GM Chyro: No plunder, no pay (Inactive)

Game Master Chyrone

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VC - Sydney, Australia

Out of Synch for ages - have my 5 Stars and 5 Novas now so don't mind :)

VC - Sydney, Australia
GM Chyro wrote:

Sorry for the delay, week's been a bit busier than expected.

Link to chronicles

Thank you! :)

That was a fun adventure!

Anyone tracking what is next?

Loot sheet No plunder, no pay Battle map--Misc info slides

I don't know, i tried checking for plans after this, but i think i was last in line with this. :)

Loot sheet No plunder, no pay Battle map--Misc info slides

Has everyone downloaded their chronicles?
So i know when i can remove it from activity. :)

And a good weekend to everyone.

VC - Sydney, Australia

All done - thanks for GMing!

Look forward to our next adventure.

The Exchange

Half-Orc Slayer lvl 10/ Hunter (feral hunter) lvl 1
Tracked Resources:
Boots of Speed 6/10, Mask 3/3, Orc Ferocity 1/1, Spells 1st 2/2 (Cure Light Wounds, Feather Step) At Will (Detect Magic, Guidance, Mending, Resistance)
HP 113/113 | AC 2725 FF 2220 T 17 CMD 3332 | Init +6 | Saves (Fort +17, Reflex +16, Will +8)| Per +16, SenMot +7| Spd 30' Animal Focus Active: frog| Effects Active: barkskin, water breathing|

Yes, I downloaded it

Thanks GM Chyro - Great jobb!

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