Pathfinder Spell Sheet


Grand Lodge

11 people marked this as a favorite.

So, I created a static, printable spell sheet for Pathfinder. I did this mostly because of the lack of a decent "Do-It-Yourself" option. Personally, I do not favor pregenerated spell cards, and wanted the option to add specific class abilities and such (granted through Bloodlines, Mysteries, Etc.).

I won't consume your time with too much talk though, I'll provide a link through Google docs. If you go to print, it displays the document fine. I noticed that in Google docs, I saw some lines that were not in the originally formatting. (Saving the document prevents this issue as well.)

Let me know what you think, if you think there should be anything added in subsequent versions.

I've also submitted this for consideration to PathfinderDB.

Slashcard's Spell Sheet

Not too bad, but I would say there are far too few spells per sheet. I have found another spellsheet that has 34 per sheet and I use quite a number of them for my Wizard in Rappan Athuk.

Dark Archive

you should go and see spellgen instead.

Grand Lodge

Derfmancher wrote:
Not too bad, but I would say there are far too few spells per sheet. I have found another spellsheet that has 34 per sheet and I use quite a number of them for my Wizard in Rappan Athuk.

I've seen a few different spell sheets, and noticed that they do have higher numbers, but they lack sufficient area for spell details. This spell sheet is suppose to be a counterpart to those sheets, by attempting to provide more information and variables into each spell. Unfortunately, spell numbers was a sacrificed area.

r-Kelleg wrote:
you should go and see spellgen instead.

I'll have to check it out. I really don't prefer generators personally, but I like to keep an open mind about things. :)

I like it, very nice and contains a lot of detail that the basic sheet just falls flat on.

Really great for classes that don't get so many spells, but use the frequently (looking at you, sorcerer).

Grand Lodge

ButterKnife wrote:

I like it, very nice and contains a lot of detail that the basic sheet just falls flat on.

Really great for classes that don't get so many spells, but use the frequently (looking at you, sorcerer).

Thank you kindly.

As well, you're very right, and maybe I should do a little give and a little take. I could probably make some adjustments to maintain some of the detailed spell slots, while at the same time, providing generic slots for less frequently used spells. It might make it a more viable option for wizards; especially for those who only play in short term campaigns.

Any recommendations?

Dark Archive

You could fit more spells per page if you eliminated the second effect line. But otherwise, it looks good.


Lantern Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Great looking spellsheets however for all your spellsheet needs look no further than this website:

Perram's Spellbook

This is a fantastic resource. Simply click what spell you like, set the card size to large 4 per page (the 9 "playing card" size doesn't print well), and shabam it does everything for you! You can even add bells and whistles like personalized colors and faction symbols.

You save me and my players a LOT of work. Thanks a lot for your good work with this sheet. It seems perfect to me because I prefer use more sheet and have all the details I want for each spells than having to open the book again and again as a reminder.

Silver Crusade

Does this come in form fillable?

I like the look of these a lot more than the 4e style spell cards. Great job!

To buy a full set of spell cards already printed, check out this:

Not cheap, but all the core rulebook spells and there are other packs for other rulebooks to add on to it.

Thanks for sheets like this will be appreciated!

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Says he doesn't like "spellcards".

Half the comments suggest, or point towards websites selling, spellcards.


Will definetely be using these sheets, thanks. And for people concerned about the number of spells per page... Just print an extra page, you dolt.

Dark Archive

I play with a guy who has little playing cards with the spells on them, he just shuffles out the spells he has that day and turns them over when he casts them. Pretty neat, I thought. Home printed (*on the cheap) I expect.

My problem is I can't read itty bitty print, so I just use my phone.

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