GM miteke - Wardens of Sulfur Gulch (Outpost VII) (Inactive)

Game Master miteke

Wardens of Sulfur Gulch (Outpost VII)

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NPCs and Player Handouts - Sulfur Gulch - The labs (current map)

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Stealth is good for hiding yourself. I looked it up to make sure. If you were to try to sneak past them while the others distracted them or something it might work. They would ask what happened to you, but it would be an easy sell to convince them you had died. But all kinds of things could go wrong with that plan. Then again it could work like a charm :)

Liberty's Edge

Human Transmuting Magaambyan Arcanist 10:
Wizard (Enhancement) 8 / Magaambyan Arcanist 2
| HP 100/100 | AC 15 / 13T / 14FF | Fort +13, Reflex +8, Will +12, (+1 vs reptilian humanoids) | CMD 30 / 29 FF | Init 6 (+10 with HA) | Perc +26 | SM +3 | Speed 30 | Spells 1st 6/6, 2nd 6/6, 3rd 5/5, 4th 5/5, 5th 3/3 | Augment 7/7, Perfection of Self 8/8 | Resistance: Negative Energy 10 | Active Conditions: none

As he asks his question to AI Isirah, Farrokh heads over to the door that Shonne opened to see if he can spot anything in the room worth grabbing before the party head to the exit.

Perception + Heroisum: 1d20 + 24 ⇒ (3) + 24 = 27

Farrokh spots a number of gems in an open compartment on the east wall and dozens of small doo-dads scattered about the niches and surfaces of the room.

Liberty's Edge

Human Transmuting Magaambyan Arcanist 10:
Wizard (Enhancement) 8 / Magaambyan Arcanist 2
| HP 100/100 | AC 15 / 13T / 14FF | Fort +13, Reflex +8, Will +12, (+1 vs reptilian humanoids) | CMD 30 / 29 FF | Init 6 (+10 with HA) | Perc +26 | SM +3 | Speed 30 | Spells 1st 6/6, 2nd 6/6, 3rd 5/5, 4th 5/5, 5th 3/3 | Augment 7/7, Perfection of Self 8/8 | Resistance: Negative Energy 10 | Active Conditions: none

Farrokh grabs the gems and the various interesting looking small bits and pieces in the room and then heads towards the exit, looking to pass the items to members of the party who are more capable of smuggling them out.

I assume the gems don't look like technological devices, so wouldn't need to be hidden?

Farrokh the Strong wrote:
I assume the gems don't look like technological devices, so wouldn't need to be hidden?


Time to fast forward this a bit. Each player identify whether they are smuggling out something, what it is, and how it is hidden. The Pathfinder pouch can hold up to 10 pounds, I believe.

The Exchange

”Elu” Female N Elf alchemist 10 | HP 77/77 DR 5/Adamantine| AC 32 T 16 FF 27; +2 vs Evil | CMB +6, CMD 18 Freedom of Movement | F +18, R +21, W +14 | Init +5 | Perc +22, +2 vs Trap | Speed 35ft | Active conditions: Lucky Number 6 | bomb-as-bullet 14/16
Eluaria Valkyria Passion Frosia wrote:
miteke wrote:
Eluaria Valkyria Passion Frosia wrote:
miteke wrote:
Elu makes a dent in the technology heist, but it occurs to her that the Ghost Wolves will be certain to check for contraband, though, since you left them on good terms, she is not sure how extensive the check will be.
Pathfinder's Pouch got that covered I believe
Agreed, but the capacity is limited. What do you put in there and what do you carry outside of it, if anything? And if anything is being stashed outside the pouch, how is it being protected?
The priority is to smuggle our AI core tablet friend out of there and get her back to the Grand Lodge. After that, probably stuff the pouch with small trinkets(camera, skillchips, flashlight, filter mask), and disgard the big stuff.leave others to her teammates to handle or discard.

Silver Crusade

CG | Celestial Sorcerer 9 | AC (16)12/12/10 | HP 74/74 | F+8,R+7,W+9 | SR 14 vs. Spell cast by evil outsiders or with evil descriptor | Resist acid 10 & resist cold 10 | Init.+2 | Perc+3 | SenseMotive+1 | Darkvision 60' |

Reesa isn’t going to break her agreement with the Ghost Wolves, so she doesn’t try to sneak any items out.

Silver Crusade

Female Elf Ranger 2/Transmuter 5/Eldritch Knight 3 | hp ¯\_(ツ)_/¯/79 | AC 23 T 16 FF 18 | CMD 27 | F +9 R +10 W +7 (+2 v Ench) | Spd 30' {60'} (Run x5) | Init +6 | Kn(Arc, Geo, His, Loc, Nat, Pla, Rel) +8*, Perc +14* (low-light), Scrft +10 (+12 ID), SensM +1* | Arcane Bond 1/1 | boots of spd 10/10 | wand of clw 14/50 | wand of cmw 9/11 | *Favored Enemy (human) +2 | bless, haste 7rds, life bubble 18hrs

"Do you know how big this 'self-destruction' will be?" Shonne asks the virtual ghost before it is stowed away, the effects of the haste magic making her Elven-accented words run together.

She also asks "What is beyond that cylinder?" indicating final, unapproachable "doorway".

Grand Lodge

Male Half-Elf LG Urban Ranger 6/Zen Archer 4 | HP:83/84 AC:25 T:24 FF:18 | CMB:11 CMD:30 | F:+13 R:+17 W:+10 (+2 vs enchantments) | Init:+8 | Per: +25

Ingrge gives up on trying to sneak anything out, thinking he’d likely get caught…he shows the items he gathered in case anyone else wishes to…

GM, what’s the current countdown for us to clear the compound now?

Basically you will be able to time it to get out without issue, unless of course you WANT to die a painful death. And there is nothing special or particular to abscond with, so the only question I need to have answered is who is taking what and how they plan on avoiding detection by the Ghost Wolves.

Grand Lodge

m LG human Paladin 9 | HP 76/76 | AC 20 T 13 FF 17 | CMD 23 | F+13 R+11 W+11 [+2 vs illusions] | Init +4 | Perc +0 | LoH 8/8 | Bond 1/1 | Smite 1/3 | Life Bubble, Lucky Number (19), Delay Poison (6h)

Nikita will not participate in the deception of the tribe that treated us so well and to whom they promised something, but also will not pay attention to the actions of the others (he is just not very perceptive, which is very convenient when you are a paladin but traveling with such a motley company) - anyway, as long as they don't do it too explicitly in front of his nose...

So, we have
Ingrge: Taking nothing technological
Reese: Taking nothing technological
Farrokh: Taking nothing technological
Nikita: Taking nothing technological
Elu: Keeping AI Isirah and odds and ends in her pathfinder pouch

Shoone: ?
Note: AI Isirah has told you that she is not sure about the extent of the sabotage, but that it would most likely be everywhere you have gone so far.

Liberty's Edge

Human Transmuting Magaambyan Arcanist 10:
Wizard (Enhancement) 8 / Magaambyan Arcanist 2
| HP 100/100 | AC 15 / 13T / 14FF | Fort +13, Reflex +8, Will +12, (+1 vs reptilian humanoids) | CMD 30 / 29 FF | Init 6 (+10 with HA) | Perc +26 | SM +3 | Speed 30 | Spells 1st 6/6, 2nd 6/6, 3rd 5/5, 4th 5/5, 5th 3/3 | Augment 7/7, Perfection of Self 8/8 | Resistance: Negative Energy 10 | Active Conditions: none

Given that we are likely to be checked again for technology when we leave, Farrokh doesn't have any options for smuggling technology out on his person (I think the best options for doing that would be extra dimensional spaces like handy haversacks, as items in those would not be picked up by the spells that were used to check us before we came in here. Another possible option would be to use teleportation like dimension door to teleport the items out beyond where the Ghost Wolves are. Unfortunately neither of those are options for Farrokh).

If there are any interesting items which other members of the party are not taking with them (and which look like they could be easily carried) Farrokh will take them with him to near the entrance (in a discreet way to avoid Nikita spotting them). He will not however take them out of the entrance, so will leave them there and hope that the self destruct will not make it as far as the entrance and hopefully some one can sneak back later and collect them.

If the opportunity presents itself on the way back to the entrance (i.e. we pass an area which could clearly be burrowed through to quickly get to the surface before the self destruct happens), Farrokh will use his Shifters Headband to change into a Trox and burrow out of the complex (burrow will also benefit from Haste). If he manages to burrow out in an area with no Ghost Wolves then he will bury the technology he has, again with the hope of returning for it later.

Essentially he will try and rescue any easily portable technology that no one else is able to take out via other methods, however he will only take it as far as he can get before meeting up with the Ghost Wolves again (i.e. Inside Sulfur Gulch close to the entrance, or somewhere in the surrounding area if he is able to burrow out of the complex with it). He will make sure he definitely doesn't have any on him when the party meet back up with the Ghost Wolves. (He will also retrieve the bag he put on the camera when he passes it on the way out)

Silver Crusade

Female Elf Ranger 2/Transmuter 5/Eldritch Knight 3 | hp ¯\_(ツ)_/¯/79 | AC 23 T 16 FF 18 | CMD 27 | F +9 R +10 W +7 (+2 v Ench) | Spd 30' {60'} (Run x5) | Init +6 | Kn(Arc, Geo, His, Loc, Nat, Pla, Rel) +8*, Perc +14* (low-light), Scrft +10 (+12 ID), SensM +1* | Arcane Bond 1/1 | boots of spd 10/10 | wand of clw 14/50 | wand of cmw 9/11 | *Favored Enemy (human) +2 | bless, haste 7rds, life bubble 18hrs
miteke wrote:
A large cylindrical device whirs faintly, drawing in air. A metal lattice prevents access to the cylinder.

Is the other side of the hall beside the fan similarly barred against entry as well?

"Where are the controls for these barriers?" she asks though because of the haste spell it comes out sounding like "Wherearethecontrolsforthesebarriers?"

Shonne has several methods at her disposal for extricating technological artifacts from the site, but has no knowledge of which if any of them are worth the bother. She suspects that the most worthwhile items would not be laying about in easily accessible spots, again though she would need someone else to point those out to her.

There was that collapsed section. You are fairly sure you could slip out that way in Trox form and deposit a cache of the larger items. The real trick would be recovering them afterwards. From what you remember the Ghost Wolves are not going to leave you alone for long so it would require some sort of stealth to accomplish. Then again, a good map would allow the society to send a special forces team to slip in and recover the cached items.

The fans are protected by metal grating to, probably, prevent accidents.

Don't worry about looting everything. This is a PFS scenario and additional looting is mostly for RP. If I was GMing an independent scenario, I would definitely reward you for enterprising solutions to obtain extra loot, but you know how it is. I just need to know who is carrying contraband when you exit the facility because... well, because.

Liberty's Edge

Human Transmuting Magaambyan Arcanist 10:
Wizard (Enhancement) 8 / Magaambyan Arcanist 2
| HP 100/100 | AC 15 / 13T / 14FF | Fort +13, Reflex +8, Will +12, (+1 vs reptilian humanoids) | CMD 30 / 29 FF | Init 6 (+10 with HA) | Perc +26 | SM +3 | Speed 30 | Spells 1st 6/6, 2nd 6/6, 3rd 5/5, 4th 5/5, 5th 3/3 | Augment 7/7, Perfection of Self 8/8 | Resistance: Negative Energy 10 | Active Conditions: none

As it looks like the burrowing out plan will work...

Farrokh will take any interesting items that other members of the party are not able to transport out of the complex and stash them in his backpack, being careful to do so out of sight of Nikita, to avoid putting his comrade in a difficult position.

He then rapidly heads towards the collapsed area, grabbing his bag from the camera he placed it on as he passes. "I can dig my way out this way." he say to his companions "I'll meet you all outside the main entrance.". Then, utilising the power of his headband, he changes his form to that of a Trox and starts rapidly burrowing his way out of the complex. Upon making it outside Farrohk looks around, checking that there are no Ghost Wolves in the vicinity. (Assuming it looks like the coast is clear) Making further use of his digging skills he then buries the cache of equipment in a waterproof bag in an easily identifiable spot (e.g. under a distinctly shaped rock outcrop) and makes sure to note the position in his journal (although doing so in a way that does not indicate that he has something buried there). He then transforms back into a human and walks back to the entrance to Sulfur Gulch making further notes about the geography (In part because it is useful information about the site the party were sent to investigate, but also so that there is clear information about how to get back to the spot where he buried the cache).

He will pass on the location of the cache to more sneaky members of the party, if there is an opportunity to safely do so (so they would be able to sneak back and retrieve it). If there is not an opportunity to do this then he will pass his notes about the location to the Venture Captain on the parties return, so that someone could be sent to retrieve it later.

Jala and his warband await you just outside the entrance, ready to check them for new technology before guiding you back to civilization. The items you procured are all safely hidden and their cursory search presents no surprises. Jala smiles warmly. He declares you and the Society friends of the tribe, and offers a gift of Ghost Wolves' gear in commemoration of their alliance (an adamantine greatsword, mithral shirts, potions of invisibility, and more). This gift represents a pledge of continued cooperation between the Kellid tribe and the Pathfinder Society (which was one of the secondary success conditions, which was needed since the facility was destroyed and dark Isirah not put to rest).

Now that the expedition is complete, Jala Spirit-Eye leads you back to the Sellen River.

Venture-Captain Smine welcomes the PCs back, congratulating them on their successes. The dwarven venture-captain is extremely excited to meet Isirah, both as a unique source of Numerian lore and as a fellow explorer. Within minutes he’s begun convincing her to join the Pathfinder Society, though neither one is entirely clear what that might entail for someone in her condition.

"Things turned out even better than I had hoped. This technological entity is a remarkable find AND you placated the Kellid's and forged a new alliance. That was quick thinking, Farrokh, and we will find some way of retrieving the additional finds. These devices are worth their weight in diamonds!"

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