Anya Jeggare

Oddball 2's page

56 posts. Alias of Critzible.

Full Name

Elizabeth "Lizzie" Healy-Conrad


Altered Human


health- 120 Karma- 20








Currently New York, New York.




Lab Tech at NYU

About Oddball 2

Elizabeth "lizzie" Healey-Conrad
Altered Human
Age:24 Hgt:5'5" Wgt:100 Hair:Blonde Eye:Green
Agility- Incredible[40]
Reason-Good [10]

Health-120 Karma-20 Resources-Good[10] Popularity:-5

Martial Supremacy:Remarkable [30] rank. Lizzie has an uncanny ability to use any thrown weapon as if a skilled user. Shurikens, boomerangs, darts and especially Juggling balls! She has trained with them since she was a child, with her father her mother and her uncles!

Thrown weapons are considered thrown at Monstrous[70] Skill

Hyper-Invention: Remarkable[30] Elizabeth has always been good at putting things together and taking them apart. She once did that to her uncle Tenpins back pack and even messed with her mothers explosives! She though excelled in this and could adapt technology from other things she had seen or played with. it was this that helped her get her scholarship to school.

Inventions are considered created as if she possessed an Amazing[50] Reason

Hyper-leaping: Excellent[20] During a time when her parents where contracted by some A.I.M. scientists, Lizzie was knocked out by a crazed doctor who altered her DNA and muscle structure to give her better strength and build her legs muscles greatly.

Leaps are considered done at an Excellent[20] ability

Her fathers weapons are locked away in some facility some where after his death, but she created his costume in his honor. As well as a set of hard steel-rubber mesh balls she uses in combat. Right now she has but 1 type but is working on some more!

"Oddballs": these spheres of many colors are well balanced and the size of tennis balls. they do bounce, but can deal some damage.
material strength Excellent[20] and they deal Excellent[20] damage!

Acrobatics: her father was an accomplished performer before he went into crime. thus she followed in his foot steps finding her self taking classes often at gyms around the countries they went to, when she could. She thus gains +1cs to Dodge,Evade, and Escape

Weapon Specialist(Oddballs): After creating the Oddballs she trained with them. Her family had taught her a lot about juggling and how to effectively use the spheres as a weapons. She thus trained hard and learned how to balance and properly use these weapons once she used them. this also was with the guidance of Dr. McCoy her professor and guide. Gains +2CS with the Oddballs. And +1CS initative with them as well. Her Oddballs are considered to hit on the Sh-X.

Repair/tinkering: elizabeth has always found a way to build and play with various devices and machines. Her Family and there odd jobs took them many places to meet many people. she has played with Hydra tech, ULTIMATUM tech, even A.I.M. tech before as a teenager. She carried this on to her collegiate days and Impressed her faculty supervisor Dr. McCoy. allows Elizabeth to play with and alter existing technology with this skill,

Martial Arts B: Elizabeth was taught by an instructor when she was younger Kickboxing so her parents non heroic enemies would have to deal with her fury. Later she learned Mu Tai kickboxing while in college,
+1CS to all unarmed combat. She attacks in unarmed combat as if on the Amazing level.


Death Throws: Her true family is here with them. Ringleader, Tenpin, Oddball,Knick Knack, and Bombshell. They where her real family and took care of her when she was younger.

Dr.Henry "Hank" McCoy/Beast: Beast was her teacher at NYC. She took his introduction into Technology. She also became romantically envovled with him. She even accepted his furry form as she and him connected mentally. She still works in his lab and tends to it when he is away. Professor Xavier pulled strings to let beast keep his lab, as did tony Stark and the United States government, thanks to his Avengers credentials. Both of them still have feelings for each other and often fall into old habits. Lizabeth uses Hanks lab often to keep record of his experiments as well as her own.

Elizabeth was born to Elton Healy and Wendy Conrad, or other wise known as Oddball and Bombshell. Elizabeth "Lizzie" grew up with them and enjoyed the Juggling. She was born after the bounty on Hawkeyes' arm, and before her mothers Femizon days. Here when her family the 'Death Throws' she learned from them various things and played with there stuff.

When she was a bit older and was with her father at "The Bar with No Name'. She played darts with some odd fellow with a Bullseye symbol on his fore head. She played darts with ease with him and the too oddly shared milk together. Later she would find out he was Bulleye! Her father and the rest of the Death Throws went out on a mission, they left her with a creepy guy in a skull mask.

The man taught her how to fight and honed her throwing skills a little more. Taskmaster was a dutiful teacher, yet she didn't know him as Taskmaster but Sensei. Later when she learned of him and his part in her fathers death she cried and sobbed. Her parents returned defeated and the team temporarily broke up. She went bake and forth between her mom and dad, but when they were arrested she went to live with her uncle Alvin. Alvin enrolled her into an actual school, and excelled.

It was also during this time around her 12 birth day that when taking a field trip she met with her father and he took her to some place to show her the cool Science stuff. it was an A.I.M. Facility. there her father left her under the care of A.I.M. She oddly found her self sedated and was irradiated and altered under the machines. She thus gained a more stronger frame and musculature.

When they returned from there respective incarcerations and special projects Elizabeth was Graduating High school and was valedictorian. Form there she went to NYC where she got a decent scholarship as well as money from the Death Throws. She impressed the science department with her replica model of Dr. Pyms Ant-Man helmet. She was assigned to the mutant Doctor.. A Doctor Henry "Hank" McCoy. She was assigned when they found out she was the daughter of supervillains.

She found him enthralling and managed to get into a fling with Beast. he broke it off when he left the school under the duress of his powers acting up again. She understood and told him she understood. As she graduated school she found out about her fathers death in Madripoor in a series of Super human fights, trying to get some money. He though was killed by the Head hunter. This made her seek out and stop supervillains. though her family were all villians they never really were as bad as all the others. She fears a scenerio trying to apprehend her parents and some of there fond friends she had met but with Dr. McCoys support adn her "Oddballs" she created in his lab, she will fight them in the costume of her father as Oddball 2!

She struck out fighting a few smaller villains. She fought the Ani-Men and did so easily. She now is seeking to test her self with even more villains. She is now out trying to right the wrongs, and make Oddball not associated with villainy but heroics!