GMDQ's Forces of Nature (Inactive)

Game Master DeathQuaker

Can the world's most powerful heroes save the Free Coast from catastrophe?
Game References
Battle Map

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Hello! I am DeathQuaker, that mouthy chick here, and I am recruiting for a 17th level Pathfinder 1st Edition high fantasy adventure in a homebrew setting involving the planes. It will occur as a play-by-post here on the boards, supplemented by Google or other free and easy-to-access webware as needed. I am aiming for a group of about four to six people.

This is a short module, but with the nature of PBP, I expect it may go at least anywhere from a few months to a year, and if folks are still together and enthusiastic at the end, I will explore possibly branching into sandbox play from there.

Yep, 17th level. Yes, I know what I’m getting myself into (mostly).

Please post your questions and concerns for me in this thread rather than PM me, unless your concern is deeply private/personal. I prefer open communication and not having to repeat myself.

What follows is long and detailed. This gives you an idea of what you’re getting into with me, for better or worse.

What’s the Adventure?
It is a conversion/adaptation of a D&D 3.x short module called “Forces of Nature.” In it, the experienced, heroic, and helpful PCs are tasked with saving a city from an environmental catastrophe caused by a malfunctioning extraplanar device. Planar travel is (likely) involved. While the plot as written is fairly linear, I anticipate players of high-level PCs may come up with their own solutions to things, and I welcome creativity, though of course within the rules of the game and reasonably-set boundaries of the adventure.

The module is setting-neutral, so I am placing it in my homebrewed world. This world is a pretty standard high fantasy world (no firearms) and the story will happen in a very small corner of it where the details of said world will be largely inconsequential, so you won’t need to know much about it to operate, and I will not require knowledge of it to apply. This said, here is the a setting guide for the curious, particularly if you want deity info. If you want to serve a deity from another setting, we can come up with why, or find an agreeable equivalent.

I want the PCs to have known and worked with each other before, so one of the first things I’ll ask the players I recruit is to determine how they know each other and what they’ve been up to.

Sources/Materials allowed:
Only the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game hardcover line: e.g., PHB, GMG, and (almost) all of the “Advanced,” “Ultimate,” and “Adventures” books (e.g., Advanced Player’s Guide, Ultimate Campaign, Planar Adventures).

Exclusions to the above: No firearms or similar devices, so exclude those portions of Ultimate Combat and relevant sections in other books. No Technology Guide (not that kind of game), no Mythic Adventures (depending on the direction we take, players could gain a mythic tier eventually, but you should not create/refine your applications using mythic rules). I would like you to use the versions of allowed classes from Pathfinder Unchained, but I am not using anything else from that book, including background skills (you’re 17th level, you can afford 1 rank in Craft (Underwater Basket Weaving) if you really want it).

Otherwise, this means, no campaign setting materials (e.g., Inner Sea Races), no adventure paths and soft splats (i.e., “player companions”), and absolutely no third party.

As PRDs go, I recommend the official one, the Archives of Nethys, and its list of rules by source may be particularly helpful to be sure you stick to allowed sources.

There will be additional race and class restrictions to accommodate, in order of priority, (1) my sanity (particularly relevant to my familiarity with and tolerance for certain subsystems) and (2) the setting/feel. There will be no firearms/gunpowder-based devices.

Please feel free to ask for clarification on what is allowable, but please do not ask for exceptions. If you find my restrictions not to your taste, likely this game will not be to your taste either.

How to Apply for Recruitment:
• Read the player expectations.
• Read the build rules.
• Post with your build, which can be under a spoiler in your post, linked to, or in an alias’s profile. Include in your application post the following:
-----o Suggested hooks for how you might know or have worked with other party members. This shouldn't be with other specific applicants but general ideas that might be applicable to various characters.
-----o Full crunch in an easy-to-read statblock.
-----o A background of reasonable length. I appreciate that you may wish to—and should—describe some of the exploits that got your PC to the experience level they are. At the same time, please kindly consider I’ve only so much time to read each submission. :) I do not need roleplay/voice samples.
-----o A statement that you understand and agree to the expected posting rate of at least once every two days (more often is fine), and that this means that if your PC has nothing to say/add within such an interval, you are still agreeing to post in OOC that you are still here (and if you are waiting on something before posting).

Additionally, I will check applicants’ posting history to get a sense of their style, collaboration and communication skills, and ability to post regularly to the game. Of course by all means please check my posting history as well to see if you think I will work as a GM for you. My “GM bio” is in my profile.

If the applicant pool is large, and where quality of applications is more or less equally high, I will give preference to players who are in five or fewer campaigns on this board.

Player Expectations:

What I expect of you and what you should expect of me:

Commitment: Please post, either IC or OOC, at least once every two days (more often is fine). When one cannot meet that interval or need a break, plan to let the group know in advance. I will ask players who disappear for an elongated period without warning to leave. Common sense dictates when to make reasonable exceptions for emergencies (and please put family and work needs ahead, just be realistic about what you can commit to with those priorities in mind).

Courtesy and Collaboration: Polite criticism and expression of concern is fine. Please communicate respectfully and identify topics of concern rather than snipe at one another. I expect all to respect one another’s agency as GM/players; this includes not assuming actions or putting words into the mouths of not only PCs but also NPCs you are not responsible for controlling.
As we will be in a room full of relative strangers, I ask players to, in and out of character, avoid real-world politics, religion, and descriptions of romance, sex, and graphic violence until we can know each other better and clarify boundaries as needed.

Communication: I ask players to openly share any concerns, feedback, or ideas you have for the game, and if you are confused about something or not sure what direction to take, to please say so. Communication is always more effective than assumption.

Compassion: We are fallible and will sometimes fail to live up to these standards. While we’ll be responsible to one another, let’s plan to learn from mistakes and to accept missteps with grace and genuine apologies when offered.

Character Generation:

Ability Scores: 20 point buy (don’t forget level up bonuses)

Hit points: Max at first level, half hit die + 1 every level afterward (e.g., if your HD is d10, then from 2nd level on you gain 6 hp every level).

Alignment: No evil. Alignment should not notably impact the planar aspects of the adventure as written (though the same may not apply if we branch out into sandbox later).

Races: Core plus planarkin (aasimar, aphorites, changelings, duskwalkers, ganzi, ifrits, oreads, sylphs, tieflings, undines, wayangs). Alternate racial abilities are fine.

Classes: All core, all Advanced Player’s Guide, plus brawler, investigator, warpriest, and slayer. BUT NOTE: Alchemists are restricted to archetypes from allowed sources that change explosive bombs into something else, e.g., the ectochymist, energist, herbalist, metamorph, and vivisectionist. (This is largely a flavor thing and I appreciate your humoring me on this.)

Unchained: Please use Unchained versions of the barbarian, monk, rogue, and summoner. No to background skills, etc.

Archetypes, Feats, Spells: Any from the allowed sources that do NOT grant abilities or features from disallowed races or classes. For example, since Gunslinger is not allowed, you can’t take an archetype that gives you a grit pool.

Item Creation feats: I won’t ban them, but I do not recommend item creation feats (or at least not taking bunches of them) because the module is quite short and there will be little to no downtime. If we complete the adventure and everyone wants to keep playing, I’ll let folks retrain if they want them.

What about the Leadership feat?: I don’t want to ban it, but I want to be thoughtful about its usefulness in the adventure, so mention it in the thread if you’re thinking about it. It makes sense some of the party members at this level would have followers—though likewise would not drag all of them everywhere they go, especially as they would go very dangerous places. Followers could definitely have “off screen” uses in the adventure that would contribute to the story. I am fine with cohorts traveling with PCs (I reserve the right to approve and minorly alter the cohort build), but players should bear in mind cohorts (like other allies) are valid enemy targets, and while I am not a very lethal GM, nonetheless encounters can be very lethal at this level. This feat or similar abilities should not lead to a PC prioritize interacting with their own NPCs over other PCs. NPC relationships are valuable and contribute to storytelling, and I encourage good NPC interactions. However, to ensure collaboration, the PCs should be one another’s primary social network.

Traits: Choose two, from either the Ultimate Campaign list or my setting’s guide. The usual restriction of one per type applies.

Equipment: Wealth by level (410,000 gp), anything from Ultimate Equipment or the other allowed sourcebooks, again as long as something doesn’t give you abilities for a banned class. Don’t forget spell components that cost money, especially for things like raise dead.

Hero Points: I will be using hero points, but I will not be using feats, spells, archetypes, or abilities that augment or add hero points. I intend use of hero points as a narrative booster, and I find it too meta to have character abilities that manipulate them. You will begin the game with one hero point and can have a maximum of three. I reward hero points for excellent descriptions, teamwork, ballsy stunts, and stunningly creative acts, as well as sometimes story rewards.

XP and Leveling: Characters will not level during this short adventure. I do not use XP, so if we continue after it ends, they will level at appropriate story moments.

Anything else? Don’t forget your background, a brief physical description, and hooks for connecting you to the rest of the party. I expect PCs to be highly effective at one or a handful of things, but decently well-rounded for their character type and well-able to work in a team-based role. Neither extreme min-maxing nor severely weakening a character’s potential in the services of flavor tends to appeal to me.

Setting Stuff:

If you are interested, you may wish to read and reference my setting player’s guide. Particularly of interest re: character creation may be the god descriptions starting on page 8 and the traits starting on page 14. This said, I want to be clear the story will only very marginally takes place in this world in a remote corner of it, and, presuming characters largely stay on the path the adventure lays out, they won't be in it for very long. It’s just a world I’m very familiar with so it levels the playing field for me, and I don’t have to do a lot of work to make it suit the adventure. The story will take place on a large volcanic island off the Free Coast, in a city-state called Ramsmouth. If you want to read through it all and work your character into the world, that’s awesome, but I’m not going to force you to by any means, and it isn’t a requirement for your application.

While I am hoping for four to six players, having more than six applicants is not a guarantee I will recruit six people, and if we have four or fewer applicants who seem like they can work well together, I can adapt to working with a smaller group as needed.

Recruitment will be open through the end of November 21, 2023 (11:59 p.m. EST). I will review submissions over Thanksgiving, and I plan to report who has been recruited no later than Monday, December 4 (if I need more time I will let you know). I recognize we will then be running into possible pauses for the holidays by starting in December but I would not like to wait to recruit until the New Year, and I think we can manage.

Firearms? Just kidding... I'm in!

Woah, wait! Did you say--

GMDQ wrote:
Yep, 17th level. Yes, I know what I’m getting myself into (mostly).

Oh. Okay.

Hi GMDQ, I'm Andostre, and I like to pretend that I'm ridiculous characters in various fantastic settings. I love the idea of a limited-scope high level PbP, and I love playing in homebrew worlds, so I'm expressing interest!

I appreciate that you've acknowledged that the holidays are coming up, as many of the PbPs I've been in have slowed down enough to be practically on hiatus between U.S. Thanksgiving and New Years.

I'll get cracking on building a 17th level monstrosity. Right now, I'm leaning towards a gnome barbarian or bloodrager. Thanks for starting up a PbP!

Scarab Sages


I had an old PFS Core Mystic Theurge I'd love to adapt for your game. She ended at 14 but I can bump her up and rebuy her equipment using expanded sources. She is Druid/Wizard so changing spells is no big deal. No animal companion, I have a domain.

Awesome, all three of you, look forward to seeing your apps.

@Andostre -- bloodrager's not on the allowed classes list. (Not familiar enough with the class to be able to adjudicate it at this level.) Gnome barb is fine.

@Rae, I look forward to seeing the character! And I should have added to the chargen guidance, yes, prestige classes from allowed sources (IIRC that means CRB and APG) are fine. Nice thing about running a game at this level is one can actually use prestige classes to some fair effect should one want to.

Dang, a level 17 planar type adventure?? Heck yeah!! I am totally down! I got several concepts in mind.

General question since it covers a preference of yours and 'disallowed' material:

The Unchained Rogue gets Skill Unlocks(Rogue's Edge) at 5th, 10th, and 15th levels. However, you said you aren't using anything but the actual classes from Unchained. Does that include Skill Unlocks? If so, what should they replace them with?

I'm not sure what I'm building just yet, but I figured I would ask, in case I(or another) wants to build an UC Rogue.

Double checking, are Magus, Shifter, Vigilante, Ninja, and Samurai not allowed? They are from the books you listed, but not on your approved list of classes, so just want to make sure.

GMDQ wrote:
@Andostre -- bloodrager's not on the allowed classes list. (Not familiar enough with the class to be able to adjudicate it at this level.) Gnome barb is fine.

Whoops, sorry. I was going by your source list, and I forgot to double check your class list.

I was leaning towards barbarian, anyway, since I've played a bloodrager more recently.

Would it be fine if my PC was made permanently enlarged? I would subtract the cost of scrolls of enlarge person and permanency from his WBL gold.

Monkeygod wrote:
Dang, a level 17 planar type adventure?? Heck yeah!! I am totally down! I got several concepts in mind.

I look forward to your submission!!


The Unchained Rogue gets Skill Unlocks(Rogue's Edge) at 5th, 10th, and 15th levels. However, you said you aren't using anything but the actual classes from Unchained. Does that include Skill Unlocks? If so, what should they replace them with?

I'm not sure what I'm building just yet, but I figured I would ask, in case I(or another) wants to build an UC Rogue.

It is okay to use skill unlocks for unchained rogue, as specifically a class feature for an allowed class. (I believe the description of the class ability even says unchained rogues get these even if skill unlocks otherwise aren't being used.)

Monkeygod wrote:
Double checking, are Magus, Shifter, Vigilante, Ninja, and Samurai not allowed? They are from the books you listed, but not on your approved list of classes, so just want to make sure.

Admitting that I forgot about some, but not all of these, I'm going to say no, not allowed, just so we're not backtracking. While we're here I'll also clarify you can't play an antipaladin since this is a non-evil game.

To be very clear, allowed classes:
Alchemist (but only with archetypes that replace bombs)
Barbarian (unchained)
Monk (unchained)
Rogue (unchained)
Summoner (unchained)

I think that's all of them (if it looks like I obviously forgot a core class or something please alert me). PrCs from CRB and APG also allowed.

I am boggled at how long that list is (20 classes) and yet I know it's only half the classes available. The other classes I either don't have adequate familiarity with to adjudicate at high level or have specific flavor that don't suit the setting or module.

What is allowed from books that have classes I have not allowed: feats, spells, equipment, and archetypes that do not contain class features from disallowed classes (so you can't have something that gives you panache, but you can certainly have performance or style feats). I'mma say probably not Word Magic.

Andostre wrote:
GMDQ wrote:
@Andostre -- bloodrager's not on the allowed classes list. (Not familiar enough with the class to be able to adjudicate it at this level.) Gnome barb is fine.

Whoops, sorry. I was going by your source list, and I forgot to double check your class list.

I was leaning towards barbarian, anyway, since I've played a bloodrager more recently.

Would it be fine if my PC was made permanently enlarged? I would subtract the cost of scrolls of enlarge person and permanency from his WBL gold.

It is fine, with the following caveats:

1. The cost of making enlarge person permanent on you will entail:

1) The cost of the scrolls (1,125 gp + 25 gp)
2) The cost of the material components for permanency to work with enlarge person, per the spell description, which is 2,500 gp
3) The cost of the spellcasting service, which is 450 gp for the 5th level spell and 10 for the 1st.
(Even if narratively you had someone cast the spell on your for free, the WBL reflects the market value of your possessions, not how you actually got them, and I would include the spellcasting service as part of the market value.)

If I did my arithmetic right, that's 4,110 gp. (You are welcome to check it.)

If a foe you fight casts dispel magic on you to remove the effect, I would consider CL for the effect to be 9.

2. Consider carefully unintended consequences. I might have to worry about you having lots of reach and whatnot, you might have to worry you can't even fit through the door to the building where the adventure starts. There may be 5 foot wide hallways you will have to move through through at half speed (or footbridges that would be narrow for you and require an Acrobatics check for balance), and passages that are intended to be tight squeezes for Medium characters (i.e., requiring Escape Artist checks) that will be nearly impossible for you to traverse at that size. While at 17th level there are ways around these things (teleportation, gaseous form, shapeshifting, drinking a cheap potion of reduce person for temporary smallness), they will all cost time and resources.

Planar adventure? Count me in with an aphorite pact witch of Axis.

Might as well ask now, is there a larger/complete list of languages available for this source?

Violant wrote:
Planar adventure? Count me in with an aphorite pact witch of Axis.

Look forward to seeing it!

Might as well ask now, is there a larger/complete list of languages available for this source?

Setting languages are on page 21 of the guide.

Any non-Golarion language from Pathfinder 1e is also in play, i.e., the ones listed on the Linguistics description. Elven, Dwarf, and Gnome are interchangeable with the setting languages of Alvan, Zweidoran, and Vargilder. Halflings speak Clanlig and/or Rover Pidgin or the local human tongue where they grew up.

For this adventure, I would err on the side of general rather than setting specific, i.e., planar and monster languages rather than setting ones, but if you've got lots of language slots and want to take setting languages, I am flattered. For whatever it's worth, the game starts on a place called Ram's Island off the Free Coast, so Free Coast languages (Skarrish, Isenorian, and Clanlig (a halfling tongue)) are most common at that location, in addition to Common and racial languages. Ram's Island is part of the province of Janqes, and the Janqi natively speak a dialect of Skarrish.

Yeah, I was just wondering if enough languages exist in the setting / the planes to take up the Planar Envoy alternate racial trait.

I'm interested, will start working on some type of melee build.

Not every day you get a chance at high-level adventure like this. Alas, no Magus; it’s one of my favorites. But there are other ways to play a gish. I’ll be looking at possibly something like a Sorcerer->Dragon Disciple, or Alchemist (Vivisectionist)->Master Chymist, or maybe the divine side with a Warpriest. I’m away from home atm, but I’ll mull those options and look at the setting guide later today.

Violant wrote:
Yeah, I was just wondering if enough languages exist in the setting / the planes to take up the Planar Envoy alternate racial trait.

Plane-Hopper's Handbook isn't an available source, but even if it was, I'm not sure it would be worth the tradeoffs for the purposes of the adventure. If you want to start play with a non-racial language, let me know what it is, it might be fine.

It's not as robust--but it wouldn't replace a racial ability--but you could consider one of the following traits as one of your two traits to reflect linguistic capability:

Self-Taught Scholar
Unintentional Linguist

Or perhaps the following feat:

(There may be others that are possible that I did not find on my quick search)

Yeah, I think I have the character concept mostly nailed down. Thanks for the clarification. I don't think order matters for starting with a non-racial language for the build I have in mind, anyways. I'll try to have it posted today or tomorrow.

Brawler with a smattering of uRogue.

GMDQ wrote:
Andostre wrote:
GMDQ wrote:
@Andostre -- bloodrager's not on the allowed classes list. (Not familiar enough with the class to be able to adjudicate it at this level.) Gnome barb is fine.

Whoops, sorry. I was going by your source list, and I forgot to double check your class list.

I was leaning towards barbarian, anyway, since I've played a bloodrager more recently.

Would it be fine if my PC was made permanently enlarged? I would subtract the cost of scrolls of enlarge person and permanency from his WBL gold.

It is fine, with the following caveats:

1. The cost of making enlarge person permanent on you will entail:

1) The cost of the scrolls (1,125 gp + 25 gp)
2) The cost of the material components for permanency to work with enlarge person, per the spell description, which is 2,500 gp
3) The cost of the spellcasting service, which is 450 gp for the 5th level spell and 10 for the 1st.

I hadn't considered #3, but that's totally reasonable.

2. Consider carefully unintended consequences. I might have to worry about you having lots of reach and whatnot, you might have to worry you can't even fit through the door to the building where the adventure starts. There may be 5 foot wide hallways you will have to move through through at half speed (or footbridges that would be narrow for you and require an Acrobatics check for balance), and passages that are intended to be tight squeezes for Medium characters (i.e., requiring Escape Artist checks) that will be nearly impossible for you to traverse at that size. While at 17th level there are ways around these things...

Right, but most of what you're referring to is a concern if a medium PC gets enlarged, right? What I'm thinking is for a gnome to be enlarged, which is just making a small PC medium (and then the requisite stat changes as per the spell description). But let me know if you feel I'm simplifying something that's more complicated than that. I'm just doing it because I think it will be fun, not because it's tied into some larger build plan.

GMDQ, would a Mammoth Rider (as the prestige class) be viable? I know big pets can be a problem.

I think that is from an approved source. (Adventurer's Guide)

Ouachitonian wrote:
Not every day you get a chance at high-level adventure like this. Alas, no Magus; it’s one of my favorites. But there are other ways to play a gish. I’ll be looking at possibly something like a Sorcerer->Dragon Disciple, or Alchemist (Vivisectionist)->Master Chymist, or maybe the divine side with a Warpriest. I’m away from home atm, but I’ll mull those options and look at the setting guide later today.

[Emphasis mine] Warpriest is not on the “available classes” list from THIS post upthread.

LandSwordBear wrote:
Ouachitonian wrote:
Not every day you get a chance at high-level adventure like this. Alas, no Magus; it’s one of my favorites. But there are other ways to play a gish. I’ll be looking at possibly something like a Sorcerer->Dragon Disciple, or Alchemist (Vivisectionist)->Master Chymist, or maybe the divine side with a Warpriest. I’m away from home atm, but I’ll mull those options and look at the setting guide later today.
[Emphasis mine] Warpriest is not on the “available classes” list from THIS post upthread.

Dammit, I knew I missed one. Warpriest is allowed, per the original post.

Wow, maybe it's time to actually play my Sky Druid concept.
Storm Kindler is from an advanced guide, would that be allowed?
(It is tied directly to Gozreh so I'm not sure)

What about Mind Sword (a paladin archetype)?

Hi, I'm in a group you posted about potentially checking this out. And I simply love making characters, so I felt the need. This looks rather enjoyable, though I have to admit I have never EVER had a character this high level and probably will flub more than a little if picked. Most importantly, THANK YOU for the fun of creating someone new.

Given the above, I decided to go human fighter since you can't really get simpler than a fighter. I THINK I got all the bits and pieces right for character creation, but will go through it all again over the week to make sure.

image of her: her image


Clarisa Blackwater
Female human fighter 17
LN Medium humanoid (human)
Init +4; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +30
AC 44, touch 19, flat-footed 39 (+13 armor, +4 deflection, +4 Dex, +1 dodge, +4 natural, +8 shield)
hp 140 (17d10+34)
Fort +18, Ref +15, Will +16 (+4 vs. fear)
Defensive Abilities fortification 25%, freedom of movement (constant); DR 3/—; Resist acid 10, fire 10
Speed 40 ft.
Melee +1 heavy shield bash +28/+23/+18/+13 (1d4+11) or
. . darling: +5 admantine called impervious longsword +35/+30/+25/+20 (1d8+18/17-20) or
. . mwk punching dagger +28/+23/+18/+13 (1d4+10/×3) or
. . mwk punching dagger +28/+23/+18/+13 (1d4+10/×3) or
. . mwk silver earth breaker +26/+21/+16/+11 (2d6+11/×3)
Ranged +1 composite longbow +24/+19/+14/+9 (1d8+10/×3)
Special Attacks weapon trainings (heavy blades +4, close +3, bows +2, hammers +1)
Str 24, Dex 18, Con 14, Int 14, Wis 16, Cha 8
Base Atk +17; CMB +28; CMD 47
Feats Bleeding Critical, Combat Expertise, Critical Focus, Cunning, Dodge, Greater Penetrating Strike, Greater Shield Focus, Greater Shield Specialization[APG], Greater Weapon Focus (longsword), Improved Critical (longsword), Improved Shield Bash, Iron Will, Penetrating Strike, Power Attack, Shield Focus, Shield Specialization[APG], Skill Focus (Diplomacy), Skill Focus (Perception), Skill Focus (Sense Motive), Weapon Focus (longsword), Weapon Specialization (longsword)
Traits seeker, world traveler
Skills Acrobatics +3 (+7 to jump), Climb +10, Diplomacy +22, Handle Animal +5, Knowledge (geography) +3, Knowledge (local) +19, Knowledge (nature) +3, Knowledge (religion) +3, Linguistics +4, Perception +30, Profession (fisherman) +9, Profession (sailor) +11, Profession (soldier) +18, Ride +11, Sense Motive +30, Survival +23 (+25 to avoid becoming lost), Swim +14
Languages Androsic, Common, Firaslander, Isenorian, Skarrish
SQ armor training 4
Combat Gear cold iron arrows (50), potion of endure elements (4), silversheen (2), candlerod[UE] (10); Other Gear +4 acid resistance fire resistance glamered restful adamantine full plate, +4 light fortification mithral heavy steel shield, +1 composite longbow (+7 Str), darling: +5 admantine called impervious longsword, mwk punching dagger, mwk punching dagger, mwk silver earth breaker[UE], amulet of natural armor +4, belt of physical might +4 (Str, Dex), boots of striding and springing, cloak of resistance +5, goggles of night, headband of mental prowess +2 (Int, Wis), iridescent spindle ioun stone, lucky horseshoe[OA], planar strap, ring of freedom of movement, ring of protection +4, traveler's any-tool[UE], wayfinder[ISWG], backpack, ball (2 in.)[UE], bedroll, belt pouch, bit and bridle, cold weather outfit, companion cold weather outfit[UW], feed (per day) (10), flint and steel, grappling hook, hemp rope (50 ft.), mess kit[UE], military saddle, poncho[UE], pot, saddlebags, soap, soldier's uniform[UE], tindertwig (10), trail rations (10), waterskin, wire saw[UE], heavy horse (combat trained), 372 gp
Special Abilities
Armor Training 4 (Ex) Worn armor -4 check penalty, +4 max DEX.
Bleeding Critical Critical Hits deal 2d6 bleed damage.
Combat Expertise +/-5 Bonus to AC in exchange for an equal penalty to attack.
Critical Focus +4 to confirm critical hits.
Damage Reduction (3/-) You have Damage Reduction against all attacks.
Darkvision (60 feet) You can see in the dark (black and white only).
Energy Resistance, Acid (10) You have the specified Energy Resistance against Acid attacks.
Energy Resistance, Fire (10) You have the specified Energy Resistance against Fire attacks.
Fortification 25% You have a chance to negate critical hits on attacks.
Greater Shield Specialization (Heavy Shield, 1/day) +2 AC vs. critical confirmations, negate 1 critical/day.
Improved Shield Bash You still get your shield bonus while using Shield Bash.
Penetrating Strike (Ignore DR 10/Any or DR 5/-) Ignore up to 5 points of DR/?.
Power Attack -5/+10 You can subtract from your attack roll to add to your damage.
Shield Specialization (Heavy Shield) You have mastered the use of one type of shield.

Prerequisites: Proficiency with selected shield, Shield Focus, fighter level 4th.

Benefit: Choose one type of shield (buckler, light, heavy, or tower shield). With the selected shie
Weapon Training (Blades, Heavy) +4 (Ex) +4 Attack, Damage, CMB, CMD with Heavy Blades
Weapon Training (Bows) +2 (Ex) +2 Attack, Damage, CMB, CMD with Bows
Weapon Training (Close) +3 (Ex) +3 Attack, Damage, CMB, CMD with Close-in weapons
Weapon Training (Hammers) +1 (Ex) +1 Attack, Damage, CMB, CMD with Hammers

background/description/character hooks:

Once long long ago (or at least it feels like that long to Clarisa), a girl was born in a small fishing village along the Free Coast. While her mother died in childbirth, her father was a good one, filling the girl's life with love while teaching her all he knew about sailing, fishing, knives, and random facts about conflicts throughout Scrithengard. (sailors love tails about battles)

That would have been the end of the story if there hadn't been a brutal raid on their village by some unsavory sorts. The fifteen-year-old joined the residents in helping fight the jackasses, SOMEHOW holding them off in time for the mercenaries who had been tasked with taking them down to FINALLY show up and 'Save' the day. The captain of the troop was the perceptive sort. Arrogant and annoying but yes, perceptive. He saw Clarisa's potential during the drawn-out fight (and the payoff of the potential). After the blood and following celebration, he suggested to her father she should come with them to learn how to fight properly.

And that was that. Clarisa's 'potential' exploded in the merc corps. Her attention in battle, her precise strikes coupled with a constant defense carried her through battle after battle. Moving from brigands and the last push from Firas into the Coast to ogres in Sheenosek and even a few dragons in the Deep Green, she joined different groups, and different causes, following her heart and her simple faith in Gedrik. Decades passed, leaving Clarisa to be one of the most skilled swordswomen in all Scrithengard.

Though you wouldn't know it looking at her.

She is plain of face with multiple small scars, nearing forty with gray strands in her dull black hair and more body aches more sense should allow. She wears unadorned dark grays, cobbled together from her many uniforms, and her armor looks just like a simple worn plate with plenty of nicks and dents. Her sword hilt is plain as she looks until it is drawn at least. Other than that she is a good conversationalist, smiles quite often, notices everything with her dove-gray eyes, and tends toward defusing conflict much more than her skill would suggest.

She spends time helping in the local watch unless she is back visiting with her aging father. Retirement is a thought dancing in the back of her brain, maybe a small fishing boat of her own in a cozy nook of a lagoon. Way past the point children make sense, which is a regret she feels much more now than ever before.

But things happen, catastrophes and such, and when one of her many former battle companions stops by, one of the ones whose brain can see the way of things so much more beyond what Clarisa ever could (despite being sound of mind). They tell her people might die unless they help, which causes Clarisa to grumble a bit, but she could never ever sit by while someone might die.

So the Blackwater rises again.

Applicable Notes from world:
Isenorians (Free Coast): Noble, sometimes flighty, Isenorians love friendly competition of all kinds, especially dueling. They guide themselves by a code of honor and value self-expression and personal pride. Isenorians have light olive to brown skin and light brown to black hair, with brown, blue, or gray eyes.

Gedrik (GEH-drik, hard G)
The Wanderers’ Arms, the Divine General
Portfolio: Soldiers, martial arts, military strategy, war
Worshippers: Soldiers, disciplined warriors, armchair tacticians, arms crafters
Alignment: LN
Holy symbols: An axe over a shield, an axe dripping with blood
Favored weapon: Battleaxe
Description: The Divine General watches over soldiers and strategists, governing the chaos of war by balancing it with a warrior’s honor code.

Skarrish: A language with many sub dialects spoken all up and down the Free Coast.
Isenorian: Spoken in Isenor and widely along the Free Coast in general.
Androsic: The native language of the Sheenoseki and the Androseki of Haven.
Firaslander: The most common native language of the Empire.
Firas Trade: The “Common” tongue. Technically, a creole of Firaslander, which incorporates words—especially trade terms—from other languages, from Neen to Gnome.

Looking over the herolab output, it doesn't do a great job filling out things like what the ioun stone does or explaining how the numbers became what they are, so I can work on that part as well.

I also on purpose put her with no knowledge of the planes, and will be relying on her companions to tell her what the heck they are in. BUT if knowledge is needed I can move points around a bit.

Can a 13th level Brawler take Greater Two-Weapon Fighting as a feat (to complement their Brawler's Flurry)? Let's assume they qualify with all pre-requisites.

This is instead of waiting until they would normally get it. Perhaps they will multi-class and never advance in Brawler again.

Quick question about the nature of the game(which will affect my concept): Will this be a combat game, lots of social interaction, a dungeon delve-a-thon, planar exploration, etc? Will it lean heavily into one or more of these or will there be a healthy/solid mix of them all?

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I hopes of avoiding further confusion, here is a more explicit list of the books and content therein I am using in this adventure:

All of the following are Hardcover books from the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game line of books (not to be confused with the Campaign Setting books, Player Companion Books, Modules, or Adventure Paths).

Core Rulebook: Everything (no evil alignments for PCs). If there's an unchained version of the class, use that instead.
Advanced Player's Guide: Everything except antipaladins, and alchemists can only use archetypes that trade bombs for something else. I am using the hero points alternate rule system, but I am not using feats, spells, and items related to hero points.
Advanced Race Guide: All core races plus aasimar, changelings, duskwalkers, ifrits, oreads, sylphs, tieflings, undines, wayangs and the subrules for them (e.g., alternate race abilities, archetypes and feats for those races, etc.)
Advanced Class Guide: Brawler, Inquisitor, Warpriest, Slayer, and all archetypes for those and all allowed classes so long as they do not use abilities from disallowed classes. Any feats or other rules that do not use abilities from disallowed classes.
Ultimate Combat: No classes. Everything else is fine (e.g., archetypes for allowed classes, feats, spells, items, vehicles and siege engines, performance and combat styles, etc.).
Ultimate Magic: No classes. Probably not word magic. Everything else is fine (e.g., archetypes for allowed classes, spells, items, familiars, etc.).
Ultimate Campaign: Traits and pretty much anything else that seems applicable. This module is too short to get into downtime, kingdoms, etc. but if this campaign lasts beyond the life of the module and folks want to we can discuss using those rules.
Ultimate Intrigue: No classes. Everything else is fine (e.g., archetypes for allowed classes, feats, spells, items, etc.).
Ultimate Wilderness: No classes. Everything else is fine (e.g., archetypes for allowed classes, feats, spells, items, etc.).
Occult Adventures: No classes. Everything else is fine (e.g., archetypes for allowed classes, feats, spells, items, etc.).
Horror Adventures: No classes. Everything else is fine (e.g., archetypes for allowed classes, feats, spells, items, etc.).
Planar Adventures: No classes. The aphorite and ganzi races are allowed. Everything else is fine (e.g., archetypes for allowed classes, feats, spells, items, etc.).
Pathfinder Unchained: Unchained classes (and yes, the uncRogue's skill unlocks are fine)

On the Adventurer's Guide: This is a Roleplaying Game Hardcover book, but uses a lot of Golarion-specific material, which I've excluded. I'd say as with the other books, all the non-class stuff is fine. Ask me, as you have been, about PrCs.

As GM, I will be using as resources all six Bestiaries, the Book of the Damned, the NPC Codex, the Monster Codex, and the Villain Codex. While these are largely intended to be sources of NPCs and monsters, if there's an item, feat, etc. you want from one of these it's probably fine if it makes sense. I may possibly use Mythic Adventures rules for something in a rare instance. In the interests of full disclosure, there is a monster I may use that may have some abilities from Occult Adventures, as it's particularly suitable for the adventure and that's how they wrote up the monster.

Oop, board ate some of my replies, so hoping I get everyone who has a question (if I didn't answer your question yet, please nudge me):

@Andostre: Ah, yes, gnome, of course. If you want to spend 4,000+ gp on an effect could possibly be dispelled by an enemy at some point, you are welcome to. You could also just consider a bag of holding full of potions of enlarge person. ;) However you figure it out, I can't of course guarantee entry into the game but I am enjoying the mental image of a six foot tall gnome on a rampage.

@SuperTumbler: I had mentioned PrCs specifically from CRB and APG because Adventurer's Guide's PrCs are largely Golarion-specific. However, upon reflection, some of them can be refluffed for the world (but folks should double check with me about them as you and others are doing). To be honest, I hesitate to flat out say no, but I can imagine many ways contending with a Huge or larger animal companion could be a challenge to work with in this adventure. I bring up the problem of doors and narrow passages again, for starters. Let me say this: if you are utterly passionate about the idea, go for it, but if not or you have other ideas besides, I would encourage considering other options.

@Zephyr amir: A "sky druid" idea could work, and looking over Storm Kindler, I think the PrC will work in the world, bearing in mind there is no giant permanent hurricane like the Eye of Abendego in my world. But a servant of the goddess Tria, perhaps, managing weather power, perhaps to counter those who would manipulate the sea and skies for ill, sure.

@Djack Nymball: I'm taking this to mean you would be making something like a 13th level brawler and then four levels of something else (e.g., unRogue). Yes, if you qualify for the feat, I don't see why you couldn't take Greater Two-Weapon Fighting and apply it to your flurry.


To everyone, if you've floated some ideas for a character and I have not replied to you otherwise, it means the concept seems a valid submission idea (so far). I'm glad to see a number of potential applications, as I wasn't sure how many folks would really want to try this. :)

If I use a style feat like Snake Style or Tiger Style to change my unarmed strike damage to Piercing or Slashing (respectively), can I then use Slashing Grace to add Dex to Damage with unarmed strikes?

Currently looking at a Warpriest (Sacred Fist), and it both simplifies things mechanically not to also need strength, and plays into my idea of him being a not-particularly-impressive looking wandering priest of The Wayfarer; wouldn't do to have him bulked up like a bodybuilder.

@DQ - I think you meant Investigator, not Inquisitor from the ACG…

Monkeygod wrote:
Quick question about the nature of the game(which will affect my concept): Will this be a combat game, lots of social interaction, a dungeon delve-a-thon, planar exploration, etc? Will it lean heavily into one or more of these or will there be a healthy/solid mix of them all?

Simplicity of the module's design aside, I want to aim for healthy mix. The module itself pushes more combat and planar "dungeon-exploration" for moreso than intrigue, but all skills are potentially useful, and watchful PCs may pick up on a variety of different ways to solve problems and/or lore and backstory that opens up more complex routes to addressing some root problems leading to the situation the PCs will be addressing. Build what excites you, and if I recruit you, I'll find a way to be sure your PCs has something to do.

For high level games particularly, inventive and creative solutions I haven't even thought of are possible, so to an extent, a lot of it really depends on the PCs and what they notice and decide to act upon and how they do so. I am prepared (as much as I can be) for PCs who go the brute force and I am prepared (as much as I can be) for PCs who want to talk their way through things.

I've had players who said they wanted intrigue and then waited for me to hold their hand through a dungeon crawl. I've had players who said they were good with a dungeoncrawl and then tried to attempt diplomacy with man-eating bats (I am not making this up). I've prepared for PCs to take the sneaky route only for them to try to storm the heavily fortified front door, and I've prepared for PCs to go through the front door and instead take the sneaky route. I've also seen PCs find a completely unexpected route straight to the macguffin, pick up the macguffin, not realize they had the macguffin, almost successfully leave with the macguffin with the enemy none the wiser, and then decide at the last minute to backtrack and get into a heap of trouble.

So even if on the surface this looks like a combat heavy dungeon crawl, it COULD BE a conversational or puzzle-solving scenario if the PCs mange to make it that way, and I will adapt (and I've adapted some of the encounters as written to make that more possible). I will say that you should probably build something closer to "standard adventurer" than a character you might build for, say, War for the Crown.

I also want to note that the module as written is quite short, and depending on how long it takes to get through, I am open to, if other players are, taking it beyond the initial adventure. There is possibility for the story to expand from the initial story into a planar missing persons case, a planar diplomacy case, a planar free for all exploration mission, a stronghold/kingdom (re)building opportunity, an in-world exploration mission, or many other things. A lot of it will depend on the PCs and what they do and what they want to do.

Does that help or am I being too vague?

Do you have a document describing the lore of the planes for the homebrew setting? Or are they similar enough to Golarion's barring the gods that inhabit them.

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8

LandSwordBear wrote:
@DQ - I think you meant Investigator, not Inquisitor from the ACG…

Correct, and I'm past the edit window now, dang it.

Violant wrote:
Do you have a document describing the lore of the planes for the homebrew setting? Or are they similar enough to Golarion's barring the gods that inhabit them.

Assume that for the most part everything--at least everything important--in Planar Adventures is true. Your pact witch of Axis would understand Axis as it is written in that book, for example. The descriptions of the Elemental planes are exactly as they are in Planar Adventures.

If the game would expand beyond the initial adventure, I'd probably steal a bit from Planescape as well if needed for more planar ideas.

On TOP of what is in that book, bearing in mind none of this may be in the actual game, but to satisfy curiosity:

World Build Description Babble:

There's a few True Neutral planes. Boneyard exists as sort of a purgatory and place involving ideas of death. The key place where souls of the dead go initially is Tria's Womb, not the Boneyard. But Tria's Womb itself isn't a place you really travel to, it's a place of transition--petitioners go there, get processed and cleansed, and then get either sent to the Outer Planes or back to the world to be reincarnated.

There's another True Neutral plane called Stochasmos, which is split into two parallel layers, Epimelia and Sophis. Epimelia is called "the Collection" or "the Museum Plane" and is scattered with the creative and inspired works of sapient creatures throughout the multiverse, guarded by strange Outsiders called the Curators. Sophis is called the Grand Library and it is a giant, infinite collection of every thing ever written. Words have tremendous power there and some think it is where all language comes from. Think the realm of Hermaeus Mora, but less creepy, or Yomiko Readman's apartment, but even more vast and infinite.

The Scrithengarder Gods have a shared demiplane linked to the Middle/Neutral Outer Planes called the Council Chambers. They also have their own demiplanes linked to appropriate Outer Planes.

On the four moons of Scrithengard, portals exist to elemental demiplanes, which in turn lead to the broader elemental planes. There the Fallen sleep. There are also portals on Scrithengard that can take you to those moons (the exact locations of which are not known).

I have a lot of in-world names for the planes and the like that aren't really important (like the Outerplanes are called the Soulrealms).

I have a Cosmology doc but it's a little outdated and disorganized, to be honest. If folks who get recruited want to see some of the details, I'll try to update and share it by the time the game gets going.

John Gs wrote:

Hi, I'm in a group you posted about potentially checking this out. And I simply love making characters, so I felt the need. This looks rather enjoyable, though I have to admit I have never EVER had a character this high level and probably will flub more than a little if picked. Most importantly, THANK YOU for the fun of creating someone new.

Given the above, I decided to go human fighter since you can't really get simpler than a fighter. I THINK I got all the bits and pieces right for character creation, but will go through it all again over the week to make sure.

image of her: her image

** spoiler omitted **...

Thanks for your submission! It would indeed be helpful if eventually one could see indeed more deets about the numbers, but I know the output is what it is.

It is fine to not know about the planes as likely there will be others who can fill that game.

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8

Application Summaries
Full Submissions
JohnGs -- Clarisa Blackwater, LN human fighter 17

Djack Nymbal -- Brawler/unRogue
Andostre -- Gnome Barbarian (possibly very tall)
Lucian C. -- Rae Lighttouch, Druid/Wizard/Mystic Theurge
Monkeygod -- not sure yet
Violant -- Aphorite Pact Witch of Axis
Lucendar -- Some type of Melee Build
Ouachitonian -- Something gishy, like Sorcerer/Dragon Disciple, Vivisectionist/Master Chymist, or Warpriest
SuperTumbler -- ??/Mammoth Rider
Zephyr Amir -- "Sky Druid," possibly Druid/Storm Kindler (and because I forgot to answer: Mind Sword is not from an available source)

Did I miss anyone?

Ouachitonian wrote:

If I use a style feat like Snake Style or Tiger Style to change my unarmed strike damage to Piercing or Slashing (respectively), can I then use Slashing Grace to add Dex to Damage with unarmed strikes?

Currently looking at a Warpriest (Sacred Fist), and it both simplifies things mechanically not to also need strength, and plays into my idea of him being a not-particularly-impressive looking wandering priest of The Wayfarer; wouldn't do to have him bulked up like a bodybuilder.

Hmm. Yes, unarmed strikes are light weapons, so an unarmed strike that does slashing damage would apply to Slashing Grace (Tiger Style would work but not snake). I would note, however, that Slashing Grace does not allow itself to be used with flurry of blows, which limits its versatility for you--but it would still make when you can only hit with a standard attack a little tougher.

(One of the other solutions is do what I expect Djack is doing and dip into 3 levels of unRogue for finesse training, but that limits a spellcaster a bit.)

Sophis sounds interesting... if there were pact witch details available for it I might switch over, but Axis is fine.

Love the worldbuilding so far. I'll have the Axis version of the character submitted within a few hours or so. Just need to transfer it to an alias.

I am interested. Looking at a human Sorcerer or Arcanist, a researcher into the ancient magical powers of the titan war.

One question, are partially charged wands available for purchase?

I'm thinking of playing some sort of divine class(possibly Inquisitor) of Pala. Would it be okay, pending approval, if I took mechanical stuff(feats, spells, PrC, etc) for Iomedae(who seems similar)?

Though, I just realized deific obediences aren't allowed since they are from Inner Sea Gods....

Hi DQ,
I’m interested in offering a Cleric/uMonk who is Aasimar. So, I have a few questions to make sure I’m working within the build parameters and some pantheon questions. To keep things clean, I’m going to spoiler all that:


~ Race ~
Are we just using the ‘generic’ Aasimar or the alternate bloodlines (Angel-Kin, Plume-kith, etc.) which appear in the Player Companion: Blood of Angels?
Are we allowed to use the Alternate Physical Features and/or the Variant Aasimar Abilities tables?
IF these are ‘OK’:
* Can we merely select Alt Physical Features (since they are purely for flavor not mechanical advantage)?
* For the Variant Abilities table, is that your roll or the player’s roll?

~ Class ~
For Cleric is the archetype Devout Pilgrim (once called Varisian Pilgrim) allowed? It appears in the Campaign Setting: Inner Sea Magic guide (which is out of bounds I believe?) but seems to fit your world pretty well given some of the gods and history. I’m not trying to convince you to allow it, just throwing in my two cents after reading your world doc.

~ God Stuff ~
I have some hoops to jump through to meet the alignment requirement for monk without conflicting with the acceptable cleric alignments based on the deities that suit my character theme and has Domains that work for my build.

I just want to make sure you are OK with me having a character that is devoted to the Wanderers as a whole pantheon (and not a specific deity). If you are OK with that, I’m assuming there is no deity-specific weapon and I can’t just pick one, correct? The reason I ask, I’ve used a variant of this character before as a priestess of Shelyn so she is useful as both a healer and a second-liner who flurries with a glaive (using Crusader’s Flurry). It’s a fun build. Given your parameters – unless I’m mistaken – I can’t do that here so I’m likely to go with Zen Archer Monk so she is a cleric/ranged combatant.

@andreww: No arcanists, but sorcerer is fine. No partially charged wands, for simplicity's sake. With a 410,000 gp shopping budget I feel like you shouldn't need to nickel and dime, erm, np and sp?

@Monkeygod: You need to stick to the source list, but if there's something in the Hardcover RPG line that has something referencing Iomedae (such as religion traits), yes, you can use it for Pala. I swear I made Pala up before I ever heard of Iomedae, but yes they are very similar. :) Since many of y'all are reading the setting guide, I'll go ahead and say same goes for gods that seem relatively comparable (Erastil -- Pirs, Gozreh or Pharasma -- Tria, Shelyn -- Sefana, etc.) as long as something like alignment doesn't.

@Stormraven: If it doesn't come from this list, no, you can't use it (so generic aasimars only; no Inner Sea archetypes even if it would make sense for the world). (I like a lot of that material but it's just too much to keep track of at this level and I need to draw a line somewhere so I'm not drowning in crossreferencing material.) RE God stuff: I think for simplicity's sake I would prefer you choose one god. BUT as I mentioned in the recruitment post, if you want to worship a god from another setting we can find a way to work with that, because I don't want knowledge of a setting I made up to be a major barrier. (Though I am happy to see folks using the world's deities and concepts in their applications.) Maybe you came through a portal several years ago from another world, or woke up in Scrithengard and don't know why. Maybe you're an emissary of Shelyn seeking to invite priests of Sefana to the multiplanar Artsy Goddess Craft Festival that happens once a millenium.

PS: OR you can certainly multiclass zen archer/cleric and pick a single setting god. A god isn't going to be mad if you don't use their favored weapon.

May I present, Krowys: The Translator, Aphorite Pact Witch of Axis.

Also known as "turning 17 ranks into Linguistics into a character concept," which is why I asked for a list of languages, I was worried I'd actually run out of languages to use for the linguistic ranks.

Presumably would be a mix of healer and standard magic user in terms of party composition, if you're taking that into consideration.

GMDQ wrote:
Ouachitonian wrote:

If I use a style feat like Snake Style or Tiger Style to change my unarmed strike damage to Piercing or Slashing (respectively), can I then use Slashing Grace to add Dex to Damage with unarmed strikes?

Currently looking at a Warpriest (Sacred Fist), and it both simplifies things mechanically not to also need strength, and plays into my idea of him being a not-particularly-impressive looking wandering priest of The Wayfarer; wouldn't do to have him bulked up like a bodybuilder.

Hmm. Yes, unarmed strikes are light weapons, so an unarmed strike that does slashing damage would apply to Slashing Grace (Tiger Style would work but not snake). I would note, however, that Slashing Grace does not allow itself to be used with flurry of blows, which limits its versatility for you--but it would still make when you can only hit with a standard attack a little tougher.

(One of the other solutions is do what I expect Djack is doing and dip into 3 levels of unRogue for finesse training, but that limits a spellcaster a bit.)

Drat, that’s a good point. Might need to do the rogue thing.

GMDQ wrote:
@Djack Nymball: I'm taking this to mean you would be making something like a 13th level brawler and then four levels of something else (e.g., unRogue). Yes, if you qualify for the feat, I don't see why you couldn't take Greater Two-Weapon Fighting and apply it to your flurry.

Yes, exactly and thank you! I thought it was OK, but Hero Lab wasn't allowing it so I figured I'd ask. Did however decide to not min-max to that level.

Silver Crusade

dot. Thinking a sorcerer or wizard type focused around necromancy school, but *not* a necromancer per say.

Or an evoker or muscle wizard. I'll think more on it through the day and see what i can come up with character/background wise before deciding.

GMDQ wrote:

RE God stuff: I think for simplicity's sake I would prefer you choose one god. BUT as I mentioned in the recruitment post, if you want to worship a god from another setting we can find a way to work with that, because I don't want knowledge of a setting I made up to be a major barrier. (Though I am happy to see folks using the world's deities and concepts in their applications.) Maybe you came through a portal several years ago from another world, or woke up in Scrithengard and don't know why. Maybe you're an emissary of Shelyn seeking to invite priests of Sefana to the multiplanar Artsy Goddess Craft Festival that happens once a millenium.

PS: OR you can certainly multiclass zen archer/cleric and pick a single setting god. A god isn't going to be mad if you don't use their favored weapon.

Hmmm… Some of what I wrote was incoherent rambling, apologies. Let me start again. I’d prefer to work with your pantheon, if possible. Thematically both Varan and Sefana are going in the right vein. The problem is that I can’t be a cleric of either deity AND still be a monk because monks have to be lawful.

I then thought, maybe I can still sort of work with your pantheon tangentially by using the cleric option to be dedicated to a divine concept instead of a specific god…

duh rulz wrote:
While the vast majority of clerics revere a specific deity, a small number dedicate themselves to a divine concept worthy of devotion—such as battle, death, justice, or knowledge—free of a deific abstraction. (Work with your GM if you prefer this path to selecting a specific deity.)

My ‘concept’ (subject to DM approval obviously) is that my cleric is something of a wanderer (itinerant priestess) herself and dedicated to the mission of The Wanderers to protect Scrithengard by keeping the balance. Admittedly, she is doing it on a much smaller scale. Perhaps she is even on her way to being a God-touched? Anyhow, that seemed like a good way to work with your pantheon, leapfrog over the alignment conflicts, and get the domains I think will fit the build and benefit the team.

If that all seems too fiddly/thin to you, I can go with building her as a Shelyn worshipper who was sent (or serendipity happened) and she arrived in Scrithengard a decade ago. It’s really DM’s choice from my perspective. I can take the build in either direction be happy to play her.

Silver Crusade

just to clarify, the arcanist is not a valid option correct?

Also, how do you handle 1min/per level buff spells in dungeons? Do they last several fights? Only one fight?

I understand you might say "it varies", which is totally fair, but in general, do they last 3ish encounters or 1 for your style.

It's really tough to accoutre a 17th level character... short a feat, a ranged weapon and some 93K gp of gear. Damn, he just punches stuff!

But, it goes a little something like this:

Classical Era Hero:

In the "somewhat" fashion of Jason and the Argonauts.

Male Human
Brawler (Snakebite Striker) 13
Unchained Rogue (Scout) 4

NG Medium Humanoid (Human)

Init +7; Senses Perception +16


AC 34, touch 21, flat-footed 23 (+9 armor, +7 dex, +4 dodge, +4 shield)

hp 200 (17 HD; 4d8+13d10+98)

Fort +17, Ref +23, Will +12

Defensive Abilities danger sense +1, evasion; Resist fire 10

Speed 30 ft., swim 60 ft.

. . +3 cold iron emei piercer +26/+21/+16/+11 (1d10+4/19-20) or
. . +3 cold iron emei piercer flurry of blows +24/+24/+19/+19/+14/+9 (1d10+4/19-20) or
. . +4 gauntlet (from armor) +28/+23/+18/+13 (1d10+13) or
. . +4 gauntlet (from armor) flurry of blows +26/+26/+21/+21/+16/+11 (1d10+13) or
. . unarmed strike +28/+23/+18/+13 (2d6+13) or
. . unarmed strike flurry of blows +26/+26/+21/+21/+16/+11 (2d6+13)

Special Attacks brawler's flurry, brawler's strike (cold iron, good, magic, silver), close weapon mastery, knockout 2/day (DC 23), scout's charge, sneak attack (unchained) +2d6, sneak attack +4d6

Rogue (Unchained) Spell-Like Abilities (CL 4th; concentration +3)
. . At will—minor magic Message

Str 13, Dex 24, Con 18, Int 14, Wis 16, Cha 9

Base Atk +16; CMB +23; CMD 38

Feats Agile Maneuvers, Branch Pounce[UW], Dodge, Improved Unarmed Strike, Jabbing Style[ACG], Mobility, Power Attack, Pummeling Charge[ACG], Pummeling Style[ACG], Skill Focus (Acrobatics), Step Up, Toughness, Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus (unarmed strike), Weapon Specialization (unarmed strike)

Traits martial manuscript, pragmatic activator

Acrobatics +31
Climb +12
Craft (dollmaking) +8
Disable Device +14
Escape Artist +11
Knowledge (dungeoneering) +15
Knowledge (local) +11
Linguistics +12
Perception +16
Profession (sailor) +13
Profession (soldier) +9
Ride +11
Sense Motive +16
Sleight of Hand +11
Stealth +25
Swim +20
Use Magic Device +15

Languages Aquan, Common, Cyclops, Dwarven, Orc, Sahaugin, Suarian (lizardfolk), Sylvan, Terran, Undercommon

SQ brawler's cunning, debilitating injury: bewildered, debilitating injury: disoriented, debilitating injury: hampered, martial training, opportunist, rogue talents (armor piercer, minor magic), snake feint, trapfinding +2

Combat Gear boots of teleportation, potion of barkskin +5 (2), potion of gaseous form (2), potion of shield of faith +5 (2), potion of water walk; Other Gear celestial armor, celestial shield[ARG], +3 cold iron emei piercer[UC], amulet of mighty fists +4, belt of physical might +6 (Dex, Con), minor ring of fire resistance, pearl of the sirines, ring of resistance +4, 93,370 gp

Special Abilities
Agile Maneuvers Use DEX instead of STR for CMB
Armor Piercer (Ex) Reduce sneak attack dice to neutralize an equal amount of natural armor until end of next turn.
Branch Pounce Deal additional damage on a target you leap down upon from above.
Brawler's Cunning (Ex) Count as Int 13 for the purpose of combat feat pre-requisites.
Brawler's Flurry +14/+14/+9/+9/+4/-1 (Ex) Can make full attack & gain two-wep fighting, but only with unarmed strike, close, or monk wep.
Brawler's Strike (cold iron, good, magic, silver) (Ex) Unarmed strikes overcome DR as various things.
Close Weapon Mastery (Ex) Weapons of the close group deal dam as unarmed strike at -4 levels.
Danger Sense +1 (Ex) +1 bonus on reflex saves and AC against traps.
Debilitating Injury: Bewildered -2/-4 (Ex) Foe who takes sneak attack damage takes AC pen (more vs. striker) for 1 rd.
Debilitating Injury: Disoriented -2/-4 (Ex) Foe who takes sneak attack damage takes attack pen (more vs. striker) for 1 rd.
Debilitating Injury: Hampered (Ex) Foe who takes sneak attack damage has speed halved (and can't 5 ft step) for 1 rd.
Energy Resistance, Fire (10) You have the specified Energy Resistance against Fire attacks.
Evasion (Ex) If succeed on Reflex save for half dam, take none instead.
Improved Unarmed Strike Unarmed strikes don't cause attacks of opportunity, and can be lethal.
Jabbing Style +1d6 if you hit target with unarmed strike previously this round.
Knockout (2/day, DC 23) (Ex) Declare before attack, if hit then foe is unconscious 1d6 rds (Fort neg), resave each rd.
Martial Training (Ex) Brawler levels count as fighter/monk levels for feat/item pre-reqs and effects.
Minor Magic (Message, At will) (Sp) Gain the chosen cantrip as a spell-like ability.
Mobility +4 to AC vs. AoO provoked by moving out of or through a threatened area.
Opportunist (1/round) (Ex) Foe hit in melee provokes an AoO from you.
Power Attack -5/+10 You can subtract from your attack roll to add to your damage.
Pummeling Charge When using Pummeling Style, make Pummeling Style atk at end of charge.
Pummeling Style Total damage from all unarmed attacks before appplying DR.
Scout's Charge (Ex) Charge attacks deal sneak attack damage as though foe is flat-footed.
Snake Feint (1/round) (Ex) Can feint while moving and choose 1 extra adj square to treat as origin of attacks.
Sneak Attack (Unchained) +2d6 Attacks deal extra dam if flank foe or if foe is flat-footed.
Sneak Attack +4d6 Attacks deal extra dam if flank foe or if foe is flat-footed.
Step Up When a foe makes a 5 ft step away from you, you can move 5 ft to follow them.
Swim (60 feet) You have a Swim speed.
Trapfinding +2 Gain a bonus to find or disable traps, including magical ones.

He's a sailor turned gladiator (perhaps to pay off debt) turned trusted soldier/agent sent our to deal with situations that are out of the ordinary... he's tactical and "muscle" so he would typically be paired with a face and/or brains.

I'm open to constructive criticism regarding the build, here or in PM (so as not to hijack the thread) from anyone.

DeathQuaker wrote:

Application Summaries

Full Submissions
JohnGs -- Clarisa Blackwater, LN human fighter 17

Djack Nymbal -- Brawler/unRogue
Andostre -- Gnome Barbarian (possibly very tall)
Lucian C. -- Rae Lighttouch, Druid/Wizard/Mystic Theurge
Monkeygod -- not sure yet
Violant -- Aphorite Pact Witch of Axis
Lucendar -- Some type of Melee Build
Ouachitonian -- Something gishy, like Sorcerer/Dragon Disciple, Vivisectionist/Master Chymist, or Warpriest
SuperTumbler -- ??/Mammoth Rider
Zephyr Amir -- "Sky Druid," possibly Druid/Storm Kindler (and because I forgot to answer: Mind Sword is not from an available source)

Did I miss anyone?

Sky Druid is the most solid of the 2: the sylph progression allows him to access a native ability to Plane Shift which seems themeatically appropriate.

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