PFS(2) 4-14: Shattering Golden Chains (Inactive)

Game Master Blake's Tiger

Sign Up Sheet
Maps & Reference
Macros | Hero Points

Safa's Assistance: Available, Used 1 time
Elemental Tokens Obtained: Air, Earth, Fire, Water

| Extinction | url= |

For out of character persistent notes.

1. Please fill out the Macro file.
* Select an unclaimed Tab.
* Rename the Tab to your PC's name.
* Replace "PC #" in the gray ribbon with your PC's name (no apostrophes or quotation marks).
* Fill out the saves, perception, initiative, and skills including lores.
* Check the box "Send to GM" in the skills and lores for things you don't mind me botting.

2. Please fill out the Slides & Refence pages with your token, marching order, and details.

Thank you and let's have fun!

2 people marked this as a favorite.
| Extinction | url= |

+1 Hero Point to Olov for his actions during the Farah battle

+1 Hero Point to Precious for being true to character upon finding the amphora

FYI, we're nearing the end, if you want to note anything for the chronicle about Downtime.

| Extinction | url= |

Score Card:

Treasure Bundles
A1: 1
A3: 2
A4: 1
B1: 2
B2: 1
B6: 3
Total: 10/10

Primary Objective
Defeat Fasiel: yes

Secondary Objective (2 of 4 required)
Capture the mercenaries alive: yes (technically, I assumed you would)
Rescue prisoners without setting off the trap: no
Recover the limestone table: yes
Recover the evidence in the offices: no

Extra Faction Reputation (3 of 6 required)
Resolve paper trap without violence: no
Win Chaliz's favor: yes
Recover Rayyan's seal: yes
Disable the drowning trap without breaking the amphora: yes
Deal only non-lethal damage to Fasiel: no
Never asked for Safa's help: no

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