About Eluaria Valkyria Passion FrosiaEluaria Valkyria Passion Frosia, or simply call her “Elu”, is a lively Elf alchemist. She always says that alchemy is like cooking: you throw in a bunch of material, mix it up, then wonderful things come out as a result. She also love to shoot guns, if that matters. Combat Stat:
Initiative +5 (+4 Dex, +1 competence) Fort +16 (+7 base, +2 CON, +1 racial, +3 resistance, +1 competence, +2 luck) Ref +18 (+7 base, +3 DEX, +1 racial, +3 resistance, +1 competence, +2 luck) Will +12 (+3 base, +1 racial, +3 resistance, +1 competence, +2 luck, +2 familiar) +1 vs Fear HP 77
Elf Racial Feature:
Low-Light Vision Moonkissed: +1 racial to all saving throw Envoy: SLA 1/day each: comprehend languages, detect magic, detect poison, and read magic. Long-Limbed: 35 ft base speed Traits:
Roving Range(Combat): Increase range increment of ranged weapons (but not thrown weapons) by 5 ft. Fate’s Favored(Faith): if there’s any luck bonus, increase that bonus +1. Class Features:
Weapon Proficiency: Simple weapons, Firearms Armor Proficiency: Light armors Gun Chemist/Mindchemist Alchemist 10
Point-Blank Shot Gunsmithing (bonus, Gun Chemist) Precise Shot Alertness Rapid Reload(pistol) Rapid Shot Deadly Aim Clustered Shot Extra Discovery Skills:
Appraise +10 (1 rank, +3 class, +6 INT) Craft(Alchemy) +15 (6 ranks, +3 class, +6 INT) Disable Device +19 (10 ranks, +3 class, +3 DEX, +2 circumstance) Heal +6 (1 rank, +3 class, +2 circumstance) Knowledge(Arcane) +21 (4 rank, +3 class, +12 INT, +2 circumstance) Knowledge(Dungeoneering) +18 (4 rank, +12 INT, +2 circumstance) Knowledge(Engineering) +17 (3 rank, +12 INT, +2 circumstance) Knowledge(Geography) +17 (3 rank, +12 INT, +2 circumstance) Knowledge(History) +17 (3 rank, +12 INT, +2 circumstance) Knowledge(Local) +18 (4 rank, +12 INT, +2 circumstance) Knowledge(Nature) +21 (4 rank, +3 class, +12 INT, +2 circumstance) Knowledge(Nobility) +17 (3 rank, +12 INT, +2 circumstance) Knowledge(Religion) +24 (4 rank, +12 INT, +2 circumstance) Knowledge(Plane) +18 (10 rank, +12 INT, +2 circumstance) Linguistic +13 (7 ranks, +6 INT) Perception +26 (10 ranks, +3 class, +2 feat, +5 competence, +6 enhancement) Sleight of Hand +8 (1 rank, +3 class, +4 DEX) Spellcraft +19 (10 ranks, +3 class, +6 INT) Survival +8 (5 rank, +3 class) Use Magic Device +15 (10 ranks, +3 class, +1 CHA, +1 untype) Day Job with Craft(Alchemy) +35 (6 ranks, 3 class skill, 6 INT, 10 Alchemy, 5+1 Crafter’s Fortune+Fate Favored, 2 alchemy lab, 2 boon)
+1 Reliable Distance Paddlefoot Pistol Mwk Pistol //free gun from Gunsmith+masterwork transformation Cestus Spring loaded wrist sheath [potion of touch of the sea+potion sponge] Spring loaded wrist sheath [wand of Shield] Lesser Talisman of Beneficial Winds
Wand of Heighten Awareness 47/50
Potion of Touch of the Sea
Scroll of 3x Gust of Wind
Masterwork Thieves' tool
Masterwork Backpack
Alchemist's Lab //leave it at home so don’t count against encumbrance Formula Book and Extract:
Formula Book: 1st lvl: Crafter's Fortune, Endure Elements, Shield, Long Arm, Ant Haul, Heighten Awareness, Long Shot, Disguise Self, Reduce Person, Touch of the Sea, Adhesive Spittle, Blend, Anticipate Peril, Expeditious Retreat, Negate Aroma, Cure Light Wound, Monkey Fish, True Skill 2st lvl:See Invisibility, Bull's Strength, Alchemical Allocation, False Life, Ablative Barrier, Barkskin, Darkvision, Delay Poison, Investigative Mind, Invisibility, Resist Energy, Lesser Restoration, Cure Moderate Wound, Blur, Cat's Grace 3rd lvl: Displacement, Heroism, Remove Curse, Remove Blindness/Deafness, Fly, Clay Skin, Bloodhound, Cure Serious Wound, Amplify Elixir, Infuse Self, Protection from Energy, Nondetection, Tongue 4th lvl: Stoneskin, Freedom of Movement, Greater Invisibility Extract per day:
XP: 28
An elf who came to Golarion from other realms(Castrovel). Her full name is too long, so she uses the nickname Elu instead. She was saved by the druid Colin Rosenthal when the forest she lived in was burned down. Because she was homeless and wanted to make some new friends, she started adventuring with Colin. She likes to shoot guns, so she brought firearms from Akenstar and received training on them. Because of her husband Colin's financial support, Elu joined the Pathfinder Society as a part-time job to pay for her gun-shooting hobby. |