[PbP Gameday XII] GM Chadius 4-99: Blessings of the Forest (Inactive)

Game Master chadius

>RPG Chronicles<


Inspired Defense

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Verdant Wheel

Action Symbols ➤ (◆), (◆◆), (◆◆◆), (◇), (↺) | Status Symbols: ♥️ hit points, ☘️ hero points, ✋ held items, ⚕ status conditions

Party Spent Condition Tracker:

On the Path □
Expedient Travel □

On the Path: The Pathfinders are moving quickly toward their destination of Folien, impeding the efforts of those who would try to surprise them. On their next combat encounter, PCs gain a +1 circumstance bonus to their initiative checks.

Expedient Travel: The Pathfinders have reached the town of Folien much quicker than expected, giving the PCs some extra time to gather defenses. Once during Part 2 when the PCs would take a 10-minute rest, they gain instead gain the benefits of a full night’s rest.

GM chadius wrote:

- Exploration Event 1: Have You Seen Something? (Investigation, Diplomacy)

- Exploration Event 2: Unnerving Omens (Combat)
- Exploration Event 3: Securing Sanctuary (Investigation, Skill Challenge)
- Exploration Event 4: On Patrol (Combat)

Tao's Votes

➤ Exploration Event 4: On Patrol
➤ Exploration Event 1: Have You Seen Something?
➤ Exploration Event 3: Securing Sanctuary

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◆◇↺ | 3-98 (Thread|Slides) | 3-03 (Thread|Slides)

GM Screen:
1d2 ⇒ 1

Tao and Mork, have a Hero Point!

Verdant Wheel

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Action Symbols ➤ (◆), (◆◆), (◆◆◆), (◇), (↺) | Status Symbols: ♥️ hit points, ☘️ hero points, ✋ held items, ⚕ status conditions

Hey PbP folks!

I am headed to the hospital to have my first kid, and so my posting may be a little spotty today and the next few days. Some of my characters have better botting instruction than others, so I apologize in advance for that. That said, I may be able to poke in here and there at reduced posting capacity, probably requesting assistance with Maps, etc. To the games I am running, I will do my best to prioritize those first, best I can.

See you all on the other side.


I love your new avatar!

Best wishes to you and your partner!

Verdant Wheel

Action Symbols ➤ (◆), (◆◆), (◆◆◆), (◇), (↺) | Status Symbols: ♥️ hit points, ☘️ hero points, ✋ held items, ⚕ status conditions

I think it’s the only one with a baby in the entire forums which of course I scoured!

Radiant Oath

2396852-2001 | LG Male Human | Detective | Investigator Lvl 8 | Psychic Dedication | ◆◇↺ | HP 96/96 | AC 26 | F/R/W: 14/15/13 | Perc +15 (+16 Pursue a Lead/Detect Traps) | 25 feet | Class DC 24 | Exploration Activity: Avoid Notice | Hero Points: 1/3 | Ammo: Regular: 50/50 | Throwing Knives: 2 | +1 SH: 14/14 | Spells: -/1/1/1 |

has your little bundle of joy arrived yet? :)

Verdant Wheel

Action Symbols ➤ (◆), (◆◆), (◆◆◆), (◇), (↺) | Status Symbols: ♥️ hit points, ☘️ hero points, ✋ held items, ⚕ status conditions

In the middle of a long birth, and seizing the opportunity as my partner has passed out on her way to full dilation, getting much needed rest for the final push.

Laurel is anticipated to arrive by the end of the day if blessed the stars be!


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Congratulations, rainzax. I hope you don't mind if I bot Tao for a bit. Just post when you have the chance.

Verdant Wheel

Half-Orc Barbarian 6 | HP 98/98 | AC: 24 (23 /w Rage) | F: +13 R: +11, W: +12 | Perception: +12 (E; Low-light) | Default Exploration: Search

Congrats, that is great news!

Verdant Wheel

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Action Symbols ➤ (◆), (◆◆), (◆◆◆), (◇), (↺) | Status Symbols: ♥️ hit points, ☘️ hero points, ✋ held items, ⚕ status conditions

Laurel is a healthy boy, but emerging on the other side of a nightmare birth, we are on the mend.


Radiant Oath

1 person marked this as a favorite.
2396852-2001 | LG Male Human | Detective | Investigator Lvl 8 | Psychic Dedication | ◆◇↺ | HP 96/96 | AC 26 | F/R/W: 14/15/13 | Perc +15 (+16 Pursue a Lead/Detect Traps) | 25 feet | Class DC 24 | Exploration Activity: Avoid Notice | Hero Points: 1/3 | Ammo: Regular: 50/50 | Throwing Knives: 2 | +1 SH: 14/14 | Spells: -/1/1/1 |

Woohoo! Congrats! :)

Verdant Wheel

Action Symbols ➤ (◆), (◆◆), (◆◆◆), (◇), (↺) | Status Symbols: ♥️ hit points, ☘️ hero points, ✋ held items, ⚕ status conditions

Tao’s actions remain the same despite the time constraint - she will start the next fight with Minor Curse!

If we start at range for the next fight, or have a prep round, she will cast Whirling Scarves first thing!

Horizon Hunters

N Male Human Summoner 6 | ♥️ 74/74 | ❌ negative 1 | AC 21 (Shield); Eid:24 (Protected) | F+11 R+10 W+14; Eid:F+14 R+11 W+11 | Perc +14; Eid:+11 | Speed 25'; Eid:+35' | Focus □□ | Spells DC 21; Slots: 2□□ 3 □□ | Hero 1 | Exp: Detect Magic (Init +16); Eid: Scout | ✋ BM Baton, Staff of FR | Status:

I keep forgetting that Libitina has the Eidolon's Opportunity feat which gives her an AoO, so if Red moves or manipulates, then bang!

Horizon Hunters

CG Male Orc Thaumaturge 6 | HP 47/64 | AC 24 (25 w/ Shield) | F+11 , R+12, W+12 | Perc +13 (darkvision), Init: +15 (win ties) | Exploration: Search| Active Cond: none | Focus: 1 | Hero: 1

@Emdi -- If you don't have a particular preference for Red or Blue (since you're equidistant from both), might I suggest you go after Blue?

Main reasoning is that Mork currently has Exploit on Red and Libitina(Mandoo) has Red in a nice flank.

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As hinted by the House GM, we're going to start Part 3.

You will have exactly 1 opportunity to take a 10 minute break to Treat Wounds, Repair, etc.

Because of the benefit gained in part 1, though, the 10 minute break will provide the same benefits as an overnight rest, so you will be able to make daily preparations.

It's time to give away more Hero Points. Please nominate 2 people who you believe should get them (and if there's a strong reason, you can post that too.) You can PM me, or spoiler it, or post openly. I'll try to give them out after 48 hours or so.

Human (Scavenger) Street Rat Envoy (Guns Blazing) 2
⛨ 19 | ♥️ 24 | Saves (4*/9**/8**) | Perception (6*) w/ Incredible Initiative (+2c) | Speed 25
☘️ □□ | ✋✋ Rotolaser | ⚕ none | clip♣️ 10/10, three in the kitty | frag♠️ (☑/□□) | Explore: Search

Emdi, Isaku, Mandoo, Mork, Nakgu: 2d10 ⇒ (7, 9) = 16 @ Mork and Nakgu

Radiant Oath

2396852-2001 | LG Male Human | Detective | Investigator Lvl 8 | Psychic Dedication | ◆◇↺ | HP 96/96 | AC 26 | F/R/W: 14/15/13 | Perc +15 (+16 Pursue a Lead/Detect Traps) | 25 feet | Class DC 24 | Exploration Activity: Avoid Notice | Hero Points: 1/3 | Ammo: Regular: 50/50 | Throwing Knives: 2 | +1 SH: 14/14 | Spells: -/1/1/1 |

Nakgu, Mandoo

Horizon Hunters

CG Male Orc Thaumaturge 6 | HP 47/64 | AC 24 (25 w/ Shield) | F+11 , R+12, W+12 | Perc +13 (darkvision), Init: +15 (win ties) | Exploration: Search| Active Cond: none | Focus: 1 | Hero: 1
GM chadius wrote:

As hinted by the House GM, we're going to start Part 3.

You will have exactly 1 opportunity to take a 10 minute break to Treat Wounds, Repair, etc.
Because of the benefit gained in part 1, though, the 10 minute break will provide the same benefits as an overnight rest, so you will be able to make daily preparations.

Just confirming: You're saying that we get the magic 10 min break now? Or during Part 3, we'll get to choose when we take our single magic 10 min break?

GM chadius wrote:
It's time to give away more Hero Points.

If anyone is currently at 0, I vote for them.

Otherwise, I vote for Mandoo (for his RPing for 2)
Emdi, Isaku, Nakgu: 1d3 ⇒ 3 => Nakgu

Horizon Hunters

N Male Human Summoner 6 | ♥️ 74/74 | ❌ negative 1 | AC 21 (Shield); Eid:24 (Protected) | F+11 R+10 W+14; Eid:F+14 R+11 W+11 | Perc +14; Eid:+11 | Speed 25'; Eid:+35' | Focus □□ | Spells DC 21; Slots: 2□□ 3 □□ | Hero 1 | Exp: Detect Magic (Init +16); Eid: Scout | ✋ BM Baton, Staff of FR | Status:

As for the Hero Points...

Emdi, Isaku, Mork, Nakgu, Tao: 1d5 ⇒ 2 Isaku and...

Emdi, Mork, Nakgu, Tao: 1d4 ⇒ 4 Tao

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You get a good night's rest now. This one is not the 10 minute break that magically gives the benefits of an overnight rest.

Sorry about that confusion - the scenario guide doesn't give me all of the information for this scenario.

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Based on this pace, you'll probably squish these spies before the due date.

You can optionally fight a new group of spies. This will deplete your resources, but beating the group will count towards the overall defense of the town.

Horizon Hunters

CG Male Orc Thaumaturge 6 | HP 47/64 | AC 24 (25 w/ Shield) | F+11 , R+12, W+12 | Perc +13 (darkvision), Init: +15 (win ties) | Exploration: Search| Active Cond: none | Focus: 1 | Hero: 1

I vote for fighting a new group. But if the casters wish to conserve, I totally understand.

Verdant Wheel

Action Symbols ➤ (◆), (◆◆), (◆◆◆), (◇), (↺) | Status Symbols: ♥️ hit points, ☘️ hero points, ✋ held items, ⚕ status conditions

Don't mind playing on "hard mode"!

Up to the team.


Radiant Oath

1 person marked this as a favorite.
open | male (he/him) skilled human (Nidalese) champion (Shelyn) 7 | ◆◇↺ | HP 99/99 | AC 27 (28) | P+10, F+13, R+13, W+12 | DV, NH, 30' | ↺ Retributive Strike | Hero: 1/3 | Focus: 1/1 | Active Conditions: resist cold 1, electricity 1; Experienced Mountaineer

Emdi doesn't use a whole lot of daily resources, so he's happy to continue, but instead of making a straight vote, let's just say anyone can veto if they don't want, and we'll abide by that, even if they're in the minority.

◆◇↺ | 3-98 (Thread|Slides) | 3-03 (Thread|Slides)

Nakgu and Mandoo, have a Hero Point!

That's a good suggestion, Emdi. I'll rephrase my question:

Is there anyone who would NOT want to keep fighting spies & raiders until the House GM tells us to advance to the next event?

Once the House GM does tell us to advance, there are 4 events we can choose from.

- Defense Event 1: Putrid Pests (Combat)
- Defense Event 2: Direct Defenses (Social Skills)
- Defense Event 3: Magical Protections (Ritual Assistance)
- Defense Event 4: Intercepting Supplies (Investigation)

Please choose your top 3. Note you will not have any time to recover or rest inbetween scenarios.

Horizon Hunters

CG Male Orc Thaumaturge 6 | HP 47/64 | AC 24 (25 w/ Shield) | F+11 , R+12, W+12 | Perc +13 (darkvision), Init: +15 (win ties) | Exploration: Search| Active Cond: none | Focus: 1 | Hero: 1

1) Defense Event 3: Magical Protections (Ritual Assistance)
2) Defense Event 1: Putrid Pests (Combat)
3) Defense Event 2: Direct Defenses (Social Skills)

Ritual Assistance seems more unique, so I ranked it higher. But any order is good with me.

Verdant Wheel

Action Symbols ➤ (◆), (◆◆), (◆◆◆), (◇), (↺) | Status Symbols: ♥️ hit points, ☘️ hero points, ✋ held items, ⚕ status conditions
Mork the Orc wrote:


1) Defense Event 3: Magical Protections (Ritual Assistance)
2) Defense Event 1: Putrid Pests (Combat)
3) Defense Event 2: Direct Defenses (Social Skills)

Ritual Assistance seems more unique, so I ranked it higher. But any order is good with me.

+1 Mork

Horizon Hunters

N Male Human Summoner 6 | ♥️ 74/74 | ❌ negative 1 | AC 21 (Shield); Eid:24 (Protected) | F+11 R+10 W+14; Eid:F+14 R+11 W+11 | Perc +14; Eid:+11 | Speed 25'; Eid:+35' | Focus □□ | Spells DC 21; Slots: 2□□ 3 □□ | Hero 1 | Exp: Detect Magic (Init +16); Eid: Scout | ✋ BM Baton, Staff of FR | Status:
GM chadius wrote:
Nakgu and Mandoo, have a Hero Point!

Yay! I'm all maxed out. I better start using them I suppose.

I'm fine with more spy hunting.

Event voting:
Defense Event 2: Direct Defenses (Social Skills)
Defense Event 1: Putrid Pests (Combat)
Defense Event 3: Magical Protections (Ritual Assistance)

Radiant Oath

open | male (he/him) skilled human (Nidalese) champion (Shelyn) 7 | ◆◇↺ | HP 99/99 | AC 27 (28) | P+10, F+13, R+13, W+12 | DV, NH, 30' | ↺ Retributive Strike | Hero: 1/3 | Focus: 1/1 | Active Conditions: resist cold 1, electricity 1; Experienced Mountaineer

Emdi has no preference for events.

Radiant Oath

2396852-2001 | LG Male Human | Detective | Investigator Lvl 8 | Psychic Dedication | ◆◇↺ | HP 96/96 | AC 26 | F/R/W: 14/15/13 | Perc +15 (+16 Pursue a Lead/Detect Traps) | 25 feet | Class DC 24 | Exploration Activity: Avoid Notice | Hero Points: 1/3 | Ammo: Regular: 50/50 | Throwing Knives: 2 | +1 SH: 14/14 | Spells: -/1/1/1 |

Isaku has no preference either

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Resistance doesn't stack, does it?

I've been doing multiple Champion reactions all wrong and letting it stack. Oh well.

Verdant Wheel

Half-Orc Barbarian 6 | HP 98/98 | AC: 24 (23 /w Rage) | F: +13 R: +11, W: +12 | Perception: +12 (E; Low-light) | Default Exploration: Search

Same ones do not stack. You just take the highest.

Horizon Hunters

N Male Human Summoner 6 | ♥️ 74/74 | ❌ negative 1 | AC 21 (Shield); Eid:24 (Protected) | F+11 R+10 W+14; Eid:F+14 R+11 W+11 | Perc +14; Eid:+11 | Speed 25'; Eid:+35' | Focus □□ | Spells DC 21; Slots: 2□□ 3 □□ | Hero 1 | Exp: Detect Magic (Init +16); Eid: Scout | ✋ BM Baton, Staff of FR | Status:

I see that our tokens were returned to the gate, but for some reason Mandoo and Libitina seem to be shifted one square south from everyone else. Was there a reason for this.

Turns out that one square will make the difference between Libitina reaching Gold in one action, so if she could start in the block with the others that would be great.

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◆◇↺ | 3-98 (Thread|Slides) | 3-03 (Thread|Slides)

Feel free to rearrange your starting positions however you like.

Radiant Oath

2396852-2001 | LG Male Human | Detective | Investigator Lvl 8 | Psychic Dedication | ◆◇↺ | HP 96/96 | AC 26 | F/R/W: 14/15/13 | Perc +15 (+16 Pursue a Lead/Detect Traps) | 25 feet | Class DC 24 | Exploration Activity: Avoid Notice | Hero Points: 1/3 | Ammo: Regular: 50/50 | Throwing Knives: 2 | +1 SH: 14/14 | Spells: -/1/1/1 |

how does that spellheart work? Can I cast fireball with the spellheart or is that my own fireball (Isaku can't cast spells other than Produce Flame)..

Horizon Hunters

N Male Human Summoner 6 | ♥️ 74/74 | ❌ negative 1 | AC 21 (Shield); Eid:24 (Protected) | F+11 R+10 W+14; Eid:F+14 R+11 W+11 | Perc +14; Eid:+11 | Speed 25'; Eid:+35' | Focus □□ | Spells DC 21; Slots: 2□□ 3 □□ | Hero 1 | Exp: Detect Magic (Init +16); Eid: Scout | ✋ BM Baton, Staff of FR | Status:
Isaku Beru wrote:
how does that spellheart work? Can I cast fireball with the spellheart or is that my own fireball (Isaku can't cast spells other than Produce Flame)..

I believe it uses the Cast A Spell action to activate the Fireball spell in the spellheart. So unless you are a spellcaster (ie. have access to the Cast a Spell action through your class or an archetype) you will not be able to cast the spell. You still get the other advantages that come merely from wearing it (resistance 5 to fire in this case).

Since it appears that Isaku does have access to the Cast a Spell activity through his Psychic Dedication, then he can indeed cast the Fireball spell stored in the spellheart, regardless of whether it is in your repertoire or spell list.

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Inspired Defense: The next time an opponent would critically hit a PC with an attack roll, they instead get a regular hit against the PC.

Note that this applies to the entire table, not to each PC. So the benefit is gone the first time it is used.

Verdant Wheel

Action Symbols ➤ (◆), (◆◆), (◆◆◆), (◇), (↺) | Status Symbols: ♥️ hit points, ☘️ hero points, ✋ held items, ⚕ status conditions

Cold Iron Blanch @ Emdi, Isaku, or Tao?

Mork can recreate weaknesses, both Nakgu and Libtina use natural attacks (unless they have a backup weapon!?)

Verdant Wheel

Half-Orc Barbarian 6 | HP 98/98 | AC: 24 (23 /w Rage) | F: +13 R: +11, W: +12 | Perception: +12 (E; Low-light) | Default Exploration: Search

I have a backup weapon, (Cinderclaw guantlet) though it is only backup if I run out of rage or get kicked out of rage

Radiant Oath

open | male (he/him) skilled human (Nidalese) champion (Shelyn) 7 | ◆◇↺ | HP 99/99 | AC 27 (28) | P+10, F+13, R+13, W+12 | DV, NH, 30' | ↺ Retributive Strike | Hero: 1/3 | Focus: 1/1 | Active Conditions: resist cold 1, electricity 1; Experienced Mountaineer

Emdi could certainly use it. His bow doesn't deal a lot of damage (so it fares poorly against creatures with resistance) and he has no offensive spells (only dancing lights and message for raves). He can smite evil, but that only works against evil creatures, so if we go up against fey with resistance ... he's got nothin'.

That being said, I don't know if Tao or Isaku are in the same position, so I'm happy to roll for it if someone else also wants it.

Verdant Wheel

Action Symbols ➤ (◆), (◆◆), (◆◆◆), (◇), (↺) | Status Symbols: ♥️ hit points, ☘️ hero points, ✋ held items, ⚕ status conditions

How about Emdi, Isaku, Nakgu, or Tao: 2d4 ⇒ (1, 4) = 5 Emdi or if he passes than Tao?

Radiant Oath

2396852-2001 | LG Male Human | Detective | Investigator Lvl 8 | Psychic Dedication | ◆◇↺ | HP 96/96 | AC 26 | F/R/W: 14/15/13 | Perc +15 (+16 Pursue a Lead/Detect Traps) | 25 feet | Class DC 24 | Exploration Activity: Avoid Notice | Hero Points: 1/3 | Ammo: Regular: 50/50 | Throwing Knives: 2 | +1 SH: 14/14 | Spells: -/1/1/1 |

Emdi, take it. Isaku is more support than offense really.

Horizon Hunters

CG Male Orc Thaumaturge 6 | HP 47/64 | AC 24 (25 w/ Shield) | F+11 , R+12, W+12 | Perc +13 (darkvision), Init: +15 (win ties) | Exploration: Search| Active Cond: none | Focus: 1 | Hero: 1

Right. Mork will retrieve a small tin of cold iron powder from the inner linings of his cloak when needed. So Emdi (or Tao) can enjoy the blanch.

Regarding party bonuses in effect, we have the one-time-use Party Defense to turn a crit into a hit. Did we also each receive a status bonus to our next saving throw? Or did that expire after the particular encounter?

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The saving throw bonus is for each of you, and it triggers as soon as you make a Saving Throw.

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You gained the benefits of a good night's rest. Your daily usages are recharged and you can do any daily preparations needed.

Turning Tides: The Pathfinder forces have gained the advantage, and brave townsfolk are rushing to lend a hand. Each PC can roll twice and take the better result on a single attack roll, saving throw, or skill check. This is a fortune effect.

Better than a Hero Point as you get to choose which roll you want to use. We'll move on to the next encounter in a few hours.

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Who considers themselves vulnerable to Evil damage? Usually anyone aligned to the heavenly plains (like angels) and anyone with a good alignment are vulnerable.

Something something Remaster isn't here yet...

Horizon Hunters

CG Male Orc Thaumaturge 6 | HP 47/64 | AC 24 (25 w/ Shield) | F+11 , R+12, W+12 | Perc +13 (darkvision), Init: +15 (win ties) | Exploration: Search| Active Cond: none | Focus: 1 | Hero: 1

Even though it's always been a mechanical disadvantage to have a good alignment, the gregarious Mork is Chaotic Good (until the remaster at least) and subject to Evil damage.

Radiant Oath

open | male (he/him) skilled human (Nidalese) champion (Shelyn) 7 | ◆◇↺ | HP 99/99 | AC 27 (28) | P+10, F+13, R+13, W+12 | DV, NH, 30' | ↺ Retributive Strike | Hero: 1/3 | Focus: 1/1 | Active Conditions: resist cold 1, electricity 1; Experienced Mountaineer

Emdi is absolutely vulnerable to evil damage.

Verdant Wheel

Half-Orc Barbarian 6 | HP 98/98 | AC: 24 (23 /w Rage) | F: +13 R: +11, W: +12 | Perception: +12 (E; Low-light) | Default Exploration: Search

Neutral so no evil damage here.

Verdant Wheel

Action Symbols ➤ (◆), (◆◆), (◆◆◆), (◇), (↺) | Status Symbols: ♥️ hit points, ☘️ hero points, ✋ held items, ⚕ status conditions

Tao is vulnerable to evil!

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