception rules as written, ambushing the players is relatively easy.

Also, pathfinder has so many and frequently contradictory rules, even "vets" frequently get it wrong, I was recently very surprised that precise shot is not needed remotely as often as I thought it to be.

Partially my err then, for not having the map up yet.

This slope is full unobstructed view, hence my mention of it drawing attention. I'll be sure to be more specific later on.

Vasaam Cathan wrote:
I'm getting Access Denied on your slides.

Sign in with a Google or Youtube account, then request access.

Slides Innkeeper and storyteller.

The slides are now set to access for all.

Male Human Evoker | HP 3/7 | AC14 T13 F11 w/Mage Armor: AC17 T13 F14 | F: +1, R: +3, W: +3 | Init: +4 | Perc: +6 (Low-Light Vision) | Appraise: +3, Know(Arcana/Local): +7, Spellcraft: +7, Stealth: +7 | Active Conditions: None | Versatile Evocation: 6/6

That got it. Thanks!

New Virtual Table top that could be used for Map making, review
Kickstarter currently running to upgrade it.

I just thought of something....
If I learn Light (next level), and put it on a rock that I sling at foes, it should give some light to enemies in the area even in the dark.

Grand Lodge

M Half-elf | 10/10 HP | AC 17 T 14 FF 13 | CMD 17 | Perception +8 Ranger 1

Yeah, or maybe we can coordinate, you light up the tip of my arrow and I shoot it somewhere convenient?

does does not completely work since, you can't really see where to put the light with your shot.
someone with Darkvision needs to get it to the enemy so you can see them at a range.

Grand Lodge

M Half-elf | 10/10 HP | AC 17 T 14 FF 13 | CMD 17 | Perception +8 Ranger 1

Oh man, catch 22

Male Human Evoker | HP 3/7 | AC14 T13 F11 w/Mage Armor: AC17 T13 F14 | F: +1, R: +3, W: +3 | Init: +4 | Perc: +6 (Low-Light Vision) | Appraise: +3, Know(Arcana/Local): +7, Spellcraft: +7, Stealth: +7 | Active Conditions: None | Versatile Evocation: 6/6

Once we end the day and rest I can change my spells and have Dancing Lights. Cantrips are great, but only having 3 to choose is annoying.

GM might be interested in this Kickstarter (in it's last 48 hours)

It is Sea/Island Encounters maps for TTRPGs

and here is another

I back both of them, so I'm loaded on maps

The Sea/Island Encounters one is in it's last 3/4 hours.

Slides Innkeeper and storyteller.
Nausicaa Ingrid Leona Ioanna wrote:

I back both of them, so I'm loaded on maps

The Sea/Island Encounters one is in it's last 3/4 hours.

I may have a quick look still when i get home.

Slides Innkeeper and storyteller.

And of course of course one needs credit cards. Which i don't own.

I think they'll have another KS starting up in say 2 weeks (with a 2 week funding period), with the a likely chance to pick up their previous KS map bundles, like this one.

And you can download the free previews I believe, so you can grab something.

Also one should be able to get pre-paid credit cards, I think those can be used.

Slides Innkeeper and storyteller.
Nausicaa Ingrid Leona Ioanna wrote:

I think they'll have another KS starting up in say 2 weeks (with a 2 week funding period), with the a likely chance to pick up their previous KS map bundles, like this one.

And you can download the free previews I believe, so you can grab something.

Also one should be able to get pre-paid credit cards, I think those can be used.

I used to have a virtual Visa, but that website's service is discontinued.

Grand Lodge

M Half-elf | 10/10 HP | AC 17 T 14 FF 13 | CMD 17 | Perception +8 Ranger 1

So, guys, my family and I are on a short vacation trip until Sunday. So please forgive me if I don't show up a lot until Monday.

Well, I got the Sea and Wilderness Maps from that KS.
Each wilderness comes in around 3 GB in size (1 GB: no Grid, 1 GB : Hex_Grid, 1 GB: Square_Grid), with Sea_Island being double that.

Slides Innkeeper and storyteller.
Coraline Sealen wrote:
If I have a swim speed do I still need to check?

Not as far as i know. Though if it is particularly stormy weather with very strong currents and waves, i might house rule a reduced check against minor reduced speed for medium and smaller with swim speed. But it might not even come to that, depending on how the story goes.

Which naturally includes hostile swimming creatures, as well.

Nausicaa Ingrid Leona Ioanna wrote:

I think they'll have another KS starting up in say 2 weeks (with a 2 week funding period), with the a likely chance to pick up their previous KS map bundles, like this one.

And you can download the free previews I believe, so you can grab something.

Also one should be able to get pre-paid credit cards, I think those can be used.

Called it,

seems they are going to do another map KS soon, this time Japanese style maps.

Grand Lodge

M Half-elf | 10/10 HP | AC 17 T 14 FF 13 | CMD 17 | Perception +8 Ranger 1

I'm confused. Was there nothing interesting on the other side of the chasm?

Slides Innkeeper and storyteller.
Lariel Harp wrote:
I'm confused. Was there nothing interesting on the other side of the chasm?

Oh there is, but i've that briefly on hold, with Caroline taking a quick check if there were no sahuagin lurking beneath the water.

Female Aasimar (Angelkin) HP 12/12 AC 16/14/12 F 2 Ref 4 Will -1/+3 vs charm and compulsion Falcata swashbuckler 1

Its just a big crab, right? Not a 100 ton battlemech armed with all the Guns? Asking for a friend.

I got that reference fast, as a fan of Battletech, and the Mechwarrior 2+3 games along with Mechcommander, and the old cartoon from the 90's

Crab is a 50 Ton medium mech, while the King Crab is a 100 Ton assault mech.

I think we'll end up like this.

Did me saying we should boil that crab, do a change in the luck we are having?

Female Aasimar (Angelkin) HP 12/12 AC 16/14/12 F 2 Ref 4 Will -1/+3 vs charm and compulsion Falcata swashbuckler 1

I had a lot of things to do over the weekend, normal posting will resume on monday evening my time.

Grand Lodge

M Half-elf | 10/10 HP | AC 17 T 14 FF 13 | CMD 17 | Perception +8 Ranger 1

I hope everything is ok!

Female Aasimar (Angelkin) HP 12/12 AC 16/14/12 F 2 Ref 4 Will -1/+3 vs charm and compulsion Falcata swashbuckler 1

with me yes, but my mother had an accident that required significant surgery. Her condition is good otherwise and she can already kind of walk using... I dont know the english term, its like a mix of crutches and a kind of cage?

She will hopefully make the switch to crutches soon.

Grand Lodge

M Half-elf | 10/10 HP | AC 17 T 14 FF 13 | CMD 17 | Perception +8 Ranger 1

Oof. Hope she recovers quickly!

Slides Innkeeper and storyteller.
Aletha Verkossian wrote:

with me yes, but my mother had an accident that required significant surgery. Her condition is good otherwise and she can already kind of walk using... I dont know the english term, its like a mix of crutches and a kind of cage?

She will hopefully make the switch to crutches soon.

A walking rack, i think you're looking at.

Anyway, best of health to your mom.

Aletha Verkossian wrote:

with me yes, but my mother had an accident that required significant surgery. Her condition is good otherwise and she can already kind of walk using... I dont know the english term, its like a mix of crutches and a kind of cage?

She will hopefully make the switch to crutches soon.

I hope she has a smooth recovery.

Male Human Evoker | HP 3/7 | AC14 T13 F11 w/Mage Armor: AC17 T13 F14 | F: +1, R: +3, W: +3 | Init: +4 | Perc: +6 (Low-Light Vision) | Appraise: +3, Know(Arcana/Local): +7, Spellcraft: +7, Stealth: +7 | Active Conditions: None | Versatile Evocation: 6/6

Have her take it slow and careful. Too easy to re-injure if you try to push recovery.

Slides Innkeeper and storyteller.

After some consideration, i will step away from automatic bonus progression and stick to the usual. Elephant in the room will remain.

Grand Lodge

M Half-elf | 10/10 HP | AC 17 T 14 FF 13 | CMD 17 | Perception +8 Ranger 1

That is wise. Rebalancing loot is hard.

Slides Innkeeper and storyteller.
Lariel wrote:
Lariel looks at the young man and doesn't know what to do. Normally in a conversation people reply to comments, but the silence makes him uneasy. He decides to stay silent as well, wondering what is special about the young man.

Picture of scene

By appearance, they are around the same age.
I seem to have forgotten to have that be in the post.

Grand Lodge

M Half-elf | 10/10 HP | AC 17 T 14 FF 13 | CMD 17 | Perception +8 Ranger 1

Look at us! Pimping out the village!

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