Kaliban the Wayward |

Don't mean to be trouble... but, I cannot move the Kaliban token. Based on previous round actions, he should be somewhere perhaps flanking with Manny (or within a 5ft Step) amongst the enemy there.
Hearing Manny cry out in pain, Kaliban attempts desperately to bring the goblin's attacker down by sweeping its legs from under it.
Leave the goblin alone!
atk, trip, improved, flank vs CMD: 1d20 + 9 + 2 ⇒ (18) + 9 + 2 = 29

brvheart |

Don't mean to be trouble... but, I cannot move the Kaliban token. Based on previous round actions, he should be somewhere perhaps flanking with Manny (or within a 5ft Step) amongst the enemy there.
Hearing Manny cry out in pain, Kaliban attempts desperately to bring the goblin's attacker down by sweeping its legs from under it.
Leave the goblin alone!
[dice=atk, trip, improved, flank vs CMD]1d20+9+2
You are too far to get to Manny or flank at all but can attack the one on Cerise. Please roll damage. I see your token set to that anyone should be able to control it???

Emerald Delta Waters |

Perception: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (12) + 3 = 15
Up in the hull of the ship, sword out and searching for a target.

brvheart |

[dice=Perception]1d20 + 3
Up in the hull of the ship, sword out and searching for a target.
You hear the party starting to board on deck. They are in combat.

brvheart |

Initiative Order Round Three

Capricia the Pirate |

I don't see Capricia's token on the Roll20 map, so I'm going to generalize....
Capricia moves up to the closest sahuagin that still stands and takes an arcing swipe at it.
Capricia the Pirate falcata: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (4) + 9 = 13 for slashing damage plus 4 precision damage: 1d8 + 6 + 4 ⇒ (7) + 6 + 4 = 17 (19-20/x3)
Not sure if she'd be able to flank an enemy or not.

brvheart |

I don't see Capricia's token on the Roll20 map, so I'm going to generalize....
Capricia moves up to the closest sahuagin that still stands and takes an arcing swipe at it.
[dice=Capricia the Pirate falcata]1d20+9 for [dice=slashing damage plus 4 precision damage]1d8+6+4 (19-20/x3)
Not sure if she'd be able to flank an enemy or not.
Capricia misses.

brvheart |

One Sahaguin attacks Capricia
trident: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (9) + 4 = 13 damage: 1d8 + 3 ⇒ (3) + 3 = 6
and one attacks Cerise
trident: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (11) + 4 = 15 damage: 1d8 + 3 ⇒ (8) + 3 = 11

Cerise "Ci Ci" Barchetta |

Cerise feels the whiff of air past her ear as the trident only barely misses her (AC 16!). She retaliates with a thrust of her rapier.
Rapier thrust: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (11) + 5 = 16
Damage: 1d6 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 2 = 5

brvheart |

I don't see Capricia's token on the Roll20 map, so I'm going to generalize....
Capricia moves up to the closest sahuagin that still stands and takes an arcing swipe at it.
[dice=Capricia the Pirate falcata]1d20+9 for [dice=slashing damage plus 4 precision damage]1d8+6+4 (19-20/x3)
Not sure if she'd be able to flank an enemy or not.
I have had a problem with her token for awhile and finally fixed it last night deleting and recreating your character

brvheart |

Kaliban bot, he attacks Sahaguin
unarmed strike flurry of blows +4/+4 (1d6+3)
unarmed strike: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (3) + 4 = 7 damage: 1d6 + 3 ⇒ (4) + 3 = 7
unarmed strike: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (14) + 4 = 18 damage: 1d6 + 3 ⇒ (5) + 3 = 8

brvheart |

The remaining Sahaguin tries to escape. Capricia and Manny can take AOO's.

Capricia the Pirate |

"Oh no you don't!"
Capricia the Pirate falcata (AoO): 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (12) + 9 = 21 for slashing damage plus 4 precision damage: 1d8 + 6 + 4 ⇒ (4) + 6 + 4 = 14 (19-20/x3)

Cerise "Ci Ci" Barchetta |

"All the injured gather 'round me. Besmara'll tend to your hurts," Cerise says.
Channel Energy, Heal: 2d6 ⇒ (5, 4) = 9

brvheart |

It was a fishing trawler so you don't find anything besides fish below decks. One of the sahuagin wears a necklace of
golden coral and strange, silvery metal with blue-black
whorls worth 1,500 gp. The silvery metal is a platinum
alloy known as “deep platinum”

brvheart |

After several days you will need to replenish the ship’s
stores of fresh water. This event occurs when you have
sailed their ship up a wide river mouth on the Mwangi
Coast or an island to take on fresh water. At the end of
the day, as the ship makes its way back down the jungle fringed
river toward the cove that encompasses its mouth,
their lookout spots the rigging of a large ship rising above
the trees in the cove ahead. At this point, the PCs’ smaller
ship is still concealed from the other ship

brvheart |

Didn't one of us find a spyglass somewhere?
You found one on the island back in book one.

Emerald Delta Waters |

I can give you the inventory but I need to figure out what we sold of it?
I'm sure we have spyglass, I recall fixing it. It's probably in my bag if no one else claimed it.

Emerald Delta Waters |

Off to see the wizard, follow the yellow brick road, oh wait, that's me and I follow the captain.

brvheart |

The cove is completely dominated by a huge warship named,
appropriately enough, Dominator. Atop the rigging of the
massive four-masted ship fly the colors of the Empire of Cheliax.
It is clear that the heavily armed vessel, with a full company of
armored marines mustered on deck, is a pirate hunter.

Cerise "Ci Ci" Barchetta |

"This looks like a pretty big fish, Captain," Ci Ci says. "We may not want to swim right up to it. Perhaps we should wait until nightfall, or approach them in a more circumspect manner?"

Capricia the Pirate |

"Or remain hidden altogether," the captain thinks aloud. Turning to her crew, she asks them, "What say you all? We might be able to ambush her at night if we can slip out of the river mouth and surprise them...but if we don't take that vessel down almost immediately, we'll likely be seriously outmanned and outgunned."

Emerald Delta Waters |

Wonder if I can use invisibility to make the ship invisible, or what about a fog cloud
We could put a barrel of booze out for them to find and hope they get drunk.
Could sneak someone on board invisible and sabotage the ballistas and Canon

Uthala |

What if we offer our services...
Are we notorious pirates? Or on a known pirate vessel?
You are new in the pirate world having recently mutinied on the Man's Promise. You were all Shanghaid on the Wormwood under Captain Harrington.
The first thing you did was to go to Rickety's and had the Man's Promise squibbed so it would NOT be recognizable to other ships. Renaming her the Queen's Grace.
brvheart |

As noted, the Dominator is a pirate hunter, one of
several powerful ships sent by Cheliax to patrol the
western coasts of the Inner Sea region and occasionally
scout along the edges of the Shackles. A single Chelish
pirate hunter is large enough that no Free Captain would
be willing to take one on alone, but it does not constitute
enough of a threat by itself for the Free Captains to rally
a fleet to sink it. Experienced pirate captains know that
when a pirate hunter is in port, it’s best to simply avoid
the ship and wait for it to go home. An unlucky few might
fall prey to its attacks, but no more than the treacherous
waters of the Shackles are wont to take anyway. On this
occasion, you have just had the misfortune to run
afoul of just such a ship, for the Dominator has anchored
in the cove for the night and blocks your way out.
Fortunately, it appears that the Dominator is not yet aware
of your ship just up the river, or it would be arrayed
for battle and awaiting their emergence.
Fishguts’ Advice: The situation looks bad but not
impossible. The cove is wide enough that the PCs’ vessel
could drift past the Dominator on the current and make
the open sea. The problem is that while the PCs could
possibly make it past or at least most of the way past the
Dominator in the dark without being spotted and attacked
immediately, as soon as they drop sheets to catch the
wind they will immediately be visible to even the most
inattentive lookout. The Dominator would immediately
weigh anchor and come in pursuit, and with dozens more
yards of sail than the PCs’ ship, it would only be a matter
of time before it ran their ship down and sank it. There
must be some other means of evading a hopeless fight.
Roll a DC 15 Craft (ships) or Knowledge (engineering) check or a DC 20
Perception or Intelligence check.

Cerise "Ci Ci" Barchetta |

(No ranks in either skill.)
"I can call upon Besmara to hide us with fog. I can also produce a mist that will cause seasickness among their crew," Ci Ci offers. "The first will hide us from being targeted by their catapult and ballista crews. The second may slow their actions to weigh anchor and pursue us. If either of both is of use to our plans, I am happy to entreat for the Pirate Queen's aid."
(Fog cloud and cloud of seasickness spells.)

brvheart |

As noted, the Dominator is a pirate hunter, one of
several powerful ships sent by Cheliax to patrol the
western coasts of the Inner Sea region and occasionally
scout along the edges of the Shackles. A single Chelish
pirate hunter is large enough that no Free Captain would
be willing to take one on alone, but it does not constitute
enough of a threat by itself for the Free Captains to rally
a f leet to sink it. Experienced pirate captains know that
when a pirate hunter is in port, it’s best to simply avoid
the ship and wait for it to go home. An unlucky few might
fall prey to its attacks, but no more than the treacherous
waters of the Shackles are wont to take anyway. On this
occasion, the PCs have just had the misfortune to run
afoul of just such a ship, for the Dominator has anchored
in the cove for the night and blocks the PCs’ way out.
Fortunately, it appears that the Dominator is not yet aware
of the PCs’ ship just up the river, or it would be arrayed
for battle and awaiting their emergence.

brvheart |

Seems I might be able to know that ships ways
While the Dominator is virtually impregnable to any
attacks the PCs might make with their ship, you recognize that the Dominator has a steering wheel on its quarterdeck andmust, therefore, have a pulley-activated
tiller in the cabin below. While the
ship’s rudder is below the waterline
and too difficult to easily damage, if
the tiller’s pulley ropes were severed,
the Dominator would be crippled for
hours while the tiller was repaired,
giving your ship plenty of time to
escape without pursuit.

Cerise "Ci Ci" Barchetta |

"I can't make you invisible, but I can cover their ship with a bank of fog," Ci Ci offers Manny.