Hybrid World (Inactive)

Game Master Reckless

Timeline of the Hybrid World

Year Event(s)
Pre-History Vandal Savage gains immortality due to exposure to meteorite

1941 Steve Rogers is given the Super Soldier formula and becomes Captain America

1943 A 12 year old Erik Leshner discovers his mutant ability to manipulate magnetic fields at Dachau and attracts the attention of Vandal Savage in the Guise of Dr. Heinrich VonKraus.

1944 After months of experimentation, Leshner is freed along with other Prisoners by Nicholas Fury's Howling Commandos and Captain America

1953 Erik Leshner and Charles Xavier, another young mutant, meet in a field hospital during the Korean War

1971 Captain America, Nicolas Fury, and the rest of the Howling Commandos are killed in action in Vietnam.

1973 The Secret Brothehood of Mutants, led by Leshner, now calling himself Magneto, and Xavier, now styling himself Mindbender, and consisting of Leshner and Xavier's children (Wanda Leshner aka Scarlet Witch, Pietro Leshner aka Quicksilver, and David Xavier aka Legion) put an end to the Vietnam War, forcing the North Vietnamese into unconditional surrender.

1974 The Secret Brotherhood of Mutants, rebranded as just the "Brotherhood" receives official recognition by the US Government and become recognized as the first "Superheroes." Mindbender rebrands himself "Professor X"

1974-1976 The Brotherhood gain worldwide fame, not just saving American lives, but lives across the globe. Magneto and Professor X build Cerebro, a device capable of locating mutants and expanding Professor X's powers exponentially. They lead a recruiting effort to gather other mutants to their cause. Vandal Savage along with Professor Anthony Ivo and Boliver Trask convince several world governments to fund the Amazo Project, aimed at safeguarding humanity against the "encroachment" of mutantkind.

1977 A war between mutantkind and the Amazo army results in the death of thousands of mutants and widespread destruction across the globe. Wanda dies in David's arms and her mind and abilities are absorbed by David, whose shattered mind cannot handle the influx of chaos. With three words, David ends the mutant-Amazo war. "No More Machines."

1978 With the majority of the world's mutants dead and the unforseen technological consequences of David's action, the world turns on the Brotherhood. Charles Xavier, mourning the loss of Erik, Pietro, Wanda, and so many others, as well being unable to piece together his son's mind, performs the drastic final action of removing the existance of mutants from every mind on the planet. His manipulations include forcing individuals with proof of mutants existence to destroy such evidence. The strain of performing this act kills Xavier. It also creates a signal strong enough to be detected by several advanced species on a galactic scale.

1982 Citizens of Gotham City begin telling tales of a mysterious bat-like figure stalking the night and meting punishment out to criminals. Gothamites hail this Batman as a hero, but the Gotham PD has differing opinions on his activities.

1983 Vandal Savage's mind repairs itself and he remembers the existence of mutants, as well as their whole history. To his frustration, he is unable to retart the Amazo Project.

1984 A slew of masked criminals overtake the Gotham underground, using chemicals and outlandish inventions to terrorize the city. The Batman's war on crime is in full swing when a new vigilante wearing a skull on his chest begins killing members of Carmine Falcone's gang.

1985 Frank Castle's war on the Falcone gang ends with a bullet to Carmine's head. In the aftermath, the Batman captures Castle, sending him to Arkham Asylum for the Criminally Insane. Some speculate it was Castle's plan to be captured, a speculation they considered confirmed when Castle kills Jack Napier, aka the Joker, and several other inmates, during his first week in Arkham.

1987 Bruce Wayne, aka the Batman, unkowingly led there by Vandal Savage, re-discovers the Super Soldier formula. Utilizing it as a tool on his war on crime, the Batman becomes an even more fearsome creature of the night.

1988 Vandal Savage uses modified super soldier formula to enhance a variety of would-be supervillians as a new means of developing weapons against the mutant race, sending them to Gotham to test the Batman, his most successful subject to date

1989 A young Tony Stark inherits his father's business, becoming one of the wealthiest men in America overnight. His unflappable ego drives him to push the boundaries of technology, but he meets strong, unexplainable road blocks at each step along the way. He falls into an alcoholic depression which consumes his wealth and standing.

1991 A ship from the distant world of Krypton crash lands in a Kansas cornfield, it's occupant discovered to be a toddler by Jonathan and Martha Kent. They adopt the child and begin to raise him as their own.

1993 Oliver Queen, thought dead, returns to Starling City. Soon, a vigilante styled after Robin Hood begins an assault on the Starling City underworld and elite alike.

1994 Frank Castle, now stylizing himself "the Punisher" joins the Hood on his crusade for "Justice". Many of the wealthiest criminally connected Starling City residents are killed in the onsuing crusade. The pair are eventually taken into custody by another new hero named Daredevil, in actuality a lawyer and former ward of Bruce Wayne named Mattew Murdock, taken in by the billionaire after the death of his father at the hand of the Falcone for refusing to rig a boxing match.

1995 Tony Stark, recovering from alcoholism, capitalizes on the revelation that the Hood is in fact Oliver Queen to buy out Queen industries. Stark's manuevers make him the richest man in the world.

1997 Bruce Wayne discovers that the Super Soldier formula has slowed his aging process down considerably.

1998 An advanced spacefaring race called the Kree arrive on Earth and begin experimenting with the human genome, creating two divergent strains of humanity dubbed the Inhumans and the Deviants. They also discover that the mutant genome of humanity has been suppressed through unknown means.

1999 Vandal Savage discovers the Kree's experimentation and begins collecting forces to oppose the alien invaders.

2000 Tony Stark claims responsibility for solving the Y2K computer crisis and becomes a worldwide household name.

2001 Vandal Savage introduces himself to Tony Stark and reveals the secrets of Earth's true history to him, including the fact mutants are responsible for the continued decay in humanity's technological capabilities. He convinces Tony to subject himself to the same variant of the Super Soldier formula as Bruce Wayne.

2002 Deviants descend on Gotham City as the Kree test their creations against the Batman

2003 Stark and Savage's combined efforts discover the secret behind the suppression of Earth's Technology and the mutant genome: David Xavier is alive, but being held in an energy chrysalis at the bottom of the Pacific Ocean, undergoing an unfathomable metamorphosis.

2004 The Batman, with help from his new partner Hawkeye and old partner Daredevil, put an end to the Deviants plaguing Gotham City, placing most of them is the newly-developed Reeve's Island Supermax Prison

2005 Stark Industries is able to dredge David Xavier from the depths of the ocean. They transport his cocoon to a secret facility at the South Pole.

2006 Legion is freed from his stasis by Stark and Savage, unleashing a wave of energy across the globe. This attracts the Kree to the South Pole facility, where they confront and are soundly defeated by Legion. Legion displays an amazing array of abilities, surpassing those of any known mutants from the past. He takes on the moniker Phoenix.

2007 Under the direction of Stark and Savage, Phoenix begins a war of annihilation against the Kree on Earth, killing many Inhumans and Deviants as well. Stark develops plans to rid the world of Phoenix and free humanity from the mental blocks placed on technological advancements.

2008 Phoenix's bloodlust overtakes his already unstable mind as he seeks to eradicate the last of the Kree, consuming the city of Metropolis in the process. A young Clark Kent races from his relatively nearby home to face off against the older mutant. Their battle wipes out a good portion of the midwest and ends with both dead.

2009 With Phoenix destroyed, the mutant genome was no longer suppressed and mutants began to develop their abilities. Technology is no longer having its progress blocked, and Stark Industries is in perfect position to surge forward with new inventions to shape and change the world.

2010 The Kree's ancient enemies, the Martians-in-exile, a race of shape-changing, telepathic aliens removed from Earth's neighbor centuries ago, are discovered to be living in disguise on Earth by Stark Industry Agents. Stark shields this information from Savage, knowing his immense dislike of aliens, and offers the Martians-in-exile sanctuary in exchange for helping him infiltrate rival companies, political organizations, and foreign states.

2011 Savage discovers Stark's subterfuge and they have a great falling out. Savage warns against trusting aliens and departs in anger.

2012 Vandal Savage experiments on Inhumans and Deviants to discover the method of genetic manipulation by the Kree. Using the knowledge he gains from these experiments, he begins kidnapping young mutants to perform enhancement experiments on them, taking on the name Sinister.

2013 Sinister's agents scour the globe for Martians-in-exile, seeking to wipe them off the Earth with squads called Martian Marauders, led by "Hounds" with various means of detecting the aliens

2014 Stark Industries introduces the SIT-T (Stark Industries Twenty-Thirty) , an android series personal assistant to the world. Its expense prevents all but the top 5% wealthy individuals from owning one. Asked at a press conference about the name, he explains that Stark technology is at least 16 years ahead of their competition with a smirk.

He manages to disavow any knowledge of Martians-in-exile, placing the blame for their Stark connection on scientist Reed Richards. Richards escapes prosecution along with his fiancé, her brother, and his best friend, Ben Grimm.

2015 Tony Stark privately vows revenge against mutants and vows to protect humanity against mutant-kind- not with robots, but with human-piloted exoskeletons which can match their powers. He begins project Man of Steel.

2016 Tony Stark is elected President of the United States. Officially Tony in no longer in control of Stark Industries, leaving it in the hands of his daughter Mary Stark, whose fierceness earns her the moniker "Bloody Mary" behind closed doors.

2017 Sinister exposes Reed Richards and his friends to terrigen-mist enhanced vaporized super soldier serum, an experiment that petrifies them into stone. Later that year, they escape their stone prisons imbued with elemental powers.

2018 Current Year- The SIT-T2 (Stark Industries Twenty-Thirty Two) has just finished its first production cycle. This less expensive version is sure to become a household must have, retailing at just over $5000.00.