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You are able to sneak around well enough, getting unsupervised peeks into unmonitored activities, but you do not see anything out of the ordinary.
You make quite an impression with all of your displays, but mostly the acrobatics. Many comment that you could make a living doing just that. "Are you a professional?", some ask.

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Ingrge grins as he wipes some of the sweat off his face. ”Nah, more of a family trait; my parents were in a traveling circus and taught me much. I’ve found it’s paid off in my adventures as a Pathfinder as well…glad y’all enjoyed it, thanks…”

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Diplomacy 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (19) + 13 = 32
Reesa again tries to strike up a conversation with a friendly looking tribesman. ”Well, aren’t you a handsome boy,” she says with.m a grin. ”Its so nice to meet all of you. Sometimes the society gets a bad reputation. I’m not sure why, to be honest…”

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You guys manage to impress them exceedingly, each in your own way.
As evening sets in, the Ghost Wolves begin preparing a communal feast of dried fruit, hard cheese, and meat carved and roasted from the immense boar. Entertainment takes the form of tales both solemnly historic and vividly comedic, including a lively story Jala tells of a bumbling spine dragon. If the PCs wish to join in, the Ghost Wolves welcome narratives from beyond Numeria.
Xol-Nomag is present at the meal, but she does not approach or address the PCs yet, instead observing them sternly from afar. Even her own tribe treads carefully around her, treating her with a blend of awe, devotion, and fear. As the meal ends, Jala approaches the PCs and offers to escort them to meet Xol-Nomag. The barbarian chieftain sits cross-legged upon a tall heap of spread furs, her spiked club resting across her knees and her eyes partly closed as if in meditation. She lifts her head and fixes the PCs with a piercing stare as they approach.
“We know why you have come, Pathfinders. Long ago, one of your kind did a service for us, and now you hope to turn that debt into an open invitation to explore our lands.” Her eyes narrow, and she gives a predatory grin. “You cannot think we are so simple. We know what you are here for. No technology leaves our lands, and our debt does not change that.” She leans back, as if waiting for a response.

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Prior to the meeting with Xol-Nomag, Farrokh will use his arcane powers to aid in any possible negotiations. (Farrokh will cast Heroism on the parties most able negotiator)
Farrokh gives the chieftain a respectful nod "Thankyou for granting us an audience Xol-Nomag. You are correct in your observation that Gojan the Sharp, an agent from our organisation, once did your people a service. However, we do not presume that based on this historic service you would grant us carte blanche to explore your lands, simply that you would listen to our request. As a show of our good faith we have also brought you this gift..." he says, indicating towards the axe. "If we are able to show our worth in the matter we have come to you to speak about, then perhaps this could be the start of a mutually beneficial relationship between your people and ours. As we have hopefully shown during our short time here, we do have skills and knowledge which could be of use and which we are willing to share."
Farrokh is probably not the best negotiator in the group so I'll let others take over at this point.

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“We know why you have come, Pathfinders. Long ago, one of your kind did a service for us, and now you hope to turn that debt into an open invitation to explore our lands.” Her eyes narrow, and she gives a predatory grin. “You cannot think we are so simple. We know what you are here for. No technology leaves our lands, and our debt does not change that.” She leans back, as if waiting for a response.

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Diplomacy 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (8) + 13 = 21
”Of course, we’d never take any technology from this land. The society stresses that we explore, not that we take. I think both of our goals can be satisfied, yours and ours.”

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Thanks for checking, but that was Shonne's laconic response to Xol-Nomag.
Sometimes I have to post things like that for Shonne just so you know she's still there. ;)
Shonne is terrible at interaction and she knows it from long experience.

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Nikita picks up the words for a while, rubbing his chin and looking thoughtfully at Xol-Nomag, and then, with his terrible accent, start to mint each word like a hammer on an anvil.
Zeye paladeen's vord! Ee von't allov any tyechnology to bye takyen oaht of zeat placye. Ee veell deescoahragye any attyempts to takye oaht tyechnology, baht veezeeen zeye framyevork of my ozeyer vovs... for yexamplye, not togarm zeye Pazefeendyers.
The paladin's word! I won't allow any technology to be taken out of that place. I will discourage any attempts to take out technology, but within the framework of my other vows... for example, not to harm the Pathfinders.
Diplomacy (+ Heroism): 1d20 + 16 + 2 ⇒ (13) + 16 + 2 = 31

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Last time Elu was trying to be diplomatic, she blew a hole on a kid's body. She will choose to remain silent so that her teammates can talk the talk.

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Here's Farrokh's diplomacy roll to support the negotiations:
Diplomacy (+2 vs humanoids with the reptilian subtype): 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (16) + 4 = 20

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Xol-Nomag relaxes a bit and nods in consent. "You have convinced me that you will honor our laws. I will send some of my warriors to guide you to Sulfur Gulch in the morning. But just to be clear, NO technological devices are to leave the site that you are not already carrying; anything you try to remove will be destroyed. I will have Jala insect you now so that we will know what it is you are carying in."
Jala casts detect magic and technomancy to determine your inventory. Are you cooperative? Any shenanigans like slight of hand to hide something, a nondetection spell, or secreting something away in a pathfinder pouch?

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Farrokh is happy to let Jala use his divisions on him and makes no attempt to hide anything.

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Elu will explains the difference between alchemical creations and technological item to clear up any possible confusion when they inspect Elu.
Pathfinder Pouch DOES NOT detect as magical, however, and when they open it they will only see a lady's toiletries.

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"...I will have Jala insect you now so that we will know what it is you are carying in."
Oh no! We're being bugged! ;)

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Reesa grins broadly and submits to the inspection. ”I just knew we’d get along swimmingly! No technology here,” she adds.

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Nikita pulls out a strange revolver. Zeees ees Nagan. Vyeapon from anozeyer vorld and anozeyer teemye. Heegh tyechnology by local standards, baht not Nahmyereean. Having warned about this, he is absolutely not against examining his belongings (and will do everything possible to keep his word).

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The search is thorough, but they do not find anything. It seems like the gun is no longer an issue as Jala passes over it without a second glance, and none of the other tribesmen blink an eye this time. Before long you and the tribesmen assigned to guide you (which includes Jala) are on your way.
Sulfur Gulch is part of a network of wind-weathered arroyos partly obscured by shaggy scrub grass. A chemical smell lingers in the air where the trail descends, leaving the land virtually barren for several hundred feet. The only visible gas is a faint, greenish vapor that wafts from
a foot-wide crack in the gully that leads to the tunnel. As the PCs arrive, the tunnel entrance on the map is blocked by earth and rock. Wary, the Ghost Wolves spread out and watch their surroundings, hoping not to linger too long.
Anyone have tremorsense? If so, make a perception roll.
Any preparations before approaching the entrance?

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Is this all happening on the same day? Do we get to rest after all the travelling?

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As the group sets out for the mission proper, Reesa pulls a thin wand from a pouch at her waist and uses it, as a shimmering blue color covers her for a split second before fading away.
Use mage armor wand. Lasts for an hour.

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The previous night prior to sleeping Farrokh cast the same set of spells he has been casting on himself the previous nights.
False life THP: 1d10 + 9 ⇒ (6) + 9 = 15
Additionally he cast a number of other spells to enhance the groups luck the following day. (He casts Mnemonic Enhancer twice allow himself to cast Lucky Number the previous day on all members of the party who want it).
Farrokh lucky number: 1d20 ⇒ 12
Recalling that Gojan had encountered 'poison air' and 'metal men' when he had entered the tunnel, as the party approach the entrance, Farrokh casts some additional spells in anticipation of potential trouble. Life Bubble (covering everyone in the group who doesn't have it yet), Message (everyone), Mage Armor (wand), Extended Barkskin, Extended Heroism, Shield, Mirror Image, Heightened Awareness (wand), Extended Monstrous Physique I (gargoyle), Heart of the Metal (adamantine). He also covers himself in alchemical grease.
Mirror images: 1d4 + 3 ⇒ (2) + 3 = 5
Using Heart of the Metal Farrokh can make an additional 5 weapons count as adamantine if anyone wants it casting on their weapons or natural attacks.

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Elu will drink a large number of alchemical extracts and potions shortly before arriving at the Sulfur Gulch.
Clear Ear, Blood-boiling Pill;
Mage Armor, Heighten Awareness;
INT Cognatogen;
Amplify Elixir=>{Freedom of Movement, Heroism, See Invisibility, Resist Energy(Acid), Barkskin+4, Delay Poison, Alchemical Allocation->Magic Circle against Evil, Clay Skin, Shield}, Ablative Barrier, Ant Haul, Darkvision

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Reesa happily accepts a spare Life Bubble casting, if there is enough to go around.

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Lucky Number: 1d20 ⇒ 6
@Farrokh Thanks for the offer, but Elu will spend the charge from her own wand instead. She will glady takes the Life Bubble if available though.

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Is this all happening on the same day? Do we get to rest after all the travelling?
No, you travelled to the camp, had supper, then rested for the night and left in the morning. I mispoke. I'm going to create a slide just for buffs. Two of you have impressive lists.

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Eluaria Valkyria Passion Frosia wrote:Is this all happening on the same day? Do we get to rest after all the travelling?No, you travelled to the camp, had supper, then rested for the night and left in the morning. I mispoke. I'm going to create a slide just for your impressive list your impressive list of buffs. Reminds me of my inquisitor.
My investigator has so many buff that the roll20 community sheets can't handle it :(
@Pathfinders, Elu also has a spare CL10 Freedom of Movement infusion extract she can give out, if anyone needs it.
When Alchemy user level up, they only get 1 formulae for free instead of two spells like a wizard/magus. So naturally Elu picked the one that is extremly hard to find from other's spellbook, Freedom of Movement, everyone's favorite 4th level defense spell. The only other 4th level formula on Elu's book right now is Stoneskin, which is a little bit on the expensive side, so......two Freedom of Movement !

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Jala casts detect magic and technomancy to determine your inventory. Are you cooperative? Any shenanigans like slight of hand to hide something, a nondetection spell, or secreting something away in a pathfinder pouch?
(He casts Mnemonic Enhancer twice allow himself to cast Lucky Number the previous day on all members of the party who want it).
Shonne's lucky number: 1d20 ⇒ 10
Recalling that Gojan had encountered 'poison air' and 'metal men' when he had entered the tunnel, as the party approach the entrance, Farrokh casts some additional spells in anticipation of potential trouble. Life Bubble (covering everyone in the group who doesn't have it yet)
Please, and thank you.
Sulfur Gulch is part of a network of wind-weathered arroyos partly obscured by shaggy scrub grass. A chemical smell lingers in the air where the trail descends, leaving the land virtually barren for several hundred feet. The only visible gas is a faint, greenish vapor that wafts from a foot-wide crack in the gully that leads to the tunnel. As the PCs arrive, the tunnel entrance on the map is blocked by earth and rock. Wary, the Ghost Wolves spread out and watch their surroundings, hoping not to linger too long.
Anyone have tremorsense? If so, make a perception roll.
Any preparations before approaching the entrance?
Nope and no.

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I will gladly accept the Life Bubble and the Lucky Number, thank you!
Lucky Number: 1d20 ⇒ 19 - Huh, I think I'll choose add +2 .)
Nikita will just check the condition of his revolver and say a short prayer in an unfamiliar language (which is Delay Poison).
Does anyone want Delay Disease? (24h immune to Disease). Radiation in this system is a mix of poison and disease, as far as I remember.

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The earth begins to tremble as the group approaches the hillside crack. Furthermore, the green gas begins venting with greater pressure, even beginning to whistle slightly. When you get within 60 feet, the pressure has grown so great that a nearly 20-foot-wide stretch of the gully explodes outward in a shower of soil, stone, and choking mist.
Any reactions in the first few seconds (you have a round to react)? See Sulfur Gulch link above for current map. I will always put a link to the current map in the campaign header at the top.

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Shonne leaps off the path and puts some distance between herself, and the large clump of would-be targets about to fall into a volcanic vent, or be attacked by giant purple worms. She draws her bow and readies to fire at the first hostile thing she sees to approach within 10-feet of the party.
She moves 30 away to some relatively high ground and readies an action. Shonne fires on anything that she can see approaching close to the party with hostility.

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Elu will move to the side to take cover behind the rock, drawing her loaded gun out during the move, and drink an extract of Reduce Person.

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Shonne leaps off the path and puts some distance between herself, and the large clump of would-be targets about to fall into a volcanic vent, or be attacked by giant purple worms.
Seeing Shonne act, Ingrge draws his bow and does likewise, joining her on whatever high ground is close by.
For a moment Shonne looks at the half-human in annoyance.
"...AWAY!" she says to him finally with emphasis.

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Does anyone want Delay Disease? (24h immune to Disease). Radiation in this system is a mix of poison and disease, as far as I remember.
Farrokh would be interested if you have castings to spare.
I also completely forgot to include clear ear in my lists of buff's, but its a bit late now! Serves me right for having too many spells cast on me.
Farrokh draws a wand and uses it on himself, causing his arms to extend. Making use of his wings he hovers slightly above the ground, positioning himself just ahead of the group.
Farrokh will retrieve his wand of long arm and use it on himself, he will then step forward hovering at ground level.
Let me know if I'm in the way of any of the ranged folks and I can step somewhere different if necessary.

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Reesa casts Vanish and moves 30’ to the south.
could someone move me 30’ south, please? Thanks!

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Reesa casts Vanish and moves 30’ to the south.
could someone move me 30’ south, please? Thanks!
Done. Though I am not exactly sure how difficult the terrain is supposed to be for the last 10' so I moved you south 30' and west 5'. Hope that's okay.

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> Farrokh would be interested if you have castings to spare.
Yep, it's reserved for an ally - the paladin has immunity.
Nikita takes a few steps back and reflexively pulls out a revolver.
PS GM, about "buff list" - Nikita has Life Bubble.

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The sickly green cloud of vapors dissipates leaving the area washed in a thin miasma of foul-smelling gas revealing 5 robots spilling out of the entrance.
Init(Farrokh): 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (15) + 6 = 21 (+4 with HA)
Init(Elu): 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (6) + 5 = 11
Init(Ingrge): 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (13) + 8 = 21
Init(Shonne): 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (20) + 6 = 26
Init(Reesa): 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (7) + 0 = 7
Init(Large Robot): 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (16) + 8 = 24
Init(Green Robot): 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (17) + 3 = 20
Init(Red Robot): 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (17) + 3 = 20
Init(Blue Robot): 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (2) + 3 = 5
Init(Black Robot): 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (8) + 3 = 11
Ghost Wolves’ Aid: The Ghost Wolves hate robots and help the PCs destroy as many of the constructs as they can. Rather than place individual NPC warriors on the map and dedicate time to rolling their attacks and damage, this aid is able to take one of the following forms.

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❖❖❖❖❖❖ Combat Card Round 1 ❖❖❖❖❖❖
Ongoing effects not mentioned below: Inspire Courage +2 starting round 2, Ghost Wolves Aid
Bold may go.
Shonne (-0 HP)
Farrokh (-0 HP)
Large Robot (-0 HP)
Ingrge (-0 HP)
Green Robot (-0 HP)
Red Robot (-0 HP)
Reesa (-0 HP)
Black Robot (-0 HP)
Elu (-0 HP)
Blue Robot (-0 HP)
Combat Round 2

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PS GM, about "buff list" - Nikita has Life Bubble.
I have an entry at the top of the buffs for spells everyone has. So you are noted as having Life Bubble.
I assume you burn your Heightened Awareness when combat begins? Won't matter this combat, but it is good to have a standing rule on that. Note to all, when you do this you still get the bonus to your knowledge rolls the first round. I assume you get a good look at them before you use up the spell.

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Elu's initiative should be 4 higher due to Heighten Awareness. There are too many Google Slides that I didn't realize I failed to include that in the GM Reference slides. My header's info are up to date, though.

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Kn(Arcana) vs small bot: 1d20 + 29 ⇒ (8) + 29 = 37
Kn(Arcana) vs BIG BOT: 1d20 + 29 ⇒ (13) + 29 = 42
When Elu's turn comes, she will tries to identify the robots and share the results to her teammate during her turn.
Assuming we get the basic enemy type, name, and alignment upon successful identification, Elu would recall details of the enemy in the following order:
Energy Resistance? Damage Reduction? Special Defense? Special Attack? Spell-like Abilities?

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To keep things simple Shonne generally just takes 10 on all knowledge checks, if able. Her Knowledge (arcana) check would therefore total 18.
She tends to recall things like Languages spoken if any, what a species' active hours are, as well as their threat response and dietary and mating habits. ;)

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Before acting Farrokh tries to work out what exactly the robots are.
Knowledge (arcana) + Heroism vs Large Robot: 1d20 + 16 + 2 ⇒ (9) + 16 + 2 = 27
Knowledge (arcana) + Heroism vs Smaller Robot: 1d20 + 16 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 16 + 2 = 19
(He would initially be interested in special abilities, starting with special attacks. Then he would be interested in defenses, starting with immunities)

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I have an entry at the top of the buffs for spells everyone has. So you are noted as having Life Bubble.
Thank you! I missed it.
I am also not in the initiative, as I have not filled in the macros. I fixed it.