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Isaku is LG...

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I will be traveling from 9-13 October on business. I can still post but might not be as often. Bot me as required.

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In terms of order, I'm pretty impartial but maybe the skill based ones first before combat.

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You can tackle these encounters in any order you wish. Like last time, I'll ask for stack Ranking. Pick which 3 events you'd like to tackle, and in what order. We'll do as many as we can in the time allotted.
Cathedral Event 1: Weaken the Barrier (Skill)
Cathedral Event 2: Temple Restoration (Skill)
Cathedral Event 3: Distracting Serralleth (Skill)
Cathedral Event 4: Embodied Corruption (Combat)After each event, you have 10 minutes to Repair or Treat Wounds.
1: Weaken the Barrier (Skill)
3: Distracting Serralleth (Skill)
4: Embodied Corruption (Combat)
2: Temple Restoration (Skill)
Tao's Votes.
Emdi, Isaku, Nakgu, Mandoo, Mork, Tao: 4d6 ⇒ (1, 4, 1, 6) = 12 Isaku and Emdi

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Hero Points:
1) If anyone is at 0.
2) Whoever doesn't already have 2.
Order (I'd prefer combat higher than last...)
2: Temple Restoration (Skill)
3) Distracting Serralleth
4: Embodied Corruption (Combat)
1: Weaken the Barrier (Skill)

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I also agree with getting everyone 1 Hero Point, preferably 2, before we give 3 to anyone. Emdi has one, and I'm happy to give his to anyone with 0.
Order-wise, Emdi would prefer combat first, but that's because Emdi isn't super skilled. If I'm outvoted, I'll deal, but would probably save a Hero Point for combat, so there may be more than average crit failing.
Thematically, Emdi would choose to Restore or Weaken the Barrier rather than Distract.

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Mandoo is good to go with the 2 Hero Points he has left. Looks like everyone else has at least 1, so how about Emdi and Mork.
As to the task order, I'm pretty flexible, but the following order seems the most logical:
Cathedral Event 1: Weaken the Barrier (Skill)
Cathedral Event 3: Distracting Serralleth (Skill)
Cathedral Event 4: Embodied Corruption (Combat)
Cathedral Event 2: Temple Restoration (Skill)

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Is Serraleth a servitor of Lamashtu?
I have no idea. Mork just picked a random evil deity that he thinks has demon-like followers from the Abyssal plane.

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Team, should we let them come to us? I'd like to place Emdi where we're going to set up the front line.
You are going to have to contain Nakgu's rage tho...

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Shall we delay after the first one or two go, and then gang up on them?

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Isaku is mostly ranged so it's not going to matter either way. But I'll shoot whichever you all focus on.

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Going last, so will follow party suit. You may have noticed that Tao likes to “pin” herself to the center of conflicts to activate her protective abilities and leverage her reach, but she can throw ranged spells as well.
I am noticing two of them look like archers. Maybe if our ranged combatants exchange fire to clear the way for melee characters to advance?
Again, down for whatever.

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Isaku will retrain a feat but he does spend the remaining day building something for the elves.
Crafting(E): 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (9) + 14 = 23
1 day of downtime.

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Here's my downtime roll...
During his downtime, Mandoo helps train a small team of undead hunters on the intricacies of dealing with zombies in preparation for a tomb clearing operation...
Mandoo has the Storied Talent (Horizon Hunters) boon that: When using Downtime to Earn Income, you can choose to attempt a task of your level.
Undead Lore (Earn Income) Trained vs DC 22: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (17) + 9 = 26
...the team does a pretty good job of slashing their way through the tomb and claiming the treasure within.
That's a success and so Mandoo earns 1.5gp*8 = 12gp for his work.

GM chadius |
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GM - is Serraleth the "elfy" token or the "woodsy" token?
(you moved the "elfy" one forward but described Serraleth attacking)
Serraleth looks like a standing, upright deer and is knocking an arrow with the longbow. I gave her a red outline. Nathatel (or what's left of him) is outlined in yellow and is still by the altar.
These maps are huge, but it's also hard to make details without zooming in...

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Like Mandoo, Mork also has Storied Talent and will attempt to earn income at his level.
Mork works in the Grand Lodge apothecary, using his vast knowledge of creatures (especially ones he recently experienced on missions), to help keep it well-stocked.
Demon Lore, via Esoteric Lore (expert), DC 22: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (18) + 14 = 32
Crit Success (@lvl 6) should be: 2.5gp x 8 = 20gp

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Emdi ... looks like our messages were about to cross. You kinda took my flanking spot. Any chance you can leave it for Mork?
Because while you're arrow immobilized him, it's not the same as flat-foot.

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My bad! You're correct, either our messages crossed or I had an older version loaded up (sometimes I start replying and don't finish until a bit later).
I think since the arrow brought Serraleth down, the question is moot, but yes, I would have gladly moved Emdi where he could provide a flank, but still remain 15' from as many people as possible to use his reaction.

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Emdi ... looks like our messages were about to cross. You kinda took my flanking spot. Any chance you can leave it for Mork?
Because while you're arrow immobilized him, it's not the same as flat-foot.
Tao with a reach weapon can grant diagonal flanking!

GM chadius |

By the way, folks. After you finish this combat, there is an option to fight more waves of enemies, to help contribute towards the overall completion of the game. But there's the risk of you dying.
I usually give 1 round of downtime for you to recover before the next wave arrives. But if anyone does not want to continue, please speak up and we'll take a break until the game ends.

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I mean. This group has absolutely blasted through the combats with nary breaking a sweat so far.
As a slotted caster, I am fine either way, saved a couple spells for rainy day.
That said, if GM wants a break, also down to call it.

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Emdi's not afraid of dying, but I think my decision to continue or not would be driven by the likelihood of finishing. I hate starting fights, taking all the risk, and then not getting the satisfaction of seeing the BBE go down because time ran out.
Do we have enough time to finish? If not, I don't want to do half a fight.

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I'm enjoying the game with you all and would be happy continuing the battle. Wouldn't object to 10min downtime between fights ...

GM chadius |

Looks like the game is expected to complete on October 17th.
You'll be fighting a pair of wolves, slightly weaker than the ones you fought here.
The guide doesn't say how much time you have to rest. 10 minute rest to refocus means you lose your buffs. I'm fine if you want to wait longer than 1 round, or you would like to wait for the game to complete.

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Performance: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (11) + 12 = 23
Don't mind me. I'm rolling for the GM.

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Hi Deroff!

Deroff |

wags tail

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Hi GM, none of the boxes are checked. Not sure if any are supposed to be.

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Earn Income, Performance (Raves!): 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (3) + 11 = 14
It's a great rave but Emdi is a terrible at profiting off of it.

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@GM 829 is correct. :) My number changed when I was awarded a Campaign Coin for helping bring the rest of the world to online for PaizoCon with a couple weeks notice when COVID shut everything down.

GM chadius |

RPG chronicles doesn't have a way to mark the boxes, but it isn't necessary for reporting. You can update the boxes as follows:
- Pathfinders attempted to defect. You convinced them to return
- You reached out to the local fey, and you befriended a dryad named Persea.
- You had to defend the town, including protecting a family, intercepting supplies, rallying morale, and ritually strengthening barriers.
- she sacrificed Nathatel to summon a demon lord and you destroyed her barrier, fought her minions, and fought Sarraleth directly!
I've updated Emdi's chronicle sheet with the earn income roll.