About Emdi EmmayCharacter Summary Emdi was kicked out of the Nidalese Army for refusing to harm people for fun. He joined the underground rave scene in the Uskwood and is now a champion for Shelyn promoting peace, love, unity, and respect. Personality and Development:
Emdi loves talking to people and doesn't care if they're dangerous. He'll also gladly put himself in danger to protect his friends in combat.
Canonized roleplay:
Casting: Matthew McConaughey (Mark Hanna from The Wolf of Wall Street) Theme Song: Darude, "Sandstorm" Character Inspiration: I once met a person who was traveling the country. He had no plans for how long he was staying locally, nor where his next destination would be. As he described it, "I'll stay in one place until I'm done meeting people, and then move on to wherever I want to meet people next." Background Narrative:
Emdi charged at his commander and clumsily swung his glaive. His aim was true but the swing was easily deflected by a shield. Momentum carried him forward, and his commander kicked him solidly in the rear to send him sprawling onto the ground.
Emdi's commander towered over his prone body, and put a steel-tipped boot on him as he addressed the onlookers. "This," he boomed, "This is weakness incarnate, and weakness has no value to Zon-Kuthon." With his spiked chain, he rained down blows onto Emdi's head until he passed out. Getting kicked out of the Ridwan Military Academy was humiliating enough. That they had to carry his body out of the gates would have been doubly humiliating had he been conscious. But his exit was inevitable - his skill with the glaive was mediocre on a good day, his aim with the longbow was terrible, and it was true that he had no place in the Red Halls of Zon-Kuthon. Ashamed to return to his family, Emdi took to the underground rave scene in the dark corners of the Uskwood. By the light of glowing stones, he danced the nights and days away. Soon, he discovered his magical side, being able to shower colors on the crowd, which delighted his fellow ravers. He was at home there. In the raves, humans and kayal, Zon-Kuthonites and Shelynites, aristocrats and commoners, were all treated equally. Peace, love, unity, and respect. The creed of the Uskwood dancers lived on long after the crackdowns by the Nidalese police scattered the ravers. Superfluous rantings about recreational drugs, music, and the Nidalese army:
Emdi is no stranger to illicit drugs, but believes that people lose more than they gain by making themselves slaves to the drugs.
Emdi is all too familiar with the drugs allnight and cabbleweed. Allnight is a thin wafer, made of herbs found at high elevations in the Mindspin Mountains, that allows the users to stay awake and alert for extended periods of time; cabbleweed grows in the mushfens of Varisia and its tea puts the users to sleep. The Nidalese army not only allows, but encourages the use of these drugs to maintain a brutal watch cycle. In the Uskwood raves, these two widely-available drugs are also abused by ravers to party for extended periods of time. Although Emdi has used both drugs in the army, he has found that the down periods have gotten unmanageable, and refuses to use them at the raves. Another commonly (ab)used drug by the Nidalese army is heathenstuff, which increases tolerance to pain. Emdi was considered too weak to be given access to this drug when he was in the army. Instead, it was reserved for the more promising trainees. Felwil is an inhaled drug concocted by the gnomes of Taldan, which induces a euphoric state. In some cases, it's combined with pesh, which is a stimulant. In the raves, it's common for several dozen doses to be pooled (called a "smash") and for someone to use a volatile vaporizer to dose large numbers of people at once ("smashing"). Emdi discourages the use of both of these drugs, which he sees as substituting artificial happiness for true happiness. One of the reasons why smash is popular is the heightened awareness of light and sound. EMDI EMMAY
Male (he/him) skilled human (Nidalese) champion (justice, holy) 7
STATISTICS STR +2 DEX +4* CON +2 INT 10 WIS +1 CHA +3 Ancestry Feats: Gloomseer, Darkseer
Skills : +training+ability+level+item =
Focus Spells: Lay on hands (24 HP, +2 AC for 1 round) Languages: Common, Shadowtongue Gear: adventurer's pack (backpack, bedroll, belt pouches (x2), chalk (x10), flint and steel, rope (50'), rations (x14), torches (x5), waterskin), dagger, glaive, +1 striking composite shortbow, arrows (30), +1 leather armor, reinforcing buckler, wayfinder, bracelets of dashing [+1 Acrobatics, +5' speed], demon mask, diplomat's badge, spacious pouch I. Pathfinder Provision: moderate healing potion x2 (3d8+10) Chronicles:
1.1. 1-03 Escaping the Grave
1.2. 1-06 Lost on the Spirit Road (GM) 1.3. 1-01 The Absalom Initiation 2.1. 1-10 Tarnbreaker's Trail (GM) 2.2. 1-04 Bandits of Immenwood 2.3. 1-05 Trailblazer's Bounty (GM) 3.1. 1-19 The Iolite Squad --PATHFINDER CHARACTER REBUILD-- 3.1.1. Q09 Wayfinder Origins 3.2.1. 2-14 Lost in Flames 3.3.1. 2-13 A Gilded Test 4.0.2. Q04 Port Peril Pub Crawl (GM) 4.0.3. Q02 Unforgiving Fire 4.0.4. Q13 Falcon's Descent (GM) 4.2. 2-04 The Path of Kings 4.3. 2-18 The Fanciful March of Urwal (GM) 5.1. 3-04 The Devil-Wrought Disappearance 5.2. 3-07 The Locked Lodge 5.3. 2-23 An Agent's Obligation (GM) 6.1. 3-06 Struck by Shadows 6.2. 4-16 Dacilane Academy's First Great Prank War 6.3. 4-99 Blessings of the Forest (5-8) --REMASTER REBUILD-- Item Access:
katana (U, 2 gp)
dull grey aeon stone (U, 9 gp) invisibility potion (U, 20 gp) archaic wayfinder (U, discounted, 25 gp) book of translation (Tien) (U, 25 gp) channel protection amulet (U, 56 gp) wayfinder of rescue (U, 80 gp) Level 10: flaming star, greater (Level 8, 425 gp) snowshoes of the long trek (U, 550 gp) Chronicle Boons:
Awesome Opposum (Vanity Boon): While assisting with the First Great Prank War at Dacilane Academy, you dealt with several opossums. One of them, named Dimples, took a shine to you and has decided to accompany you. This character gains a domestic opossum wearing a small bow. This opossum is a lovely friend to take with you but has no mechanical benefits.
Experienced Mountaineer: When this boon is slotted, you treat mountainous terrain and other steep slopes as difficult terrain, rather than as greater difficult terrain. Fane’s Friend: You managed to impress the enigmatic pirate captain Stella Fane and she considers you a friend. This boon has special benefits when slotted during scenarios and quests that feature Stella Fane. Infernal Magistrix’s Blessing: You came to the attention of Her Infernal Magistrix Abrogail II, ruler of Cheliax, through your efforts to deal with a wayward member of her family line. Should you prove yourself in further missions, she will grant you the honor of pledging yourself to her service in exchange for the ability to slip through space as freely as a devil can. This character gains access to the contract Fiendish Teleportation from Pathfinder Lost Omens Legends, which you can now purchase by loyally donating 1,400 gp to the imperial coffers. Iolite Trainee Hobgoblin: The Iolite Squad’s reports on valuable Pathfinder skills have made it back to Oprak to be incorporated into their training regimens. You have gained access to the following background for all of your characters (include a copy of this Chronicle Sheet with any character who selects this background).
One-Who-Waits: Whenever you roll a critical failure on an Acrobatics or Athletics check, you can check a box next to this boon as a free action to get a failure instead (the GM can tell you if this wouldn't change the outcome of the check so you do not waste this ability). [ ] [ ] [ ] The Queen's Gratitude: While defending the town of Folien from attack from an isolationist elven zealot and a
Student of Unforgiving Fire: You have gained access to the following feat for all your characters (include a copy of this Chronicle Sheet with any character who selects this feat).
Tarnbreaker Champions: While playing in an adventure that takes place primarily in the Lands of the Linnorm Kings, you can stay for free at any Ulfen or Varki inn or similar establishment, and you gain a 10% on all non-magical goods bought in Ulfen or Varki settlements (this does not stack with any other discount or reduction in price). In addition, you gain a +1 circumstance bonus on all Diplomacy checks to Make A Request while playing in an adventure that takes place primarily in the Lands of the Linnorm Kings. Team Player (reaction): Trigger – an ally fails a check on which you Aided; Effect – The ally can reroll the check and use the better result. [ ] [ ] [ ] Touched by the Storm: When this boon is slotted, you gain cold resistance 1 and electricity resistance 1. Traveler of the Spirit Road: Whenever you would critically fail a check to Hide, Sneak, Sense Direction, or Track while in a forested area, you may check a box next to this boon as a free action to treat that check as a failure instead. [ ] [ ] [ ] Wayfinder Connections: You can purchase wayfinders of up to your character level+2 as long as you have access to them. If you own a standard wayfinder (Core Rulebook 617), Muesello offers to upgrade it to a wayfinder with additional features for the difference in cost between the items. Hirelings:
AcP Boons:
Hireling (4 AcP each): You have recruited a non-combat hireling who can assist you with a certain set of skill checks. This ally performs the selected skills with a total modifier equal to 2 + your level, and they are considered trained in the skills. You must expend any actions and be in range to perform the action yourself, and any consequences of these actions affect you (such as falling when using Athletics to Climb). The hireling doesn’t have or use its own ability modifiers and can never benefit from item bonuses, status bonuses, or fortune effects. Abilities that grant you a circumstance bonus do not grant that circumstance bonus to your hireling even though you are using your action to attempt the check. You cannot aid your own hireling. You cannot use the hirelings skills except recall knowledge in combat, and the hireling cannot be affected by, or affect combat, and cannot be harmed unless willfully endangered, and has no effect other than performing the selected skill checks. When you purchase this boon, you select one skill as well as one Lore skill. The hireling can perform only these skills checks.
Hireling, Expert (0 AcP): When you gain this boon, select one Hireling boon you possess. The selected ally’s proficiency for their selected skills improves to expert, and their modifier to skill checks increases to 4 + your level. Hireling, Professional (0 AcP): When you gain this boon, select one Hireling boon you possess. The selected ally adds a second Lore skill to the list of skill checks they can attempt. In addition, select one skill feat whose prerequisite is being trained in one of the hireling’s selected skills. The hireling gains the benefits of that skill feat when attempting skill checks. Protective Mentor (0 AcP): While working with less experienced Pathfinder allies, you shield your more fragile wards from the threat of death. For any PCs benefiting from a Level Bump and whose levels are lower than yours, you increase their current and maximum Hit Points by an additional amount equal to 3 times your Radiant Oath reputation tier [currently Tier 3 = 9 HP]. Treasure Bundle Insurance (4 AcP): Even when your careful searching doesn’t uncover all of a site’s valuables, you’re able to appraise, repair, and certify what you did recover to maximize their value. You can check a box that precedes this boon at the end of a scenario when you and your allies recovered 9 or fewer of the adventure’s Treasure Bundles. Increase the effective number of Treasure Bundles recovered by 1 for the purpose of calculating the group’s gold piece rewards. The total number of additional Treasure Bundles provided by this boon cannot exceed the adventure's maximum (10, for a typical scenario) [ ] [ ] [ ] |