GM Valen's PFS 1e The Devil We Know Parts III & IV: Crypt of Fools & Rules of the Swift (CORE)(Tier 3-4)

Game Master Lysle

Start Date: Part IV has begun!

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Liberty's Edge

Male Gnome Rog 5| HP 36 | AC 20; Touch 14; FF 17 | F +5; R +8; W +3 | CMB+3; CMD 16 | Speed 20 ft | Init +3 | Perc +10 | Stealth: +12 Rogue 5

"Yeah Merida I hope your arrows find some snakes one day!"

Grand Lodge

male human fighter 5, HP 50, AC 21; T 13; FF 18; F +6, R +5, W +4, Init. +8, Perc. +7

Oh their names are here.. Theron says as he points to his head. I'm not going to forget their treachery...and definitely won't be forgiving, either.

He relaxes a little as looks around for a place to sit and plops down unceremoniously.

I need a looooong bath to get rid of the stench of the sewers...might have to burn my clothes...hopefully my armour will be fine. I need a drink...or ten...

Grand Lodge

Female Human Rogue-4 | F:2, R:9, W:2 | hp: 20/20 | AC:18(MA) 15(BoA+1) 16(Leather)| Per-7, SM-4 | Init +4 | BAB+3, MAB+3, RAB+7 | TSRR:1 | CLW Wand: 20/50 MA Wand:48/50 AntiToxP:2 CMWP:2 CSWP:1 MAP:1 DVP:1| 124312-12 | LE

I'll probably join you when I'm done - but I don't know when it's going to be. But yeah. I'm gonna let Ambrus know so that all Pathfinders will be on the lookout for that snake.

She hisses on the word 'snake'.

Devil We Know | Burden of Envy | B12 Somewhere Below (GM School)
Nightkit wrote:
Yes ma'am Nightkit replies. I'm gonna head off to the Desnian Temple ... then maybe go find that swimming spot again - unless it's late. Don't suppose you know of any interesting nightlife or shows Venture Captain? Or maybe I could put one on before heading back to Absalom.

"Do you, per chance, perform private shows?" The Venture-Captain inquires.

Game has been reported and chronicles are up (See Discussion Thread).

Seebonickk Please confirm that you are using a replay for this table.

Thanks again all for a fun run!

Grand Lodge

Female Human Rogue-4 | F:2, R:9, W:2 | hp: 20/20 | AC:18(MA) 15(BoA+1) 16(Leather)| Per-7, SM-4 | Init +4 | BAB+3, MAB+3, RAB+7 | TSRR:1 | CLW Wand: 20/50 MA Wand:48/50 AntiToxP:2 CMWP:2 CSWP:1 MAP:1 DVP:1| 124312-12 | LE

Nightkit raises an eyebrow at this, not expecting the request but ...

Sure. I can do that

Scarab Sages

Destiny of Sands? Female N Human Fighter 5 | HP 44/44 | AC 18 T 14 FF 14 | CMB +7, CMD 21 | F +7, R +6, W +2 (+1 vs. fear)| Init +8 | Perc +8 | SM +0 | Speed 30ft

Merida whispers in Nightkit's ear:

"I can be your bodyguard for your private performances, if you want me to..."

Grand Lodge

Female Human Rogue-4 | F:2, R:9, W:2 | hp: 20/20 | AC:18(MA) 15(BoA+1) 16(Leather)| Per-7, SM-4 | Init +4 | BAB+3, MAB+3, RAB+7 | TSRR:1 | CLW Wand: 20/50 MA Wand:48/50 AntiToxP:2 CMWP:2 CSWP:1 MAP:1 DVP:1| 124312-12 | LE

As it happens, I do need an assistant for my escape acts so ... thanks for the offer.

And where am I going to find a portable aquarium that's big enough

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