![]() About Alkaid Yaffa Leona AibaName: Alkaid Yaffa Leona Aiba
Stats*: 14,14,13,13,12,12
Hit Points: 10/10 Init: 3 = 3(Dex) Melee: 2
AC: 17:13:14 Skills:
Cleric(2) + INT + FC = 5+FC + 2 (Background)
ACP = 1 //Armour Check Penalty Format: Total = ranks + stat + trained(?) +other(noted) -ACP #Acrobatics: 8 = 1 + DEX Mod + 3 +1(Trait)- ACP; b*Appraise: 3 = 0 + INT Mod + 0; Bluff: 5 = 0 + CHA Mod + 0; Climb: 2 = 0 + STR Mod + 0 -ACP; b*Craft: 3 = 0 + INT Mod + 0; *Diplomacy: 5 = 1 + CHA Mod + 0; Disable Device: 3 = 0 + DEX Mod + 0 -ACP; Disguise: 5,15 = 0 + CHA Mod + 0 +10(Change Shape); Escape Artist: 3 = 0 + DEX Mod + 0 -ACP; Fly: 3 = 0 + DEX Mod + 0 -ACP; Handle Animal: 5 = 0 + CHA Mod + 0; *Heal: 3 = 0 + WIS Mod + 0; Intimidate: 5 = 0 + CHA Mod + 0; *Know(Arcana): 5 = 0 + INT Mod + 0 +2; Know(Dungeon): 5 = 0 + INT Mod + 0 +2; Know(Local): 5 = 0 + INT Mod + 0 +2; Know(Nature): 5 = 0 + INT Mod + 0 +2; *Know(Planes): 5 = 0 + INT Mod + 0 +2; *Know(Religion): 9 = 1 + INT Mod + 3 +2; bKnow(Engineer): 5 = 0 + INT Mod + 0 +2; bKnow(Geography): 5 = 0 + INT Mod + 0 +2; b*Know(History): 5 = 0 + INT Mod + 0 +2; b*Know(Nobles): 9 = 1 + INT Mod + 3 +2; b*Linguistics: NA = 0 + INT Mod + 0; #Perception: 9 = 1 + WIS MOD + 3 +2(KS); bPerform (Dance): 5 = 0 + CHA Mod + 0; bPerform (Sing): 5 = 0 + CHA Mod + 0; b*Prof (Farmer): 5 = 0 + WIS Mod + 0 +2; b*Prof (Barmaid): 9 = 1 + WIS Mod + 3 +2; Ride: 3 = 0 + DEX Mod + 0 -ACP; *Sense Motive: 7 = 1 + WIS Mod + 3; bSleight of Hand: NA = NA + DEX Mod + 0 -ACP; *Spell Craft: NA = NA + INT Mod + 0; #Stealth: 7 = 1 + DEX Mod + 3 -ACP; Survival: 3 = 0 + WIS Mod + 0; Swim: 4 = 0 + STR Mod + 0 -ACP; Use Magical Device: NA = NA + CHA Mod + 0; */# Class Skill
Class features, Feats, Traits and Racial Traits:
Class features: Cleric: Armour: Light, Medium, Shields (-tower) Weapons: Simple + great-sword Aura,
Focused Domain(Strength->Ferocity)
feats to Look at
Racial Traits:
Darkvision 60ft Speed: Land same as base, Wings gives flight x2 land speed. (Wings are pretty much out of play) Change Shape: A half-succubus can use this ability to assume the form of any humanoid creature of her size, as if using alter self, once per day. Defences:
Darkness 3/day Spells:
DC = 10 + WIS + Level Level-0: Unlimited use Level-1: 1 + 1(WIS) + 1 Domain Spells Known:
Spells Known:
Domain Spells:
AC, Saves, Attacks:
AC: AC: 17 = 10 + 3(Armour) + 3(Dex) + 1(NA); Touch: 13 = 10 + 3(Dex); Flat: 14 = 10 + 3(Armour) + 1(NA); Saves:
Weapons: 51gp
Brass knuckles (1d3, x2, —, 1 lb., B Sling (1d4, x2, 50 ft., 0 lbs, B)
Armour: 20gp
Special Substances and items:
Wondrous Items:
Misc: Holy symbol (wooden) 1gp Adventure Gear: (8gp, 3sp,2cp )
Tools and Skill Kits:
Clothes: 4sp
Weight Total:52.0
Cash: 90gp
She is a beautiful elven woman of about 6'3", with red hair and violet eyes. Sporting an attractive body of an athletic build that is curvier then an average elven woman, and an attractive and innocent like face. She has a competitive side, but also a motherly side in caring for those around her. Data and Background:
Name: Alkaid Yaffa Leona Aiba (folks just call her Ayla) Race: Half-succubus Elf Class: Cleric (Theologian) 1/20 Job: Travelling Priestess and Barmaid Age: 144 Likes: Dislikes: Favorite Foods: Apples, Honey, Meat, Fish, Potatoes, Oats, eggs, others Hobbies: Training, Sewing Background Info:
She is also somewhat aware she is not a pure blooded elf from her eyes and figure, before she left to go into the Ulek. She discovered her hidden heritage after an incident/ambush and killing a man and is partners along with growing wings. She hid out in the forest surviving along for a bit learning more about her hidden heritage and regaining her original form. The experience and her knowledge helped her in figuring things out in that she was likely a Elven Half-Succubus. She kept a better eye on herself and what actions may cause reactions. As after that incident every night of the full and new moon she takes on a softer look as she muscle become less defined as she fills out her clothes a bit more, and her violet eyes glow a bit brighter in the dark and a few times her hair becomes violet in color. After journeying further into the Ulek, she was saw a scene that sicken her, men of a noble men were attacking a village seeking compensation for the missing taxes.
Family Data
She was on a mission with a few other demons connected to Iuz, their plan was to cause some chaos in the capital of Triglee.
She managed to get into the capital a few days earlier disguising herself as a beautiful elven merchant whose wares included rare wines. When the mission started and the demons were rampaging, she slowly go into position.
Some sort of field was in place around Triglee stopping all forms of demonic abilities.
But the gates were locked after the fighting finished a few hours later.
That field whatever it was even made her feel hunger, thirst and a need for sleep, making her like a mortal. Then a few days later while in a tavern she had a fateful encounter with a elven man, who saved her from some men seeking a way to vent their frustration.
The guard was keeping a good lock down on passage out, with hyper strict security on who could pass.
After about a year her demonic powers were starting to return, though only a bit, and she also found herself pregnant about half-way through her elven pregnancy.
A few months later she found out he was killed, and her powers were growing, and soon her evil aura would return as well.
Nearly 2 years since the came to Triglee, the lock-down was gone and she left with a fellow disguised demon on a cart.
But the baby was a moral and ethical problem, they could not directly kill an innocent child she left the child in a basket along the road as they used the cart to haul the demon corpses. The basket had the medallion her father left behind, not knowing that it was a medallion of royal heritage.
So the question is; is she really the real King's illegitimate daughter, or the real King's niece?
Even though she like training and being strong in body, she at times wishes she was a bit softer looking as to look a bit more feminine.
Alkaid does have a fear of people learning of her more demonic heritage, so she keeps quiet about her more demonic abilities and restricts herself from using them. She has an easier time growing the wings during the night, But none of her clothes or armour works well with her wings so she keeps them hidden.