About Ser Helmut 6 months ago...:
S22. THE CURIOUS GOBLIN SHOP 5 SANDPOINT MERCANTILE LEAGUE EMPLOYER MERCHANT PARLOR Address 40 Main Street Wares books (focusing on fiction and local history), scrolls, spellcasting services This cozy bookstore is well-stocked with a wide range of books and topics, as reading is a popular pastime among many of Sandpoint’s locals. Proprietor Chask Haladan (male human bard) often hosts impromptu gatherings here for folks to chat, debate, and share knowledge. S8. BRODERT’S HOUSE HOME 7 RUNEWATCHERS LIBRARY RESIDENCE Address 130 Tower Street
Helmut fancies himself a Knight of Knowledge, thus the moniker. The goblin is always seen holding a Tome, which he constantly reviews, flipping pages in and out of combat.
He was hanging out with a local company of brigands for research, when the group mistook a caravan of Paladins, as a lowly caravan of farmers. The entire brigand company were slaughtered, except for Ser Helmut, who realizing quite early that this would end badly; decided it prudent to double check if he left the stove on at the homestead! Dodging the pursuit of the Paladins South, the goblin joined the march of a caravan into Sandpoint. Ser Helmut
Resistances & Immunities
Class DC(T) 23
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Skill Feats
General Feats
Class Feats & Abilities
Diverse Lore (1st; Thaumaturge)
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Found! scroll of dream message, three scrolls of heal (heightened to 3rd level), and a scroll of remove disease. Tradition
Spell Attack (T)+12
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RARE It seems hard to believe that just 17 years ago, barely anyone knew anything about ancient Thassilon. The towering monoliths and intimidating ruins, such as the immense ruined bridge extending from Magnimar, the strange rune-carved arch over Riddleport, or the partially collapsed tower here in Sandpoint known as the Old Light were sources of countless rumors, but were also held in such suspicious dread that they were rarely explored. When Runelord Karzoug woke from his slumber, though, and a now-legendary band of adventurers explored many Thassilonian ruins during their campaign against him, word of Thassilon spread like wildfire. Adventurers from across the Inner Sea region flocked to Varisia. Whether or not that had a hand in the increasing number of perils rising from old Thassilon or if that was just a coincidence, none can deny that today Thassilon is back, the runelords are either truly dead or returned to life, and the ancient empire’s ruins are ripe for research. As a local, you’ve been equally inspired and intrigued by stories of adventurers who explore these dangerous ruins, be they Sandpoint’s own heroes or others who have explored more distant mysteries like Hollow Mountain, the Lady’s Light, or Guiltspur. You hope one day to rediscover a Thassilonian ruin that’s not yet been fully explored, but you also know that such pursuits are dangerous. Here in Sandpoint, a group called the Runewatchers has dedicated their resources to the research of Thassilon and their runelords, but while you’ve spoken with them many times, they’ve yet to fully accept you into their circle. And so you sought out the adventuring party you now belong to. With their aid, you hope to make some discoveries to truly impress the Runewatchers, but also are simply eager to sate your own curiosity about ancient Thassilon and the runelords who once ruled it. Your home in Sandpoint is modest, and likely cluttered with books and research materials or strange ruined objects that could be junk or ancient Thassilonian treasures. Your family might support your passion, or it could be a source of contention that’s forced you to seek your own accommodations elsewhere in town. Many villagers look askance at your obsession with forces that have brought peril and ruin to Sandpoint. No matter what you’ve said to allay their fears, plenty of folks in town worry that you might dig up something that everyone in Sandpoint will come to regret. Choose two ability boosts. One must be to Dexterity or Intelligence, and one is a free ability boost. You’re trained in the Arcana skill and the Academia Lore skill. You gain the Multilingual skill feat, but one of the languages you gain from this feat must be Thassilonian. Increase the party’s reputation with Runewatchers by 1 and reduce the party’s reputation with Townsfolk by 1. |