About Nikita VolkovAdvancement:
================================================= 342384-9 ================================================= 0 - 150
Gp 49575, 24 xp, 37 pp Description:
During this briefing, another Pathfinder arrives - a tall bald human in blackened mithral armor, witch fits perfectly on his slim figure. He has a bastard sword on his back and a strange pistol on his belt. His dark cloak on the clasp is decorated with two symbols: sword and a red wing, the holy symbol of Ragathiel, and a red star with some peasant tools depicted on top. He looks around thoughtfully rubbing his chin, and nods to familiar faces. Greeteengs, comrades! He comes up and shakes hands first with those with whom he has already gone on other adventures, and then with the rest of the squad. My name is Nikita Volkov, I am a paladeen of Ragathiel nov and a captaeen in zeye Red Army in zeye past. Yoah can rely on my blade, my revolver, and my vord as an officer. His accent is slightly reminiscent of Irissen, but still subtly different.
Crushing Victory (#10-20): You gain a constant +1 competence bonus on Climb and Knowledge (engineering) checks. Darklands Delver (#8-03): You gain a +2 bonus on all Knowledge checks related to dangers you encounter in the Darklands and can make those checks untrained. This bonus increases to +4 for checks relating to duergar. ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ Diguo-Dashu Archaeologist (#10-20): Before rolling any Knowledge check, you may check a box next to this boon to gain a +2 competence bonus on that check. If the Knowledge check is related to constructs, ratfolk, or the Darklands, you instead gain a +5 competence bonus on that check. ▫ ▫ Aspis Revealed (#6–21): You may cross of one checkbox to apply a +1 insight bonus on all attack rolls, damage rolls, and saving throws against a known agent of the Aspis Consortium for the rest of the scenario. You may instead cross off both checkboxes to apply a +3 insight bonus on all attack rolls, damage rolls, and saving throws against a known agent of the Aspis Consortium for the rest of the scenario. =================================================
Regardless of your class, you are an active member of your local temple or place of worship. Your commitment to seeing your faith prosper and grow has ingratiated you with the local clergy, and you may even hold a spot among them when not out adventuring. You can use Heal to make Day Job rolls. Once per game session, if you have access to an operating temple of your faith, you can have a cleric cast either cure moderate wounds or lesser restoration on yourself or one of your allies, free of charge. You must visit the temple to receive this attention.
Bot Me:
Nikita does not try to conserve Smite Evil, as he can exchange two LoH for a bonus Smite Evil. Usually only the weakest or perhaps not evil enemies are not honored to become the object of his Smite Evil :)
[dice=Revolver + Deadly Aim + Flaming & +1]1d20 + 10; 1d8 + 7 + 1 + 1d6[/dice] [ooc]- vs [b]touch AC[/b[/ooc
[dice=Revolver + Deadly Aim + Smite]1d20 + 9 + 4; 1d8 + 7 + 9[/dice] [ooc]- vs [b]touch AC[/b[/ooc
[dice=Bastard Sword (1H) + Power Attack + Smite]1d20 + 9 + 4; 1d8 + 9 + 8[/dice] [ooc](one hand grip)[/ooc
[dice=Bastard Sword (2H) + Power Attack + Smite]1d20 + 9 + 4; 1d10 + 13 + 9[/dice] [ooc](two hand grip)[/ooc
================================================= The paladins of Ragathiel are shining beacons of furious resolve on the battlefield, and they are careful stewards of valor everywhere. These paladins disproportionately come from cultures that are typically hostile to paladin training, including those of half-orcs, hobgoblins, Gebbites, and the Nidalese. The tenets of Ragathiel’s paladins include the following affirmations. * I will avenge evil wrought upon the innocent.
m LG human Paladin of Vengeance IX | Init +4; Perc +0 ================================================= Str 14 (+2) | Deх 16 (+3) | Con 14 (+2) | Int 12 (+1) | Wis 10 | Cha 18 (+4) ================================================= DEFENSE ================================================= AC 20, touch 13, flat-footed 17 (+7 armor +3 dex) hp 76 (9d10 +18 con) Fort +13, Ref +11, Will +11 [+2 vs illusions] Resistance Acid 1, Cold 1, Electricity 1, Fire 1, Sonic 1 Immune Charm, Fear, Disease | Special Talisman of FoM ================================================= OFFENSE ================================================= Base Atk +8/+3 CMB +11, CMD 23 Speed 30 ft. Melee +1 Bastard Sword [PA] +9/+4 (1d8+9 or 1d10+12; 19-20x2; S) Ranged +1 Heartseeking Revolver [DA] +10/+5 (1d8+7; 19-20x4; P/B; 20' range) Special Divine Bond (+2; 9 min; 1/day), Lay on Hands (swift; 4d6; 8/day), Smite Evil (+4/+9; 3/day) ================================================= Skills Arcana +3, Climb +3, Craft (Alchemy) +2, Diplomacy +16, Engineering +15, Handle Animal +8, Heal +14, Ride +7, Sense Motive +12 [+2 vs evil creature’s bluff] Languages Celestial, Russian, Taldan ================================================= SPELLS (CL6) L1 Grace (x2), Longshot (+10ft, 6 min) L2 Delay Disease +1 free ================================================= SPECIAL ================================================= Aura of Courage (Su): At 3rd level, a paladin is immune to fear (magical or otherwise). Each ally within 10 feet of her gains a +4 morale bonus on saving throws against fear effects. This ability functions only while the paladin is conscious, not if she is unconscious or dead. Aura of Resolve (Su): At 8th level, a paladin is immune to charm spells and spell-like abilities. Each ally within 10 feet of her gains a +4 morale bonus on saving throws against charm effects. Channel Wrath (Su): When an oathbound paladin reach 4th level, she can spend two uses of her lay on hands ability to gain an extra use of smite evil that day. This ability has no effect for a paladin who does not have the smite evil ability. This ability replaces channel positive energy. Mercy: Diseased (the paladin's lay on hands ability also acts as remove disease, using the paladin's level as the caster level), Sickened (the target is no longer sickened), Nauseated (the target is no longer nauseated). =================================================
Spring-loaded Wrist Sheath [2] - 10
Dusty Rose Prism (Cracked) Ioun Stone (500) + Wayfinder (500)
Insistent Doorknocker - 5000 Portrait Book - 10
Bag of Holding I - 2500 Air crystals [2] - 100
Wand of CLW [43/50] - 2pp
Cloak of Resistance +1 - 1000 Belt of Dex +2 - 4000
+1 Heartseeking Revolver - 12000
Outfit, Courtier’s + Jewelry - 80
Powder + Bullet [97/200] - 2200
5383 gp 29 pp
1: Advanced firearms resolve their attacks against touch AC when the target is within the first five range increments, but this type of attack is not considered a touch attack for the purposes of feats such as Deadly Aim. At higher range increments, the attack resolves normally, including taking the normal cumulative –2 penalty for each full-range increment. Advanced firearms have a maximum range of 10 range increments. 2: Advanced firearms are chamber-loaded. It is a move action to load a one-handed or two-handed advanced firearm to its full capacity. The Rapid Reload feat reduces this to a free action 3: Advanced firearms can misfire, but when they do, they only gain the broken condition. A further misfire does not cause advanced firearms to explode. |