GM Chyro: No plunder, no pay
Game Master
Loot sheet No plunder, no pay Battle map--Misc info slides
Jacques, you have ships??
Those must've cost a small fortune.
What type is that Sevenfingers?
Half-Orc Slayer lvl 10/ Hunter (feral hunter) lvl 1 HP 113/113 | AC 2725 FF 2220 T 17 CMD 3332 | Init +6 | Saves (Fort +17, Reflex +16, Will +8)| Per +16, SenMot +7| Spd 30' Animal Focus Active: frog| Effects Active: barkskin, water breathing|
When making day job checks everyone gets a +3 bonus do to Unnvar's Faction Journal Card "Chairperson" ability.
Female LG follower of Sarenrae | human (actually mostly human Ifrit) | freckles, sweet, naive, fierce personality in battle | Outsider (Native), Humanoid (human) | Resistances: Elec. 3, Acid 3, Fire 2, Cold 3 | Smite 1/1 | Boots of Speed 10/10 | Swashbuckler 5, Paladin 2, Unchained Monk 3, Bloodrager 1 | HP 106/106 | Protector Familiar HP 53 | with mage armor/rage: AC 35, T 30, FF 24 | CMD 37 | F: +23, R: +25 (Evasion), W: +17 | Init: +13 | Perc: -2, SM: -2 | Ki Pool 7/7 | Stunning Fist 6/6 | Rage 6/6 | LoH 7/7 | Panache 6/6 + Plume 1/1 | Reroll 1/1 + Lesson of H. 1/1 | Eefriti Magic 1/1 | Darkvision 60ft | Speed 40ft | Active cond.: +4 Dex
I purchase a scroll of water breathing. 375 gp.

Female LG follower of Sarenrae | human (actually mostly human Ifrit) | freckles, sweet, naive, fierce personality in battle | Outsider (Native), Humanoid (human) | Resistances: Elec. 3, Acid 3, Fire 2, Cold 3 | Smite 1/1 | Boots of Speed 10/10 | Swashbuckler 5, Paladin 2, Unchained Monk 3, Bloodrager 1 | HP 106/106 | Protector Familiar HP 53 | with mage armor/rage: AC 35, T 30, FF 24 | CMD 37 | F: +23, R: +25 (Evasion), W: +17 | Init: +13 | Perc: -2, SM: -2 | Ki Pool 7/7 | Stunning Fist 6/6 | Rage 6/6 | LoH 7/7 | Panache 6/6 + Plume 1/1 | Reroll 1/1 + Lesson of H. 1/1 | Eefriti Magic 1/1 | Darkvision 60ft | Speed 40ft | Active cond.: +4 Dex
Hello GM and everyone, I just realized that Setare is already level 11 - will update her profile asap but probably cannot do that until Monday!
Some more information also on the ability interactions of note for Setare:
- As a ‘Whirling Dervish’ Swashbuckler she always tries to parry/ riposte and has dex to damage with one-handed piercing weapons and Scimitars. She uses a cestus .
- As an Unchained Monk she flurries with a cestus as this a monk weapon.
- As an Unchained Monk Scaled Fist her Charisma is used and not her Wisdom for class abilities.
- As an Unchained Monk Softstrike Monk archetype she can deal nonlethal damage without penalties and uses this with the Enforcer feat to intimidate as a free action. She can also deliver a ‘stunning fist’ with a weapon when dealing nonlethal damage.
- She has the Bodyguard feat and uses 3-4 AoO to give +4 AC to allies with the Adopted Halfling Helpful trait. (see background in case you’re interested in the Katsu of Halfling/Ifrit/Kitsune family)
- She usually fights defensively and has the Crane Style, Crane Wing, Osyluth Guile feats for +4 dodge bonus in general, +8 dodge bonus vs. melee attacks and + 13 dodge bonus vs. a single melee opponent.
- When she smites she also receives additional benefits including a her Charisma as a deflection bonus to AC. This stacks with the general charisma to AC from Scaled Fist Monk and her charisma as a dodge bonus to AC from the feat Osyluth Guile.
Thanks again for GMing.

Female LG follower of Sarenrae | human (actually mostly human Ifrit) | freckles, sweet, naive, fierce personality in battle | Outsider (Native), Humanoid (human) | Resistances: Elec. 3, Acid 3, Fire 2, Cold 3 | Smite 1/1 | Boots of Speed 10/10 | Swashbuckler 5, Paladin 2, Unchained Monk 3, Bloodrager 1 | HP 106/106 | Protector Familiar HP 53 | with mage armor/rage: AC 35, T 30, FF 24 | CMD 37 | F: +23, R: +25 (Evasion), W: +17 | Init: +13 | Perc: -2, SM: -2 | Ki Pool 7/7 | Stunning Fist 6/6 | Rage 6/6 | LoH 7/7 | Panache 6/6 + Plume 1/1 | Reroll 1/1 + Lesson of H. 1/1 | Eefriti Magic 1/1 | Darkvision 60ft | Speed 40ft | Active cond.: +4 Dex
Ok, a workshop was cancelled and I leveled up!
Profile is level 11 now. I went with a level of Bloodrager and chose a Draconic Bloodline familiar with the Protector Archetype and which I enhanced with the Boon Companion Feat to be a Level 5 familiar to gain the damage sharing ability.
Shield Master (Su)
At 5th level, whenever a protector or its master takes hit point damage, as long as the protector and its master are touching, its master can split the damage evenly between them as if under the effects of shield other. This replaces deliver touch spells and speak with animals of its kind.
VC - Sydney, Australia
OK another one to keep track of - Blackjack gets a Rangers favoured enemy bonus against 'Slavers or slave owners'.
Loot sheet No plunder, no pay Battle map--Misc info slides
Has Blackjack played Slave pits of Absalom, by chance?
Neat ranger bonus.
The prison staff are not slavers or slave owners, though.
VC - Sydney, Australia
He never went through the Slave pits sadly!
VC - Sydney, Australia
Merry Christmas all!
Just off to Christmas lunch, then it is the customary nap after a big meal followed by the rest of the afternoon in the swimming pool out of the heat.
male|cleric 10|hp 93/93|AC:25 T:12 FF:24|CMB+9, CMD21|Fort+12, Ref+6, Will+14, +2 vs poison|Init+1, senses darkvision 60' Perc:+5|used: dwarf cleric 10|spells used: Bless of fervor, searing light, flame strike, magic circ vs evil|touch of good 8/8 remaining|acid dart 8/8 remaining|channels 4/5 remaining|
Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and all. Hope you all have time to enjoy things. Swimming on Christmas is a little optimistic here, but enjoy.
VC - Sydney, Australia
26c/80f and sunny here at 1730... It's lovely!
Female LG follower of Sarenrae | human (actually mostly human Ifrit) | freckles, sweet, naive, fierce personality in battle | Outsider (Native), Humanoid (human) | Resistances: Elec. 3, Acid 3, Fire 2, Cold 3 | Smite 1/1 | Boots of Speed 10/10 | Swashbuckler 5, Paladin 2, Unchained Monk 3, Bloodrager 1 | HP 106/106 | Protector Familiar HP 53 | with mage armor/rage: AC 35, T 30, FF 24 | CMD 37 | F: +23, R: +25 (Evasion), W: +17 | Init: +13 | Perc: -2, SM: -2 | Ki Pool 7/7 | Stunning Fist 6/6 | Rage 6/6 | LoH 7/7 | Panache 6/6 + Plume 1/1 | Reroll 1/1 + Lesson of H. 1/1 | Eefriti Magic 1/1 | Darkvision 60ft | Speed 40ft | Active cond.: +4 Dex
Rainy and cloudy in Germany. ;)
Half-Orc Slayer lvl 10/ Hunter (feral hunter) lvl 1 HP 113/113 | AC 2725 FF 2220 T 17 CMD 3332 | Init +6 | Saves (Fort +17, Reflex +16, Will +8)| Per +16, SenMot +7| Spd 30' Animal Focus Active: frog| Effects Active: barkskin, water breathing|
Merry Christmas to all!
We have a white Christmas this year and a cold one, just opened gifts and working on getting the heavy luncheon ready now! Hope you all have/had a great one.
Loot sheet No plunder, no pay Battle map--Misc info slides
Hopefully the holidays were good for everyone.
From merry days with the family, let us return to the storm ravaged scene of a prison bastion.
VC - Sydney, Australia
happy New Years from here in 2023!
Female LG follower of Sarenrae | human (actually mostly human Ifrit) | freckles, sweet, naive, fierce personality in battle | Outsider (Native), Humanoid (human) | Resistances: Elec. 3, Acid 3, Fire 2, Cold 3 | Smite 1/1 | Boots of Speed 10/10 | Swashbuckler 5, Paladin 2, Unchained Monk 3, Bloodrager 1 | HP 106/106 | Protector Familiar HP 53 | with mage armor/rage: AC 35, T 30, FF 24 | CMD 37 | F: +23, R: +25 (Evasion), W: +17 | Init: +13 | Perc: -2, SM: -2 | Ki Pool 7/7 | Stunning Fist 6/6 | Rage 6/6 | LoH 7/7 | Panache 6/6 + Plume 1/1 | Reroll 1/1 + Lesson of H. 1/1 | Eefriti Magic 1/1 | Darkvision 60ft | Speed 40ft | Active cond.: +4 Dex
Half-Orc Slayer lvl 10/ Hunter (feral hunter) lvl 1 HP 113/113 | AC 2725 FF 2220 T 17 CMD 3332 | Init +6 | Saves (Fort +17, Reflex +16, Will +8)| Per +16, SenMot +7| Spd 30' Animal Focus Active: frog| Effects Active: barkskin, water breathing|
10 hours of 2022 left here...but we'll get a jump on it and say Happy New Year!!
Half-Orc Slayer lvl 10/ Hunter (feral hunter) lvl 1 HP 113/113 | AC 2725 FF 2220 T 17 CMD 3332 | Init +6 | Saves (Fort +17, Reflex +16, Will +8)| Per +16, SenMot +7| Spd 30' Animal Focus Active: frog| Effects Active: barkskin, water breathing|
I'll be out of town starting later today until next Friday (1/13) with little to no internet access. Please bot me as needed. Thanks!!
Loot sheet No plunder, no pay Battle map--Misc info slides
Blackjack, maybe of interest for you.
It would seem that, even large sized, a roc has but 5 ft reach.
A constrictor snake, also large, does as well.
Discussed here, for one.
VC - Sydney, Australia
Interesting - checks out, I'll adjust the roc position :)
Loot sheet No plunder, no pay Battle map--Misc info slides
If someone wants to bot our other team members, go ahead, i otherwise will when home from work.
Sorry for the silence.
VC - Sydney, Australia
Done :)
Was just Ikit outstanding
Loot sheet No plunder, no pay Battle map--Misc info slides
As prior, if someone wants to bot Ikit, go ahead.
Time for a proper long post is in the afternoon for me.
Loot sheet No plunder, no pay Battle map--Misc info slides
Before we proceed,
Blackjack, you mentioned your own vessel has benefits over the standard ships mentioned in ships entries?
1 person marked this as a favorite.
VC - Sydney, Australia
The bonus is actually for Blackjack himself, +3 on Profession (Sailor) checks on Andoren vessels (Grey Corsair bonus).
Vanities are Knighthood, Eagle Knight, Captain, Grey Corsair.
He's basically 'Captain Andoran'
Also, don't trust this guy as far as we can spit him.
Loot sheet No plunder, no pay Battle map--Misc info slides
Blackjack wrote: Also, don't trust this guy as far as we can spit him. :)
Female LG follower of Sarenrae | human (actually mostly human Ifrit) | freckles, sweet, naive, fierce personality in battle | Outsider (Native), Humanoid (human) | Resistances: Elec. 3, Acid 3, Fire 2, Cold 3 | Smite 1/1 | Boots of Speed 10/10 | Swashbuckler 5, Paladin 2, Unchained Monk 3, Bloodrager 1 | HP 106/106 | Protector Familiar HP 53 | with mage armor/rage: AC 35, T 30, FF 24 | CMD 37 | F: +23, R: +25 (Evasion), W: +17 | Init: +13 | Perc: -2, SM: -2 | Ki Pool 7/7 | Stunning Fist 6/6 | Rage 6/6 | LoH 7/7 | Panache 6/6 + Plume 1/1 | Reroll 1/1 + Lesson of H. 1/1 | Eefriti Magic 1/1 | Darkvision 60ft | Speed 40ft | Active cond.: +4 Dex
I love the post style and music GM!!! :-D
Loot sheet No plunder, no pay Battle map--Misc info slides
Fwiw, until Ikit reports in, feel free to bot him whenever it is his turn.
VC - Sydney, Australia
Away for a couple of days into the woods - will have little to no comms during that time.
Loot sheet No plunder, no pay Battle map--Misc info slides
Hey all. Just to heads up on the radio silence. I could not avoid covid endlessly, and have been sick since friday. It has left ne with little consistant energy for much other than resting.
VC - Sydney, Australia
Half-Orc Slayer lvl 10/ Hunter (feral hunter) lvl 1 HP 113/113 | AC 2725 FF 2220 T 17 CMD 3332 | Init +6 | Saves (Fort +17, Reflex +16, Will +8)| Per +16, SenMot +7| Spd 30' Animal Focus Active: frog| Effects Active: barkskin, water breathing|
Had it last summer...not fun.
Hope you are starting to feel better!
Loot sheet No plunder, no pay Battle map--Misc info slides
It's going better than the weekend, but not out of the woods yet.
Suffice to say, i got off lucky, compared to some of my colleagues.
They received the whole package of discomforts.
male|cleric 10|hp 93/93|AC:25 T:12 FF:24|CMB+9, CMD21|Fort+12, Ref+6, Will+14, +2 vs poison|Init+1, senses darkvision 60' Perc:+5|used: dwarf cleric 10|spells used: Bless of fervor, searing light, flame strike, magic circ vs evil|touch of good 8/8 remaining|acid dart 8/8 remaining|channels 4/5 remaining|
Hope you feel better soon.
Loot sheet No plunder, no pay Battle map--Misc info slides
I'll get things wrapped up tonight. Chronicles in the next few days.
Half-Orc Slayer lvl 10/ Hunter (feral hunter) lvl 1 HP 113/113 | AC 2725 FF 2220 T 17 CMD 3332 | Init +6 | Saves (Fort +17, Reflex +16, Will +8)| Per +16, SenMot +7| Spd 30' Animal Focus Active: frog| Effects Active: barkskin, water breathing|
Day job: Profession Baker + Chairperson: 1d20 + 7 + 10 ⇒ (12) + 7 + 10 = 29
Note for ALL: Chairperson on the Exchange FJC grants all other PCs +3 circumstance bonus on your day job.
1/2Elf - HP:106, AC: 23/T:14/FF:20 - Percep: +16(LL) F:+11/R:+10/W:+12 - CMB: +14- CMD: 28, Speed: 40ft, Init: +6
Profession - Sailor 1d20 + 19 + 3 ⇒ (8) + 19 + 3 = 30
Thanks for the bonus!
male|cleric 10|hp 93/93|AC:25 T:12 FF:24|CMB+9, CMD21|Fort+12, Ref+6, Will+14, +2 vs poison|Init+1, senses darkvision 60' Perc:+5|used: dwarf cleric 10|spells used: Bless of fervor, searing light, flame strike, magic circ vs evil|touch of good 8/8 remaining|acid dart 8/8 remaining|channels 4/5 remaining|
Loot sheet No plunder, no pay Battle map--Misc info slides
Sorry for the delay, week's been a bit busier than expected.
Link to chronicles
The game has been reported. Let me know if everything checks out with the chronicles.
Thank you all for playing. :)
Btw, is anyone else getting the message: your sessions are out of sync?