Hybrid World (Inactive)

Game Master Reckless

Current Characters

Grundhu the Derhii
Grand Lodge Critzible

Male Aasimar Wizard 18/ Rogue2
(2,357 posts)
Liberty's Edge Reckless

Male Human Commoner 2
(4,251 posts)
Vane Oreld
"Mariner" Noah Weatherby

Damaged 0 | Hero Points 1 | Perception +5 | Initiative +1 | Dodge 13 | Parry 13 | Toughness 11 | Fortitude 11 | Will 10

played by Jubal Breakbottle (62 posts)
Ramona Avandth
The Dazzling Canary

Init+ 6 | Dodge 16 Parry 4 Toughness 8 | Fortitude 8 Will 16 | Perception +21 (Darkvision) |Vision 1, | Hero Points: 1 |

played by FluidSynchronicity (37 posts)
The Nightwing

played by Philo Pharynx (40 posts)
Rima Kell

Female Augmented Mutant | Initiative +10/+14 | Toughness 10 | Dodge 10/14 | Parry 12 | Fortitude 10 | Will 7 | Perception +10 | Hero Pts 0 | OMAX-23
Normal Sight [Extended], Normal Hearing [Extended], Scent [Extended, Ranged, Accurate, Acute, Tracking], Low-Light Vision, Microscopic Vision

played by Black Dow (43 posts)
Anaphexia Assassin
Oddball the 2nd

played by Critzible (69 posts)

Art Init+ 3 | Dodge 3 Parry 4 Toughness 20 (10 impervious) | Fortitude 15 Will 9 | Perception +17 (Extended Hearing 4, Accurate, Analytical, Penetrates Concealment, Ultra-Hearing, |Vision 1, | Hero Points: 0| Luck 0

played by tumbler (61 posts)