DM Brainiac's Seven Dooms for Sandpoint Table 1

Game Master Brainiac

Reputation: Bunyip Club: -4, Runewatchers: 5, Sandpoint Cathedral: 18, Sandpoint Mercantile League: 3, Scarnetti Consortium: -11, Town Watch: 2, Townsfolk: 2

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Female Human Aiuvarin Flexible Magus 6 | HP 74 | AC 23 | Fort +13 Ref +14 Will +10 | Perc +8 (+12 for initiative) | Spell DC 21

"I know that it's selfish, but I don't want her in Nirvana - I want her here. Here in our home ... with me," she whispers.

Reigning in her emotions, Vyana takes more deep breaths and finally releases her friend. Wiping her eyes, she smiles at Siobhan. "Thanks for being here, Von," she says. Almost instantly she misses the warmth of the other girl's embrace and castigates herself.

It's okay to miss a hug from a friend, right?

"We should finish up. Viv will be here any time."

Dark Archive

| HP: 86/86| AC: 24[26] | F: +13, R: +7(10), W: +12 | Lore +8, Med/Perc +10, Rel +11, Dip/Itm +13, Ath +14 | +15, 2d6+4 | Speed 25ft | HeP: 2/3, Focus: 1/2 | Active conditions:

"You know we have to go to her performance first right?" Von counters, turning back to the last few pieces of washing up. They finish work and Von gives Vy a last hug before she leaves to change before the theatre.

"Vy... you know you can come to me any time right? For anything? I mean it. I want to be here for you."

Female Human Aiuvarin Flexible Magus 6 | HP 74 | AC 23 | Fort +13 Ref +14 Will +10 | Perc +8 (+12 for initiative) | Spell DC 21
Siobhan Sable wrote:
"Vy... you know you can come to me any time right? For anything? I mean it. I want to be here for you."

"I know," the half-elf replies. The hug, somehow, feels different now. "I ... I appreciate it. Thank you."

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Female human cleric 6 | HP:68 AC: 20: F:+12 R:+10 W:+14 | Speed: 25' | Perception:+14 | Resist: Harm Spells 5 ↻: Protector's Sacrifice

Arms crossed, a stern expression on her face, Viviana shouts , "Hey, you two! Hands off that one; she’s mine! I know she's irresistible, but keep your admiration from afar, please! I've been waiting all day to put my lips on her!"

The two children who had picked up one of her instruments freeze in fear. Viviana holds the stern look for a moment longer before bursting out in laughter and running up to tickle the children. "I'm just kidding, go ahead and have it. Let's hear what you've got!"

She lets the children play with the instruments while she claps her hands and encourages them. She looks around the tavern and sees a small crowd is starting to form, but not finding the signs of her friends.

I'm sure they will be around any moment. she says with a smile, reserving three stools up front for them. She turns to the children and says "Keep an eye out for two beautiful women and a goofy goblin. These seats for them." She reaches into her pack and tosses the children some sweet before starting to sing to herself, heading into the backroom to get changed.

Dark Archive

| HP: 86/86| AC: 24[26] | F: +13, R: +7(10), W: +12 | Lore +8, Med/Perc +10, Rel +11, Dip/Itm +13, Ath +14 | +15, 2d6+4 | Speed 25ft | HeP: 2/3, Focus: 1/2 | Active conditions:

Von takes a long time to get to her seat, not because she's late (she's early - as always!), but because she runs into a number of familiar faces. By the time she's extracted herself from the hugs, the pats on the back, the "my how you've grown dear"s and everything else she very nearly is late.

By the time she sits she's obviously flushed, possibly because of the warmth of the tavern or possibly through absolute and thorough mortification.

"Does Goody Mawkin ever stop telling the jam story?" She hisses at Vy. "It was one. Time!"

Male Goblin Thaumaturge [Eldritch Researcher] 6 HP 42/72 AC(T) 22/23, Fort(E)+13, Ref(E)+14, Will(E)+9 Darkvision

Poor, poor, poor Ser Helmut. The busy goblin is not seen in days after they returned from their quest, mission, thingy. The studious sounds of stylos and sands softly sprinkled on scrolls.....

The Thaumaturge does periodically take a field trip to either Viviana and/or Vyana's house for spirited spellcasting from each. Luckily for the busy goblin, he only witnessed some shananagins twice, but Ser Helmut chalks it up to it being particularly warm....

Tardy to the performance, the grinning and proud goblin just walks up to the very stage and plops down with a huge bag of freshly popped popcorn...

He is heard munching throughout the show....

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Female human cleric 6 | HP:68 AC: 20: F:+12 R:+10 W:+14 | Speed: 25' | Perception:+14 | Resist: Harm Spells 5 ↻: Protector's Sacrifice

As the applause settles into a silence, Viviana strums her lute idly. She smiles at her audience, ready to transport them once again with her tales and melodies.

"Good evening! It's good to be home, I missed you all so much.
Make sure you get an ale or three, I promised Jesk that no one was leaving until he'd run dry!"

After the laughter dies now, she continues "So. I thought I'd start tonight off with a quick tale before we get to the songs."

"On my way to the tranquil town of Nybor, nestled by the shores of Ember Lake, I traveled with a caravan that was as colorful as the town itself."

She strums a gentle, rhythmic melody that mimics the steady trot of horses and the creaking of wagon wheels. "Among the travelers was an old man named Orrin, a painter whose hands were stained with the hues of countless sunsets and whose heart was as wide as the Sanos Forest is deep. Orrin was on a quest to paint the perfect sunset, a task he believed was his calling."

"Each evening, as the caravan settled for the night, Orrin would climb a small hill and paint the sunset. But no matter how beautiful the painting, he would sigh and shake his head, claiming it lacked the passion of the real spectacle."

"One evening, a young girl from the caravan, curious about Orrin’s quest, asked if she could watch him paint. Intrigued by her interest, Orrin agreed, and together they watched the sky bloom with colors as the sun dipped below the horizon. That night, Orrin painted with the girl by his side, describing each choice of color, each stroke of his brush."

"When he finally finished, the girl looked at the painting and then at the sky, and with a wise smile, she turned to Orrin and said, ‘Perhaps, it’s not the sunset that lacks passion, but the loneliness of the painter. Maybe passion, like beauty, is best when shared.’"

Viviana lets the melody linger a moment longer before continuing. "Orrin looked at the painting and realized that it was indeed his finest yet. For the first time, his canvas mirrored the passion of the skies, a passion amplified by the presence of a shared experience."

Lowering her lute, Viviana looks around at the faces in the crowd. "And so, my friends, this tale reminds us that passion, much like beauty, flourishes when it is not just felt but shared. Shelyn teaches us that the arts are not a solitary endeavor but a communal exchange that enriches both the creator and the beholder."

She strums a few times and asks "Now. Who's ready for some REAL music!?"

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Female human cleric 6 | HP:68 AC: 20: F:+12 R:+10 W:+14 | Speed: 25' | Perception:+14 | Resist: Harm Spells 5 ↻: Protector's Sacrifice

Viviana engages in a couple of popular Varisian folk songs for the crowd, choosing to keep them up-tempo and the crowd engaged. She tries to leave and gets asked for one more so she obliges. "This last one is something I recently put together. I'd like to dedicate it those special friends of mine in the front row."

Viviana adjusts the lute on her lap, plucking a few introductory notes that fill the room with a soft, wistful melody. As the chords meld into a harmonious flow, she begins her song.

"I came of age, temptin’ fate, growin' up, had to wait. In my dreams, I miss someone. Love is blind, deaf, and dumb."

"I’ve been dreamin’, I've been pushin’ through. I ain't the star of the story. And I’ve been hurtin’, I’ve been missin’ you. I’m that special kind of lonely."

"These are the good old days, they’re ahead and behind. "These are the good old days, I have to keep that in mind. These are the good old days, they’re ahead and behind. These are the good old days, the good old days."

She sings a couple of more verses before finishing to light applause. She tries to make her way to friends, but Cydrak envelopes her in a crushing hug before she can make it there. She does some forced mingling to sell a few more ales before finally finishing up and throwing her arms around her friend's shoulders. "Thanks for coming. Let's get out of here, I'm exhausted."

Dark Archive

| HP: 86/86| AC: 24[26] | F: +13, R: +7(10), W: +12 | Lore +8, Med/Perc +10, Rel +11, Dip/Itm +13, Ath +14 | +15, 2d6+4 | Speed 25ft | HeP: 2/3, Focus: 1/2 | Active conditions:

Siobhan applauds her sister loudly but slips away as the crowds begin to disperse. Viv and Vy have an appointment tonight and she doesn't need to be there for that. So she returns to the Cathedral and helps her father with the night's prayers to Desna instead.

Female human cleric 6 | HP:68 AC: 20: F:+12 R:+10 W:+14 | Speed: 25' | Perception:+14 | Resist: Harm Spells 5 ↻: Protector's Sacrifice

Viviana bids farely to Helmy and Siobhan and hooks her arm around Vyana's as they walk back to her home. As they stroll, Viviana keeps the conversation bubbly and engaging, dropping flirty compliments here and there designed to draw a smile or a light blush from Vyana without overwhelming her.

"Your laugh is pretty contagious, you know." Viviana says with a mischievous grin. "Makes the whole day seem brighter."

As they reach Vyana’s home, Viviana lets out an appreciative whistle, her eyes sweeping over the tidy interior."Wow, look at this place! It’s spotless! Do you have a secret servant stashed away somewhere?"

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Female Human Aiuvarin Flexible Magus 6 | HP 74 | AC 23 | Fort +13 Ref +14 Will +10 | Perc +8 (+12 for initiative) | Spell DC 21

Vyana's brain is in a spin with so many conflicting feelings as the pair make their way back to her home. And Viviana's warm arm entwined with her own is having an unexpected, but not entirely undesired effect on her as well.

"Just be glad you didn't see it earlier," Vyana replies with quiet laugh at Viv's compliment. "Mama would have had a few words to say to me about it."

She invites Viviana to take a seat on the short bench next to the table and notices the small bunch of flowers that Siobhan placed in a vase in the center of the table. Clasping her hands together and placing them on the table, she sits partially turned towards her friend.

"Okay, so ... I've got some things I want to say and some things that I need to say," she begins with a drawn breath. "And I'm pretty sure that I'll only be brave enough to say this once. So please, let me finish before you ... respond."

She takes a moment gathering her strength.

"First off ... I want to say that you, Von, and Helmy have been the greatest friends anyone could ever ask for. And while they have their strengths, you ... you are amazing. Your talent and heart fill whatever space you're in to the point that anyone that doesn't already love you must have no heart of their own." She smiles. "When you sing, I have no doubt that everyone listening feels like you're singing just for them, because I know that's how I feel. You're beautiful and you're compassionate and everyone wants to fall under your gaze."

She reaches out and idly turns the vase on the table.

"When Mama got sick, you were right there helping her every chance you could." A tremor creeps into Vyana's words. "Every time you'd leave for the day, she'd have nothing but good things to say about you. You brought such cheer into her life."

Vyana swallows and pushes the vase away and her eyes close.

"And when she died ... I was lost. It was like the center of my world just ... vanished. And the person that I most wanted to turn to to tell me that it would be all okay ... left. Just left."

She holds up a hand to forestall any words.

"I ... I think I understand why you left. And I won't even say that it wasn't the right thing to do. But I want you to understand ... I need you to understand how much that hurt. How betrayed I felt. If you had shoved a knife into my back, I can't imagine that it would have given me as much pain as your leaving did. Pain can cause people to ... do things that they later regret."

"I'm not telling you this to hurt you or make you feel bad. I just ... I just need you to understand. I care about you, Viv. I want ..." She sighs. "I don't even know what I really want. But I think I know what you want. And all I can say is that before we can develop ... whatever exists between us ... any further, I have to overcome this fear deep inside that you'll hurt me again like that. Words and promises won't fix this. Just time."

She finally reaches out and takes Viv's hand in her own.

"... time to rebuild the trust that we had."

Vyana tips her head towards her companion. "But I'm not blind to the fact that you're a very beautiful and desirable woman, so if time is not something you want to spend ... I understand."

She gives Viviana's hand a light squeeze and releases it, clasping her own hands together again in front of her.

"That ... that's what I needed to say," she says and prepares herself for her friends response.

Male Goblin Thaumaturge [Eldritch Researcher] 6 HP 42/72 AC(T) 22/23, Fort(E)+13, Ref(E)+14, Will(E)+9 Darkvision

(Ser Helmut is not seen for quite a while, or until the morning janitor at the Theater found the goblin snoring under the main stage snuggling with a prop).....

Female human cleric 6 | HP:68 AC: 20: F:+12 R:+10 W:+14 | Speed: 25' | Perception:+14 | Resist: Harm Spells 5 ↻: Protector's Sacrifice
Vyana wrote:
"And the person that I most wanted to turn to to tell me that it would be all okay ... left. Just left."

A dagger to the heart. The guilt she had buried because it was too hard to deal with began resurfacing. She opens her mouth to say something but can't find the words. It's okay because Vyana bought her a pass with her upturned hand.

Viviana's eyes shimmer with unshed tears as she listens to Vyana's heartfelt words, the old wounds reopening with each sentence. As Vyana finishes, Viviana gathers herself, feeling the weight of her past decisions and the pain they caused not just Vyana, but herself as well.

She takes a deep breath and finds the courage to reveal the deeper truth she has kept buried. "Vy. I. I've told many that I left to heal the world, to follow Shelyn's call, which is true. But. It's not the whole truth." she begins, her voice quivering slightly with the admission, looking away in shame.

It takes a moment, but she opens her eyes to lock with Vyana's, filling her with a mix of pain and earnestness. "The truth is, I left because I felt I failed your mother. And I failed you. When she died, despite everything I tried, it broke me. I'm suppose to be a healer. I was given a gift to heal and I used it selfishly instead. I. I couldn't save her, and the guilt was... overwhelming. I. I couldn't face you, knowing I had put my feelings for you before my duty to heal her. That failure haunted me every day."

Viviana looks away and sighs, squeezing Vyana's hand with one hand and wiping away her tears with the other. "Haunts me still."

She swallows a lump in her throat and continues "So I ran. Like a coward. And left you all alone when you needed me the most."

"I'm not seeking pity or trying to justify my actions. You deserved to know the whole truth. I've taken to heart everything you've expressed..." She turns, her eyes locking with Vyana's once again, her voice softening, "And if you're willing to give me the opportunity, I promise I'll never fail you again."

Unintentionally, Viviana lets her expressive eyes soften into a pleading, puppy-dog gaze that radiates her captivating charm. "I'll wait for you, Vyana, as steadfastly as Desna charts the endless stars in the night sky—unwavering and eternal."

Female Human Aiuvarin Flexible Magus 6 | HP 74 | AC 23 | Fort +13 Ref +14 Will +10 | Perc +8 (+12 for initiative) | Spell DC 21

Vyana reaches out and cups Viviana's cheek.

"Don't make me promises, Viv. Show me," she says as her lips turn up into a soft smile. Her other arms slips around the girl's waist and she pulls her in for a tight hug. "And you did your best for Mama," she whispers. "If she were here, she would tell you that she doesn't blame you at all." A soft touch of lips against the skin just under the ear and then it's gone.

Vyana pulls back and settles herself.

"Oh, and there's one other thing that I needed to do," she says, rising from the short bench. Stepping away, she opens a drawer and pulls out a wrapped package. "I didn't feel right keeping this, but I didn't know what to do with it." Returning to the table, she holds out to Viviana the gift that was offered at a picnic what seems now like a lifetime ago.

"I never opened it, either. It just didn't ... I didn't want to assume that ..." She trails off awkwardly and sets the long, slender bundle on the table. "Well ... here."

Female human cleric 6 | HP:68 AC: 20: F:+12 R:+10 W:+14 | Speed: 25' | Perception:+14 | Resist: Harm Spells 5 ↻: Protector's Sacrifice

Viviana’s hands tremble slightly as she holds the gift in her hands, a mix of shock and emotion washing over her. Her gaze slowly shifts from the package to Vyana. "You. Kept it?"

One hand absently goes to her chest where the tattoo of this wrapped item rests behind her dress. While the mark on her skin remained, the memory of the item she had crafted had been forgotten.

This is one of those rare moments where Viviana is at a loss for words. "I. I forgot all about this. I just thought you never saw it."

She sits there awkwardly, holding the bow that she had custom-made for Vyana. A beautifully crafted elven bow with ivy patterns inlaid in emerald with a crimson heart at its center. She lifts it back up and holds it out for Vyana to take. "Open it. Please."

Assuming she opens it:

As she opens it, Viviana explains the history behind the item "I had Helmy find some books on elvish weaponry. As I looked through them, I came across some tales of this rare wood called Heartwood that only grows in the Mierani Forest. So I sent some money to Von and asked her to find some in the markets of Magnimar. It wasn't easy or cheap, but, well, she's amazing and persistent, and she found it for me."

"I took the heartwood to Savah and created an illustration of how I wanted it crafted. Savah does amazing work, a true artist. Anyway, I named it Caladhiel, or, Bow of the Heart. Because, you know."

She offers a meek smile and asks, "Do you like it?"

Female Human Aiuvarin Flexible Magus 6 | HP 74 | AC 23 | Fort +13 Ref +14 Will +10 | Perc +8 (+12 for initiative) | Spell DC 21

"It ... It's beautiful," Vyana answers in a soft voice, her eyes travelling the length of the weapon. One hand reaches out hesitantly to trace the intricate decorative emerald tracings. One finger stops at a swirling pattern of leaves - clearly an artistic allowance for the attaching of a rune. She notes the other placements as well. The artist was generous in their expectations.

Her hand pulls back and she frowns.

"I don't know if I ... This must be worth an awful lot, Viv. Things have changed. I mean I would love to have it, but I don't know if it would be right for me to keep it now."

Female human cleric 6 | HP:68 AC: 20: F:+12 R:+10 W:+14 | Speed: 25' | Perception:+14 | Resist: Harm Spells 5 ↻: Protector's Sacrifice

"Think of it not as a gift, but as your partner. Just as Shelyn guides my hand, let Caladhiel be a companion in your journey. It was crafted to be yours. It's meant to be with you so that you can protect those who can't protect themselves."

Viviana stands and moves to Vyana, placing one hand over Vyana's heart and one over her own. She looks into those emerald colored eyes and says "Please, accept it—not as a burden, but as a piece of my heart, given freely and with love."

Female Human Aiuvarin Flexible Magus 6 | HP 74 | AC 23 | Fort +13 Ref +14 Will +10 | Perc +8 (+12 for initiative) | Spell DC 21

The warmth of Viviana's hand against her burns with an intensity that's more than a little frightening. Vyana's eyes move down to Viv's lips and then glances away. Reaching down, she takes the hand that's on her chest into her own.

"Thank you," she says with a nod. "I'll try to be worthy of it." She glances around the small space nervously. "So, I imagine you've seen a lot of places more exciting than Sandpoint. Care to tell me about them?"

She brightens up.

"Hey! That's something that we haven't done in a long time. Come on ..."

Taking Viviana by the hand, she leads her back outside into the cool night air. Around to the rear of the small house she goes into the small garden. In the darkness one can't see the neglected growth or the overtaking weeds. There's only the scent of jasmine, primrose, gardenia, and the twinkling stars above.

Finding space is a little more difficult than when they were children, but Vyana quickly makes room on the ground next to her for Viviana and lays back to gaze up at the starlight.

"Remember doing this as kids?" she asks, a smile at the fond memory evident in her tone.

Female human cleric 6 | HP:68 AC: 20: F:+12 R:+10 W:+14 | Speed: 25' | Perception:+14 | Resist: Harm Spells 5 ↻: Protector's Sacrifice

Viviana struggles to move through the overgrown garden. She bumps her hip into Vyana's and jokes "I guess Siobhan didn't help clean up out here, hmmm?"

Moving outside allows the tension from inside to give way to the familiar and comfort of the night. The cool air and the fragrance of jasmine relaxed Viv.

"Of course, I remember." she says as she settles beside Vyana on the ground. "We used to make up stories about the stars."

Looking up at the vast expanse of the night sky, Viv points towards a cluster of stars. "There. That was your favorite—The Dancing Maidens. You always said they were celebrating the eternal festival, remember?"

She giggles "Or wait. Maybe that was my favorite."

She waves her hand in the air, dismissing the thought. "Anyway yes, I've seen many places. You wouldn't believe how different it is out there! I know Von told us all about the big city life, but there is so much more!"

"With one caravan, we went south into the Sanos Forest." She describes walking beneath towering trees that seemed to whisper secrets of the ages, the light filtering through leaves in a kaleidoscope of greens. "Oh Vy, you would just love it. It's a place where the natural world feels untouched, almost ... magical."


The time has come for the ritual to be performed. Abstalar summons you back to the Sandpoint Cathedral. There, he introduces you to his old friend Audrahni, who has just arrived this morning. Audrahni is a pale-skinned, dark-haired elven woman who dresses in somber colors and, unlike most elves, moves with a somewhat awkward gait and has a slumped posture. Despite this, the elf greets you with a friendly smile.

"Blessings of Ashava upon you. Abstalar has told me a lot about you all. I'm pleased to make your acquaintance," Audrahni says. "He has also filled me in about Nualia's sad story. Ashava is the empyreal lord of lonely spirits, and from what I understand, Nualia's soul is very likely the definition of one of those lonely spirits my faith urges me to guide and assist."

While Audrahni serves as the primary caster for the call spirit ritual, and Abstalar serves as its secondary caster, there remains a very important role for you to perform. Audrahni explains that the particulars of Nualia’s death, her past with Sandpoint, the passage of nearly two decades of time, and the desecration of her remains all make for a less than ideal set of circumstances for calling her spirit. It will take all of her focus, as well as Abstalar’s, to ensure that Nualia’s spirit can be properly called, and even then, there’s a chance that restless spirits might arrive as well. If this happens, Abstalar and Audrahni must focus on blocking those spirits from fighting their way through to potentially become dangerous undead—which would leave you with the responsibility of not only helping to shore up the ritual’s magic, but to be the ones to speak to Nualia’s spirit if she answers.

The best way to contact a spirit in this case, Audrahni explains, is under moonlight, and so she and Abstalar intend to perform the ritual at night in the open-air cathedral courtyard. They plan to perform the ritual on the next clear night, an hour after sunset when the moon shines down into the courtyard. While moonlight is essential for the ritual, a few extra lanterns won’t hurt.

Male Goblin Thaumaturge [Eldritch Researcher] 6 HP 42/72 AC(T) 22/23, Fort(E)+13, Ref(E)+14, Will(E)+9 Darkvision

Ser Helmut wakes up a a few days later ! Unlucky for the passed out Thaumaturge, theatre was extremely quiet at the beginning of the week...

Bouncing his helmet head off the bottom of a pew, Ser Helmut groans. Finding himself back in his back flat faced up staring at the same threatening pew, the goblin wonders how his friends are doing....

Arriving at the arranged area of the church for the performance of the Ritual, Ser Helmut pauses as his eyes look up at the weird elf.
Youses bees unlike most elves, moves with da somewhat awkward gait and has da slumped postures.

The goblin then looks her in the eyes.
Hellos! I am Ser Helmut! Who bees readies fer sum ritual fun!

The Thaumaturge takes out his trusty Tome and begins flipping pages ..

The goblin does look up at potentially become dangerous undead—.
Anyone gots da Ghost Touch Ability?

Female human cleric 6 | HP:68 AC: 20: F:+12 R:+10 W:+14 | Speed: 25' | Perception:+14 | Resist: Harm Spells 5 ↻: Protector's Sacrifice

As the day of the ritual approaches, Viviana prepares herself mentally and spiritually for the significant role she is about to play. The importance of contacting Nualia's spirit weighs heavily on her, and she takes time to make sure she understands the complexities and risks involved due to the restless nature of the spirits that might be summoned.

Viviana thwaps Helmut's backside with the pole of her glaive, the sound of her gentle but firm thwap against his arm echoing subtly

"Please forgive his comments, Audrahni." Viviana says, her tone laced with respect and a hint of embarrassment. "We value your presence and assistance greatly and truly appreciate your efforts to help us tonight."

Viviana shoots Helmut a stern look.

Female Human Aiuvarin Flexible Magus 6 | HP 74 | AC 23 | Fort +13 Ref +14 Will +10 | Perc +8 (+12 for initiative) | Spell DC 21

Vyana gives Audrahni a perfunctory nod. Elves have always given Vyana the feeling of being judged. Of being viewed as 'less'. Even more so than her fellow humanity.

She listens as the elf explains the nature of the ritual, when and what it entails. Vyana continues to nod.

"I'm sure you'll tell me what you need me to do. I understand book magic, but this is something I have no experience in."

Dark Archive

| HP: 86/86| AC: 24[26] | F: +13, R: +7(10), W: +12 | Lore +8, Med/Perc +10, Rel +11, Dip/Itm +13, Ath +14 | +15, 2d6+4 | Speed 25ft | HeP: 2/3, Focus: 1/2 | Active conditions:

Siobhan has even less experience with such things than Vy. Fortunately knocking down dangerous undead is something she is well trained in, so rather than waste time on chatter she simply nods and makes sure that she has all the relevant gear. Sadly she doesn't have Helmy's suggested rune, although it would be very useful right now!

Male Goblin Thaumaturge [Eldritch Researcher] 6 HP 42/72 AC(T) 22/23, Fort(E)+13, Ref(E)+14, Will(E)+9 Darkvision

The goblin just has the cutest, most innocent expression on his little green face.....

Digging through his pack, the Thaumaturge brings out scroll after scroll.
Scroll of wall of fire, a scroll of weapon storm, and a much longer scroll that contains the formula for a consecrate ritual. No?

Ser Helmut shrugs stuffing them absently into various pockets. He then reaches into his satchel, taking out his Tome.
Mees got dis!

Reciting the readymade recipe for this ritual, the Thaumaturge begins to draw runes into the air.
Occultism(E): 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (3) + 8 = 11

The struggling goblin holds up a finger, pulls it (causing a new noise other than ritualistic), smiles and actually does the proper ritual....this time.... because Hero...
Hero Point! Occultism(E): 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (8) + 8 = 16

Psst...anybody's bees gots sum more beans?

That night, under the light of the moon, you gather in the cathedral's courtyard. After making sure you are prepared, Abstalar and Audrahni begin the ritual, their voices raising in prayer to Desna and to Ashava. Candles and incense burn in a circle around them as they prepare to part the veil to the Great Beyond.

However, only about 10 minutes after the ritual begins, a harried-looking acolyte rushes into the courtyard. He gasps at the sight of the magic building around the two clerics, then he quickly hurries over to you. He brings worrying news—a small “mob” has gathered at the entrance to the cathedral, and they’re demanding to be let in to speak to Abstalar. The acolyte nervously asks you to help disperse the mob.

When you step outside, you find a group about two dozen concerned locals gathered at the cathedral entrance. Some carry torches and lanterns, but for the moment none appear to be armed with actual weapons. As you approach, you hear voices calling out, demanding to speak with Abstalar and voicing concern about “taunting the dead” or “toying with evil spirits.” Loudest among the voices is a young man hammering on the door with his fist—Charn Scarnetti, noted troublemaker and rabble-rouser.

"Cease your spells at once!" Charn demands. "We're not about to stand by while you invite a demon into our midst once more!"

You have several options for dispersing the crowd. Each PC can attempt once to do so:

Assuaging the Locals:
Appeals: A PC can appeal to the mob’s sense of civility or try to instill a sense of shame for acting so uncivilized by attempting a DC 23 Society check.

Diplomacy: A PC can attempt a DC 19 Diplomacy check to Make an Impression on the crowd to soothe their anger, or merely promise that they’ll do their best to keep everything safe and will put a stop to the ritual themselves if things look dire.

Misdirection: A PC can outright lie to the crowd, either trying to convince them that the ritual is not happening tonight after all, or that Abstalar is not present and is out attending a sick patient, or otherwise distract them from their anger with a successful DC 20 Deception check.

Threats: A PC can match the crowd’s fury with their own, issuing threats of legal action, warnings that the mob might be making things worse by being distracting, or even hinting at the possibility of a fight by succeeding on a DC 18 Intimidation check.

Female human cleric 6 | HP:68 AC: 20: F:+12 R:+10 W:+14 | Speed: 25' | Perception:+14 | Resist: Harm Spells 5 ↻: Protector's Sacrifice

Viviana is no stranger before crowds and quickly steps forward to address the mob with calm authority. She raises her hands in peace, and says calmly "Good people of Sandpoint! We appreciate your vigilance and understand your concerns. But I assure you, what we are doing tonight is not an act of recklessness or disrespect. We are guided by Ashava and Desna, seeking only to provide peace to a tormented soul, not to invite any harm or evil. Your trusted Father leads the way; have faith and be at peace!"

She glances towards Charn Scarnetti, recognizing the need to address him directly to defuse the tension. "Charn, I understand your fears, especially with our town's history. But Father Abstalar and his companion are conducting a sacred ritual to help, not to harm. There are protections in place, and we are all here ensuring that everything is done with the utmost care and respect for the sanctity of life and spirit."

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (19) + 12 = 31

If applicable, she would apply No Cause For Alarm if you deem them to be frightened/panicked.

Charn scowls at Viviana. He seems ready to keep haranguing her, but a glance around shows that the rest of the locals seem to have been thoroughly mollified by the Shelynite's words. The tension drains away as the locals murmur and begin to disperse.

"Hmph! Very well. But I will not be going far," Charn says with an indignant huff. "Should the worst come to pass, I'll be here to say, 'I told you so!'"


With the angry mob turned away, you return to the courtyard. The ritual proceeds without issue until it nears its end. Then, suddenly, a new manifestation appears amid the shimmering motes of moonlight and dancing spectral figures—shadowy skeletal shapes that begin to claw up from the ground and swipe at the dancing spirits. Audrahni quickly motions for you to approach and assist!

To fight back against the shadows that attempt to squeeze through the barrier between life and death, each PC must attempt the following activity. Helmut will use the rolls he made earlier for Occultism but he can apply them to a different skill if the bonus would be higher.

You strive to prevent or push back against the shadowy spirits attempting to capitalize upon the call spirit ritual. Attempt an Arcana or Occultism check to help shore up the magic, an Intimidation check to frighten the spirits, a Performance check to join the dancing spirits and bolster them against the shadows, or a Religion check to push back against the spirits with prayer. Regardless of the skill chosen, it’s a DC 19 check for success.

Critical Success: The party earns 2 Victory Points.
Success: The party earns 1 Victory Point.
Critical Failure: The party loses 1 Victory Point.

Female Human Aiuvarin Flexible Magus 6 | HP 74 | AC 23 | Fort +13 Ref +14 Will +10 | Perc +8 (+12 for initiative) | Spell DC 21

Vyana is unsure as to how she can help against spectral skeletons, so she falls back to a simple warding. The same warding incantation her mother taught her to protect their small home.

Arcana vs DC 19: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (11) + 10 = 21

Female human cleric 6 | HP:68 AC: 20: F:+12 R:+10 W:+14 | Speed: 25' | Perception:+14 | Resist: Harm Spells 5 ↻: Protector's Sacrifice

As the shadowy skeletal shapes emerge, Viviana's resolve hardens.

She clasps her holy symbol of Shelyn as she calls upon Shelyn. "By Shelyn's grace, let no shadow prevail. Spirits of light, remain steadfast!"

Religion: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (8) + 11 = 19

Male Goblin Thaumaturge [Eldritch Researcher] 6 HP 42/72 AC(T) 22/23, Fort(E)+13, Ref(E)+14, Will(E)+9 Darkvision

Ser Helmut grins sheepishly....
Intimidation+10 plus Guidance gets DC 19 using above roll? Cheese!

Dark Archive

| HP: 86/86| AC: 24[26] | F: +13, R: +7(10), W: +12 | Lore +8, Med/Perc +10, Rel +11, Dip/Itm +13, Ath +14 | +15, 2d6+4 | Speed 25ft | HeP: 2/3, Focus: 1/2 | Active conditions:

Intimidation: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (2) + 10 = 12
Hero Point, Intim: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (10) + 10 = 20

Siobhan steps up, standing between the shadows and the spirits. Her blade doesn't seem to deter the spirits but once she whispers a prayer and her blade bursts into golden fire the shadows recoil from her.

You hold back the restless spirits long enough for the ritual to be completed successfully. The air grows chill, then Nualia’s spirit rises up with a mournful cry. She appears as a ghostly version of how she appeared in life—an aasimar woman with long hair wearing a breastplate that leaves her scarred abdomen exposed, her left hand a demonic claw and her eyes glowing with white light. Her entire ghostly form sheds a pulsing blue-green glow, an amplification of the moonlight into which she has been called.

As Audrahni feared, the particulars of this ritual have left her and Abstalar in a trance, their bodies swaying as they dance with the swirling vortex of moonlit spirits. As her mournful cry tapers off, Nualia settles into a position floating just off the ground, not far from Abstalar and Audrahni. She peers closely at them, focuses more intently on Abstalar, and then says in a haunting voice, “I remember you... why did you call upon me... you hated me... you all hated me...”

With Abstalar unable to respond, it falls on you to speak to Nualia...

Male Goblin Thaumaturge [Eldritch Researcher] 6 HP 42/72 AC(T) 22/23, Fort(E)+13, Ref(E)+14, Will(E)+9 Darkvision

Ser Helmut begins clearing his throat....

Dark Archive

| HP: 86/86| AC: 24[26] | F: +13, R: +7(10), W: +12 | Lore +8, Med/Perc +10, Rel +11, Dip/Itm +13, Ath +14 | +15, 2d6+4 | Speed 25ft | HeP: 2/3, Focus: 1/2 | Active conditions:

"Not all of them." Siobhan says clearly, stepping between the ghostly Nualia and her father. "And many of those that did have repented of their actions. They envied you Nualia, for your beauty, for your faith, for being everything they wished to be. They never saw you - not the real you, not the young woman who was a victim. What happened to you was a tragedy, one that should never have been and has not occurred again. Father A-, my father learned from it. My sister and I, we're orphans, raised by the Cathedral and Father Abstalar has been the best father we could have asked for. I'm sorry for what happened to you, but no-one here deserves the blame for it."

Her voice hardens and she steps closer to the ghostly spirit. "I don't blame you for your reaction Nualia, but everything you did after that... those faults lie with you. Let go of your anger and accept the repentance that is being offered here. If you still trust in the Mother of Monsters after death... then by the Dawnbringer I will end you once more. Make the right choice Nualia - be better than the monster who raised you. Better than the monster he made you."

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (8) + 10 = 18

Nualia utters a bitter laugh. "You're sorry? That's an apology about two decades too late. Your 'sorry' means nothing when all of Sandpoint hated me. I know the truth, despite your flowery words."

The conversation with Nualia is an influence encounter. Each influence round lasts 1 minute. The ritual has a 10 minute duration, so you have 10 rounds to influence her.

Discovery Skills: Demon Lore, Perception, Society
Influence Skills: Deception, Diplomacy, Intimidation, Religion (to note that it's not too late for her to make choices that might save her from being sent to the Abyss when her soul is judged), Society (to remind Nualia that her life in Sandpoint had some good points)

Siobhan's roll this round is a failure unless somebody wants to use their action this round to Aid her and succeeds (DC 15).

Female Human Aiuvarin Flexible Magus 6 | HP 74 | AC 23 | Fort +13 Ref +14 Will +10 | Perc +8 (+12 for initiative) | Spell DC 21

Never the most diplomatic or persuasive, Vyana watches the interplay hoping to learn something a little more about this angry spirit.

Discovery - Perception: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (17) + 6 = 23

Female human cleric 6 | HP:68 AC: 20: F:+12 R:+10 W:+14 | Speed: 25' | Perception:+14 | Resist: Harm Spells 5 ↻: Protector's Sacrifice

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (19) + 12 = 31

Viviana steps forward, her heart heavy with the weight of Nualia’s sorrow and bitterness. Taking a deep breath, she focuses on Nualia. "Nualia. I understand your pain, and I know that no words can truly undo the suffering you’ve endured. But it's not too late for you to make choices that can change your fate. The Abyss does not have to be your final destination."

She takes a step closer, her eyes filled with genuine empathy. "Every soul has the power to seek redemption, to turn away from the darkness and towards the light. Your actions now, your willingness to accept peace and forgiveness, can guide you away from the torment you fear."

"You are not beyond hope, Nualia. The gods are merciful, and Shelyn teaches us that even in the darkest moments, beauty and light can be found. You can still choose a different path, one that leads to solace and redemption. Let us help you find that peace. Please."

Male Goblin Thaumaturge [Eldritch Researcher] 6 HP 42/72 AC(T) 22/23, Fort(E)+13, Ref(E)+14, Will(E)+9 Darkvision

Ser Helmut takes out some perfume from a pocket, splashes some on Siobhanand gives a thumbs up to Nualia!

Diplomacy(T) to Aid DC 15: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (13) + 10 = 23

Nualia remains bitter and accusatory. "You are so focused on trying to help me, but you are the ones that are going to need help. First there was Chopper. Then there was me. We were but early dooms that came to Sandpoint. The worst is yet to come, and when the town burns, everyone will finally feel the pain I felt during my final years of life. There are seven dooms in Sandpoint's future," she warns.

You have gained 3 Influence points with Nualia. Everybody may make rolls for the second influence round.

Female human cleric 6 | HP:68 AC: 20: F:+12 R:+10 W:+14 | Speed: 25' | Perception:+14 | Resist: Harm Spells 5 ↻: Protector's Sacrifice

Viviana takes a deep breath, steadying herself before she begins again. "Nualia. I understand your pain and your anger. Your suffering was immense, and your warning is not taken lightly. But your soul still has a chance to find peace. Holding onto this bitterness will only anchor you to more suffering. You have the power to change your fate, to seek forgiveness and redemption, even now."

She pauses, searching Nualia's glowing eyes for any sign of receptiveness. "You speak of seven dooms, but perhaps your own redemption can be the beginning of a new path for Sandpoint, one where the cycle of pain and vengeance can be broken. You can help us prepare for what lies ahead, not as a harbinger of doom, but as a guide towards a better future. Please, help us understand these seven dooms you speak of."

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (19) + 12 = 31

Dark Archive

| HP: 86/86| AC: 24[26] | F: +13, R: +7(10), W: +12 | Lore +8, Med/Perc +10, Rel +11, Dip/Itm +13, Ath +14 | +15, 2d6+4 | Speed 25ft | HeP: 2/3, Focus: 1/2 | Active conditions:

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (11) + 10 = 21

"Sandpoint will not burn." Siobhan says firmly. "We won't allow it, and in your heart you don't want it to Nualia. Think of your friends, the people who cared about you. One bad apple doesn't mean you chop down the entire tree."

Female Human Aiuvarin Flexible Magus 6 | HP 74 | AC 23 | Fort +13 Ref +14 Will +10 | Perc +8 (+12 for initiative) | Spell DC 21

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (1) + 7 = 8

Spending Hero Point ...

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (12) + 7 = 19

Vyana struggles with an argument. In truth, she doesn't know how to soothe the vengeful soul.

"Look, you're hurt and you're angry," she tries. "Everyone here has felt that. Not as much as you have, but it's a feeling that we all share. That doesn't make you a bad person. You wanted to strike out at those who hurt you. We understand. We really do. But there are people getting hurt that had nothing to do with you and what you went through. Is that what you really want? Just to hurt ... everyone?"

Current Status/Spells:

Current HP: 48/48
Current Focus: 1/1
Hero Points: 0/3
Current Effects: n/a
Focus Spells
(1/1) Cantrips (2) - shooting star

Prepared Spells
(5) Cantrips (2) - detect magic, gouging claw, ignition, light, shield
(2/2) 1 - fleet step, grease
(1/1) 2 - blur

Male Goblin Thaumaturge [Eldritch Researcher] 6 HP 42/72 AC(T) 22/23, Fort(E)+13, Ref(E)+14, Will(E)+9 Darkvision

Ser Helmut takes out some more perfume from a pocket, splashes some on Vyana and gives a thumbs up to Nualia!

Diplomacy(T) to Aid DC 15: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (10) + 10 = 20

As you continue your appeals to Nualia, her expression softens with sorrow beginning to replace her anger. "I mourn for you and the other people of Sandpoint, in truth. You did me a favor by killing me before the seven dooms finish what was begun so long ago. Even if you are willing to forgive me, I cannot forgive those who forced me down my path; those who taunted and tormented me while I lived doomed their children more than anything I could have done."

At last, sadness fully replaces Nualia's anger. She sighs and slumps her shoulders. "Forgiveness from those who never wronged me directly is a bitter salve. I invite you to seek me out in the land of the dead once the Pit disgorges its seven dooms upon you all. Then, perhaps, I'll be ready to consider forgiving those who ruined my life, for they'll have the wisdom of the far side of the grave at last."

The ghost of Nualia begins to fade away, returning to the Boneyard. As she goes, she offers one final warning: "Not all who have plagued Sandpoint lie still, and new enemies work in the shadows. I do not wish these seven dooms upon Sandpoint, but one does, and that one hearkens on red wings. Unless you can delve the Pit in time, you will not escape his fires."

Then she is gone.

Female human cleric 6 | HP:68 AC: 20: F:+12 R:+10 W:+14 | Speed: 25' | Perception:+14 | Resist: Harm Spells 5 ↻: Protector's Sacrifice

Viviana calls out "No, wait! Don't leave yet!"

With a heavy sigh, she shakes her head. "You know, she could have led with that bit so we had more time to talk about it."

Do we know anything about the pit or the one on the red wings?

Devil's Platter is a limestone escarpment less than one mile southeast of Sandpoint, and is the largest rocky rise in the area. Many clefts, cracks, and caverns can be found in its desolated expanse, though the most infamous of these is called the Pit.

Caverns throughout the region connect to the Pit from below. This 100-foot-wide hole shares the appearance of a sinkhole, and ledges and rope ladders lead into the depths. Numerous fell creatures allegedly inhabit the connected caverns, including, until recently, the notorious Sandpoint Devil...

Dark Archive

| HP: 86/86| AC: 24[26] | F: +13, R: +7(10), W: +12 | Lore +8, Med/Perc +10, Rel +11, Dip/Itm +13, Ath +14 | +15, 2d6+4 | Speed 25ft | HeP: 2/3, Focus: 1/2 | Active conditions:

"Does that mean we need to go and investigate the Pit?" Siobhan asks with a sigh. "Maybe she still wants to get us killed..." Still her father and Audrahni seem to be reviving somewhat so she focuses on them rather than the ghost - as least for now.

Abstalar and Audrahni sigh heavily as the ritual magic fades away. Both of them appear to be haggard and drained. Abstalar manages a weak smile. "Thank you for being here with us. I must rest now, but I will ruminate on what Nualia said. Return here tomorrow morning and we will speak further."

You have gained 1 Reputation Point with the Sandpoint Cathedral!

Male Goblin Thaumaturge [Eldritch Researcher] 6 HP 42/72 AC(T) 22/23, Fort(E)+13, Ref(E)+14, Will(E)+9 Darkvision

....hearkens on red wings. Unless you can delve the Pit in time, you will not escape his fires."

Ser Helmut finishes transcribing the lengthy dictation with a forceful drop of his Quill!
Mees just drops da mike!

The grinning Goblin then begins rereading what he just wrote.
Discuss in da mornings. Bees guud ideas. Tonight wees hit too drunk ta remember dis.

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