
Viviana Rovinari's page

124 posts. Alias of The Rising Phoenix.

Full Name

Viviana Rovinari


Female human cleric 6 | HP:68 AC: 20: F:+12 R:+10 W:+14 | Speed: 25' | Perception:+14 | Resist: Harm Spells 5 ↻: Protector's Sacrifice








Common, Varisian

Strength 10
Dexterity 12
Constitution 12
Intelligence 10
Wisdom 18
Charisma 16

About Viviana Rovinari

Traits: Compassionate Healer, Artistically Gifted, Empathetic, Charismatic, Protective, Loving, Optimistic
Flaws: Naive Trust, Overzealous, Idealistic, Conflict-Averse, Impulsive, Disorganized, Sensitive

[dice=Needle Darts!]1d20+12[/dice] [dice=Piercing (bleed on crit)]5d4[/dice]
[dice=Divine Lance]1d20+12[/dice] [dice=Spirit Damage]4d4[/dice]
[dice=Vitality Lash]4d6[/dice] Basic Fort DC21. On a fail, enfeebled 1 until the start of Viv's next turn.
[dice=Glaive]1d20+8[/dice] [dice=Damage]2d8+2[/dice] [dice=Deadly]1d8[/dice]

Viviana Rovinari
Female human cleric 6 (Advanced Player's Guide, Lost Omens The Grand Bazaar, Rage of Elements, Secrets of Magic)
Medium, Human, Humanoid
Heritage skilled human
Background cathedral child
Perception +14
Languages Common, Varisian
Skills Acrobatics +7, Arcana +5, Athletics +5, Crafting +5, Deception +14, Diplomacy +15, Intimidation +9, Medicine +15, Nature +12, Occultism +5, Performance +12, Religion +15, Scribing Lore +8, Society +5, Stealth +7, Survival +9, Thievery +7
Str +0, Dex +2, Con +2, Int +0, Wis +4, Cha +4
Items crossbow, dagger, mace, striking silver glaive, battle medic's baton[TV], bolts (10), channel protection amulet, cultist cowl, glasses of sociability[SoM], healer's toolkit, lesser antiplague, lesser healing potion (2), religious symbol (silver), salve of antiparalysis, purse (30 gp, 7 sp)
AC 20; Fort +12; Ref +10; Will +14
HP 68; Resistances harm spells 5
Speed 25 feet
Melee [1] dagger +10 (versatile S, thrown 10 ft., agile, finesse), Damage 1d4 P
Melee [1] mace +8 (shove), Damage 1d6 B
Melee [1] [i]striking silver glaive[/i] +8 (deadly d8, forceful, magical, reach 10 feet), Damage 2d8 S
Ranged [1] crossbow +10 (range increment 120 feet, reload 1), Damage 1d8 P
Ranged [1] dagger +10 (versatile S, thrown 10 ft., agile, finesse), Damage 1d4 P
Divine Cleric Spells DC 22, attack +12; 3rd heal (5), heroism, moonlight ray, roaring applause[SoM] 2nd inner radiance torrent[SoM], radiant field, share life 1st elysian whimsy, protection, spirit link Cantrips (3rd) divine lance, light, needle darts[RE], stabilize, vitality lash
Occult Captivator Innate Spells DC 22, attack +12; 2nd befitting attire[SoM] 1st bless Cantrips (3rd) bullhorn[SoM], infectious enthusiasm[SoM]
Focus Spells 3 Focus Points, DC 22; 3rd Charming Touch, Protector's Sacrifice, Soothing Words
Ancestry Feats Clever Improviser, Natural Ambition
Class Feats Basic Captivator Spellcasting[LOGB], Captivating Intensity[LOGB], Captivator Dedication[LOGB], Divine Infusion, Domain Initiate, Selective Energy
General Feats Untrained Improvisation
Skill Feats Battle Medicine, Continual Recovery, No Cause For Alarm, Unusual Treatment, Ward Medic
Other Abilities cloistered cleric, component substitution, deity, divine font, doctrine, family, passion, protection