Rough Rampager

Harak's page

28 posts. Alias of Mr Nevets.


1/2 Orc Storm Druid 1 | HP 10/10 | AC 17, T 14, FF 13 | CMD 14 | F +4, R +2, W +5 | Init +4 Perc +8

About Harak

Harak Wolfmaw
Male, ½ Orc Druid 1 (Storm Druid)
NG Medium-sized, Move 3’
Initiative +4; Senses: Darkvision 60’, Perception +8

AC 17, touch 14, flat-footed 13 (+3 Dex, +4 Armor)
HP 10 (d8 + Con)
Fort +4, Ref +2 Will +5


Speed 30 ft.
Melee: Scimitar +2 hit, +2 dmg (1d6, 18-20/x2) slashing
Ranged: Sling +2 (1d4) blunt, 50'
BAB +0, CMB +2, CMD 14


Str 14 (+2), Dex 14 (+2), Con 14 (+2), Int 10 (+0), Wis 16 (+3)*, Cha 10 (+0)
*(+2 Orc racial bonus on Wis)


Spell Focus: Conjuration:


Traits: (1 + 1 Campaign)

Reactionary: + 2 trait bonus on initiative checks.

Besmara’s Blessing (Campaign): You were born aboard a ship at sea or down by the docks in a port city on an auspicious day. Old salts and sea dogs nod knowingly and say that Besmara the Pirate Queen, goddess of piracy, sea monsters, and strife, has marked you for a greater destiny.
You don’t know anything about that, but you’ve always felt more at home on the sea than on land, and your keen eyes can easily pick out a sail on the distant horizon. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Perception and Profession (sailor) checks. In addition, once per week you can reroll a Profession (sailor) check and take the higher result (you must announce that you are using this ability before the results of the check are known).
You came to a tavern in Port Peril called the Formidably Maid in search of your fate. You’re not sure how many drinks you had, but they quickly went to your head and you passed out on the table before you found your destiny — unless it lay in the bottom of a bottle. Then again, maybe you found your destiny after all...


Skills (5) 4 ranks/level + 1 Favored Class

Climb(+2) + 2 Str
Craft (+0)
Fly (+2) +2 Str
Handle Animal (+0)
Heal (+7) +1 Rank +3 Class Skill + 3 Wis
Knowledge (Geography) (+0)
*Knowledge (Nature) (+6) +1 Rank +3 Class Skill +2 Druid
*Perception(+8) +1 Rank +3 Class Skill + 3 Wis +1 Trait)
Profession (Sailor) (+8) +1 Rank + 3 Class Skill +3 Wis +1 Trait
Ride (+3) +3 Dex
Spellcraft (+4) +1 Rank + 3 Class Skill
Survival (+4) +2 Wis +2 Druid
Swim (+2) +2 Str

Languages: Common, Orcish, Druidic
Favored Class Bonus: +1 Skill pt/level


Class Abilities

Spontaneous Domain Casting:
A storm druid can channel stored spell energy into domain spells that she has not prepared ahead of time. She can “lose” a prepared spell in order to cast any domain spell of the same level or lower. (This replaces Spontaneous Casting)

Nature Bond:
Weather Domain - Storm Burst: (1st) As a standard action, you can create a storm burst targeting any foe within 30 feet as a ranged touch attack. The storm burst deals 1d6 points of non-lethal damage + 1 point for every two druid levels you possess. In addition, the target is buffeted by winds and rain, causing it to take a –2 penalty on attack rolls for 1 round. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Wisdom modifier. Bonus Spell: (1st) Obscuring Mist

Nature Sense: +2 on Knowledge: Nature and Survival checks.


Wild Empathy

Racial Abilities

Intimidating: +2 on Intimidate checks

Orc Ferocity: May fight for an additional round, once per day, if brought to 0 hps but not killed.
Weapon Familiarity: Greataxe, Falchion, and any weapon with the word Orc in the name.

Darkvision: 60’

(For future use, so I don't forget about it...) Favored Class bonus: Add +1/3 to the druid’s natural armor bonus when using wild shape.



Spells per Day: ( 3 / 2 +1* / 0 / 0 )

Prepared Spells:
0 - Detect Magic, Guidance, Spark
1st - Cure Light Wounds, Summon Nature’s Ally, Obscuring Mist*

* Domain Spells

Equipment: (150 gp Starting)

Hide Shirt +3 AC / +4 max / -1 penalty / 18 lbs / 20 gp
Light Wooden Shield +1 AC / 5 lb. / 3gp / -1 penalty

Scimitar 1d6+2 / 18-20/x2 / 4 lb. / 15 gp
Dagger 1d4+2 / 19-20/x2 / 1 lb. / 2 gp / 10' Range
Sling 1d4 / x2 / 50' Range
(10) Sling Bullets 5 lb. / 1 sp

Backpack 2 lbs / 2 gp
Bedroll 5 lbs / 1 sp
Belt Pouch 2 lbs / 1 gp
Blanket 3 lbs / 5 sp
Flint & Steel 1 lb / 2 gp
Rope, silk (50’) 5 lbs / 10 gp
Torch (2) 2 lb / 2cp
Trail Ration (6) 6 lbs / 3 gp
Traveler’s Outfit 5 lbs / 1 gp
Waterskin 1 lb / 1 gp
Whetstone 1 lb / 1 cp

Total Cost: 60.73 gp
Total Carried: 66 lb
Light 0 - 58 lb
Med 59 - 116
Heavy 117 - 175

PP 0 / GP 89 / SP 2 / CP 7


Born the son of a tavern wench and a wandering priest of Besmara, Harusk has lived near port towns all of his life, raised near sailors, taverns and the sea. Old salts and sea dogs nod knowingly and say that Besmara the Pirate Queen, goddess of piracy, sea monsters, and strife, has marked him for a greater destiny. He doesn't know anything about that, but Harusk has always felt more at home on the sea than on land, and your his eyes can easily pick out a sail on the distant horizon.

He recently found himself in a tavern in Port Peril called the Formidably Maid in search of his fate. He's not altogether sure how many drinks he actually had, but they quickly went to the young half-orc's head and he ended up passed out on the table before he could find his destiny — unless it lay in the bottom of a bottle. Then again, maybe you found your destiny after all...