Noah is a confident twenty five year old: not quite six feet tall, muscular build, military short cut brown hair with a regulation mustache.
As Mariner, he usually wears a plain, navy blue jumpsuit with either clouds or water swirling around his face and body to protect his identity.
Noah Weatherby was born in 1993 in Westerly, Rhode Island. His father works at the Naval Undersea Warfare Center in Newport as a mechanical engineer while his mother volunteers at the library. He was regular teenage who was mildly athletic with a hobby in sailing until he was sixteen.
In 2009, when the mutant genome was no longer suppressed, Noah began a mutant growth spurt. With the fear of mutants, he desperately hid his abilities. He followed his plan to stay local and go to the Coast Guard Academy in Groton, Connecticut. In 2014, Noah graduated with a degree in Marine and Environmental Sciences and commission as an Ensign in the United States Coast Guard. Since his mutation, he has moonlighted as a superhero and settled on the name Mariner as his alter ego.
During one of his cruises, his boat intercepted obvious mutants who were disfigured or misshapen on a lightless, suspicious boat. He used his position and powers to enable the mutants to escape and escorted them to the underwater Deviant-built sanctuary for mutants that they called Atlantis. The inhabitants called themselves Vodyanoi and rejected Noah, because he looked too human. Despite his rejection, he has protected Atlantis and escorted other mutant refugees there.
He is currently Lieutenant Junior Grade Noah Weatherby, an active duty officer at the US Coast Guard Station Starling City. As Mariner, he cruises behind the cover of clouds or underwater. When he interacts with anyone, he has practiced to keep either clouds or water swirling around his face and body to protect his identity.
Noah is in the prime of his life. Full of sense of duty and service. He hides his mutant condition, because he must.
* Motivation: Responsibility - With great power comes great responsibility
* Identity - Lieutenant Junior Grade Noah Weatherby
* Power Loss (Lightning Bolt, Weather Control, & Wind Control) - Needs an atmosphere
* Prejudice - Mutant
* Relationship - Family
* Relationship - Coasties
* Responsibility - United States Coast Guard
* Secret - Atlantis
POWER LEVEL & POINTS Power Level: 12
Power Points Built: 180
• Power Points Earned: 0
• Power Points Spent: 0
Power Points Total: 180
• Abilities: 90
• Defense: 17
• Powers: 66
• Advantages: 3
• Skills: 4
Water Vision Immunity 1 (Clouds, Fog, & Rain) & Senses 1 (Darkvision) (Flaws: only underwater) [2 pts]
Fog of War Feature 1 (Quick Change) [1 pt]
Minor Weather Effects Feature 2 (Create small gusts of wind, roughly equal to a –5 rank Move Object effect, able to scatter small, light objects, ruffle hair or clothing, blow off hats, etc.; Create tiny “micro-storms” focused enough to water potted plants or to shower beneath [2 pts]
Stormy Moods Feature 1 (The weather dramatically reflects your emotions, giving you a circumstance bonus for appropriate interaction skill checks [like Intimidation]) [1 pt]
• Wind Rider AE: Flight 4 (Move = 500 ft or 30 mph) [1 pt]
Weather & Water Control Environment 8 (1 mile radius; 4 pts of effect; Extreme Cold, Impede Movement [reduce movement by 2 ranks, -5 Acrobatics/Athletics], Visibility [-5 modifier to Perception checks]; Extra: Selective, Precise) [37 pts]
• Wind Control AE: Damaging Move Object 12 (100 tons), Area Burst (30 ft radius), Affects Insubstantial (Full effect vs. Fluid & Gaseous) (Flaws; Concentration) [1 pt]
• Water Control AE: Damaging Move Object 12 (100 tons), Area Burst (30 ft radius), Affects Insubstantial (Full effect vs. Fluid & Gaseous) (Flaws; only underwater) [1 pt]
ADVANTAGES – 3 points
Favored Environment (Underwater), Move-by Attack, Power Attack