Dreadfulness in Dunwich PF1e+ (Inactive)

Game Master DeJoker

Bale Keep Map


Dunwich is a somewhat backwater fishing town situated on southern side of the Dunwater River and sandwiched between the Dunwater Marsh and the Monmurg Bay. This makes it tucked away on the south-western coast of the Kingdom of Keoland. Just north of Dunwich is a small monastery dedicated to Heironeous and Bale Keep which guards the road between the town of Saltmarsh and Burle. While further south are other small fishing villages and guard towers. Many folks from Dunwich serve as staff and support for the keep and the town tends to travelers between Saltmarsh and Burle.

This will be a semi-sandbox game based in a non-canon village located in the Viscounty of Salinmoor in the south-western region of Keoland which is located within the Sheldomar Valley within the western area of the Flanaess on the continent of Oerick on the planet Oereth. Dunwich is smaller but similar to its more famous cousin Saltmarsh which is located just to the northeast. As every character will have hailed from or hail from Dunwich there will be special Backgrounds to choose from that will tie the character more tightly into the village.

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OCC: I know some GMs might not require one to use a Animal Companion per the Guidelines but I do. So currently to have Snapper do anything other than be a normal animal that is a companion means Salaha has had to teach it Tricks and then spend at least a Move Action giving it a command to perform one of those Tricks.

That is unless you can communicate with the Animal directly and just give it verbal instructions that it can understand. Now seeing as that seemed to be the way you were leaning, I do have a plan for that eventually. Assuming you the like and pursue the idea when it comes to fruition. However, until then you do need to give Snapper orders based on the Tricks Salaha has taught it.

Female Aquatic Elf Druid 3

Well, I don't have the defend trick I think, and I don't want him to attack, so what would exactly happen here? Like a Sit?

OCC: Well can you share with me what Tricks I assigned to your Pet so I do not have to go back through the posts and look those up?

Then I might be able to make some suggestions as some Tricks can be used creatively so-to-speak.

OCC: Ghads I hate it so much when Paizo glitches when I am posting a message. Especially when I have forgotten to save it before posting, just in case it glitches which it far to frequently does.

Salaha swings at Goblin-1 and misses

William shoots a Force Missile at Goblin-6 but it stops prematurely from hitting its target {Spell Craft check DC 10}.

Goblin-1 strikes Salaha and makes a nasty rent in her Hide armor Armor damage 6 causes -1 AC until repaired

The other Goblins lie on the ground seemingly unconscious.

Goblin-6 lobs something at the part that flies long and lands mostly behind the party {Salaha and William make Fort Save DC 15} then it moves further towards the back of the cave.

One of the bipedal-lizards manages to bite Goblin-6 as it moves and then all three pursue it but do not manage to bite it before all three disappear.

Stone steps up to help Salaha and Dáin with the remaining Goblin and hollers at the remaining Goblin noticeably shaking its resolve and then swings but does not manage to hit the Goblin.

OCC: PCs turn of action. As a note Goblin-6 is at least 90 ft from the party.

M Dwarf Inquisitor(Living Grimoire) 37/37,Init5,F7R2W6,AC18T13FF16

Dain attacks the nearby goblin
Book: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (17) + 5 = 221d8 + 2 ⇒ (8) + 2 = 10

End Round 6:
Salaha .. AC 18 . HP 22/22
..... Armor Damage: 6 ........ (-1 AC)
Snapper ... AC 18 . HP 20/9
Dáin .... AC 19-1 . HP 37/5
..... Armor Damage: 5 ........ (-1 AC)
..... Shield Damage: 1
Stone ... AC 24 . HP 37/37
..... Armor Damage: 2
..... Shield Damage: 1
Grün .... AC 20 . HP 34/6
..... Armor Damage: 2
William . AC 13(+4) . HP 18/18
Goblin-1 . HP -3
..... Armor Damage: 2
Goblin-2 . HP -14 (KO'd)
Goblin-3 . HP -18 (KO'd)
Goblin-4 . HP -24 (KO'd)
Goblin-5 . HP -26 (KO'd)
Goblin-6 . HP -9
Combat Layout:
Snapper ... Salaha .... Goblin 1
................... Dáin ... Stone
William ............................................ M1-3 ... Goblin 6
................... Grün

Female Aquatic Elf Druid 3

Salaha directs Snapper to eat some of the goblins, and she swings at the goblin in front of her with her trident to kill everyone

to hit: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (9) + 4 = 13
damage: 1d8 + 2 ⇒ (7) + 2 = 9

Male Human Evoker 3
William shoots a Force Missile at Goblin-6 but it stops prematurely from hitting its target {Spell Craft check DC 10}.

"Maybe he has a shield spell up," William says.

William tries a spellcraft check:
spellcraft check: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (3) + 8 = 11

OCC: The Spell Craft check is a free action, is that all William wants to do this round? Oh and William is pretty sure it is a Shield spell or least something very similar based on what happened.

Male Grippli

The grippli moved and attacks the closer foe.

atk, kukri, flank: 1d20 + 9 + 3 ⇒ (5) + 9 + 3 = 17
dmg, kukri, precision: 1d3 + 2d6 ⇒ (2) + (1, 1) = 4

Fortitude, cloud: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (15) + 5 = 20

Male Human Evoker 3
DunwichStoryteller wrote:
OCC: The Spell Craft check is a free action, is that all William wants to do this round? Oh and William is pretty sure it is a Shield spell or least something very similar based on what happened.

Okay, since it's a free action, he'll cast Force Missile on Goblin-1.

Force Missile: 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5

Dáin attacks and hits the remaining Goblin and is unaffected by the cloud.

Stone intimidates the remaining Goblin and it is noticeably shaken but then he misses hitting the Goblin. However, he becomes effected by the cloud.

William fires a Force Missile at the nearby remaining Goblin and hits it and is unaffected by the cloud.

Grün also manages to hit this Goblin but all he does is make a nasty rent in the Goblin's armor and is unaffected by the cloud.

This remaining Goblin goes down under the onslaught.

Snapper moves over and begins chewing on one of the downed Goblins {4}.

Salaha swings at this remaining Goblin but misses and becomes affected by the cloud. Which seems to tap into her previous incident with the poison she suffered from earlier. As the room suddenly seems to shift wildly and becomes blurry. She sees dark symbols on the all the walls from which equally dark tendrils extend out from and towards the object on the fire with some of them actually touching it. The object on the fire seems to pulsate rythmically with an inner glow.

From the farside of the room Dáin, Grün, and William hear and almost feel a thud.

The group is currently in a cloud of fine dust {anyone that stays in the cloud must make a Fort Save DC 15} and there does not appear any remaining direct threats within easy view.

OCC: PCs are up.

Female Aquatic Elf Druid 3

The fact the poison was similar enough she started to see things worried her, but at the same time there was something in the room, something wrong, something dangerous. Whatever was in the fire was calling her, drawing her closer to touching it, but she also knew it was dangerous, even as she tries her best to look and remember what the symbols were telling her. Was this something she had dealt with before? Salaha moves closer to the symbols, tracing them with her fingers before following closer to the fire to investigate whatever was with in the fire.

M Dwarf Inquisitor(Living Grimoire) 37/37,Init5,F7R2W6,AC18T13FF16

Daimler moves out of the cloud and uses his wand of clw on himself. clwx5: 5d8 + 5 ⇒ (4, 7, 4, 1, 6) + 5 = 27

OCC: Dáin who is Daimler ;-)

Salaha I just checked your sheet and you did not outline what 2 additional languages she took for her +2 languages from a high Intelligence. Also, you can make a Knowledge(Arcana) for the object in the fire. Oh and that goes for anyone that has Ranks in Knowledge(Arcana).

And is Salaha moving out of the cloud?

Male Human Evoker 3

William moves out the cloud. He coughs a little, but tries to identify the object.

Knowledge Arcana check: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (16) + 10 = 26

Female Aquatic Elf Druid 3

Could I maybe religion it? I don't have Arcana, and yes, I am moving from the cloud. Like a trippy dream I would say.

OCC: Yes and No. Which is to say, yes you can make a Knowledge(Religion) check but it will not get you the same information that a Knowledge(Arcana) check will. However, perhaps with some help from you Arcane friend the two of you might be able to figure out a bit more of what it was you were sensing and/or perhaps what was going on here.

Oh and what two additional languages is Salaha taking? Oh and might I suggest she take Draconic ;-) as one of them. As for the second one I would suggest perhaps one of these: Aboleth or Elf. I would have also suggested Grippli and Saurian(Lizardfolk) but your character has already denoted she does not know those two languages.

Dáin steps out of the cloud and pulls out a wand and takes time {4 full rounds} to focus completely on healing himself and recovers {32 HP} feeling much better. {aka fully healed}

OCC: Again if the healer and the subject of the healing remain stationary for a full round then the healing is maxed and beings as you cannot heal more than 32 hit points, you only needed to use 4 charges from the wand. Although others in your party could use some healing as well.

Stone steps forward while waving the dust out from in front of him and once out of the cloud takes a moment to collect his senses as he looks about the room. He then begins to move off to his right.

William, being on the edge of the cloud, steps to his right and then moves forward to better examine the object.

William is certain that it is a dragon egg, and by its coloration mostly likely a green dragon egg. Green dragons are aquatic by nature often found in swamps and large bodies of water (e.g large lakes, oceans, etc...). Their sonic scream {breath weapon} being quite effective both underwater and above water. {No I do not necessarily run everything verbatim by the beistaries}. Dragons of course, are quite formidable even when newly hatched. You are also aware that newly born dragons are not inherently good nor evil, that comes about due to their upbringing or lack thereof.


Salaha touches the symbol on the wall... and then another as she dreamily walks out of the cloud.

Upon touching each symbol she feels a sort of connection that grows a bit stronger with each symbol she touches. She sees the blackness take on a green tinge that flows from her into the symbol and then down the tendril to the... child. "Mama it hurts, make it stop." seems to reverberate in her mind almost as if she were actually hearing those words being spoken. The voice sounds like a wimpering child or injured baby dolphin.
then her head clears and she is disorientedly back within the normal world once more. Was that real or just a hallucination. If it were real something obviously magical is taking place here.

OCC: Waiting on Grün to post to respond to whatever they do. However, feel free to interact with one another at this point. Apparently that goblin spell caster does not appear to be here or is hiding or invisible if it is here.

Male Human Evoker 3

"Salaha, it's a dragon's egg," William says to Salaha. "Everyone, the dragon's egg could potentially fetch a good price. If any of you can get it out."

OCC: William also knows that it is sitting in the fire to keep it warm so that it will continue to mature and while it will not die if not kept warm it will greatly slow down its time to hatching.

M Dwarf Inquisitor(Living Grimoire) 37/37,Init5,F7R2W6,AC18T13FF16

A dragon egg? That would make a fine meal for all of us.

Male Grippli

That was a bad... beating. Shaking his head, the battered grippli wanders about in search of threats.

Stone calls out from the right of the entrance, "There is a body over here, and it appears to be alive Dáin."

OCC: If you are searching please make an active or indicate you are using your passive perception (aka Take-10) or if you Take-20.

Male Grippli

Perception: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (12) + 10 = 22

Looking about Grün notices strange symbols on the wall a pile of stuff where Stone found a living person. To banners with a crude picture on it that resembles a crescent moon but with tusks, eyes, and a hooked nose. These banners hand on the walls on either side of the area and conceal a small room that appears to be filled with mushrooms. Against the far wall is a large stone that appears to be blocking an opening. Looking at the size of the stone it would considerable effort to move it.

Male Grippli

Hey, what this stuff... these things. Come look. He waves folks over, pointing to this and that as they approach.

If you come over, read the above spoiler.

Female Aquatic Elf Druid 3

I feel bad taking draconic NOW, but that is a wise choice, and so would normal elven. So I'll get them.

Salaha feels both the pain and anguish from the symbols, and tries her best to trace them back again, making sure she heard everything right. But with William telling her that is a dragon's egg, she frowns deeply. A dragon's egg is both a gift and a curse, but that was not due to anything outside of the dragon itself. It could be a friend?

" Here, let us care for the egg, and perhaps a reward will be ours. Do not think that someone able to pay the price of a dragon will be a good person, that is how folly leads to evil. I shall help it. I can hear it's call. It is in pain, and able to speak."

Unless stopped, Salaha will go over and try to retrieve the egg, and try to figure out the best way to care for it.

OCC: Nothing wrong with it as it was my suggestion. ;-) just trying to help things move forward more smoothly. Nice cover on Salaha's part though.

M Dwarf Inquisitor(Living Grimoire) 37/37,Init5,F7R2W6,AC18T13FF16

Dain contemplates a huge omlet.

Male Human Evoker 3
Salaha Driftmare wrote:

" Here, let us care for the egg, and perhaps a reward will be ours. Do not think that someone able to pay the price of a dragon will be a good person, that is how folly leads to evil. I shall help it. I can hear it's call. It is in pain, and able to speak."

"Perhaps we can find it's family," said William. "As long as the dragon doesn't shout us apart."

William knows that Green Dragons tend to be evil. However, whether this is an intricate aspect of their nature or something ingrained in them in their upbringing is not specifically known. Still the chances are if you find its mother you might end up being invited for dinner as the appetizer.

Stone again calls out, "Dáin overhear we got a living human but he appears to be uh... asleep and I cannot wake him?"

Female Aquatic Elf Druid 3

" We shall bring it with us, and I'll carry it in my pack. That should help keep it warm, and we can check on whoever this is Stone found. If nothing of value was found on the goblins, I'll have Snapper get him some lunch, and I will heal those I can. Then afterwards we can go on a hunt for a mother dragon perhaps."

With that Salaha will remove the egg carefully from the fire, taking her time to do so, before placing it among her other carried items, for if nothing else she will at least be the one most likely able to care for it.

M Dwarf Inquisitor(Living Grimoire) 37/37,Init5,F7R2W6,AC18T13FF16

Dain heads over to Stone to look at the man, checking to see if he is injured.
Heal: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (4) + 4 = 8

Don't we have some kind of ritual to do here?

Dáin's quick glance tells him nothing other than the man is unconscious.

OCC: Dáin can Take-10 or even Take-20 on this if he likes, unless taking the extra time is not something he wants to do right now.

Also, more than one person has been hinted at that something magical is going on here. I do not make these seemingly casual comments for no reason ;-) and I hope as we move forward these kind of clues and perhaps even sublter ones will be things you all learn to watch for.

Also in case no one went back to read it, Grün pointed out the following other things:
... 1) A large stone blocking a small cave opening
... 2) Two side caves covered by wall banners of an evil crude looking crescent shaped moon.

CG Human Female (she/her/hers) Brawler 3 | HP: 31/40 AC 19 T 13 FF 16 F +6 R +6 W +5 | Martial Flexibility 4/4

While it is understandable that at first glance, the unconscious person might be assumed to be a man, based on the height, muscle, and short black hair, she is in fact female. Pronouns: she/her.

The unconscious woman has a tattoo of a jaguar on her cheek and another more elaborate one on her sternum. A close look at the cheek tattoo will detect a brand mark, which once marked her as a slave. Her body has a number of scars on her face, neck, arms, torso, and legs. They are not deliberate as is sometimes done by savages in the jungle, but evidently the result of combat or work accidents. Her nose is crooked, likely having been broken a few times.

The character had limited equipment as created. Chain Shirt, Heavy Wooden Shield, MWK Handwraps, Dagger, Spear (5), Sling, 10 sling bullets. These are likely in the area. She may be wearing the chain shirt.

Male Human Evoker 3
Salaha Driftmare wrote:

" We shall bring it with us, and I'll carry it in my pack. That should help keep it warm, and we can check on whoever this is Stone found. If nothing of value was found on the goblins, I'll have Snapper get him some lunch, and I will heal those I can. Then afterwards we can go on a hunt for a mother dragon perhaps."

With that Salaha will remove the egg carefully from the fire, taking her time to do so, before placing it among her other carried items, for if nothing else she will at least be the one most likely able to care for it.

"It needs fire to be kept warm," says William. He also adds, "Plus, it's a green dragon egg, so it's family would be found in the swamps. Unless you want to take care of a dragon hatchling."

Female Aquatic Elf Druid 3

" I will carry it in my clothing then. I just know it is in pain, and no creature should suffer that William. But that is also true, greens normally are in swamps, but I am unaware of any being near, so we may in fact have to care for the hatchling. Given what these goblins where doing, I can only imagine the mother is looking for it, but it.. it almost may have been left as well." Salaha seems unsure exactly what the mother did not look for the egg, given they generally are like Snapper and territorial.

Snapper keeps eating the goblins as everyone talks, there is some loud bone snapping.

After a moment she looks further at the signs and everything, trying to puzzle out what everything meant, retracing the symbols as she holds the eggs. After a moment she ask William " What do you make of these banners and symbols? Have you seen them previous?"

K. Nature: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (6) + 10 = 16

Salaha Knowledge(Nature):
While Salaha knows next to nothing about Green Dragons she does know about large animals, especially animals large enough to lay an egg this big. An animal this large would definitely have an impact upon the local animal population and she would have most likely heard something about it. Even with Hool Marsh being perpetually covered in fog and being as large as it is a single animal that size would have a significant impact and since it takes at least two such animals then she would have definitely heard at least rumors of such a beast and she has not heard any such rumors. So the question becomes where did this egg come from, if it did not come from the Hool Marshes or how are these two huge animals masking their presence so that the animal population is completely unaware of their existence.

With the combat with the Goblins finally over for the time being, the group went about investigating the current area. Other than an unconscious prisoner and pile of human sized clothing and other non-metallic adventuring gear, they find that behind the two banners on either side of the room are small low ceilinged rooms containing mushrooms. One room contains mushrooms that no one has ever seen and the other contains a patch of mushrooms that Dáin recognizes as the Ironbloom Mushrooms that they are looking for. The room also seems to contain lost of metal items like armor, weapons, and other metallic sundries. Jazlyn is able to recover her metallic gear from this room as it was only recently deposited within, the rest of the items are badly damaged by the fungi.

With the eventual revival of the Goblin prisoner, Jazlyn the group gained more insights about the Goblins and what they were up to. From her sketchy details that she overheard during her hallucinative state, she explains that the Goblins had come from deep within the Underdark and were planning on returning there once they had fully enslaved the dragon within the egg using the magic associated with some god named Khnum.

Knowledge(Religion) Rank 1+:
Khnum the Master of Runes is an ancient primordial god one of the ancient choas gods of the inner planes of Oerth.
With this information the three spell casters combine their knowledge and abilities to determine that the runes on the walls are radiating transmutational magic which they find by defacing the rune it breaks its magic, however it is unclear how much affect they have had upon the dragon egg. With the runes defaced Salaha senses that issues within the egg have calmed and perhaps she could leave it on the fire for now but she would not want to leave it unprotected.

Still needed to complete what they came here for the group splits up with some going back to help take the body to the top so the ritual can be performed and others staying behind to secure the area and make sure the egg and those watching remain safe.

Eventually those heading to the top return and the group settles in for the night. Then with some help from the others they find that the stone covers the initial passage that they found when they were outside. So it appears perhaps the Goblin spell caster may have used this to escape.

During the rest of that day Dáin is able to harvest the Ironbloom Mushrooms that they need and that night the egg hatches and Salaha becomes the surrogate mother of a very young green dragon {Animal Companion}.

The next morning has the group return to Shekla and their Grippli antourage to the tree house where most of the Grippli depart along with Shekla who says to return whenever they need her services. Prior to leaving Shekla finds the Rat's Tail that the group needed for the cure. This leaves just the Elderwood Moss which from what she finds within the treehouse can be found deeper within the swamp that the tree house is a part of. She also found information that this swamp contains various predators that might pose a problem with its retrieval.

OCC: I will provide a list of the minor treasure as the dragon egg and Ironbloom Mushrooms were the major treasure find with the Goblins. Other than that the group might want to make some plans for their next journey deeper into the swamp.

Oh and Salaha I will post the stats on your new animal companion -- assuming you accept it and let snapper go that is.

Also if the players want to ask any questions or make any additional skill checks about what I have presented please do so. This is just the basic overview based on skills and such. This does not include any creative thinking on the players' part.

Female Aquatic Elf Druid 3

I think Salaha would commune with nature and realizing that Snapper could survive by himself, but the dragon could not, not without destroying the local environment when he grew up, she would take the dragon, if only because it was better for the Marsh.

Salaha says her goodbyes to Snapper, noting his growth and thanking both him for his service, and the natural order for giving her time with him. Sometimes things must be given up for the greater good, and though it did pain her to lose Snapper, she had a duty to the swamps, and prevention of a worse incident later now was something she had to do. Though she had little.idea what to call the small dragon, because they were intelligent and smart enough to name themselves. She would ask for it's name and general sense of self.

Male Human Evoker 3
Salaha Driftmare wrote:

After a moment she looks further at the signs and everything, trying to puzzle out what everything meant, retracing the symbols as she holds the eggs. After a moment she ask William " What do you make of these banners and symbols? Have you seen them previous?"

K. Nature: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (6) + 10 = 16

Knowledge Arcana: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (18) + 10 = 28

William Knowledge:
William scrutinizes the banners and ponders a bit {Switching Arcana to Underdark} and he recalls some information he had come across his teachings and these seem to be Bad Moon Banners which are associated with group of Goblins that are exclusively found within the Underdark. However, they sometimes breach the surface world, and are known to be rather crazy from a human perspective and are known to use mushrooms to augment their abilities with a determent to their mental abilities.

CG Human Female (she/her/hers) Brawler 3 | HP: 31/40 AC 19 T 13 FF 16 F +6 R +6 W +5 | Martial Flexibility 4/4

Jazlyn is grateful to the group for rescuing her from certain death. When they get back to Dunwich, Jazlyn explains that she had joined another group of adventurers who planned to locate the ingredients for the cure, but they bungled things, got captured, and only she survived long enough to be rescued.

She volunteers to join the current team, since they have shown themselves to be more capable.

For those who want to know more about Jazlyn, she will gladly tell her story. See Jazlyn's profile for her background story. Since all the adventurers are assumed to be from the area originally, some may know of her for earlier meetings.

Jazlyn wants to help, so she shares what she knows about the part of the swamp they'll have to get to and the dangers therein.

Knowledge (Geography): 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (20) + 3 = 23
Knowledge (Nature): 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (7) + 7 = 14
Knowledge (Local): 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (1) + 6 = 7
Survival: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (18) + 8 = 26

Male Human Psion 10/Atlanteologist 10
DunwichStoryteller wrote:

fter a moment she looks further at the signs and everything, trying to puzzle out what everything meant, retracing the symbols as she holds the eggs. After a moment she ask William " What do you make of these banners and symbols? Have you seen them previous?"

"It's been a while, actually," says William. "But, to tell the truth I think these symbols are actually representative of their deity. Bad Moon Banners. It's related to a group of underdark goblins."

M Dwarf Inquisitor(Living Grimoire) 37/37,Init5,F7R2W6,AC18T13FF16

Let's secure these ingredients for the cure. If we all get killed out there, at least the ingredients will be safe.

Shekla says, "You can leave them here with me, I am sure that I, the tree and the Grippli will be able to keep them safe and you can simply pick them up on you way back as you are headed into town."

Female Aquatic Elf Druid 3

"So we have underdark goblins trying to corrupt a poor little dragon, drugging and killing people... You land walkers surely need help with many things. We shall cure the illness, then perhaps look into these goblins. How did they get an egg is a great question, and you shall have to inform us more of this underdark. Does it have waters?"

Salaha would be spending the time bonding with the dragon, trying out different things to feed it and care for it while the exchange the gear and other items before heading out.

" I am Salaha, but you are not known to me really. What skills do you have that will help us? I do not wish to have you harmed if we can avoid it. This might be more dangerous than we thought."

CG Human Female (she/her/hers) Brawler 3 | HP: 31/40 AC 19 T 13 FF 16 F +6 R +6 W +5 | Martial Flexibility 4/4

"I'm a fighter mainly," Jazlyn says, making a pair of fists as she speaks and holding them up like she is ready to box. "I grew up in a jungle, so I'm used to dealing with the wilderness. I'm a good climber and swimmer, for what it's worth. I've learned a thing or two about underground areas and nature."

Male Grippli

One grippli walks around the new human... examining it with his eyes.

CG Human Female (she/her/hers) Brawler 3 | HP: 31/40 AC 19 T 13 FF 16 F +6 R +6 W +5 | Martial Flexibility 4/4

Jazlyn watches the Gripli as intently as he watches her, but says nothing.

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